star wars civilization.

Chapter 649: Patriarch of the Light of the Autumn Sky

"Who has advanced?" Shen Zheng stared down, muttering curiously. _!~;

"Go and have a look." Guan Gu said, "I have nothing to say."

Shen Zheng responded, and returned to the human world with Guan Gu. Seeing the surging force, Zuo Qiuyan succeeded in advancing. At this time, her Insect Spirit Sword was changing ever-changing in front of her, and it looked more beautiful than ever.

"Congratulations." Shen Zhengfei walked over, nodded with a smile.

"I'm sorry..." Zuo Qiuyan looked at Shen Zheng, but felt a little embarrassed. [

"What's your apology?" Shen Zheng asked.

"That..." Zuo Qiuyan blushed a little, took away the insect spirit, and smiled awkwardly.

"After you left, she should have been promoted immediately." Ji Yujing spoke for her, "But she still couldn't calm down, and she always dared not. In the end, she said that she will be promoted when you come back, with your protection Only then did she feel at ease. As a result, she waited for Baozhu Tuan to come. At that time, she wanted to be promoted temporarily to help, but was stopped by Brother Ying."

"The opponent is powerful." Ying Aotian said, "It is not an advantage to have a new star king. It is better to keep the orb of the secret realm and use it when it is really needed."

"Not bad." Shen Zheng nodded. "Brother Ying is more thoughtful."

After that, it will be another matter, and time will flow unknowingly.In terms of earth time, after more than ten days, Xue Su and Yi Hai finally erased the attributes of the secret orb of the dark system and turned it into an orb that anyone can take.

As for Yi Hai, his strength has plummeted because of this, but he is still able to retain the realm of the king of the star sea, which is lucky.

When Xue Su handed the orb of the secret realm to Guan Gu, Guan Gu couldn't help being so excited that his eyes were moist, and he said repeatedly: "Okay, that's great! I can finally see my real siblings again! Xiao Hei, come on, hurry up!" Take it down!"

"Yes!" Xiao Hei also became excited.Becoming the Xuanwu Holy Spirit is not only its dream, but also the dream of its deceased mother.

"Listen, child." Guan Gu's expression became serious. "On your shoulders, there is also the great cause of the revival of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit family. After becoming the king of the star sea, you must always remember this. There should not be many Xuanwu Holy Spirits surviving in the universe, or there will be no more, but blood relatives The Xuanwu Zerg is still there. If you find them, take care of them as much as possible, and help them advance if you have the ability. In this way, our clan can be revitalized."

As he spoke, he looked at Eggy: "It's the same with you kid, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The two brothers nodded together. |^

"Let's advance!" Guan Gu's eyes shone with anticipation.

Xiao Hei didn't say anything, just opened his mouth and sucked the secret orb into his mouth.Everyone immediately dispersed to give it enough space.

Not long after, a huge power of thought began to surge, and Xiao Hei's body also slowly began to change.The power of space was churning and roaring, Xiao Hei couldn't help but opened his mouth, and raised his head to the sky to let out a loud roar!

The roar continued, spreading all over the wilderness, attracting animals in the human world to come out to watch—they are also fake creatures formed by energy, but when they feel stronger power, they can't help but move closer, but this kind of curious scene has formed.

And Xiao Hei, under the attention of all the powerhouses, finally changed further.The long snake tail gradually separated from the turtle's body, turning into an independent big snake, coiled around the little black turtle.Its eyes gradually became brighter, and their expressions were exactly the same as Xiao Hei's tortoise eyes.

Looking up to the sky, the Xuanwu snake also let out a roar, which resonated with the roar of the turtle's mouth.

"Success, success!" Guan Gu couldn't help cheering. [

Everyone cheered, for Xiao Hei, and for the fact that the Holy League has gained another strong man.

Each other, counting Shen Zheng, there are twenty kings of the star sea in the holy alliance.Although compared with the big families, he is still too weak, but he is the weaker among them—Sheng Haixiong himself is the lord of the Holy Sea Shenzhou, so he is naturally powerful, and his eleven subordinates are also leftovers from hundreds of battles Elites, of course, are equally powerful.

As for the rest of the people, either they belong to the lineage of the Holy Spirit, which has great power in themselves, or they have advanced through the use of secret orbs, and their strength naturally far surpasses that of the general kings of the star sea who have not been inherited.So these 20 people can be used as dozens or even hundreds of people.

Of course, Yi Hai was not included in this number.Although he has joined the Holy League and is also a Star Sea King level powerhouse, no one really regards him as a partner.Of course he didn't either, and he always had the idea of ​​taking revenge on the Holy League if he had the opportunity.

And Guan Gu and Sheng Haixiong were not fools, so they naturally knew what he was thinking, so it was so hard to see him that Yi Hai felt as if he was in prison.

Relying on the ascendant of the secret realm, the strength is powerful, because he has inherited the power of the master of the secret realm, far superior to the general king of the star sea.But in terms of experience and skills, there is too much difference, even the strongest Shen Zheng has to admit this.In the following days, Shen Zheng and the others humbly consulted Guanu, Sheng Haixiong and even the eleven veteran powerhouses of Shenghai Shenzhou. people share.

Gradually, the strength of all the strong men has improved again, and it can be regarded as gradually stepping into the ranks of the strong.

On this day, just after listening to Guan Gu's explanation, Shen Zheng suddenly sensed that there was an idea from the outside world to contact him actively, and he let go of the line of thought protection between the secret realm and the outside world with a flick of his heart, and sensed the idea coming.

"Patriarch of Autumn Sky Light, Qiu Jiu, I'm here to meet you."

"Patriarch?" Shen Zheng was taken aback, "Yunzhi even alarmed her Patriarch? This is terrible!"

He immediately called Qiu Yunzhi with his mind, and told everyone at the same time.Qiu Yunzhi didn't expect that the head of the family would come in person, and he was overjoyed despite being surprised.After all, this is tantamount to Qiu Kongzhiguang expressing that she attaches great importance to her.

"The patriarch of a family power comes in person, and the etiquette must be thoughtful." Sheng Haixiong said. "Your Excellency, don't worry, just leave everything to me."

"Thank you." Shen Zheng nodded, took Qiu Yunzhi with him, and went out of the legendary secret realm together, following the breath from the other party, they came out of the earth.

In the starry sky beside, a team stood quietly.It was a uniformly dressed and neatly lined up team of Star Sea Kings. Shen Zheng glanced at them and found that each of these people had cold faces and restrained breaths. They looked like veterans who had experienced many battles, and they were by no means Yi Hai's stragglers. The teams are comparable.

In front of the queue, there were three people standing in emptiness.One person raised his chest and raised his head, standing proudly, his gaze was steady, and he had the air of a king.This person is dressed in a robe, solemn and handsome, with an elegant and handsome face.There are two people behind him, one of whom looks similar to him, but lacks his aura. Although he is also wearing a robe, he can't feel the coercion that robe brings to him.

The other one was a beautiful woman, Shen Zheng looked at her and couldn't help but smile.He is not unfamiliar with this person, it is Qiu Jianling who drove away Qiu Yunzhi back then.

"See Patriarch." Qiu Yunzhi flew forward slowly, and bowed deeply to the elegant man in front.

"Yunzhi, you seem to have lost weight." The other party smiled faintly, looked at Qiu Yunzhi, and couldn't help sighing slightly. "It's really hard for you. You have been away from home for so long, and no one has taken care of you."

"Patriarch Qiu made a mistake." Shen Zheng flew over slowly, and stood beside Qiu Yun, his eyes were clear, meeting the other's eyes. "Although Yunzhi has left his hometown, but with good friends by his side, it is better than being in his hometown."

"This is Mr. Shen Zheng?" The other party looked at Shen Zheng with a gentle tone.

"Exactly." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, with a smile on his face, showing kindness.

"My humble Qiu Jiu is the Patriarch of Qiu Kongzhiguang's generation." The other party also showed a friendly tone, and bowed slightly to Shen Zheng.Shen Zheng didn't dare to take it lightly, so he returned the gift.When the two sides met, the atmosphere was very friendly. [

"Let me introduce, this is my younger brother, Qiu Wenji." Qiu Jiu turned around slightly, and the man behind him flew forward knowingly, with a cold face, he nodded slightly at Shen Zheng, which was regarded as a greeting.Shen Zheng looked at it coldly, and just nodded slightly.

"Patriarch Qiu, the other one doesn't need to be introduced." Shen Zheng looked at Qiu Jianling, his eyes were still clear and full of hatred. "I have been to the Light of the Autumn Sky before and met Miss Jianling. Miss Jianling is worthy of being a direct descendant of the Qiu family. Her majesty made me and Yun Zhi shy away. It's terrible, it's terrible."

There was anger in Qiu Jianling's eyes, but he didn't dare to explode. He just lowered his head and forcibly suppressed it.Shen Zheng couldn't help snorting coldly: On this occasion, she still dared to show this kind of look, obviously she was used to domineering in the light of the autumn sky, completely unaware of the size of the sea of ​​stars, the light of the autumn sky is just one of the forces, regardless of How domineering you are at home, you have to be careful when you go outside, how can you easily show your emotions?

"I only have this one granddaughter. She was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she has a bit of a temper." Qiu Wenji said loudly, "Besides, it was indeed Yunzhi who ran away from home privately back then, and there was nothing wrong with Jianling's handling at that time. It's our Qiukong Zhiguang's family business, so don't worry about Mr. Shen Zheng."

These words were aggressive, Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning slightly.

"So, everyone, please go back." His voice turned cold. "It's beneficial to talk more. Yunzhi, let's go back."

Everyone in the Light of the Autumn Sky couldn't help being stunned. None of them could have imagined that Shen Zheng, who was so polite just now, would suddenly turn his back on him when he said he would turn his back on him. measures.

"Stop!" Qiu Wenji roared angrily, "My Patriarch of the Qiu Family came here in person, how dare you neglect him? Court death!"

As he said that, a ray of light shot out from his hand, turning into a thick and long spear in his palm.The spear was full of arrogance, several green dragons emerged from the body of the spear, the dragon's head was facing the spear's point, and the spear's point was not straight, but in the shape of flames, like the flames spewed by dragons.

With the big gun in his hand, Qiu Wenji immediately felt a surge of domineering aura, as if he could suppress the generals from all over the world.

With a flick of the gun, surging power overflowed, and he was about to attack Shen Zheng.

"Stop!" Qiu Yunzhi's brows were straightened up, and amidst the loud shouts, the Goddess of Chong Lingqiu had already appeared, and when she raised her finger, a ray of light condensed and did not emit, pointing at Qiu Wenji.

"The light of the autumn sky? The Goddess of Autumn!" Qiu Jiu's eyes suddenly became wild, and his hands trembled slightly.

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