star wars civilization.

Chapter 665: The Invading Pirates

Starting to move his hands, Qi Fei immediately understood one thing - what happened to him was definitely not a blessing from the God of Destiny, but a disaster from hell demons.

What a group of strong people this is!Although there are only 15 people, ten or so fewer than them in number, each of them is unbelievably strong, and when they fight against their own subordinates, they immediately gain the upper hand, and some of them even use only one move. Kill your subordinates directly!

You know, my subordinate is also the king of the star sea!It is impossible for the strength to differ so much.

This made Qi Fei couldn't help but think of a legend - if one is promoted by absorbing the secret realm orbs prepared by the secret realm, he will have the powerful power of the secret realm, and after the promotion, he will directly become the top powerhouse among the kings of the star sea. Its power far surpasses that of ordinary star sea kings!

But this is impossible?He thought depressingly: Don't say that the secret realm guarded by people is hard to find, even if you find it, there is no jeweler, and don't even think about making it into a secret jewel, and the jeweler is simply a treasure-level existence in the universe, let alone such a hidden gem. As for the small forces on the planet, even if it is a majestic empire, if there are one or two, it is already a solid foundation! [

Could it be that I met the head of the empire who was out on a tour?

He couldn't help being taken aback, and thought of retreating in his heart, but he kept encouraging the morale of his subordinates, asking them to go forward bravely to die.

And he himself quietly backed away, ready to slip away immediately when everyone was unaware.

Where there is life, there is hope.As long as Xiao Ming is still alive, there will always be a time to make a comeback—those who violated the clan rules in the major families, and those wanderers who wandered in the universe and have no power to absorb them, may all be members of the pirate group in the future.As long as he is still there, it is not difficult to form another team.

He backed away quietly, proudly looking at his bloody subordinates, thinking: I'm sorry everyone, anyway, under my leadership, you have enjoyed a lot in the past, this time it's you who repay me!

If you turn around, you will break through the hyperspace and go away.

But at this moment, an unremarkable white snake suddenly swam over in the air and attacked him.He frowned, snorted coldly and swung his scimitar, slashing at him.But the white snake was very agile, turning and circling around him, almost making him faint.

"Don't underestimate me!" He roared angrily, and suddenly slashed with the sword, the sound of wind and thunder hidden in the sword, containing the might of destroying the world.

The light of the knife flashed, the white snake pierced, and the little white snake more than one meter long could not be defeated by the strong in the end.Withdrawing the knife, with a look of pride on his face, as if what he just killed was not a white snake transformed into energy, but a real king of the star sea.Qi Fei looked ashamed, tearing open the hyperspace and wanting to leave.

"You brought them here, but left them behind, you really have no sense of loyalty." A sigh sounded from the back of his head, Qi Fei felt his hairs stand on end, and shouted loudly—not to startle the enemy, but just to give himself Emboldened.The sword was like thunder, sweeping backwards with the power to destroy the world.

Then it was empty.

Then, Qi Fei felt his stomach was hit by something, and all his strength disappeared immediately.Severe pain came from his abdomen, he couldn't help but bent down, and when he moaned, he realized that it was a one-meter-tall insect spirit boy who had hit him in the stomach with his small fist.

"Why... so... strong..." He couldn't help but asked in pain.

But immediately, several white snakes wrapped him up tightly, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get free.

Looking into the distance, he found that all the brothers he brought died tragically in the resistance, and no one escaped by luck.Their corpses fell to the ground, and were immediately eaten by the powerful creatures on the earth, which became the energy to help them advance in the future.

He closed his eyes in pain, not because of the death of his brothers, but because he could not escape.

"Take back the team!" Shen Zheng shouted loudly, carrying Qi Fei who was captured, and led everyone back to the secret realm.

Throwing Qi Fei to the ground, Shen Zheng sat down in the hall with everyone.Qi Fei raised his head in horror, and immediately saw the six holy spirits surrounding him, and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat: What kind of power is this?There are six guardian spirits!What a joke, even the imperial court, I heard it only has three guardian spirits!

Not far away, there are also two people bound by white snakes, but they only have one white snake on their bodies, unlike the five or six on their bodies, he can't help feeling proud, a kind of superiority that is different from other captives Feelings arise spontaneously. [

But if you look carefully, one of them is trembling, looking trembling, while the other has suffered some kind of torture, lying on the ground like mud, convulsing uncontrollably, with gloomy eyes, just enough to make people feel painful Incredibly.Qi Fei was so frightened that he couldn't help shivering.

"Who are you? Where did you come from? Why did you invade our secret realm? You really did it." Sheng Haixiong glared at Qi Fei with a gloomy face. "Otherwise, that person is your fate."

As he spoke, he pointed at the spastic fellow.

"I..." Qi Fei thought quickly, and immediately thought of his words. "I'm a member of the Space Pirates. Of course, I don't really want to do this kind of business. It's just that I was forced by them to join the gang. In fact, I have a very kind heart, so I didn't want to fight. Hurting others, but thinking of taking the opportunity to escape and regain freedom..."

"Dishonest guy! Come, let him taste the punishment of splitting the soul!" Sheng Haixiong snorted, and eleven of his subordinates immediately understood, and strode over, with strong energy fluctuations surging from their bodies.

"Don't!" Qi Fei was frightened and yelled hastily. "Soul Splitting Punishment? Are you... from the Holy Sea Shenzhou?"

"For you have eyesight." Sheng Haixiong snorted coldly. "This is the Holy League, and the Holy Sea Shenzhou is also a family. Since you know the punishment of splitting the soul, of course you also know the punishment of splitting the body and the punishment of obliteration?"

"I know, I know!" Qi Fei trembled with fright. "The three major capital punishments in the Holy Sea Shenzhou are like thunder pouring into your ears, like thunder pouring into your ears!"

As he spoke, his eyes couldn't help but glance at the paralyzed guy.He found that the guy's thoughts had been slackened, his aura had gradually weakened, and his consciousness might have been confused. Even if he survived, he would inevitably become an idiot.Thinking that this kind of punishment might be imposed on himself, he felt cold from the bottom of his feet.

"This guy is dead, let him have a good time." Sheng Haixiong deliberately put on a show of authority, nodded at one of his subordinates, and pointed at the man who was collapsed like mud.

"Is it necessary to kill him?" Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard this, his thoughts flowed into Sheng Haixiong's mind.

"Since these people are space pirates, they have committed murder and murder all their lives." Sheng Haixiong also responded with his thoughts. "This is what they deserve. Leader, there is no need to have any humanitarian spirit for such people."

"Understood." Shen Zheng nodded in thought. "Do it. I let him live like this, but it's just painful."

Immediately, one of Sheng Haixiong's subordinates strode out and slapped the man on the head.His strength was just right, smashing the opponent's brain tissue, but leaving no scars on the outside, and it was also damaged, so as not to pollute the ground of the hall.

Immediately, Ying Aotian immediately sent someone over to remove the corpse, transport it out of the secret realm and throw it on the earth, so as to take advantage of those powerful creatures on the earth.

Qi Fei was trembling with fright, fearing that he would be the next one to be killed, and took another prisoner who was trembling with fear, but obviously not injured at all, he finally understood the meaning of the words that the power of an example is poor , so I made up my mind.

"My lords." He said tremblingly, "Actually, the reason why I dare not tell the truth is because the truth is too much like a lie. My name is Qi Fei, and I am the head of a small pirate group. To be honest, we have just been established. , and before we had time to do something big, there was a sudden change in our secret realm, and we were caught in the turbulence of space for some reason. Everyone, I know that no one will believe this kind of thing, but it is the truth! "

"Go ahead." Sheng Haixiong waved his hand.

"When we woke up from the tremors in the secret realm, we found that we were already in this sea of ​​stars." He continued, "Then inexplicably, we had information about this secret realm in our minds, and the I couldn't help thinking that this place would definitely provide us with a lot of powerful treasures to improve our strength, so I couldn't help being tempted, so I killed them. What I'm telling is the truth, although it's bizarre, it's absolutely not false!"

As he spoke, he looked at Sheng Haixiong begging for mercy, with a pitiful look.

"It's true." Guan Gu sighed, "That guy is so wicked. All of this can only be a good thing he did. It's just that I don't know how many pirate forces have been moved nearby."

"We can only guard the secret realm." Shen Zheng frowned and sighed. "Our strength is still too weak. In the face of his harassment, we can only concentrate our strength to deal with it." [

"Put the two of them down and live well." Sheng Haixiong ordered one of his subordinates.

"Wait!" Guan Gu's eyes flashed suddenly, he moved his body slowly, turned to those two people, when his eyes swept over, there was a cold light, and the two people hurriedly lowered their heads in shock.

"Do you want to die or live?" Guan Gu asked coldly.

"I want to live, I want to live!" Qi Fei rushed to speak first, straightened up on his knees, looked at Guan Gu, his eyes were full of pleading expressions.

"Please, my lords, spare your lives!" The other was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.

"You are all space pirates, and you bear the lives of many innocent people." Guan Gu said in a dignified voice, "If you kill you [-] times, you will have more than enough time to die. But if you are willing to repent and join our holy alliance to serve us, I will allow you How about making up for the mistakes and spare you not to die?"

"We agree!" The two yelled at each other.

"Grandpa Guan Gu, you..." Shen Zheng looked at Guan Gu, knowing that it was about to use the secret method of the lock of mind, somewhat puzzled.

"You also said that our strength is too weak." Guan Gu smiled, "These guys are sent to the door by themselves. It is not in vain. There is no need to have any mercy on them. Besides, if you kill them, you will feel unbearable in your heart, and you will also It’s a waste, if we don’t kill them, we can’t tie them up until they die. And if we let them go, they will cause another disaster. It’s better for us to act as courts and prisons and let them serve their sentences in the legendary secret realm.”

"Alright." Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

Qi Fei vaguely felt that nothing good was going to happen.

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