star wars civilization.

Chapter 666: Be kind and do great good

After the two batches of pirates were dealt with, the legendary secret realm soon ushered in the third batch of space pirates.

However, these guys had just entered the Milky Way, and they had been discovered by Shen Zheng—after being attacked twice in succession, Shen Zheng began to arrange powerful protection.However, he found that although he could create a mental defense covering the entire galaxy, block the long-range attacks of the powerful, and detect intruders in time, it could not last for long.Once he leaves, this power will gradually weaken.

Regardless of letting any king of the star sea preside over this work, it will be a laborious task.

However, after thinking about it, he found a way, that is to use the technique of joining forces with the secret realm, and borrow the power of the secret realm to create such a mind protection.

In this way, as long as the secret realm exists, this power will always exist, and it can be used for defense or reconnaissance.Shen Zheng only needs to teach the guards the specific control methods. [

When the third batch of space pirates entered the galaxy, Ying Aotian had just completed the promotion.

He himself was originally reluctant to take that secret orb from the Xinghai Sanctuary, because he knew it was a real treasure.

"A huge family only has one treasure like this." He said, "It shows how precious it is. Leader, even if you don't plan to use it to strengthen yourself, at least you should use it to reward meritorious ministers."

"Don't you have any credit?" Shen Zheng smiled faintly. "You presided over the overall situation of the secret realm, arranged the lords of the galaxy to defend, and made the lords of [-] galaxies exert the power to kill the king of the star sea. This is already a great achievement. And to be honest, in the entire holy alliance, only you and Xiongcheng Lord is the most suitable candidate for the ruler. Even if I am concerned about my future, you have to share my worries. If you are not the king of the star sea, you cannot really play your role, so no matter where I am, I must miss the legendary secret realm .”

"If you have me in charge, you won't worry about it?" Ying Aotian also smiled lightly.

"Not bad." Shen Zheng's eyes were firm.

"In this case, I would like to thank the leader for the reward." Ying Aotian saluted solemnly.

That secret orb has dual powers of thunder and fire, of which fire accounts for more than half of it, but it is suitable for Ying Aotian to take.He was originally a powerful figure among the Lords of the Galaxy, and with the nourishment of the orb of the secret realm, he was able to advance to the next level with ease.Moreover, this Thunder Fire Secret Realm Orb is extremely powerful. After he served it and advanced, it was even stronger than others.

"As expected of the collection of Xinghai Sanctuary!" Shen Zheng couldn't help sighing.

Immediately, Shen Zheng planned to redistribute the space orbs he got this time, but was opposed by Ying Aotian.

"Although [-] pieces is not a small amount, it is a huge family, accumulated over many generations." Ying Aotian said, "So, you can also feel its preciousness. It is the king of the star sea. , is just an item to supplement strength, but for the Lord of the Galaxy, it is a treasure to enhance potential—power can be increased, but potential cannot be changed.”

"And for the next level, it is a treasure that can reach the sky in one step." Sheng Haixiong also explained, "It is enough for them to directly advance to the master of the galaxy after taking it."

"So generally speaking, all major families consume a lot of space orbs." He continued, "One reason is that the King of the Star Sea needs to use them in battle, and the other is that they are also useful when cultivating newcomers in the family. It is extremely large. Therefore, any king of the star sea who can refine space orbs in a general family will continue to refine and accumulate, but the number in his hand is limited, and it is indeed an important treasure."

A family like Xinghai Sanctuary has accumulated 10 pieces after hundreds of thousands of years, and only one piece remains on average every few years. Its preciousness is self-evident.

"Therefore, we should cherish it even more." Ying Aotian said. "Except for the necessary battles, each person can carry some, only those who go out to perform important tasks can carry them. The rest of the time, they must be centralized and managed by special personnel, and they will be distributed according to the achievements, strengths, and talents of the members of the alliance. "

"Okay, I'll leave all of this to you." Shen Zheng felt a headache for these, so he simply handed over the worrying work to Ying Aotian.

"The leader trusts me so much?" Ying Aotian asked him.

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded and followed him.

The two stared at each other for a while, Ying Aotian smiled first: "Okay. The leader trusts me so much, I will repay him with death." [

"Don't talk about life and death lightly." Shen Zheng waved his hand, "The Holy League will become stronger and stronger, and the burden on your shoulders will become heavier and heavier--I will hand over the power to you, but for your own ease. Maybe one day you will Blame me for treating you like a hard worker."

"I don't know how many people are rushing to do this kind of hard work." Ying Aotian smiled.

At this time, Fang He, who was appointed by Shen Zheng as the Chief Intelligence Officer, accurately captured the intruder's information through Shen Zheng's mind defense set up by using the power of the secret realm, and reported it to Shen Zheng.

"There are 47 intruders." Fang He said, "They are all kings of the Star Sea, but because the distance is too far, it is difficult to determine their strength."

"There will be no one who is too strong." Sheng Haixiong shook his head. "If there are really strong players, the team can't be so small. Among the space pirates I know, there are indeed masters, but there are often hundreds of strong players under their banner. Leader, I will take my subordinates to fight before they reach the earth. A guerrilla war might wipe it all out."

"Don't forget to keep alive." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Yes!" Sheng Haixiong withdrew and led the team away from the Legendary Secret Realm.Half a day later, the whole team returned safely, but brought back two survivors.The two admitted that they are also space pirates, and this group is almost all members.Their secret realm was also strangely involved in the space vortex, and was finally sent to this vicinity.And they also inexplicably knew the information of this secret place on the earth, and couldn't resist the temptation to be attracted.

"I'll hand them over to you." After the interrogation, Shen Zheng notified Qi Fei with his mind, and when Qi Fei arrived, he signaled him to bring the two of them to Guangu for "transformation".

The so-called "transformation" is to add the lock of mind, so that it has to serve the Holy League wholeheartedly.As Sheng Haixiong said, you don't have to be polite to these robbers who kill without batting an eyelid.These people do not need to be interrogated, and they will not be wronged if they are arrested and killed. Many of them will not be able to pay for their crimes even if they are killed ten thousand times.

And Guan Gu's mind lock can completely make them dare not give birth to two minds, enough to be used as a force.

According to Yi Guangu's intention, let Qi Fei be the captain of this team.This guy is not bad, and he is a bit timid, not the kind of person who dares to make big things happen. Besides, he has been the team leader and has management experience, so it is suitable for him to come.

But so far, there are only three players in this team, the two caught this time, and the one captured before Qi Fei.

But if Guan Gu's predictions are not bad, this team will grow even bigger. It is impossible for the Sacred Emperor of Worms to only mobilize such a few pirate groups.

Sure enough, in the next week, pirate groups came to harass intermittently. The largest group of pirates actually had 70 pirates, and the leader of the group was also extremely powerful. Qiu Yan also joined in, and then he killed the regiment leader together.

Of the remaining regiment members, only five surrendered timidly, and the rest were extremely fierce and died with all their might.

A week later, the world finally quieted down, and no force invaded the Milky Way anymore.

During this week, all the pirate regiments that came to invade together totaled as many as fourteen, but most of them came back and forth, buried in the Milky Way, and were wiped out without even touching the shadow of the earth.As for the number of captives who surrendered, there were as many as 19 people. Even the leader Qi Fei just made up a team of 20 people.

These people were all coerced by Guan Gu, and they were chained with their thoughts. They are mediocre pirates, otherwise they would not surrender. Faced with the two choices of life and death, they would rather choose to live as slaves. , I don't want to die vigorously.This is in line with Kaniya's requirements.

Now Qi Feike trembled.He was just the head of a pirate group of more than 20 people before, but now the number of subordinates is similar to that of the past, and the backer behind him is the powerful Holy League, which immediately made him feel like a blessing in disguise.As for the mind lock, he is not afraid that he will be a mess wherever he goes, and it is a good thing to hang out with a powerful backer. As long as he does not have the intention of betrayal, the mind lock is nothing.

However, people like him are just clinging people. If something big happens to the Holy League, people like him will naturally not be counted on.However, Guan Gu's original intention of forming this team was not to rely on them to maintain the foundation of the Holy League, but to use them to make up for the wind, or to use them as cannon fodder to test the enemy.

In this way, not only did Yi Hai, a captured member of the Holy League, but also a captured defense team.

After the world was at peace, Shen Zheng immediately sent people to follow Xue Su and Yi Hai to the fourteen secret realms of the fourteen pirate regiments to collect the materials in the secret realms, and then modulate the secret realms into secret realm orbs. [

There are also guardians in the major secret realms, but some see that the team has not turned back for a long time, and after contacting with thoughts, they know something is wrong and run away by themselves, while others are scared to surrender when they see the team coming.In this way, eight more players were added to Qi Fei's team.

In this way, more than two months passed in a hurry, and all fourteen secret realms were prepared into secret realm orbs, which were handed over to Shen Zheng.

Guan Gu couldn't help laughing and said: "This Sacred Emperor, who is our enemy, is simply a benevolent person who is willing to help us. He came here to help us."

"He should have used the power of the rules to retribution." Shen Zheng sighed.

Among the fourteen secret realm orbs, the fire type has the most space, with four; the water type is next, with three.The rest are thunder, wind, wood, ice, fog, light, and poison.

The rest of the harvest came second, but the harvest of these three water elements made Shen Zheng very happy.Because Shen Ying is the water system.

Shen Ying can be promoted to the King of the Star Sea, so that Shen Zhengfang can let go of the most important thing in his heart, and he can also follow her mind. From now on, he will no longer be a burden to his brother, and can follow him across the Star Sea.

You know, the reason why Shen Zheng joined the army and became a planter was to let his sister live a good life.Now, through his own efforts, he has finally made his sister a god-like existence like himself, a strong person who can survive for hundreds of millions of years, but he has truly realized his original wish.

And the forever ten-year-old boy Yun Shikong is also a water element, but he can't use the orb of the secret realm, so he can only work hard on his own.

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