star wars civilization.

Chapter 673: Lord Qi Fei's Team

The sea of ​​stars is vast, no matter whether it is the eyes of mortals, or the eyes of top powerhouses and god-like beings, they can't see the end of it, it seems to be marginal.

At this time, the magnificent cosmic scenery is condensed on the plane image and unfolded in front of Huoyuanxing.Huo Yuanxing stared at the vast starry sky and the 200-person team he led, imagining in his heart the scene of sweeping away the legendary secret realm and returning home with a full load.

He couldn't help laughing, no longer an exaggerated laugh, but a gloomy and smug smile.

"Minister, the Milky Way is not far ahead." His subordinates reported to him.

"Everyone, get ready." He nodded, and his thoughts spread to the minds of everyone in the team. "Change into the prepared costume." [

With an order, everyone moved, took out the robes embroidered with skulls and devil patterns from the space worm core, and put them on.At first glance, they seemed to be a large-scale team of space pirates, but no one would think that they were members of the Shenhuo Alliance, one of the two major alliances of the Yuexuan Empire.

When they changed their clothes, they were neat and quick, obviously doing this kind of thing often, and they had already formed a habit.

"Brothers." Huo Yuanxing's thoughts spread, covering everyone. "This time it's a big deal! I heard that there are tens of thousands of space orbs in the legendary secret realm. As long as they get it, everyone can get a big share! Not only that, I heard that there is a super beauty in the secret realm, our Those vulgar fans can't compare with her. This time we have laid down this secret realm, we can try something new!"

As he spoke, he burst out laughing, and the team of 200 people also laughed along with him. The laughter was full of greed and obscenity.

"The beauties are naturally for you to enjoy, the head of the branch." Someone followed up, "It's enough for the brothers to feast their eyes."

"Hahahaha! Of course everyone shared the good stuff. When the time comes, bring her back and everyone can enjoy it at any time." Huo Yuanxing said proudly.

"My lord, we have reached the edge of the Milky Way." The scout in front said back. "Should we restrain our breath and act carefully?"

"What are you afraid of?" Huo Yuanxing snorted coldly. "The King of the Star Sea in this secret realm is less than one-third of our number, and the master of the secret realm is a newly promoted guy. Even if he masters the secret method of combining forces in the secret realm, he will only die tragically under our siege. "

"But what if we startle them away?" said the scout, "then we have come here in vain?"

"You also make sense." Huo Yuanxing smiled, "Although moving in hyperspace is fast, it is easy to be noticed by the other party. Everyone restrain your breath and leave the hyperspace. Let's treat it as an outing."

"Yes!" Everyone obeyed, and they left the deep hyperspace together with him, and appeared in the sea of ​​stars in the universe.Under the cover of planets, they quickly headed towards the solar system.

Everyone's eyes were shining with excitement, and some people couldn't help whispering to their close friends: "This Shen Zheng doesn't seem to be a simple character, but it's a pity that he is too low-key."

"It's best not to keep a low profile." His friend sneered, "otherwise we won't be able to make this fortune. Ten thousand space orbs! Only we, the personal guards of the sub-heads, can get them. The sub-heads are always generous. It can be divided into ten or twenty coins."

"That's really rich!" The man's eyes lit up, "We have worked hard for several years to gather one piece, which is not enough. We have a dozen or twenty pieces at once, and we dare to walk sideways! Those who are stronger than us, with the number of space orbs, we can grind them to death!"

"Meet a beautiful chick from another faction, let's pass a space orb over... Hey, aren't they rushing to throw themselves into their arms and exchange them?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of excitement and pride.

In the whole team, such conversations continued one after another. Everyone was in the excitement of entering the treasure mountain to plunder randomly, but no one noticed that under the cover of a few asteroids in the distance, someone was holding back his breath and quietly Watching them.

Huo Yuanxing is different from these people. Although he is also excited and proud, he is constantly exploring the surroundings with the power of his mind.But he couldn't find anything, the surrounding was extremely quiet, so quiet that he was a little worried.

No, something is wrong!He faintly felt uneasy and couldn't help but look around. [

The universe shouldn't be so quiet. The storms generated by stars, the gravitational force generated by black holes, and the energy fluctuations emitted by nebulae during rotation, all kinds of waves criss-cross... The universe is originally lively and lively, but why is it like this place? As quiet as a dead zone?

His eyes flashed, and he waved his hand suddenly: "Stop!"

At this time, the personal guards showed extraordinary qualities. The first moment they were immersed in excitement, whispering or exchanging ideas, but in the next moment, they had already maintained a neat formation like javelins stabbing the ground, one by one. He restrained his smile and stared at the surroundings.

"My lord, what's the matter?" The scout didn't find anything wrong and couldn't help asking.

"It's so quiet here." Huo Yuanxing frowned slightly. "It's too quiet. It may be that someone has set up a space confinement force here, so the external fluctuations and cosmic wind energy are isolated."

"What a keen insight, I really have to praise you, the pirate leader." At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and from behind a huge meteorite not far ahead, a group of Star Sea Kings suddenly flew out, quickly The ground moved over, blocking the way of the crowd.

There were only 28 people in that team of kings of the star sea, but each of them had a fierce look on their faces, and they were all masters who were used to bloodthirsty and murder.The leader looked proud, with contempt in his eyes, and stared at Huo Yuanxing: "Which pirate group are you from? How dare you break into my Lord Qi Fei's territory, don't you want to live? I think you are the first offender, so I forgive you." This time, get out of here."

Said, pointing to the distance.

"I thought it was some great character who arranged the confinement power of space." Huo Yuanxing looked at Qi Fei and smiled coldly. "It turned out to be a character with no head! Brothers, kill them for me!"

"Yes!" Grinning grinningly, each of the strong men exuded a powerful aura, and one of the leaders waved his hand: "Brothers, follow me!" A small team with 30 people rushed out of the team, toward Qi Fei and others killed him.

"Yo, do it if you say you want to do it?" Qi Fei was startled, and then called out the scimitar of the insect spirit and waved his hand. "Brothers, kill me!" But he stepped back.

"Kill!" The eyes of the 27 Star Sea Kings under him were red, as if they were hounds that had been depressed for a long time, they charged towards each other and killed them.

But although the momentum is amazing, the effect is not very good.When they met in the first day of junior high school, the 27 former pirates were able to draw with each other with their bravery, but after a while, they found that the opponent was far stronger than they imagined, and they were by no means their opponents.

Therefore, the red-eyed guys who looked like killing gods immediately showed their true nature that they can only bully the few with more, and can only fight with the wind. They immediately released a few terrifying killing moves with bluff, turned around and ran away.

"Run!" Qi Fei was originally at the end, but now he ran at the front, flying desperately into the distance. "These grandsons are too powerful! Where did these pirates come from? Why are they so strong! Run, if you don't run away, you will die!"

"Where did the shameful thing come from?" Huo Yuanxing couldn't help laughing when he saw the other party's cunning appearance. "Chasing, chasing for me! She is the first to use them to open a sacrificial flag to make a fortune!"

"Yes!" The leader of the 30-person team laughed and led the crowd to chase after him.In a blink of an eye, the two teams disappeared behind the light of a huge star.

"Keep moving forward." Huo Yuanxing pointed in the direction of the solar system, "It won't take long for them to finish their work, and they will follow up by then."

Everyone relaxed again, even Huo Yuanxing couldn't help being amused by Qi Fei's embarrassment, but he didn't care about the abnormal situation around him.

Planets flew past one after another, and the brigade moved rapidly towards the destination.But after flying for a while, a breath suddenly appeared on the left side, coming towards them quickly, and the scout immediately frowned: "My lord, someone is rushing over!"

"I sensed it!" Huo Yuanxing snorted coldly, waved his hand and ordered the team to stop, looked there, and got ready for battle.

"My mother!" As the breath approached, Huo Yuanxing saw the face of that person, but it was the "Master Qi Fei" just now.At this time Qi Fei saw the brigade, screamed in fright, turned around and flew in another direction, shouting at the same time: "Unlucky, unlucky, really unlucky! Why did you run around and bump into their team again?" [

"This guy's escaping speed is top-notch!" Huo Yuanxing couldn't help but laugh. "Come on, come and catch him. I'll stay and train him. It would be nice to be a little messenger for me in the future."

"Yes!" Immediately, someone responded and chased after Qi Fei.

"Oh, it's not over, is it?" Qi Fei looked back, angry. "Forcing me to work hard, right? Good!"

Amidst the roar, he slashed over with a sharp knife. The knife was powerful and had the power to destroy the world. It was so powerful that it turned into a huge vacuum blade in the air, which was powerful enough to destroy a planet.

The pursuer didn't expect the opponent's knife to be so powerful. He was shocked and rushed, but it was too late. Before he could increase his strength enough to resist, the vacuum blade had already passed his body.He grunted, shook his body, and hurriedly used his strength to heal the wound, but as soon as he exerted his strength, the wound had already split open. He watched in horror as his left half of his body left him, and his organs and blood scattered in the air.

It was only then that his eyes went dark, and even his last thoughts dissipated.

"What's going on?" The scout couldn't help but exclaimed. "Is this guy so powerful?"

"No!" Huo Yuanxing gritted his teeth and roared, "After this bastard stabbed, his aura immediately dropped to an extremely low level. This is a deadly blow from the ****!"

"Bastard!" His subordinates were angry, and they all stared at Qi Fei with red eyes.

"It's not a good omen that one person dies before reaching the legendary secret realm..." Huo Yuanxing gritted his teeth angrily, and flew together with his fingers. "Kill him! Use his blood to wash away our bad luck!"

"I won't play with you!" Qi Fei screamed in fright, turned and flew away.

"Chasing!" A small team leader rushed out of the team. Behind him, a dozen kings of the star sea roared and flew out. Under his leadership, they chased Qi Fei and disappeared into the dark star sea in a short while.

"No!" Huo Yuanxing was startled suddenly, thinking of something vaguely.

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