star wars civilization.

Chapter 674: Almost completely wiped out

Huo Yuanxing's thoughts frantically called to the group of subordinates who flew away before, but his thoughts sank like a rock, and he didn't respond at all.

Somewhat uneasy, he activated the place where Xiang Qi Fei disappeared, and then contacted the dozen or so people who had just chased him with his mind, but he didn't get any response.He felt sweat start to form on his brow.

Nearly 50 people just disappeared?Where did they go, and why did they not respond? Could it be that they were ambushed?

"Everyone, be careful, there may be scams!" He suddenly roared, and his whole body was full of breath, ready to fight.

The remaining 150 strong men were also vigilant, mobilized their strength, and were ready to deal with the changes around them. [

However, the surroundings were silent, and there was no movement at all.Except for the excessive silence, there is nothing unusual.

"My lord, should we wait for them to come back, or..." the scout asked Huo Yuanxing uneasily.

"Keep moving forward!" Huo Yuanxing gritted his teeth, "No one is allowed to leave the team without permission! Even if they were ambushed and killed, a large army like ours is enough to destroy a small legendary secret realm! As long as we are careful, There will be no more accidents!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, and followed Huo Yuanxing all the way forward.

All the way forward, nothing unusual happened again, and that "Master Qi Fei" also disappeared, never coming out to lure people into a trap.

However, a figure silently followed the team, following closely like a shadow, slowly approaching.He restrained all his breath, so that the Star Sea King behind the team could not sense his existence, just like a ghost.

At this moment, a group of Star Sea Kings suddenly appeared in front of the team, and Qi Fei was the leader.With his hands on his hips, he let out a triumphant laugh: "Fools, you have lost dozens of people, but you still haven't been able to do anything to me, right?"

"Bastard!" Huo Yuanxing cursed angrily, and dozens of people behind him couldn't help but move forward, trying to rush over to defeat the team of less than 30 people, but Huo Yuanxing waved his hand: "Don't go up again!" He's being fooled! Everyone stay in formation and join me!"

"Kill!" The roar was like thunder, and the brigade of more than a hundred people rushed forward. Everyone's eyes were red, and they wanted to vent their pent-up anger on Qi Fei's team.

"Three, two, one..." Qi Fei just stood in the air and smiled, but did not run away. He counted in a low voice. Compared with the blade of vacuum, it was as powerful as the blow that he killed Huo Yuanxing's subordinates just now.

Another desperate blow.

Not only him, more than 20 people led by him summoned the insect spirit at the same time, and sent out the ultimate blow with all their strength.Immediately, 28 fierce killing moves came out of the sky, covering Huo Yuanxing and the others like the rain of death from hell.

"Break it!" Huo Yuanxing roared, a light flashed in his hand, and a pair of sharp claw gloves appeared.On the upper fingertips of the nails are sharp cold blades. With a slight movement, they can make the sound of tearing space, showing great strength.

He took the lead, facing the rain of ultimate moves, and prepared to release stronger power to stop it.

But at this moment, the figure following behind the team suddenly had a terrifying aura.In an instant, more than a dozen figures appeared out of nowhere around him, and among them were nine huge holy spirits.As soon as the holy spirits appeared, they immediately released extremely powerful killing moves. For a while, swords, guns, water and fire rained towards the rear of Huo Yuanxing's team, and more than 20 kings of the star sea were killed in an instant.

"Enemy attack from the rear!" The person who escaped by chance screamed in horror, and his thoughts spread throughout the team, calling for his teammates to help.

"What?" Huo Yuanxing was startled, he couldn't help slowing down his ultimate move, and turned his head to look back.At this time, more than a dozen kings of the star sea in the rear had already started the second round of attacks, and the rear team members who rushed to the battle only barely put up a strong resistance, and died in a moment.

In this round of attacks, more than [-] people were killed.

The commotion in the rear caused panic in the front, and in the panic, Qi Fei and the others' killing moves had already arrived, and everyone rushed to deal with it. As a result, several people fell into the starry sky in front of the battle. [

After Qi Fei and the others finished this round of attacks, they were all very weak like a deflated rubber ball.But they immediately took out the space orb, and after quickly absorbing it, they regained their vigor.

"Brothers, the mission is complete, retreat!" Qi Fei yelled, not daring to look red-eyed at the enemy full of murderous intent, waved his hands, and led his subordinates to flee desperately into the distance.

The two traps, plus this surprise attack, caused Huoyuanxing's 200-man brigade to lose nearly half of its manpower at this time, leaving less than 110 people, but they have not yet been able to really fight the enemy.This heavy blow made everyone's heart sink, and they felt extremely useless.

"Bastard!" Huo Yuanxing roared, and rushed towards the rear of the team, and the team members immediately made way for him.

But only halfway through, he stopped suddenly.

Because he found that two more groups came from the left and right wings of the team.These two groups were not many in number, and together they were no more than a dozen people, but each of them was full of aura and showed great strength.Huo Yuanxing couldn't help being stunned: How come there are so many real masters?Who are these people?Could it be... are they all experts from the legendary secret realm?

Sweat broke out on his forehead again.

At this time, the people behind moved.

He clearly realized that the leader was a real young man.He could figure out that this person was much younger than them. Although at this level, anyone's appearance would look like when they were young, but their eyes could not be disguised.He could tell that those were the eyes of a young man who was truly full of vitality.

How is it possible to be so young?He couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, the young man moved.He raised his hand, and with the light flashing on his body, a man over one meter tall suddenly appeared beside him.The boy was all in white, exuding a holy gleam, rubbing his little nose and making a cute laugh, and then rushed forward.

Suddenly, waves surged from the boy's body, and the waves turned into white snakes more than one meter long, swimming around his body, as if turning into a living armor of white snakes.The boy flew over with a smile, and suddenly stretched out his arms, dozens of white snakes all over his body flew out like lightning, and shot at his team.

What a powerful force!

Huo Yuanxing's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in his heart.He is not an ordinary king of the star sea, but a top powerhouse among them, a true figure who is confident that he can compete with the head of any big family.His subordinates can't tell what kind of power the opponent is using, so he can figure it out and feel it.

That is clearly the Secret Realm Heli Secret Technique!


He exclaimed in his heart.You must know that although the secret method of joint force in the secret realm is powerful, it has a fatal limitation, that is, you must be near the secret realm.Therefore, the leader of the major secret realms can only exert this powerful power near his own secret realm.

And this young man can actually use this kind of secret technique here. Could it be that there is his secret realm nearby?

While Huo Yuanxing was thinking wildly, dozens of white snakes had already flown into his team.Immediately, screams rang out one after another. Except for a dozen people who relied on their own powerful strength to barely resist the white snake's attack in the fierce fight, but suffered serious injuries, more than 30 people were directly killed by the white snake!

They, if the white lightning strikes in one shot, they are invincible, killing people in an instant, just like the messengers of death!

Huo Yuanxing couldn't help shivering.He looked at the young man who released the scary boy worm spirit, and his heart was filled with fear.

Who is this guy?Could it be that Shen Zheng? [

You can't go wrong, it should be this guy.But isn't there six holy spirits around him, but there are nine here!Well, he must be Shen Zheng!He got three more Holy Spirits!

At this moment, he felt the power of the dozen or so kings of the star sea who had come from the two wings, and his elite fighters could barely fight them for a few moves, and then they would be easily killed.If it wasn't for the superiority in numbers, I'm afraid these people would be able to attack him soon.

Damn!Huo Yuanxing gritted his teeth and cursed secretly: This damn Bu Wenluo, doesn't it mean that Shen Zheng's strength is average?Now, although this guy doesn't have many subordinates, all of them are top masters, comparable to the elders of the main cities of the major families, and even the existence of the Patriarch!Miscalculated this time, completely miscalculated!

He gritted his teeth bitterly, but suddenly began to hold back his breath, and quietly hid in the team. Taking advantage of all the manpower battles, he suddenly flew aside, hid behind a meteorite, and then moved quickly, floating in the starry sky Under the cover of the meteorite, he fled to the distance, opened the hyperspace suddenly, and fled towards his branch.

To investigate, to carefully investigate the true strength of this holy alliance!Then……

He thought viciously in his heart, and a despicable plan was born.

"One escaped!"

At this moment, Shen Zheng frowned slightly, and looked at the distant starry sky.

"Forget it, let him go." He shook his head slightly and looked towards the nearby battlefield.

Ever since this group of people entered the Milky Way, Fang He discovered them, and with the power of the secret realm, Shen Zheng easily sensed the hostility of the other party, and even intercepted the mind exchanges of a few of them who were weaker. From the content of the exchange, he knew that these people came with bad intentions.Especially some evil plans for women in the legendary secret realm made Shen Zheng even more angry.

The opponent has a large number of people, and is obviously different from the pirates in the past, but it is a great threat to the legendary secret realm.He immediately negotiated with Ying Aotian and Sheng Haixiong, decided on a tactic, and quietly placed space restrictions on their advancing route to limit their sensitivity. At the same time, he asked Qi Fei to lead the cannon fodder team to deliberately lure the enemy. Twice to lure the other party into the set trap and killed nearly 50 of them. When the other party was alert, Qi Fei was used as bait to attract the enemy's attention, and he used the advantage of the secret realm to mobilize everyone silently, Sneak attack from behind the enemy team.

In this way, the opponent's strength was cut in half, and he suddenly used the power of the water and fire secret realm to show his power, and even with his own power, he killed dozens of enemies, and set up traps elsewhere, killing more than 40 people from before. At this time, the two groups of strong men came from the two wings. In this way, the opponent's team was defeated in one fell swoop.

But even so, the opponent still had the strength to fight, and Shen Zheng wanted to catch people alive and ask them where they came from, so he had to concentrate all his strength.One of the opponents escaped by chance, but he really had no time to take care of it.

"You guys have a way to go, put away the insect spirits, and surrender immediately, otherwise you will only die!"

A moment later, the other party was killed and there were only about twenty people left, shrunk into a ball, staring at everyone with red eyes.Seeing this, Shen Zheng immediately signaled the crowd to stop, flew to the front, and shouted at them.

"We are dead, someone will avenge us!" A leader stared at Shen Zheng, gnashing his teeth. "What is your small legendary secret realm! One day, it will be completely wiped out! Everyone, don't be caught by them, it will damage our reputation!"

As he said that, he suddenly stabbed himself with the insect spirit, committed suicide and died.

"Stop!" Shen Zheng yelled, and the Holy Spirit boy danced around with white snakes, entangled them, but it was a step too late.

In a short while, more than [-] people all committed suicide and survived.

"These are definitely not pirates." Sheng Haixiong frowned slightly.

"Bah, a bunch of stupid bastards." Qi Fei snorted in the distance, "After death, there is nothing left, what honor and reputation, it's not as important as being alive!"

The members of the cannon fodder team behind him couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with this statement.

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