star wars civilization.

Chapter 695: Wolf in Fire

"It is true that someone has to bear it with their lives!" Xuan Guangbo said angrily. "Master Senator, I said that there must be traitors in the Council of Elders! Even if they are not traitors, at least they are people who have received benefits from the Holy Blood Empire!"

Then, he made a bitter face again: "I can't help it. I'm a marshal, but there is the word 'frontier defense' in front of it! It's just a small official who guards the border. This time the matter is mainly caused by the elders... "

"Enough." Zi Yuanshang interrupted him coldly, "No matter whose fault it is, he will eventually have to pay with his life."

She stared at Xuan Guangbo with cold and murderous eyes, and the latter just frowned and smiled.

"Let me introduce you." She pointed to Shen Zheng, "This is Shen Zheng, the leader of the Holy League, an emerging force in that desolate and remote place you mentioned." [

"Holy League?" Xuan Guangbo frowned even deeper. "I've never heard of it."

"A very small force." Shen Zheng looked at him and smiled faintly. "But you must have heard about it, right? After all, the extermination of the Xinghai Sanctuary is a big event."

"Oh!" Xuan Guangbo showed a sudden realization. "I remembered, it's the new Star Sea King, who is said to be a member of the Holy Sea Shenzhou."

"Yes, it's me." Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

"I don't know why Master Yuan brought him here..." Xuan Guangbo looked at Zi Yuanshang.

"I just want to tell Marshal." Zi Yuanshang said slowly, "Although the power of the Holy League is weak, it has already formed an alliance with the Light of the Autumn Sky and the Holy Sea Shenzhou, and will form an alliance with Ziguang Xinghui next."

"Ziguang..." Xuan Guangbo looked at Zi Yuanshang in a daze.

"I will not let people who have harmed me before." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, but Xuan Guangbo felt that there was a terrible killing intent hidden in his smile.

"The Lingdi was captured, Xia Zhen died, and three thousand soldiers of the Holy Blood Empire survived." Shen Zheng's voice was indifferent, and there was a breath of death in it. "They want to invade my homeland, so I have to give them a gift of death. Marshal, please rest assured, no matter who he is, no matter how high his official position is, no matter how far he is from me, if he dares to attack my homeland again ..."

He smiled, laughing like a cold wind that made people feel the biting cold.

"Marshal, I am not an official of the empire, and I will not be afraid of any high-ranking officials." His eyes revealed a murderous intent, "So I will strike without mercy! Even if he is a veteran of the empire, I will definitely kill him. He kills!"

Xuan Guangbo couldn't help shivering.

"Therefore, don't worry." Shen Zheng said, "I won't bother you about that desolate and remote place, I will guard it well."

"That's... thank you for your hard work." Xuan Guangbo said without embarrassment.

"Let's go." Zi Yuanshang stood up, ignored Xuan Guangbo, and led the team away, but Shen Zheng deliberately glanced at Xuan Guangbo with cold eyes.Xuan Guangbo frowned and smiled, and respectfully sent Zi Yuanshang all the way out of the secret realm, directly into the hyperspace, and then slowly retreated into the secret realm.

His eyes became extremely sharp, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and muttered in a low voice: "This is going to be difficult, they are obviously after me, I have to find a way to deal with it..."

Zi Yuanshang led the team and Shen Zheng left the headquarters of the fifth frontier defense area and headed towards the Milky Way.On the way, Zi Yuanshang couldn't help smiling: "You cooperated well."

"I just understood your intention, and frightened him hard." Shen Zheng smiled, "He was obviously frightened."

"The next step is his movements." Zi Yuanshang said, "When a person is afraid, he will act blindly and randomly, and at this time the fox's tail will finally be exposed. It's like fighting. It is the most difficult to attack when the opponent is in a good posture , so we have to lure him to make a move, and as soon as he makes a move, the opening will come." [

"The analogy is appropriate." Shen Zheng nodded.

Soon the group of people left the confinement and defense area of ​​the headquarters of the border defense area. The two of them were chatting and moving forward. Suddenly, Shen Zheng stopped with a thought.

"What's wrong?" Zi Yuanshang asked.

"I feel a strong energy fluctuation coming." Shen Zheng looked at a point on the flat star map, "It seems that there is a fierce battle taking place."

"Could it be another guy from the Holy Blood Empire?" Zi Yuanshang frowned, "Otherwise, there wouldn't be any fierce battles within the empire."

"Let's go for a while." Shen Zheng said, "It's always better to be careful."

Zi Yuanshang nodded, and led the team to fly to that place with Shen Zheng, and arrived there in just a moment.

"Reconnaissance first." Zi Yuanshang led the team to the outermost hyperspace, but did not break through, but gave orders to his subordinates.Shen Zheng also diffused his mind to observe the distant battlefield outside.

In that piece of starry sky, a fierce battle was unfolding. On one side were warriors wearing Emperor Yuexuan's uniform. The number was nearly a thousand, and on the other side there were only more than 100 people. They were surrounded in the center and united closely to resist the army.They were all wounded, and their breath was already weak, but they all gritted their teeth and persisted, holding the insect spirit weapons tightly, and dealing with the army.

"It looks like the army is encircling and suppressing pirates." Zi Yuanshang said, "We have nothing to do, let's go."

Shen Zheng didn't leave in a hurry, because he clearly realized that these besieged people were extremely united. When their companions were injured, they didn't abandon them, but desperately protected them.Among them, a man who seemed to be the leader, even disregarding his own trauma, wandered around, rushing to wherever his companions were in danger, and was injured several times because of rescuing his companions.

He couldn't help but move.

He didn't believe that such a person would be a vicious pirate.

In contrast, these Yuexuan warriors became more vicious.They laughed and lured the leader to run around to rescue them, and then sneaked up on the powerful leader, adding scars to his body.

"Elder Zi Yuan, which one of you is like a pirate and who is like a soldier?" Shen Zheng was slightly angry and asked in a deep voice.

"This..." Zi Yuanshang shook his head and sighed. "Army often have such evil tastes, and they are not too much. I heard that there are also troops who caught pirates and killed them for fun..."

"Go ahead." Shen Zheng said with a frown, "It's not easy for you to intervene in this kind of matter, especially when someone in the Council of Elders is eyeing you."

"You want..." Zi Yuanshang was startled, then shook his head. "President Shen, listen to me, no matter how wrong they are, they are still members of the emperor, and the other party..."

"Goodbye." Before she could finish speaking, Shen Zheng had already broken through the hyperspace and flew towards that place.

"Patriarch..." A soldier of Ziguang Xinghui pondered for a moment, and finally spoke. "I think... this matter should be handled."

"The army is sometimes too shameful." Zi Yuanshang nodded, "but my identity does not allow me to interfere in this way. Let Shen Zheng go. If he causes any trouble, I will come forward to solve it That's it."

"The frontier guards here already have problems." Another soldier said, "It's right for Master Shen to teach them a lesson!" [

"That's right!" Another soldier said, "Didn't they just turn a blind eye and let the bastards from the Holy Blood Empire in, so we can lose so many brothers?"

Zi Yuanshang didn't talk much, he just stood in the hyperspace and observed everything outside with his thoughts.

Shen Zheng flew away, while flying, while paying attention to the leader of the besieged.It was a muscular man with bulging muscles, full of explosive power, and his long hair danced with the scattered energy, adding a wild look to him.He was like a wolf fighting a powerful enemy, roaring from time to time, and pounced fiercely on the enemy.He waved a curved knife in his hand, the blade was full of serrated teeth like fangs, and its lethality was astonishing.

Shen Zheng found that with his strength, he could definitely fight his way out of the siege, but he didn't do that, instead he kept getting injured because of protecting his companions.

The soldiers also seemed to know that no one was his opponent, so they kept attacking his companions, and when they led him to save him, they would sneak up and plot against him.

"Wolfs are in flames, your time of death has arrived!" The general leading the team laughed triumphantly, "We have calculated the time and route of your return journey, waited for the rabbit, and waited for work, and you, have already been killed by the guys from the Holy Blood Empire. They were beaten to pieces and were seriously injured. How could such a group of evil wolves be our opponents? Today is the time to completely solve your group of scourges!"

"Despicable, shame!" the leader roared, "You... you really colluded with the bastards of the Holy Blood Empire!"

"So what?" The general snorted coldly, "In order to exterminate you pirates, it is also right for the border guards of the two countries to fight together. What collusion! Don't resist, gather your strength and accept our offer." Imprison you, and beg for mercy in front of our marshal, then maybe the marshal can give you a chance because of your strength."

"Bah!" The leader spat, "I'd rather die than bow down to you bastards!"

"Never bow your head!" More than 100 subordinates immediately followed the leader and yelled like a pack of wolves.

"Then you all die for me!" The general who led the team looked down and waved his hand. "The strength of the wolves in the ashes is almost exhausted, so I don't want to play with them anymore, let's go together and tear them apart!"

"Brothers, if we can die together today, we will live and die together!" The leader looked up to the sky and laughed, with grief and indignation in his voice. "The only pity is that we still failed to avenge our tribe in the end! Brothers, even if we die, we must die bravely, and we must not lose face to our wolf clan!"

"Kill!" More than 100 subordinates yelled in unison, everyone's eyes were red, and they mustered up all their strength to meet the emperors who were rushing towards them.

"What a group of bloody men!"

Seeing that the two groups were about to collide, and seeing that the more than 100 men who were seriously injured and weak in breath were about to be engulfed by the tide of the army, a loud roar came from a distance, it was earth-shattering!

Everyone felt that their hearts had been strongly impacted, and they immediately stopped their movements, froze in mid-air, and couldn't help panting.

"You group of emperors, do you still look like a soldier?"

With the roar, Shen Zheng came through the air, and instantly landed in the middle of the battle group, beside the leader.The powerful aura spread in all directions, and the emperor was so shocked that he couldn't help but retreat.

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