star wars civilization.

Chapter 696: Cold Valley Wolf Clan, Revenge Warrior

"Bold! Who are you?" The general leading the team shouted.

"What are you doing again?" Shen Zheng's voice was cold.

"Leave quickly!" The general leading the team roared, "We are the Imperial Border Guards, and we are encircling and suppressing the evil wolf pirate group! Are you with them?"

"Of course not." Shen Zheng said, "It's just that I'm not used to your despicable style of play!"

"Friend, thank you!" The leader looked at Shen Zheng and nodded, with a grateful light in his eyes. "I was so miserable that I was able to meet a hero like you before I died, and I deserved to die. You should not come to this troubled water. He is right, we are pirates!" [

"So what about pirates?" Shen Zheng frowned, "I only found a group of true heroes here who don't care about their own lives for their partners, and a group of villains who only know how to attack others when they are in danger!"

"Bold!" The general roared, "I don't care who you are, if you dare to join the pirates, you are a group of pirates, I have the right to kill you on the spot!"

"Don't convict casually." Shen Zheng sneered, "What crime did this group of people commit, please tell me clearly."

"The wolf pirate group is notorious, haven't you heard of it?" the general snorted coldly.He sensed an extremely powerful aura from Shen Zheng, and he didn't know the depth of Shen Zheng's power. He didn't dare to act rashly before he found out who this person was, so he held back his breath and explained. "They were active on the border between Yuexuan and the Holy Blood Empire. They invaded the Holy Blood Empire many times and killed the Holy Blood Emperor's army. They are vicious people!"

"Did I hear you right?" Shen Zheng frowned, "You mean they only killed the army of the Holy Blood Empire? Then, they didn't offend the people of the Yuexuan Empire, right?"

"The Holy Blood Empire is our friendly neighbor. They have repeatedly killed the Holy Blood Emperor and his comrades just to start a war. This is a felony!" the general shouted.

"Fart your mother!" Lang Luo roared, his voice hoarse like a hungry wolf howling. "Our Hangu Wolf Clan was originally a small family on the border of Yuexuan, but was robbed by bastards from the Holy Blood Empire pretending to be pirates. The wealth of the clan was plundered, all the women were captured, and almost all the men were killed. A group of our young children were protected and sent out of the secret place and survived. And what did you border guards do? You didn't do anything! It's 2000, and in 2000, you have been turning a blind eye Eyes, let the bastards of the Holy Blood Empire pretend to be pirates to plunder at the border, have your conscience been eaten by dogs? We children, raised by our seniors who protected us, struggled to grow up, and finally cultivated into a strong body. What's wrong with avenging the bastards of the Holy Blood Empire? You don't care about them crossing the border to plunder, but you cooperate with them to attack us, what kind of border guards are you!"

"Shut up!" the general yelled, "How can a commoner like you comment on the policies of the empire? Not counting you as a notorious pirate, just based on what you said today, you will die!"

"Which one of me can make them die!" Shen Zheng became more angry in his heart after hearing the words of Luo Yuhuo, and slowly moved forward, releasing a powerful coercion in an instant.

"Damn you, general, let me take off his head!" At this moment, a strong man dressed as a small captain in the army roared, swung the insect spirit long sword, and suddenly flew towards Shen Zheng .

"Friend, let's go!" Lang Luo stood in front of Shen Zheng, "You extended a helping hand when our clan was in danger, and the Hangu wolf clan will always remember your great kindness! It's just that I'm afraid I won't be able to repay you in this life..."

"It's too early to talk about frustration now." Shen Zheng put his hand on Lang Luo Yu Huo's shoulder, and with a light pull, Lang Luo Yu Huo was pulled aside resistingly.He stared blankly at Shen Zheng, not believing that the other party could pull him away so easily.

You know, although his strength has weakened, he is still the most powerful warrior of the Hangu Wolf Clan!

"No matter who it is, they must die!" The team leader flew towards him, and with a flick of his long sword, a poor red phantom immediately appeared around him. The phantom twisted and instantly turned into a marginal world of blood waves. The tip stabbed towards Shen Zheng.

"Dead?" Shen Zheng smiled faintly. "Murderers want people to be murdered. Do you have it?"

Before he finished speaking, his hand was slowly raised. Facing the earth-shattering sword, he just stretched out a finger and stabbed forward suddenly.

"Arrogance!" The squad leader shouted angrily, "I will do what you wish, I will die for you!"

In an instant, the sword edge pierced Shen Zheng's finger, and a huge sea of ​​blood power surged towards Shen Zheng immediately, and it was about to swallow him.

"You want me to die? You don't have the qualifications." Shen Zheng sneered, and the strength in his fingers suddenly exploded. [

At this time, he did not cooperate with the secret realm.Because he didn't need to use all his strength to deal with such a small character.It's just a normal state, just a finger, bursting out with a sharp light, the sea of ​​blood over there immediately dissipated, and the sharp insect spirit long sword shattered and collapsed.

"What!?" In the terrified cry, the team leader wanted to pull back, but it was too late.

A white light, after shattering the long sword, hit his body again, and his body, like the long sword, shattered and disintegrated in an instant, turning into a few fine dusts, floating in the universe.

"Bold!" the general yelled, "You dare to kill the soldiers of the empire! No matter which big family you are, you will only die today! Someone, kill him for me!"

"Kill me? You guys alone are not enough!" Shen Zheng smiled, full of confidence.In an instant, he merged with the power of the water and fire secret realm, and his own power was instantly increased by countless times, and the holy spirit boy appeared when the light flashed neutrally, with white snakes surging all over his body, and punched out.

Several white snakes came out with the fist, like streaks of white lightning, immediately piercing into the imperial body rushing towards Shen Zheng.

The white snake shattered, penetrated deep into the flesh, and then exploded suddenly. In an instant, there were nearly forty kings of the star sea, and of course they burst into countless fine pieces!

"So strong!" Amid the exclamation, all the soldiers stopped their charge and stared at the Holy Spirit Boy in horror.Facing this small child who was only one meter tall, all the strong fighters couldn't help shaking their hands.

"What are you afraid of?" the general roared angrily, "No matter how strong he is, he is only one person, but we have a crowd of a thousand people, and the crowd tactics will kill him!"

"Human sea tactics?" Shen Zheng sneered, "You are willing to use your own lives to increase my number of kills, and I don't mind either!"

With a wave of his hand, a dark red light flew out, and beside him, it turned into a five-meter-tall dark red giant Shattering Desolation and Killing God.As soon as Pohuang Shashen appeared, he immediately followed Shen Zheng's will, raised his arms, and clasped fists in front of his chest.The pair of giant arms quickly fused together to form a giant gun with death flames burning at the tip of the gun.

In the hands of Shen Zheng, the speed of condensing the giant spear was several times faster than that in Xia Zhen's hands.

"Breaking... breaking the wasteland and killing the gods!?" The general knew what to do, and his face immediately turned pale.

"Kill!" But at this time, some imperial soldiers, relying on their numbers and strength, were vying to make meritorious service in front of the generals, and they had already rushed towards Shen Zheng wielding insect spirits.

"Let them understand the horror of death." Shen Zheng's voice was calm.

A howling sound like howling ghosts from hell came from the black hole-like mouth of the Shattering Desolation God. Those who heard it immediately felt terrified, and the original rushing momentum could not help but slow down.And at this slow moment, the wasteland-breaking gun flew out in the air, piercing through more than a dozen people in an instant, turning them into fly ash, and as the gunfire exploded, it ignited more than 20 people in the midst of screams. Gradually burned to ashes.

"What is this!?" Several soldiers shouted in horror.

"The devil, is it the devil?"

"No, it's the god of death that is more terrifying than the devil, it's the god of death!"

"Break the wilderness and kill the gods..." The general gritted his teeth, stared at Shen Zheng, suddenly felt a chill of death, and shouted desperately: "Don't move, don't move, back, back!"

"My lord, what's the matter?" A small captain next to him asked in astonishment.

"Shen Zheng, it's Shen Zheng!" The general's voice was almost hoarse, and he yelled frantically. "He is Shen Zheng!"

"Shen Zheng? The one who single-handedly killed three thousand soldiers of the Holy Blood Empire, and plundered the clan treasure of the Blood River Storm of the Holy Blood Empire?"

All the soldiers looked at Shen Zheng with terrified eyes.

"Your news is quite well-informed." Shen Zheng sneered, "Compared to your commander Xuan Guangbo who doesn't know anything, you are like the guardians of this sea of ​​stars."

The general's hands trembled, he realized that he had offended someone he could never afford to offend today.

"Shen...President Shen." He said with difficulty, " shouldn't meddle in this business. They have all admitted to being pirates, and it is the responsibility of our Imperial Lady to exterminate pirates. As a member of the empire , you are also obliged to..."

"Shut your mouth and get the hell out of here." Shen Zheng's eyes were cold. "I've secured these people. Anyone who wants to hurt them has to step over my dead body. Anyone want to come?"

His gaze swept over everyone, and everyone who was swept by his gaze couldn't help shivering.The powerful power of thought and the reputation of killing 3000 people by one person made everyone present lose their fighting spirit.

Lang Luo Yu Huo has never heard of Shen Zheng's name, but seeing what the emperor said, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, staring at the person in front of him in disbelief.

he?One person killed three thousand soldiers of the Holy Blood Empire?How can this be?

" are openly opposing the empire!" Although the general was frightened, he remained stubborn.

"Zi Yuanshang, the elder of the Elders' Association, is visiting the Holy League." Shen Zheng looked at the hyperspace in the distance, and smiled faintly. "Should I invite her here and let her judge the reasoning, am I against the empire, or are you harming the honor of the empire?"

"Elder?" The general was taken aback, and then thought of the news he had received, but it was true.

Although the marshal has a background and is not afraid of the elders, he himself does not.If he really offended the elder and was directly killed in the sea of ​​stars, no one would stand up for him.

"I will report this matter to the Marshal!" He pretended to be annoyed and waved his hand. "Brothers, let's go! Go back and report to the Marshal, and ask him to make a decision! Leader Shen, as a member of the Empire, you will have to pay the price for fighting against the Imperial Army!"

"If I kill you all, then I won't have to pay the price?" Shen Zheng's eyes turned cold.

"Run!" The general yelled in fright, and headed into the hyperspace to escape. The rest of the soldiers also got into it desperately, and ran away like burning their buttocks.

"This..." Looking at Xinghai who suddenly became quieter, Lang Luo Yuhuo and his subordinates couldn't recover for a moment.

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