star wars civilization.

Chapter 812: Power Comes Rolling

After the full power of the shot erupted, Shen Zheng flew towards the incomplete body of Ti Liang's patron saint like a streamer.While dancing with the spear, Yan Shen spear directly stabbed at the remnant body of Ti Liang's patron saint.

The remnant body of Tiliang's patron saint stood in the air, and did not dodge. The only right hand quickly opened and moved forward. Countless crystals spread out and condensed into a round shield.The gun flower collided with the round shield, and there was a piercing friction sound, and then it was destroyed by the power of the Shenshen gun, and quickly shattered into several crystals.

But the remnant body of Tiliang's patron saint also won time, and flew towards the distance suddenly, as if to escape, but in an instant, it was more than twice the speed of flying away in the distance, almost like lightning He bumped back towards Shen Zheng, that crystal's right hand clenched into a fist, and punched Shen Zheng's chest.

Yan Shen spear swallowed and spat, Shen Zheng directly confronted the fist of Ti Liang's remnant body with the point of the spear, and there was a loud noise like thunder in the air, shaking everything in the surrounding area.

In the exclamation of the three high-ranking rulers of the blood glow crystal spirit, the entire palace was destroyed by this huge impact, turning into crystal blocks of various sizes and flying out in all directions. [

The entire palace hall of the blood glow crystal spirit was completely destroyed in the aftermath of this blow.

"Kill him, kill him!" Luan Wu yelled, "This damn outsider must die!"

Fist and spear wrestled, and there was a constant roar in the air.In this kind of confrontation, the remnant body of Tiliang's patron saint took the lead in exerting strength, and with a slamming punch, he pushed the Yanshen spear aside, and punched Shen Zheng directly.

A huge shield appeared in an instant, blocking the powerful blow of this punch, but the punch was stronger than the giant shield, and it only slightly blocked its power before being completely shattered.

Shen Zheng did not dodge.Facing the punch, he let out a loud roar, and kicked it out with his own strength, not with the gun.That kick directly brushed the arm of the Guardian God's remnant body, deflected its fist, and kicked it hard into the armpit of the Guardian God.

The huge force only made Ti Liang's patron saint fly tens of meters away.It stopped quickly in the air, looked at Shen Zheng with pupilless eyes, and suddenly raised its right hand.His fingers flew out one by one, and quickly spread crystals from the severed part to form new fingers, so that they fired continuously like a machine gun, forming a rain that enveloped Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng still didn't move, like a soldier sticking to his post.He straightened the Shenshen Spear, and shot at the crystal fingers that came like rain.A single finger was shattered under the great force of the Shenshen Spear, and turned into a rain of sparkling crystals in the air, which was extremely beautiful in the distance.

Realizing that such an attack would hurt Shen Zheng, Ti Liang's patron saint's remnant body immediately stopped his fingers, and rushed towards Shen Zheng.Shen Zheng's gaze was like lightning, he locked on to the remnant of Tiliang's patron saint, and stabbed out with a spear.

But the remnant body of Ti Liang's patron saint was only on the upper arm, so he knocked the gun away, and hit Shen Zheng like lightning in a turn of his arm.Shen Zheng's speed wasn't bad either. After dodging quickly, he shot sideways with his backhand.

The two sides compared their speed in the air, and frequently used strange moves in close combat, but neither could hit the other.Whether it was the three blood glow elves rulers or the soldiers who came to rescue them, they all stared in astonishment, looking at the two sides moving like phantoms in the air.No one can understand their movements, they can only be confused.

"It's too strong..." The kings, who saw all this through the "sky" in the secret realm of water and fire, couldn't help but open their mouths wide and exclaimed.

"Although it's just a remnant body, it's still pretty powerful. He was able to fight even with him. An envoy is indeed worthy of being an envoy!"

At this moment, the strength of Ti Liang's patron saint's remnant body began to gradually strengthen, as if he had grown impatient with the inability to solve Shen Zheng after a long battle.Suddenly, a strong light flashed on the fist of Ti Liang's remnant body, and countless crystals surged from his arm, turned into a sharp spear, and shot at Shen Zheng.

This prismatic spear was powerful and heavy, Shen Zheng didn't dare to underestimate it, he straightened up the Shenshen Spear with all his strength, combined with the power of the Holy Demon Armor, and stabbed it.

But the huge force still made him fly backwards, flew straight out of the palace, and crashed into another palace. After completely destroying that palace, he continued to fly backwards, as if he wanted to directly Send him to the end of the world.

"Is it endless?" Shen Zheng snorted coldly, and with a huge force, he kicked out, hitting the bottom of the prismatic spear, kicking the prismatic spear off the track, and then turning around, the Shenshen spear swept across the room, The prismatic spear shattered directly, and in a blink of an eye, he was back in front of Ti Liang's patron saint, stabbing him with a single spear.

With a sudden dodge, avoiding the powerful shot, Tiliang's patron saint opened his five fingers, and a huge force suddenly struck down, enveloping Shen Zheng, and instantly knocking him down to the ground.The solid crystalline ground was also dented by this force, and the terrain changed, causing several buildings to tilt and collapse.

Shen Zheng stood up straight with all his strength, and with a quick dodge, he escaped from the range of the impact force, raised his left hand, and aimed at the remnant body of Ti Liang's patron saint.

"This kind of attack is nothing." He said lightly, and his five fingers quickly separated, emitting the same impact.Tiliang's patron saint was sent spinning and flying several kilometers away, before disappearing from the eyes of the elves. [

"How is that possible!?" The rulers of the blood glow elves yelled in fright.

But in an instant, the remnant body of Tiliang's patron saint flew back again, and the impact obviously did not cause any damage to it.It punched out violently, before the punch arrived, Shen Zheng's body was shaken by the wind of the punch, before he could take defense, the punch had already hit his chest, sending him flying more than ten kilometers in an instant.

There was a burst of pain in his chest, Shen Zheng snorted coldly, and flew back like lightning without admitting defeat, and with the momentum of flying, stabbed at the remnant body of Ti Liang's patron saint.

But this guy reacted extremely quickly, and he dodged by turning sideways.However, all of this was within Shen Zheng's expectation. He kicked with a huge force directly on the side of the remnant body of Ti Liang's patron saint. more than ten kilometers away.

But in an instant, it also flew back immediately like Shen Zheng, its cold eyes fixed on Shen Zheng, and the power on its body surged and increased again.It waved its hand violently, and the crystals in the surrounding world floated up piece by piece. With the subtle movements of its hand, they condensed into fists of different sizes in the air, and shot towards Shen Zheng fiercely.

"Good time!" Sensing the strength of the attack, Shen Zheng's eyes lit up.He concentrated all his strength, exhaled and made a sound, and the Yanshen Spear stabbed out quickly, piercing his fists in the air.

But in an instant, the remnant body of the guardian deity of Tiliang also moved over quietly with the help of the rain of fists. When Shen Zheng was busy dealing with the rain of fists, he suddenly swung his arms up, and the crystals on his arms surged, competing with those fists. Connected into one body, forming a crystal cage, enveloping Shen Zheng.

For the first time, its eyes showed the light of killing intent. When the light flashed, the huge cage shrank suddenly, trying to directly crush Shen Zheng inside into a meatloaf.

"Break!" With a loud roar, the power of the Shenshen Spear and the Holy Demon Armor exploded together, blasting the cage open.Shen Zheng shot out and escaped unharmed, but his chest heaved violently, but he had consumed too much strength, and he began to feel unsustainable.

But he was definitely not someone who would worry about this. He just took out a space orb from the space worm core and swallowed it, which solved the problem and became alive and well again.

After dashing forward, the Yan Shen Spear danced like a dragon, wrapping around the remnant body of Ti Liang's patron saint.But the remnant body of Tiliang's patron saint is not simple. Although he only has one arm, he can still protect his whole body in time, and he is tied with Shen Zheng.

But during the fight, the strength of Tiliang's guardian deity's remnant body was still increasing, and he suddenly swept across with a punch, hitting the Shenshen Spear.Although that huge force was blocked by Shen Zheng, he couldn't counteract it with his own strength, and was instantly sent flying horizontally.

Ti Liang's remnant body quickly chased after him, and as he kept waving his one arm, huge waves of air radiated out, hitting Shen Zheng's body one after another.Although protected by the Holy Demon Armor, Shen Zhengyu felt that his body had suffered a huge blow from gravity, and his eyes couldn't help but burst out with a strong light.

well!It is this feeling of the moment of life and death that allows me to continuously improve and break through myself again!

In the roar, Shen Zheng's strength also increased, reaching the limit he could achieve.And in this limit, the power is still surging, and finally there is another breakthrough!

In an instant, he raised his arms and raised his chest, and let out a loud roar. The power in the roar spread to the surroundings, blowing away the air waves.He rushed forward violently, and kicked heavily on the chest of the remnant body of Tilian's patron saint, kicking it far away and smashing it into the ground.

The crystals splashed all over the place, and the remnant body of Ti Liang's patron saint broke through the ground, flew out again, and punched Shen Zheng again.Shen Zheng kicked it out again, directly kicking away the fist of the remnant body of the patron saint of Tiliang, and smashed the spear down on the head, hitting the remnant body of the patron saint of Tiliang directly on the head, directly smashing the remnant body of the patron saint of Tiliang It hit the ground hard again and sank deeply into it.

The remnant body of Tiliang's patron saint flew out again and again, attacking Shen Zheng, but was slammed down by Shen Zheng again and again. Finally, the power of Tiliang's patron saint's remnant body reached its limit and began to weaken His movements were not as flexible as before, and he was completely suppressed by Shen Zheng's attack.

"It's a success, it's about to be a success!" The Crystal Kings in the Water and Fire Secret Realm shouted excitedly.

As for the rulers and warriors of the Blood Mang Jingling Clan, their faces turned pale, and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

Suddenly, after Shen Zheng dodged the blow from the remnant body of the guardian deity of Tiliang, the Yan Shen spear shot straight out, piercing through the power protection of the remnant body of the guardian deity of Tiliang, which was weakened in strength, and pierced into its chest .

The point of the spear turned inward, and it touched a mass of soft but extremely tough things that even the Shenshen spear couldn't break through.The moment the spear's point came into contact with that thing, Shen Zheng suddenly felt infinite power coming in from the entire Great Chain Secret Realm along the spear's point.After that power merged with the original power of the Creator of the Cold Front Realm in the Yanshen Spear, it galloped towards Shen Zheng's body. [

What's frightening is that this force keeps pouring into Shen Zheng's body continuously, and Shen Zheng feels that if this continues, he will explode and die due to this force!

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