star wars civilization.

Chapter 813: Fighting the Lord of the Planes

The blood glow elves looking up at the sky trembled in fear.Before them, the remnant body of the mighty patron saint of Ti Liang had been killed by Shen Zheng, and Shen Zheng was absorbing the power in his body.

The Crystal Spirit Kings who watched all this in the Water and Fire Secret Realm also thought so.

But they didn't know that at this moment, Shen Zheng's heart was full of anxiety.He was eager to get rid of the terrifying remnant of Tilian's patron saint, but the spear point seemed to be sucked to a halt, and he couldn't pull it out of his body at all.

That soft mass is the heart of Tiliang's patron saint. At this time, it is connected with the spear point of the Shenshen Spear, continuously extracting the power from the entire secret realm, sending it into the Shenshen Spear, and passing it into Shen Zheng's body .No matter how Shen Zheng resists, this force will keep pouring inward, and will never stop until Shen Zheng is exploded.

"Goddess of Chilling Heart!" Shen Zheng couldn't make a sound, so he shouted with his thoughts.His thoughts fluctuated in all directions, trying to contact the mysterious body of good thoughts of the creator of Hanfeng. [

But nothing happened.Ti Liang's heart of the patron saint imprisoned the power of the entire Great Chain Secret Realm and allowed it to be extracted. Even the chilling goddess seemed to be imprisoned by it.

The power was still rushing in, Shen Zheng already felt severe pain coming from his body, he felt that his cells were about to explode, and his whole body was about to slam into pieces like a balloon.

But at this moment, a wonderful power descends suddenly, that power is so powerful that it can rewrite all the laws of the world.It is as vast as the sea, and as soon as it appears, it covers everything in it. Compared with it, all powers seem so small.Under the action of this force, Yan Shenlance stopped absorbing the power of the secret realm, and the remnant body of Ti Liang's patron saint split apart in an instant, turning into four parts: a head, an arm, a body, and a heart.

The vast power gradually disappeared, and finally there was nothing left.

Shen Zheng let out a long breath: It's finally over, it's so dangerous, I thought it was a doomed death this time.What was it that saved me?Is it the Goddess of Chilling Heart?

He had just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly there was another change: the four parts of the patron saint of Tiliang suddenly moved by themselves, flying in the air.A huge suction force came, covering them, and they were quickly reassembled together in the air - the heart entered the body, and the head and arms were also connected to it.

"what happened?"

A cry of exclamation sounded from the Water and Fire Secret Realm, and the Crystal Spirit Kings suddenly felt a burst of pain. Then, the parts of the Guardian God of Tilian that were preserved in their bodies were separated from their bodies and flew out of the Water and Fire Secret Realm. Their bodies were not harmed by it.

"It's the power of the gods!" The Crystal King exclaimed, "It's the power of the gods that took the parts away!"

Hearing their exclamation, Shen Zheng was not worried anymore.The Goddess of Cold Heart said that to reawaken the patron saint of Tiliang, she can come down on it and use her body to exert great power to purify the blood crystal spirit clan.

He quietly watched those parts flying in the air, and under the shroud of that powerful force, they gradually combined together, slowly forming a crystalline human figure.The man was tall and mighty, exuding a powerful aura that surpassed everything.

It slowly turned its head, looked at Shen Zheng, raised the corners of its mouth upwards, and made a smiling expression.

"Are you here?" Shen Zheng also nodded with a faint smile.

"Do you think I'm her?" The patron saint of Ti Liang spoke slowly, and the voice she uttered was a beautiful woman, just like the voice of the chilling goddess.

But Shen Zheng felt a bone-piercing chill, he couldn't help but clenched his gun and pointed it at Ti Liang's patron saint.

"Who are you?" He asked coldly.

"You should be able to know." The patron saint of Tilian smiled.Then, its body changed, from a majestic masculine body to a slender female body, the crystals on it were surging, gradually turning into a black robe, shiny armor, and delicate skin.

In the end, Tiliang's guardian deity turned into the image of a long-robed goddess, just like the chilling goddess Shen Zheng had seen.

On the ground, all the elves were prostrate on the ground, trembling.In front of this goddess, they, the created beings, could not react other than trembling.Their minds were also blank, and they lost their ability to act and think.For them, time seems to have stopped, and they are staying in this still space at the moment, losing themselves. [

"Hanfeng Creator?" Shen Zheng mobilized all his strength and put on a desperate posture.

"It's me." The other party laughed, "You can call me Goddess Hanfeng. But I just heard you calling for 'Goddess of Cold Heart', so what is it?"

"Please tell me." Shen Zheng sneered.

"You are really a good person." Goddess Hanfeng smiled, "Do you think I don't know the other self in the power of my heart? People from the source world, she is just a part of my mind, I want her If she is sealed, she can only be sealed obediently."

"Really?" Shen Zheng said, "Then who saved me just now? Goddess Han Feng, maybe you don't even know how strong your kindness is?"

"Good intentions are never strong." Goddess Han Feng looked at Shen Zheng, with sarcasm but also vigilance in her eyes. "The only thing that is truly powerful is the power of destruction. Just like the power that saved you just now."

"Isn't that the Goddess of Cold Heart?" Shen Zheng couldn't help being stunned.

"I can't help but wonder, are you acting, or you really don't know?" Goddess Han Feng stared at Shen Zheng, her eyes seemed to want to penetrate his heart.

"What do you mean?" Shen Zheng asked Goddess Han Feng.

"Do you know who saved you just now?" Goddess Han Feng finally confirmed that Shen Zheng really didn't know.She looked at Shen Zheng, as if she was studying what kind of power this person possessed, and opened her mouth after a while.

"That is the master of the plane, a creator stronger than me. He exerted great power from a distant unknown plane, changed the power of the rules here, and rescued the You who blasphemed my power and died under it."

She looked at Shen Zheng coldly, and her voice was full of majesty: "The creator of the world, you must be able to hear my words? You think you can save your life just by spending a lot of energy and coming across the plane. People? No, you are wrong. It is precisely because your power appeared beyond the rules that I, who could only vaguely sense the macro events, clearly understood what happened here, and I was able to personally descend and kill you in the future hope! What can you do now?"

She laughed, wildly, coldly.The laughter seemed to be the power of form, Shen Zheng felt that he could not stop shaking in the laughter, his body seemed to be shattered by the laughter.The powerful holy demon armor also surged like water amidst the laughter, as if it would turn into fine dust and dissipate at any time.

In front of him is a master of planes, a real god who surpasses him thousands of billions of times.In front of her, Shen Zheng is just a strong ant.

But so what?

At this time, Shen Zheng, although his heart was full of fear, turned this fear into a fighting spirit.His body throbbed with fear, trembling with excitement.

Fight against the lord of the plane!What an honor!Now, I finally have such an opportunity!

What about the lord of the plane?You can never go beyond the ultimate rules and want to descend into the world you created yourself and interact with the creatures in the world, then you are also limited by the rules of this world!

You have also turned into an ant, but you are extremely strong!Even if you have claws, I also have claws, who will win is still unknown!

Suddenly, Shen Zheng uttered a loud roar. In that roar, all his strength was unprecedentedly high, and energy halos shone around him. Anyone with a discerning eye could know that he had brought out all his potential without any hesitation. Reserved to mobilize the power of the whole life!

One after another, space orbs were flying around him, constantly entering his body. Using this method, he formed a source of power outside his body, so that he could maintain this kind of ability to exert all his strength, Every move is in a desperate state!

If Ming Yuebai saw Shen Zheng like this at this time, he would definitely run away as far as he could while exclaiming! [

"Today, I want to slaughter God!" Shen Zheng stared at Goddess Han Feng, the light in his eyes shone like the sun.On the Shenshen Spear, fierce power coiled and circled, like a giant snake flying.He flicked the Shenshen Spear, triggering a force that shook the entire secret realm, and stabbed at the Goddess Han Feng in an instant.

"The momentum is good." Goddess Han Feng moved lightly, like a willow branch in the wind, no matter how violent the wind is, it will not be hurt by it.The Shenshen Spear stabbed close to her body, but failed to touch a corner of her clothes.

"Let me know your reaction." She said, and with a light wave of her hand, a flash of lightning appeared in the air like a thunderbolt, and it struck Shen Zheng almost at the moment of formation.

The price for Shen Zheng to dodge is that dozens of space orbs directly turned into power and were completely absorbed by him.

"The response is good." Goddess Han Feng nodded slightly. "You are almost defeated among the mortal beings. But unfortunately your enemy is the master of the plane."

"So what?" Shen Zheng snorted coldly, and the Yanshen Spear shook out a huge spear flower like an asteroid, covering the Goddess Hanfeng in an instant.

"An attack not worth mentioning." Goddess Han Feng smiled, but when she raised her hand, a beam of light that was as sharp as a sword pierced the huge gun flower.The light hit Shen Zheng's chest, and the Holy Demon Armor immediately made a terrifying sound, Shen Zheng was instantly sent flying out, crashing into countless palaces, and flew straight out of the range of the Blood Glow Crystal Spirit Kingdom. Fell into the crystal mountain in the distance.

"It's been a long time since I played like this." Goddess Han Feng smiled, and came to the sky above Shen Zheng as if teleporting, and lowered her head to look at Shen Zheng among the rocks under the collapsed mountain. "Don't disappoint me, come again."

"As you wish." Shen Zheng slowly stood up from the chaotic rocks.

The Holy Demon Armor had become like tatters, covering his body in pieces.The power of absolute defense had been activated when it resisted the blow just now, but even so, the Holy Demon Armor was still destroyed like this.

"When I came to do it again, I restrained myself a little bit." Goddess Han Feng looked at the Holy Demon Armor and smiled. "The artifacts of the Holy Demon Realm are not very good, they are broken with a single blow."

Shen Zheng stared at her, knowing that he had reached the critical moment of his life and death.

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