star wars civilization.

Chapter 814: Killing the Lord of Planes?

The Shenshen Spear was tightly held in his hand, and the power in it was surging.

Space orbs were flying, pouring into Shen Zheng's body one by one, healing Shen Zheng's wounds, supplementing his strength, and helping him repair the holy magic armor.

Goddess Hanfeng stood in the air, silently, and didn't make a move. She didn't raise her hand until the holy magic armor was fully restored.

"Come on, keep making me happy." She smiled coquettishly, with a charming power in her voice.

But Shen Zheng was unmoved.He raised his head, stared at the other party, and slowly raised the Shenshen Spear. [

"Even if I die today, I am proud enough." He said slowly, "Not everyone has the opportunity to confront the lord of the plane."

"Not everyone is qualified to let the lord of the plane appear and kill in person." Goddess Han Feng looked at Shen Zheng with approval in her eyes. "Tell me your name. I will remember you firmly. In the years to come, there may be no one who is qualified to let me remember your name."

"Shen Zheng." Shen Zheng said loudly. "I'm telling you my name not to let it be passed down among the world. It's so that after you go to hell, you can tell the evil spirits in hell who sent you there."

"Shen Zheng." Goddess Han Feng muttered, then smiled. "You're such an interesting person."

Amidst the laughter, she suddenly raised her hand.Without any warning, a huge force rushed towards Shen Zheng's face, and instantly sent him flying.However, this force was much weaker than the previous one. Although the holy demon armor was trembling, it was not damaged.

Shen Zheng barely stabilized his figure and didn't fall to the ground, but just as he stood still, he saw the Goddess Han Feng standing in front of him, and smiled at him.

"Go down," she said.

Then, with just a slight hook of her hand, Shen Zheng felt that his legs were swept away by a huge force, and his body fell sideways directly on the ground, causing the crystal blocks on the ground to splash everywhere.

With strength in his waist, Shen Zheng jumped up suddenly, and swung his Shenshen spear to stab at the goddess of Han Feng, but the spear was only halfway, and the goddess of Han Feng had already grabbed the body of the gun, and with a faint smile, she threw it up .

Shen Zheng didn't dare to let go, so he was pulled by the huge force and flew straight into the sky. Before he could stabilize his figure, the Goddess Han Feng had already appeared in the air. With a flip of his hand, the huge force shot down Shen Zheng in the air, and fell heavily on the ground.

The ground became hard in an instant, and it was not broken, so the powerful impact force all acted on Shen Zheng's body.

"Kill!" Shen Zheng endured the pain and swallowed several space orbs in an instant. With the mighty power of the Shenshen Spear, he stabbed towards the Goddess Hanfeng.

"It's useless." Goddess Han Feng smiled calmly. "Do you know the difference between me and other plane masters? It's in this chained secret realm. On the surface, my personality is split into two, which weakens my strength, but in fact, because of this The existence of a good heart allows me to use part of the power of the lord of the plane when I enter the world of mortal creatures. This secret realm can preserve my power and lend it to me, so that I can freely move freely between my planes You don't have to worry about encountering a powerful godslayer."

As he said that, he just flashed lightly and shot through the Shenshen gun with all his strength, turned around and swung his palm lightly, the huge force knocked Shen Zheng into the air and flew out, hitting the ground hard again.

This time, the golden crystals on the Holy Demon Armor flew away and were almost smashed to pieces. Shen Zheng also lay on the ground in pain, unable to move for a while, and even swallowed more than a dozen space orbs before slowly standing up.

"Standing up again, it's great." Goddess Han Feng nodded, giving Shen Zheng a generous look of approval. "You have tenacious perseverance, and you have the power-supplement medicine that is like a treasure to mortals. All of these are too rare. Only in this way can I have a good time."

As she said that, she waved her hand again, and a huge force came from the sky and hit Shen Zheng.

"Everyone is an ant now. Be careful not to be bitten by me, or you will bleed." Shen Zheng's eyes were firm, and layers of energy halos surged on the Shenshen gun, and he swung the gun violently. Almost fused together, it turned into a huge gun light, soaring into the sky, hitting the huge force!

The booming sound spread in all directions, and the entire secret realm was shaking and turbulent violently.Countless tiny crystals flew into the air and floated in the air. They were the ground, buildings, and even the body parts of living beings that could not withstand the impact of the huge force. [

That spear light actually broke through the huge force, soared into the sky, and went straight to the Goddess Hanfeng with a destructive momentum!

The Goddess Han Feng who never expected Shen Zheng to display such power was slightly startled, and hurriedly raised her hand.A huge shield appeared in front of her, blocking this terrible blow.

"Break it!" With a loud roar, hundreds of space orbs around Shen Zheng's body were directly sucked into his body, and then turned into huge force and passed into the Shenshen Spear.

Immediately, the gun force strengthened again, and the huge shield created by the Lord of the Plane couldn't resist it!

The roar was deafening, and the light of energy flew around!

That shield is broken!


The power of the Shenshen Spear exploded in an instant, stabbing the goddess Han Feng fiercely!

"Tu Shen!" Shen Zheng roared, and the power contained in the Shen Shen Spear exploded mercilessly, unleashing that extremely powerful killing blow!

The power of the Holy Demon Creator turned into an auxiliary, but not completely radiated, while the power of Xuexuan Creator, the main force in the Godly Spear, exploded without reservation. At the same time, the power of Goddess Hanfeng also exploded. Transformed and released by him without reservation.This huge power turned into a powerful attack, so that this blow from the Shenshen Spear was almost powerful enough to destroy the world!

"Impossible!" Goddess Hanfeng screamed. After she became the master of the plane and created a plane, she really felt the terror for the first time, and felt the limitation of power when the master of the plane came to the mortal world for the first time. horrible.Her face was ashen, and in fear she wanted to escape immediately from the body transformed into Tilian's patron saint, but it was too late.

The spear point of the Shenshen Spear pierced her body, and the huge power burst out with endless light and bangs. The surrounding secret world was impacted by this power, and quickly changed its shape. The mountains became valleys, forests For imaginary.

In the sky, the wind blows violently; on the ground, the crystals are scattered.The surrounding complex terrain became flat, because the crystalline ground that had been blasted away had already turned into a sea of ​​crystals because it was too shattered, and gradually turned into a flat lake amidst the turmoil.

After a long time, the light disappeared, Shen Zheng stood on the flat lake, looked around, but there was no sign of Goddess Han Feng.

"Did it work?" He murmured to himself, his hand shaking the gun a little.He couldn't believe that the powerful master of the plane was killed by himself.

"Did I kill the lord of the plane?" Shen Zheng scanned the surroundings with his thoughts, but found no trace of the goddess Han Feng.He couldn't believe that he blasted her into dust with a single shot. "Impossible, no matter what, she is also the master of the plane, and this is in her heart of kindness, how is it possible..."

But no matter how he searched, it was still difficult to find the trace of the other party.

"Could it be true?" He couldn't help but get excited, couldn't help holding up the Shenshen gun, and let out a shout of excitement!

"I won, I won!"

The shout spread all over the world, shaking the world!

With the realm of the king of the star sea, he defeated the master of the plane!With the body of a mortal creature, he destroyed the real god!

How could this not make Shen Zheng excited?Why not make him proud? [

"Shen Zheng, don't be too happy."

But at this moment, an icy voice was like cold water on his head, causing Shen Zheng's mood to drop to the bottom in an instant. In an instant, he felt like his whole body was frozen, and his hands couldn't help shaking.

Down below, in the Ping Lake, countless crystals surged and condensed into the eight parts of the Guardian God of Tiliang.These parts were slowly combined to form the body of Tirian's patron saint. The body wriggled and gradually acquired color and shape, and turned into the goddess Han Feng again.

"I should really praise you." Goddess Han Feng stared at Shen Zheng with fierce eyes. "I thought you were a fun toy, but I didn't expect you to be a dangerous weapon. It was really dangerous just now. I was almost about to be killed by you, the little king of the star sea. The master of the plane was killed by the king of the star sea, and if the news spreads, it will achieve your eternal glory..."

Shen Zheng's heart sank.

Only the power of the Holy Demon Creator was left in the Shenshen Spear, and the killing blow launched by this power alone was just a ridiculous struggle in front of the goddess Han Feng, which had lost its meaning.

The power of the Holy Demon Armor was almost exhausted, and Goddess Han Feng became furious, and she no longer held back her eyes, but would attack with all her strength.Shen Zheng knew that he had no hope of surviving.

"It's a pity." He shook his head and sighed slightly. "It's a pity that I still failed to fulfill my mentor's entrustment in the end. I'm sorry, I only blame myself for believing too much in myself, thinking that I can solve everything alone, but..."

He smiled, raised his head, bravely faced Goddess Hanfeng, and faced death bravely.

"Come on, let's do it." He said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid?" Seeing his smile, Goddess Han Feng hesitated.She looked at Shen Zheng suspiciously, she couldn't believe that the other party would really give up resistance, and began to wonder what Shen Zheng was up to.

"When I was born, I lived vigorously; when I died, I went away calmly, without dragging my feet." Shen Zheng said loudly. "In this way, you are the real strong man! Since my life has come to an end, then you will take it away! After I die, the Holy League is still there, and the strong men of our league will also shoulder the responsibility of defending their homeland. The important task of killing all of you invaders!"

"I'm really reluctant to kill you." Goddess Han Feng stared at Shen Zheng viciously, but still slowly raised her hand.

"You are too scary. If I keep you as a toy to play with, I will not guarantee that one day you will grow up and be killed by you again. must die, immediately!"

As she spoke, she waved her hand, and a huge force shot down Shen Zheng head-on.

But at this critical moment, a force surged from the depths of the secret realm, instantly blocking that huge force!

At the same time, another kind of power suddenly descended from an unknown place with the force of thunder!

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