star wars civilization.

Chapter 846: The second person in the source world in the past

Seeing the Meteor Sword, Xue Hong Qianli's eyes couldn't help but brighten up: "This is a divine weapon! Such a strong guy, I can feel the power of the Creator rippling in it."

"There are four creators in total." Shen Zheng explained, "Xuexuan Realm, Cold Front Realm, Holy Demon Realm and Ice Realm."

Xuehong Qianli didn't speak for a long time, only rolled his eyes.

"Forget it." He shook his head and sighed, "The shock you brought me is not one or two anyway, so I'll just treat you as a myth. Come on, I won't be polite."

As he spoke, he raised his hands, and a flash of light flashed, and then, two streams of black air hovered around his arms, turning into two black dragons, which again attached to his arms and wrapped them around his hands. On the top, a pair of dragon-shaped armguards are formed. [

"Iron-armed dragon, my worm spirit," he said, "a guy who combines attack and defense. My attack style mainly relies on the two-armed worm spirit, but if you focus all your attention on this, you will lose. Because my whole body is full of weapons - I'm a master fighter."

"Understood." Shen Zheng nodded. "I also have a metamorphic insect spirit called the Holy Spirit Boy. Normally, I don't use him, but in the face of seniors, in order to show my respect for you, I decided to go all out."

With a flash of light, the holy spirit boy appeared beside him with the moon knife on his back, smiling cutely, and took off the moon knife on his back.

"What a boy, what a weapon!" Xue Hongqianli couldn't help but sigh, "It's just the breath on this round knife...why do I always have a familiar feeling?"

"This is the bequest of a senior holy beast from the ancient god world during the war of planes 42 years ago." Shen Zheng said, "This senior was going to return to the ancient god world before he died, but he opened the door to the Xuexuan world." Passage, and died in the Xuexuan Realm, forming a space passage. I closed the passage, liberated its remaining thoughts, and it gave me its final power."

"It's called Baaoshen." Xue Hong Qianli said with no regrets, "It's a very powerful guy. If it wasn't for that big battle, it should be the most promising person in the Ancient God Realm to become the master of the plane. Then At that time, it was already the existence of the lord of the limited plane, and already possessed some power to control the rules. It's a pity, it's a pity."

Shen Zheng couldn't help feeling sad.

"Let's not talk about this, it happened tens of thousands of years ago." Xuehong smiled a thousand miles, "People have to take a longer view and pay attention to today. Come on, use your strongest strength, I'm going to make a move. "

As he spoke, he bowed slightly and stared at Shen Zheng.Immediately, a feeling of extreme danger surged in Shen Zheng's heart. This feeling made him unable to restrain himself from using the Water and Fire Secret Realm with his full strength, and then summoned the Holy Demon Armor to wear on himself.

"This thing... is the Holy Demon Armor?!" Xue Hong was stunned for thousands of miles, because Shen Zheng's Holy Demon Armor was exactly what it was.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, and said the matter of Xuexuan Realm again.

"To say you are a myth is not enough to describe you." Xue Hongqianli muttered, and after sighing, he regained his posture.And Shen Zheng joined forces with the Holy Demon Armor, and at the same time activated the power of the three creators in the Meteor God Knife, except for the power of the creator of the ice world, combined the power of the creators of the other three worlds with his full strength.

In an instant, his strength reached its peak, and the surging breath rippling around his body, the long grass on the surrounding ground fell down in all directions with him as the center.

"The momentum is astonishing." Xue Hong Qianli nodded, "But it's not necessary."

"I want to restrain myself, but I don't have the ability." Shen Zheng smiled embarrassedly.

"I'll teach you when I'm done." Xuehong Qianli said boldly.

"Thank you very much." Shen Zhenghe bowed and saluted, then suddenly flew out, swung the Meteor Sword and slashed towards Xuehong thousands of miles away.He couldn't sense the depth and strength of Xuehong Qianli, but the other party still looked calm when facing him exuding such an aura, which showed that his strength was by no means inferior to his own.

The greatest respect for your predecessors is to fight with all your strength when competing with them!

Shen Zheng didn't hold back, and exerted the greatest strength he could control, slashing swiftly, like thunder falling to the ground, before reaching the target, there was thunder rolling first, with an astonishing momentum. [

"What a slash!" Xue Hong Qianli nodded in praise, raised his left arm, and with a loud sound, the Iron Armor Dragon blocked Shen Zheng's astonishing slash, and slammed his right palm out towards Shen Zheng's chest .

At this time, the holy spirit boy had already killed him, and with a shake of his hand, the snake chain drove the moon wheel knife and slashed towards Xue Hong Qianli's waist, without mercy, as if he was really going to cut him in two The section is average.

Xue Hong Qianli was not in a panic, turned around, and pushed Shen Zheng out with his left arm. The right palm that was about to hit Shen Zheng quickly moved with him, and hit the side of the Moon Wheel Knife with a single swing. , slammed the knife to deviate from the track and flew out. At the same time, his people quickly moved towards the Holy Spirit Boy. As he turned around, his left and right arms swept out, hitting the Holy Spirit Boy in turn, and sent him flying. He fell heavily to the ground in the distance.

Xuehong did not stay for thousands of miles, his body rose like lightning, and he chased after him in an instant. He rode on the Holy Spirit Boy, sat down on his buttocks, and pressed him down heavily. Shen Zheng laughed loudly: "Boy, your insect spirit is finished!"

Shen Zheng couldn't help being shocked, he never expected Xuehong Qianli's martial arts to be so tyrannical, so quick to react, and so powerful, under the combined attack of himself and the Holy Spirit Boy, the Holy Spirit Boy had already lost in one move.

If it was a real battle, the holy spirit boy must have been smashed to death by him at this time, and Shen Zheng would also lose his strength due to the loss of the insect spirit.

"Senior, forgive me." Shen Zheng smiled, "I didn't use the strongest power just now. Because of that power, honestly, even I can't control it."

"Use it." Xuehong Qianli said with a smile.

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, and without any hesitation, he directly combined the power of the last creator with himself.

In an instant, the surrounding wind and rain swelled, and countless auras rose up in chaos, causing the giant eagle, giant tiger, and herd of horses to retreat further away, fearing that they would be affected by the storm of aura.

Shen Zheng felt that the Meteor God Knife in his hand became heavy and became more and more difficult to control. He forcibly exerted his strength and clenched it tightly. Afterwards, all the breath in his body was restrained, and his whole body became calmer.

At this moment, Xue Hongqianli suddenly sensed a dangerous aura, and hurriedly jumped off the holy spirit boy, dodging far away.

At this moment, the Moon Wheel Knife suddenly flew up and danced in a circle above the holy spirit boy.If Xuehong Qianli didn't retreat in time, he would be swept by the moon knife.

The holy spirit boy jumped up, holding the moon wheel knife, his eyes burst out with brilliance, echoing Shen Zhengyao, forming a powerful line of defense.

"Senior, I can't completely control this power, so the time to use it is limited, so I will use it with all my strength!" Shen Zheng said, and the person has turned into a stream of light, rushing towards Xuehong thousands of miles, the Meteor Sword in his hand It was shining with light, and it slashed out with a single knife, but it became silent and fluctuated without any power.

"This knife is really good!" Xue Hong Qianli's eyes brightened, he nodded fiercely, instead of retreating, he flew towards Shen Zheng, raised his right arm high, and slashed down fiercely, but it was a real fight with the Meteor Sword A note!

His slash was also a sound, without any destructive aura, but when the force hit the swinging knife and exploded, it made an ear-splitting bang!

The surrounding earth also shook, and the huge shock wave spread out in all directions. Although it only spread less than one kilometer, it was already astonishingly powerful in this magical plane.

With one blow, both of them flew backwards and fell to the ground.No matter how hard Shen Zheng tried to control this force, he had no choice but to withdraw the power of a creator, and Xue Hongqianli also fell hard, and couldn't get up for a while.

But the holy spirit boy was full of momentum, and he flew forward, the moon wheel knife directly touched Xue Hongqianli's neck, and let out a lovely laugh.

"I lost, I lost!" Xue Hong Qianli didn't care at all, and laughed. "Happy, really happy! It hasn't been this happy in hundreds of thousands of years!"

"Senior, have you been bored for the past few hundred thousand years?" Shen Zheng stood up and asked with a smile. "Aren't there four great demons? You can fight with them as much as you want." [

"I mean happy, there is a star of hope in the source world." Xue Hongqianli said, "Boy, you are indeed a person who has inherited the great luck! Yue Fuguang's successor is really amazing, and people like me can't do it." Compare that! Boy, you should be proud, because I’m not bragging, I was the number one martial artist in the source world besides Yue Fuguang back then! My fiancée, Di Ya’er, was also the number one mystic in the source world! "

"Then I feel even more honored!" Shen Zheng smiled.

The holy spirit boy took back the moon wheel knife, carried it behind his back, disappeared in a flash, and returned to Shen Zheng's body.Xue Hong Qianli stood up, came to Shen Zheng, and nodded at him.

"You are very strong. If you can fully grasp this last power and use it as you like, then you will be even stronger." He said, "However, you have not learned some basic things. Before attacking the four great demons to grab the treasure, Let me teach you about this first."

"Thank you, senior!" Shen Zheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

You know, the most powerful and silent attack can only be used at will with the help of divine weapons. Usually, when launching such powerful attacks, most of them succeed after concentrating on controlling the body with all their strength and then borrowing a little luck.But Xue Hongqianli can do this step directly by relying on the insect spirit and martial arts, it is like a humanoid artifact.If you can master this skill, your strength will increase again.

"Thank you, it is my honor to be able to teach a master like you." Xuehong Qianli laughed. "Let me teach you how to hide the secret realm first."

"I've already hidden it?" Shen Zheng was puzzled.

"That's also called hiding?" Xue Hong smiled thousands of miles, and then, a faint aura of secret realm emerged around him, and Shen Zheng couldn't help but be surprised.

"You also have a portable secret realm?" He sensed the breath and exclaimed, "There are five?"

"Five great holy spirits, five great secret realms." Xuehong Qianli said with a smile, "So I am not fighting with my own strength, but with the help of the secret realm. It's just borrowed thoroughly and hidden cleverly."

Shen Zheng couldn't help but nodded in admiration: "Then please teach me quickly!"

The horses wandered on the grassland, and the giant tiger was lethargic beside the horses.It just caught a few big rabbits and ate them. After enjoying it, it was going to take a nap comfortably.

Shen Zheng has been learning various skills for hundreds of hours following Xuehong thousands of miles, but he doesn't feel tired at all.Xue Hongqianli opened a door for him to become stronger, allowing him to see another way to use power. He was very excited about this, kept practicing and questioning, and gradually expanded Xuehong Qianli's knowledge base. Hollowed out.

In the end, Xue Hongqianli began to guide him, training the use of the strongest power.This process was full of dangers, but the two proceeded cautiously, and gradually reached perfection.

Finally, when Shen Zheng exerted his full strength again, combining the power of the four great creators with himself, the feeling of being unable to control the Meteor Sword disappeared. within a completely negligible range.

"Very good, it has been successful!" Xue Hong Qianli said unhappily, "You are such a genius, you have mastered this power in such a short time, amazing, really amazing! As long as you continue to practice hard, given time, you will surely You can surpass the current power again. At that time, controlling the power of the four creators will be a piece of cake for you, and you can consider adding a few more powers of the creator."

"I don't dare to think about such a thing now." Shen Zheng wiped his sweat. "I think we can attack the four great demons?"

"That's great!" Xuehong Qianli laughed.

Then, he introduced the four great demons in detail.

Among the four great demons, two entered here before Xue Hongqianli. Xue Hongqianli did not know who they were.The two of them are also the strongest of the four major demons. One of them is called Qihuo, a flame demon whose whole body is like steel, with red flames surging around him; A demon in armor.

The other two demons, Xue Hongqianli knew their origins, they were members of the demon clan and the holy clan of the holy demon world, because of their strength, they wanted to betray the holy demon Ling Yu, they were secretly executed by the holy demon Ling Yu, and exiled here.Because Xue Hongqianli hated the holy demon, he didn't kill them, but let them be assimilated into demons by this face, living in pain.

After these two guys were assimilated into demons, they had already forgotten their original names and memories, and renamed them again. One was called Iron Demon Lord and the other was called Temple King, but the shadow of their original identities could be seen from their names.

According to Xue Hongqianli, there are a total of eight war beast races in this plane.The so-called war beasts are powerful beast races with the power of the king of the star sea, such as the giant tiger and the blue fire giant horse.The eight war beast races are: Wind Tiger, Green Fire Horse, Iron Feather Eagle, Lingguang Fox, Mirror Shadow Wolf, Lightning Scorpion, Mist Bee, and Purple Ape. Each has its own racial skills, and they are all stronger than each other.

Except for the two war beast races of Zihuo and Lightning Scorpion under Qihuo's subordinates, the remaining three demons only have one war beast race each.This is also due to Xue Hongqianli.

Originally, the second-ranked demon, Long Ao, wanted to conquer the Iron Feather Eagle clan, but at this time Xue Hongqianli was imprisoned in this face, which destroyed his plan as a result.Relying on powerful force, Xue Hongqianli sits in the Central Grassland and protects the three tribes of Fenghu, Qinghuoma and Tieyuying, preventing the four great demons from getting their hands on them.

However, this kind of protection is not felt by the three major races of beasts, so although Xue Hongqianli protects their freedom, it is not like Shen Zheng, who directly gives them a skill to help them heal minor injuries and illnesses It made them even more grateful, so apart from the Iron Feather Eagle that he had saved, there were no war beasts that listened to his orders.

It can also be seen from this that he is a powerful fighter, but he is not a person who is good at commanding people.

"Where should we start?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Of course it is weak first and then strong." Xuehong Qianli laughed. "If you want to say we are weak, the weakest one is the Iron Demon Lord. Although the Lingguang Fox under him is a bit difficult to deal with, we also have tens of thousands of green fire horses. It would be wonderful if these green fire horses could have the ability to heal themselves .”

"It's not difficult." Shen Zheng smiled, and the flow of thoughts immediately called Xiaoqing to lead the horses to gallop.

"Not difficult?" Xue Hong looked at Shen Zheng in a daze, not knowing what he meant by "not difficult".

At this moment, Shen Zheng waved his hand.Countless spirit stones from the Xuexuan Realm, holy demon crystals from the Holy Demon Realm, and divine glow orbs from the Hanfeng Realm shot out from Shen Zheng's space worm core, forming a tide, surging towards the horses in the air.The green fire horses looked at these treasures in astonishment, but they didn't know what they were.

Under the command of Shen Zheng's mind, Xiaoqing and the nearly [-] green fire horses who first obtained the self-healing ability neighed and explained to their companions.With Xiaoqing's order, the horses did not dare to disobey, they all opened their mouths, swallowing the treasure that flew in front of them.

Shen Zheng shot more than 4 pieces this time, and each horse ate four pieces on average. After a while, the entire herd of horses boiled, and blue flames surged from the bodies of the blue fire horses, connecting them into one piece. , as if it was a prairie fire, the momentum was astonishing and spectacular.

"My God..." Xue Hongqianli stared blankly at Shen Zheng's generous writing, completely unsure of what to say.

"You are too extravagant and wasteful!" After a long time, he yelled at Guan Shen Zheng. "So many treasures are all used on these horses, don't you think it's a pity?"

"It's okay." Shen Zheng comforted him, "I still have more than 70 of these things."

Xuehong paid attention to Shen Zheng and spoke thoroughly.

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