star wars civilization.

Chapter 847: The Iron Demon Monarch

Iron Demon Lord is not a guy with high self-esteem. Among the five strong men on this main plane, he knows that he can only compete with the Templar King who came to this plane together.And although he has this ability, he has never attacked the Holy Temple King, because he understands that there has always been a delicately balanced relationship in the plane, which has not been broken by anyone.

He didn't want to be the first to break the balance, so he just carefully maintained his own territory.

He is also not worried that others will invade his territory, because the human being on the central grassland—a strong man who can't even assimilate the plane is a pacifist at all. The grassland sits in town, and no demon can easily attack his territory.

But he didn't know that he had miscalculated until today. He never imagined that Xue Hongqianli, that guy who looked like a peace defender, actually launched an attack on his territory!

This made him feel more angry than unexpected, and the result of anger was very serious. [

"Xue Hongqianli, you dare to destroy the peaceful situation of the plane? You are courting death!" He roared angrily, commanding his Lingguang Fox Army, and formed a large formation in front of the territory.

The advantage of being assimilated by the plane is to have the "similar" breath recognized by the war beasts of this plane.By defeating the King of the Lingguang Fox and replacing him as the Fox King, Tie Mojun naturally has the power to command the group of foxes.He is still very satisfied with these foxes under his command. Although these guys' ability in close combat is not very good, they are definitely sharp weapons in long-distance attack, just like a artillery regiment.

The 400 spirit foxes are his entire family property and a powerful weapon he is proud of.With these subordinates, he is confident that he will kill half of all the invading enemies from a thousand meters away, and the rest will never reach the [-]-meter line.

So seeing Xue Hongqianli leading ten thousand green fire horses to kill, although he was a little scared, he was not worried that he would lose.Because although the green fire horse can also attack from a distance, the attack distance of the fireball is too short, only about 100 meters, before they reach their effective range, they will be killed by the Lingguang fox.

"What a mess." Xuehong laughed a thousand miles, "I'm here to kill you, do you understand? Don't say any more nonsense!"

"Rush!" Shen Zheng rode on Xiaoqing's body, took the lead, brandished the Meteor Sword and charged forward.Under the leadership of Xiaoqing, thousands of green fire horses let out a long neigh that shook the sky, galloped forward, and the sound of hooves was like thunder, shaking the earth.

Facing such a menacing herd of giant horses, those Lingguang foxes, whose stature was only similar to the foxes in the source world, couldn't help but feel fear, and some timid ones even moved back in panic.

"Useless things!" Tie Mojun snorted coldly, "Don't be afraid, they only have [-] horses, but we have [-]! Shoot the spirit beam and kill them!"

Following his roar, the strong and ferocious Lingguang foxes at the forefront of the team immediately let out a fox-specific angry sound, and at the same time their eyes widened vigorously, as if they were going to burst out of their eye sockets.In their eyes, there were rays of light condensing, and in just a few seconds, they condensed into a beam of light, which suddenly flew forward.

The beam of light is condensed and powerful, even in this mysterious plane, it can shoot a thousand meters away.Several beams of light like this flew out and shot into the horse herd, causing the giant horses to cry out in pain.

"Everyone should do their best to protect the vital points!" Shen Zheng sent a thought to Xiaoqing. "As long as it's not fatally shot, nothing will happen!"

With a long hiss, Xiao Qing conveyed Shen Zheng's meaning to the horses.All the horses concentrated their strength, and formed green fire armor like exoskeleton on the head and heart, protecting their vital points.

In the concentrated beam of light, several green fire horses were shot.Some were shot through a big hole in the body by the light, and some were shot directly to break the horse's leg.But these situations were already within Shen Zheng's expectations, and he had already explained to the horses through Xiaoqing, so the Qinghuo horse kept a certain safe distance during the gallop, and when it found that the companion in front had fallen, it immediately stepped aside Neighing to inform the rear companions, while bypassing or jumping up, to prevent trampling damage.

Under this effective tactical arrangement, although the group of horses suffered serious injuries in the first round of concentrated shooting, none of them were fatal injuries. After consuming some strength, they recovered immediately.

Moreover, Shen Zheng had already equipped all the war horses with a piece of life-saving equipment - a straw bag containing ten Xuexuan giant stones.These bags are woven from the long grass in this area, they are tough and durable, and they hang around the mouths of the green fire horses, as long as they stick out their tongues, they can immediately roll out one of them and swallow it.In this way, even if you are seriously injured, as long as it is not a fatal injury that will kill you immediately, you can rescue yourself to ensure that nothing happens.

Tie Mojun originally thought that the [-] spirit foxes would be able to kill half of the green fire horses even if they could not wipe out all the green fire horses.But he really didn't expect that the knight who rode the horse first would command the entire horse herd to maintain a strict formation while galloping in the same way as the king of horses, so that the fallen horses in front would not attack the large group behind. It caused hindrance, and the brigade in the rear would not cause harm to the fallen green fire horse in front. This command method was really beyond his expectation.

What surprised him even more was that these war beasts, which had no self-healing ability, somehow suddenly had the ability to heal themselves!

This is really scary!

He saw that the green fire horses were seriously injured, but after a while, the wounds on their bodies healed automatically, as if nothing happened.And those green fire horses that fell to the ground with broken legs even jumped up after turning over. The broken legs were automatically reconnected with the body, and those parts destroyed by the spiritual light would re-grow from the wounds. [

"This... this is impossible!" Tie Mojun couldn't help but let out a terrified cry.

"Kill!" Shen Zheng roared loudly, Xiao Qing let out a long hiss, ten thousand horses galloped forward, once the momentum moved forward, it was unstoppable!

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Iron Demon Lord kept screaming, "How could the green fire horse have the ability to heal itself? Impossible!"

He looked into the distance, Xue Hongqianli, who was at the back of the team, and Shen Zheng, who ran ahead at the front, faintly felt that this terrible change must be brought about by this newcomer.

"Who is he? Who is he?" He couldn't help but wondered to himself, but after a while he realized that now was not the time for him to think about these things, so he shouted anxiously, organized the Lingguang Fox team and launched the second round of gatherings shoot.

But nothing worked.

According to Shen Zheng's instructions, the green fire horses concentrated their strength on the two vital points during the gallop, and formed the green fire armor to protect them with all their strength.Under this kind of protection, even if two or three beams hit the head and heart, they were all protected by the green fire.When other parts of the body are attacked, they don't care at all. After recovering with strength, they still maintain their formation and speed, and keep moving forward!

Tie Mojun felt like he was going crazy.Facing the galloping horse herd, he suddenly didn't know what to do.

confrontation?Faced with the horses charging closer and closer, the Lingguang foxes had obviously started to panic.They are not good at close combat, if they are rushed to the front by the green fire horse, they will only die once.


Where can you escape to?

"Kill!" Tie Mojun couldn't help but reddened his eyes, stretched out his palm in anger, and a ray of light flashed immediately, and a giant black wolf appeared beside him, stretched its eight-meter-long body, and let out a loud cry. After roaring, he rushed forward, and under the cover of Lingguang Fox's light beam, he quickly moved towards Shen Zheng.

"As long as I kill you, the horse group will lose command." Iron Demon Lord gritted his teeth. "I don't know who you are, but I know that it is not Xue Hongqianli who controls the horses, but you! As long as you die, Xue Hongqianli will lose the ability to command the horses. I will win this battle deal!"

The black wolf ran extremely fast, and soon after, it approached Shen Zheng, jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards Shen Zheng who was on the horse.

But at this moment, a huge shadow suddenly leaped out from the horse herd, it was the Fenghu that Shen Zheng subdued!

The ten-meter-long giant tiger knocked the black wolf aside at once. Afterwards, the giant tiger also landed beside the black wolf, unceremoniously opened its mouth and spat out a wind blade, and slashed at the black wolf at close range.Hei Lang wailed, before he could stand up, the giant tiger had already spit out sixteen wind blades, almost using up all the strength in his body.

But Fenghu didn't panic at all, he stretched out his tongue very calmly, rolled up a giant power stone from the straw bag hanging around his neck and swallowed it, immediately, its strength was fully replenished, and it opened its mouth again to spit out a wind blade.

In such a series of attacks, Hei Lang was finally beaten with cracks all over his body.

"No!" Tie Mojun let out a terrified cry, and immediately wanted to call the black wolf back, but at this time Shen Zheng had already rode Xiaoqing to a nearby place, and the Meteor Sword flashed the light, and the black wolf was killed The volley was chopped to pieces!

"Ah!" Tie Mojun cried out in pain.

The foxes finally started to waver as the group of green fire horses charged closer and closer. They screamed in terror and kept retreating. If it wasn't for the roar of Iron Demon Lord, which made them dare not turn around and run away, they would have fled long ago. disappeared.

Iron Demon Lord is still making the last effort. He directs the foxes to continue shooting at the green fire horses, but it can't turn the tide of the battle.The group of green fire horses had rushed to a distance of [-] meters, and each of the green fire horses opened their mouths, spitting out balls of green fire.The fireball shot into the group of foxes and exploded in the group of foxes. Each of the aura foxes screamed, splashing blood and being thrown into the air, or directly smashed to pieces. [

"Tie Demon Lord, give me your life!"

Amidst the roar, Shen Zheng flew up from Xiaoqing's body, and flew towards Iron Demon Lord like a big bird, the Meteor God Saber in his hand emitted a hell-like cold light.

"Who the hell are you!?" Lord Tie Mo uttered a final exclamation.

"Those who want to completely defeat your Holy Demon Realm!"

Although he knew that the other party had no memory of the past, Shen Zheng still couldn't help shouting.

Afterwards, the light of Meteor God Knife passed over Lord Iron Demon, the strong man who had dominated this plane for several years, shattered every inch of it with horror!

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