star wars civilization.

Chapter 858: Change everything, the power of rules

After sweeping away the treasury of the Demon Empire, Shen Zheng spread his mind and scanned the surroundings. After any secrets and darkrooms, Shen Zheng immediately flew up and returned to the battlefield.

At this time, Di Ya'er continued to absorb the power of the creator of the Holy Demon Realm with the Holy Spirit Ring to maintain his own secret technique, causing the 20 army to lose their fighting power in confusion, while the [-] Saint Alliance soldiers and the [-] The Xuexuan Sacred Beast is wreaking havoc on the secret realm of the Imperial Capital of the Demon Empire, killing those who still have resistance.Those people are basically generals, all of them are powerful. Although they are affected by the secret method, they still have the power to fight. However, the total number of them is only a few thousand. Under the siege of [-] troops, they were quickly wiped out.

The Xuexuan Sacred Beast's hatred for the Holy Demon Realm was far stronger than the soldiers of the Holy League. After killing all the recalcitrants, they turned to the soldiers of the Holy Demon Realm who had lost their resistance, roaring and rushing into the enemy's formation.However, Sheng Haixiong started from a strategic perspective, with the aim of weakening the aggressor's strength as much as possible, and organized the Holy League fighters to also carry out the killing.

And under the restraint of the secret method, these soldiers became a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with no ability to resist.

On the other side, Xue Hongqianli and Moyun Zhanjun also fought fiercely.The thousands of guards around Moyun Zhanjun, under the powerful secret technique of Di Ya'er, one by one continued to drink their hatred under the secret technique spear, and now only dozens of strongest are still desperately resisting, the rest All are dead. [

Without the wavering of the imperial guards, Moyun Zhanjun could only face the snow flood for thousands of miles alone, and under the continuous attack of the pair of iron-armed dragons, Moyun Zhanjun had to launch the Holy Demon Forbidden several times in a row, He sacrificed his precious life.

"Kill you, kill you!" Everything in front of him made him crazy, his eyes flashed red, and he screamed wildly to attack desperately.

"Kill me?" Xue Hong Qianli sneered, "I'm afraid you can't do it. In the past, Sheng Mo Xiao, the strongest martial artist in your Saint Demon Realm, was only able to draw with me. What are you? What kind of bloodbath has a pampered emperor experienced! I will let you understand what a real strong man is!"

In an instant, Xuehong attacked with both arms for thousands of miles, without any overwhelming momentum, just as if a mortal martial artist was performing martial arts, but the pair of iron-armed dragons showed even greater power. Although the Killing Sword was a divine weapon, it was still jingled when it touched it, bent into a sickle-like shape, and lost its blood and fell to the ground.

This artifact is not the strongest artifact in the Demon Empire, but the strongest one is the Heavenly Demon Control, which was handed over to Moguang by Moyun Zhanjun in order to win the position of commander of the expeditionary army, but At this time, it has already fallen into Shen Zheng's hands.

Looking at Di Ya'er, who has inexhaustible power in the sky, Moyun Zhanjun almost gritted his teeth.The Holy Spirit Ring was originally an artifact of their Holy Demon Realm, and it was supposed to be used in the battle to slaughter the humans in the Origin Realm, but now it has become an accomplice of the enemy, sending people from the Holy Demon Realm to hell. How could he not be angry? ?

But anger cannot be turned into strength, it will only make people crazier.In the face of stronger and calmer fighters than yourself, the crazier you are, the faster you perish!

Just as Moyun Zhanjun roared angrily, he gathered all the remaining Hundred Killing Swords and turned them into a torrent of swords, and when he was about to hit Xuehong Qianli, Xuehong Qianli came to that place with skill. In the center of the sword formation, the iron-armed dragon forcefully destroyed the eye of the sword formation while waving it, making it impossible for Moyun Zhanjun to organize the attack of the artifact.

And he, taking advantage of the opportunity of Moyun Zhanjun's angry roar, suddenly leaned forward, with a faint smile, and smashed his arm heavily into Moyun Zhanjun's chest.

Immediately, the sound of bones breaking and viscera exploding sounded together, Moyun Zhanjunkuang spewed out bloody water with visceral residues, and his body shook.

Xue Hongqianli showed no kindness to the enemy, after a successful blow, he turned around, and the other arm smashed into Moyun Zhanjun's chest again with a long roar.This time, a huge force rushed into Moyun Zhanjun's body and wreaked havoc inside it. Moyun Zhanjun gritted his teeth and let out a final cry of pain. His eyes finally lost their brilliance and fell towards the ground. , smashed into the ruins of the palace.

"Come on, I missed a wonderful scene." At this time, Shen Zheng flew over just after sweeping the treasury of the Demon Empire.

"Happy, really happy!" Xue Hong Qianli raised his arms and shouted, his eyes revealed the excitement in his heart, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

"As early as 42 years ago, during the plane war that caused countless heroes to fall, I thought that if one day I could enter the homeland of these invaders, I would definitely send the strongest of them to the Kill them one by one in front of all of them! At that time, it was just a dream, but now, this dream has finally come true!"

He roared: "The blood feud of all the kings of the Star Sea in the entire plane! This feud is wider than the Star Sea. If I don't kill all these evildoers, I will never be able to calm my heart!"

Shen Zheng watched him, although he couldn't directly feel the monstrous hatred in his heart, he could feel it.He could imagine how painful it was for Xuehong Qianli to see his comrades in arms die one by one by the invaders from another world 42 years ago.And these 42 years of captivity made him hate the enemies of the Holy Demon Realm.

Looking at the ruins of the royal palace in front of him, looking at those enemies waiting to be killed in confusion, Shen Zheng suddenly felt that all this seemed a little too smooth.

Why is this so?

He looked at the soldiers of the Holy League, at the holy beasts of Xuexuan, at Xuehong Qianli and Di Ya'er, and seemed to have found the answer, but he didn't seem to. [

"Because we are strong enough..." he whispered to himself.

Yes, at this time, he has become incredibly powerful, and even possesses poor power, supported by the power of almost two planes.

And besides himself, beside him is a group of strong warriors from the Holy League, who are all super strong who have been transformed by using secret realm orbs, plus God Yaer, the number one mystic mage in the source world, plus Together, it is enough to destroy an army several times larger than itself in a moment.

Not to mention Xuehong Qianli, he was a super strong man who was second only to Yue Fuguang in the past, and now second only to himself.

With power of this scale, who is still his opponent?What's more, this is a surprise attack using the secret realm.

No one in the Holy Demon Realm would have thought that he would kill himself in the Holy Demon Realm.Even the holy demon Ling Yu never thought of it.Therefore, they lacked the necessary precautions, so they were defeated by themselves.

So what about that year? 42 years ago, the unsuspecting Yuanjie people should have been suddenly attacked by the invading army from the Holy Demon Realm and several other realms, right?Caught off guard, the source world must have suffered heavy losses at that time. If there were no friends from the friend world to support and unite in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

It's called tit for tat.

Looking at the messy imperial capital of the Demon Empire, Shen Zheng felt a faint sense of pleasure in his heart.

But at this moment, a sense of unease suddenly struck.He suddenly felt a wave of power quietly condensing and rushing towards here.Compared with this power, all powers are so small, so insignificant.

At this moment, a building in the secret realm suddenly exploded, and debris flew like rain.At this time, there was a group of Snow Profound Sacred Beasts chasing and killing a group of Holy Demon Forbidden Army passing by, and they were immediately stabbed by those fragments.Originally, that level of explosion and fragments couldn't hurt them at all, but the sudden change surprised them, and the offensive immediately slowed down, while the team of Holy Demon Guards recovered under the impact of the blast airflow. After regaining his sanity, he unleashed a series of killer moves, immediately severely wounding this team of Xuexuan Saint Beasts.

"Shen Zheng!" Di Ya'er also called out at this time, and looked over at him with a little panic in her eyes.

"The power of the Holy Spirit Ring disappeared." She said anxiously, "And I sensed a kind of power, if it is correct, it should be the power of rules!"

"The power of the rules?" Shen Zheng was startled, thinking of the instructor, and also of the real strength of the master of the plane.

If they incarnate as mortal beings, their strength will be limited.Obviously, most of the masters of the planes did not dare to act so boldly like the goddess Han Feng.

Then, when they sense something wrong in the plane, they will use the power of the rules to control their fate.

That kind of power is terrifying and hostile, and no one can fight against it.

"Withdraw, let's withdraw!" Shen Zheng suddenly roared, and the sound spread all over the place.

All the Xuexuan Sacred Beasts and Saint Alliance fighters were stunned, not understanding why they had to retreat under the overwhelming advantage.

"The lord of the planes of the Holy Demon Realm is about to take action. It will be too late if you don't leave!" Shen Zheng roared, recklessly emitting space power, pulling the Holy League fighters and the Xuexuan Sacred Beast forcibly to myself.After the people and the beasts were astonished, they finally chose to fly to Shen Zheng, and followed his power into his portable secret realm.

The 180 holy guardians also flew in from outside the secret realm and threw themselves into his water and fire secret realm.

"Let's go! No matter how late it is, it will be too late!" During this process, Shen Zheng watched the soldiers in the holy demon army recover their sobriety one by one, and began to exert their strength to fight against the secret method. His heart sank again, waiting for all After the holy alliance fighters and holy beasts entered the secret realm, he hurriedly called Xuehong Qianli and Di Ya'er. [

"Let's go!" Xue Hong Qianli pulled Di Ya'er up and entered the secret realm of water and fire.As soon as they entered it, Shen Zheng flew into it immediately.

The moment he entered, he found that under the action of the power of form, the strength of many people in the demonic emperor team suddenly began to double.However, their expressions did not seem to use the holy magic forbidden method.

Did the power of fate change them and shape them into stronger ones?

Shen Zheng frowned slightly, not daring to say much, quickly entered the secret realm, and got into the door of space.

At this moment, the power of that shape surged like a sea tide, and wherever the power passed, the power of the holy demon warriors doubled and changed.

And the lords of galaxies who are servants in countless secret realms suddenly seemed to have been inspired by the gods, comprehended the method of promotion, exuded a powerful aura around them, and began to hit the king of the star sea level!

"God, have you finally been alarmed?" In the distant Holy Demon Imperial Court, the Holy Demon Ling Yu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"But it's too late for you to move..."

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