star wars civilization.

Chapter 859: Preparations for the wedding

Returning to the legendary secret realm of the source world, Shen Zheng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly waved his hands in the face of the crowd who immediately surrounded him: "The harvest of this trip is great, and it killed the two great empires of the Holy Demon Realm." One of the emperors and strongest warriors of the Demon Empire, even plundered the treasury of the Demon Empire. But that’s all.”

"Why?" Ying Aotian couldn't help asking.

Shen Zheng called everyone from the Holy League Headquarters out of the Water and Fire Secret Realm: "Let them tell you the detailed situation. I will first send back the defenders of the Xuexuan base and the Xuexuan holy beasts."

Saying that, he entered the space channel leading to Xuexuan again, and after sending back the holy beast and the Xuexuan base defenders, he returned to the Saint Alliance of the Origin Realm.At this time, Di Ya'er had already told everyone about the matter.When they heard that the Creator of the Holy Demon Realm had activated his power and mobilized the power of rules to fight against Shen Zheng, everyone couldn't help sighing.

"This is the benefit of having the plane of the master of the plane." Sheng Haixiong couldn't help but sigh. "And the reason why we become the targets of different people is because we don't have a king who can mobilize such a powerful power!" [

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to Shen Zheng.

Not only him, but after he said these words, almost everyone turned their attention to Shen Zheng.

"Hello." Shen Zheng grinned, "What do you mean by everyone's obsession with me? I have the determination and awareness to become the master of the plane, but this kind of thing can't be done by myself through hard work, right?"

"You have great hope." Di Ya'er smiled, "Because you are the inheritor of Yue Fuguang, the body of creation."

"I'll try my best..." Shen Zheng replied awkwardly.

"Every time I see you, I seem to feel that you have changed." Bing Zhen said at this moment. "The change may be big or small, but there is always. You are like a climber, you are constantly climbing. No matter how high the mountain is, I am afraid it will be conquered by you in the end."

"The loss of the Holy Demon Realm is not small this time." Shen Zheng changed the subject, "The emperor of the Demon Race died, and the strongest elites were all killed. It is known that only the Holy Demon Ling Yu and the emperor of the Holy Race Empire are left. But I don't know if there are hidden strong people on their side, and I don't know if there will be stronger ones born under the power of the rules to change the fate. Everything is unknown, we can't be blindly optimistic, we still have to actively prepare for the battle .”

"This time we raided the treasury of the Demon Empire, the harvest should not be small?" Ying Aotian is very concerned about this.

"There are tens of millions of holy spirit stones equivalent to space orbs, and more than [-] holy magic crystals." Shen Zheng directly stored all the space worm cores filled with orbs, spirit stones and other things stored in the secret realm. They were all moved out and piled up in front of Ying Aotian.

Just such worm nuclei piled up like a hill, and everyone was stunned, their eyes straightened.

"Oh my God!" Qi Fei, the captain of the cannon fodder team, stuck out his tongue, "This is just like a dream!"

Although he was a captured pirate, and his subordinates were the same as him, but after the Holy League became stronger, they never really used them as cannon fodder. On the contrary, Shen Zheng treated them equally and used treasures such as secret realm orbs Help them increase their strength.Today's cannon fodder team, although it is still jokingly called the cannon fodder team by everyone, has the same status as other holy alliance fighters.

Every member has also shown considerable loyalty to the Holy League-who would not be loyal to such a powerful force?

"Dreaming?" Xuehong Qianli smiled. "What are these things you see! Let me tell you, Shen Zheng has conquered a small plane and completely obtained the power of God there. Now he can instantly create thousands of monsters with a wave of his hand. Space orbs, even secret realm orbs, can be easily picked up."

"Are you kidding?" Almost everyone exclaimed.

"How is this possible?" Bing Zhen looked at Shen Zheng in surprise, unable to believe it was true.

Even if she is the great queen who can communicate with the power of the ice god, she can't do this in her own ice world.Shen Zheng can?She doesn't believe it.

"Come on, show it to everyone, and let everyone have more confidence in the face of the war." Xue Hong Qianli stabbed Shen Zheng.

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded slightly, and with a wave of his hand, powerful spatial power spread out to the surroundings.Under the effect of that "bond", the power of God in another plane automatically broke through the space barrier, passed into Shen Zheng's body, and condensed under the control of his thoughts, turning into a wonderful space for creating secret realms The power, and then condensed into secret realm orbs. [

Just by waving his hand, more than a hundred secret realm orbs appeared out of thin air.

"This..." Everyone's eyes widened, staring blankly at the orb flying in the air.

"It's the orb of the secret realm, it's the orb of the secret realm!" Yi Hai, another orb master in the Holy League besides Xuesu, exclaimed excitedly at this moment. It seems that a money-grubbing ghost has discovered Baoshan.

"The aura of this orb is pure, and it contains a power that is used far away in the king of the star sea. This is a masterpiece, a real masterpiece!" Orb-type treasures, people who have grown their strength to the limit, if they take this kind of secret realm orb again, they may still be able to increase their strength again!"

"So strong?" Many people were amazed together.

"That is a secret orb created by the power of God." Di Ya'er couldn't help laughing.

"It still has this kind of effect?" Shen Zheng couldn't help but his heart moved, he immediately settled down, continuously mobilized the power of gods from the Demon Sealing Realm, condensed them in his body, and formed one after another secret realm orbs, flying in the air.

After a few minutes passed, thousands of secret orbs were already floating in the air.

"Is this a hallucination?" Many people couldn't help muttering.

"Oh my god, I feel that if I take it, my strength will not increase!" Zuo Qiuyan held a secret orb, and sighed while carefully sensing the power in it.

"Yingjingshou." Shen Zheng turned to Ying Aotian, "Now I can create two types of orbs at any time, and our previous inventory becomes useless. You keep some as armaments, and give away the rest Let's go to the Light of the Autumn Sky, the Holy Sea Shenzhou, and the Imperial Capital."

"Yes!" Ying Aotian saluted respectfully, expressing his respect for Shen Zheng, the leader of the alliance.

"Starting today, I will concentrate on making secret orbs." Shen Zheng said, "I will try my best to make as many secret orbs as possible, so as to fully enhance the strength of our entire Saint Alliance and the entire Yuexuan Empire! In the future, I will also make the entire The power of the source world is brought up to make our source world a truly powerful and strongest plane that will not be exploited by any strong outsider!"

"Okay!" Xuehong Qianli couldn't help applauding, "If there was a character like you in the source world hundreds of thousands of years ago, he would not sacrifice all the kings of the star sea, but finally relied on Yue Fuguang's power to resolve the crisis! "

"Shen Zheng, work hard." Di Ya'er turned to Shen Zheng, "And I'm going to visit those space cracks in your secret realm. Didn't you say that there are five one-way entrances leading to other worlds? I will Try to transform it into a space gate, so that you can go to more alien worlds, or find friends, or get opportunities, or destroy enemies."

"Okay!" Shen Zheng nodded, "I leave everything to you!"

"They're all my own people, so why not be polite." Di Ya'er smiled.

"Hello." Xuehong Qianli scratched her head in embarrassment. "That... Didn't we say that after returning to the source world, the first thing we have to do is get married? We have been dragging on for hundreds of thousands of years..."

"How did you forget about this?" Shen Zheng slapped his head, amused.

"At the moment of the plane war, the most important thing..." Di Ya'er shook her head slightly, but she was interrupted by Shen Zheng before she could finish speaking.

"A few hundred thousand years ago, you sacrificed your own happiness for the happiness of all beings in the source world." He said, "You are the heroes of the source world, and the entire source world owes you. At this time, if we To make you sacrifice your own happiness is not only inhumane, but also a shame to us. Can we only rely on our predecessors from 10 years ago to protect us?"

"Get married, get married!" Sheng Hailong cried out in a low voice, while calling, he raised his hands up rhythmically to everyone, and everyone immediately understood, and raised their hands and yelled along with the rhythm: "Marry, get married!" [

Di Ya'er's face turned red, but Xue Hong Qianli laughed loudly: "Ya'er, have you arrived yet? Public opinion is inevitable!"

"Wedding!" Ying Aotian roared, "Members of the Holy League, listen, we will make preparations immediately! Notify all allies, notify all the empires that have contacts with us! We are going to hold a wedding ceremony!" The grandest wedding must be earth-shattering!"

"Okay!" Everyone shouted.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Shen Zheng said with a smile, "Get ready, get busy, and send invitations!"

"Yes!" After yelling in unison, everyone immediately left quickly under Ying Aotian's command, and went to the human world to prepare for the wedding.

"This is so bad..." Di Ya'er lowered her head shyly.

"This is what we should do." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

"Anyway, you don't need to come in person to prepare for the wedding. During this period of time, you can help me to break the mysterious restraint of that child Yun Shikong." Bing Zhen leaned over to Shen Zheng and said.

"I promised his father that he must regain everything that should belong to him." Shen Zheng nodded slowly. "let's go."

He walked side by side with Bingzhen, from heaven to hell.Flying forward for a while, he came to a majestic volcano. Shen Zheng saw that thin figure of Yunshikong was floating on the top of the volcano, with his eyes closed tightly in the air, practicing for a breakthrough.

He couldn't help sighing, and turned to Bingzhen: "He really..."

"Yes." Bing Zhen nodded slowly. "Actually, I can understand his mother's intentions, but... the reality is cruel, not everyone is a genius. Some people... are so limited in aptitude. But we can use the Orb of the Secret Realm to solve everything, especially the one you created now. The kind of secret realm orb."

"How dangerous is it to break the secret method?" Shen Zheng asked.

"The danger is not great." Bingzhen said. "If he fails, he will just lose all his strength and degenerate into a mortal."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Shen Zheng was anxious.

"That's why I need your help." Bingzhen smiled, "If you are the number one master, everything will be fine."

"Be careful." Shen Zheng warned again.

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