star wars civilization.

Chapter 860: Yun Shikong Advances

"Father, are you back?"

When Shen Zheng and Bingzhen came over and interrupted Yun Shikong's cultivation, Yun Shikong immediately saluted Shen Zheng respectfully.

"How is it?" Shen Zheng stroked the head of the child whose actual age was far beyond his own, with a gentle voice.

"No progress." Yun Shikong bit his lip. "It's always... the same old way, no hope of advancing. But I won't give up!"

The last sentence was so eloquent and touching.But when he thought of Bing Zhen's evaluation of him, this feeling turned into regret in Shen Zheng's heart. [

"Shi Kong, sometimes we use means for the purpose, but forget the purpose in the process of using the means." Shen Zheng bent down and said into Yun Shikong's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Yun Shikong looked puzzled.

"What I mean is—our purpose is to turn you into a strong person among the kings of the Star Sea, and it doesn't matter whether you broke through this restrictive secret method and succeeded by yourself, or took the orb of the secret realm, yes Right?" Shen Zheng said with a smile.

"I understand." Yun Shikong seemed to have noticed something, and his expression was a little sad. "But I can't take that kind of orb! Because of the restriction of the secret method..."

"If someone can break this secret method, would you like it?" Bing Zhen asked.

Yunshi stared blankly at Bingzhen, stunned for a while, then suddenly nodded vigorously.

"Father, of course I am willing!" He turned to Shen Zheng and became excited. "For me, the most important thing is to return to Dongyun Empire to avenge my mother, not to break through myself!"

"That's good." Shen Zheng nodded, "I'm most afraid that using this method to improve you will hurt your self-esteem."

"I bear a blood feud, and I can't tolerate being stubborn because of my self-esteem." Yun Shikong bit his lip and said.That expression didn't look like a ten-year-old child at all.

"Then let's start." Bingzhen said, "During the whole process, I ask you not to resist no matter what kind of pain you experience, understand?"

"Yes!" Bing Zhen nodded solemnly.

"Let's go down." Bing Zhen pointed to the central lava lake in the distance. "It is the most suitable place to break the secret method."

"Let's go." Shen Zheng nodded, and flew there with the two of them, sinking into the lava lake.

With the power of Yunshikong, there is no way to resist the heat of the increasingly powerful legendary lava lake, but with Bingzhen and Shen Zheng present, he will not be harmed in the slightest.Both of them protected him with strength, took him to the bottom of the lake together, and sat down quietly.After Bingzhen signaled Yun Shikong to lie flat on the bottom of the lake, he slowly released the power of the secret technique, forming one small pattern after another, slowly attached to Yun Shikong's body.

Every time a pattern was attached to his body, Yun Shikong's body couldn't help trembling for a while, and it was conceivable that he had suffered tremendous pain.But he never even hummed, he gritted his teeth and stood still.

This process was complicated and slow. Just one palm used fifteen small pattern formations and two large pattern formations, consuming almost one-third of Bingzhen's power.

"It's easy to cast spells, but difficult to break them." Bing Zhen carefully drew the diagram while explaining to Shen Zheng.

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded, "You can cast spells with peace of mind, and you don't have to worry about power."

As he said that, he activated the bond of power that connected him, and attracted a huge amount of divine power from the distant Demon Sealing Realm, and instead of injecting it into his body, he sent it to Bingzhen.After getting this huge force, Bingzhen's secret magic power immediately increased again, she nodded to Shen Zheng with satisfaction, and continued to work. [

It took more than 100 hours to cast the spell this time. In the end, Bingzhen carefully and solemnly drew a very small pattern, which directly penetrated into the heart of Yun Shikong.

At this moment, Yun Shikong's body suddenly twisted violently, which startled Shen Zheng, and hurriedly asked Bingzhen: "What's wrong?"

"The secret law of restriction is being destroyed." Bing Zhen looked dignified, "Give me enough strength to support me, don't speak!"

As she said, she put her hand on Yun Shikong's chest, and Shen Zheng hastily mobilized the divine power from the Demon Sealing Realm, and under Bingzhen's control, it turned into mana and entered Yun Shikong in the body.

"Shikong, hold on!" Shen Zheng couldn't help sending his thoughts to Yunshikong.

"Shi Kong, this is the last moment." Bingzhen also encouraged him with his thoughts, "Come on, you have endured the pain for so long before, and you must survive this last severe pain! After you survive, You will be able to gain stronger power and avenge your mother!"

"I... am not afraid!" Suddenly, Yun Shikong opened his eyes and opened his mouth to roar.His roar continued, and his body stopped twisting, but stiffened as if his whole body was exerting force, as if he was struggling with pain.

After a long time, his roar finally stopped, and he collapsed on the ground as if losing strength, his chest heaving violently, breathing the power of space at the bottom of the lake.

"How is it?" Shen Zheng asked with concern.

"It's finished." Bingzhen smiled lightly, gently hugged Yunshikong, and walked towards the lake.Shen Zheng followed closely behind, and returned to the ground together with Bing Zhen.

"Father, I feel..." Yun Shikong raised his head and looked at Shen Zheng at this moment, although his voice was weak, there was light in his eyes. "I feel as if I have taken off some shackles, my whole body is so relaxed!"

"Take this first." Bingzhen took out a space orb and stuffed it into Yun Shikong's hand. Yun Shikong nodded and obediently absorbed it into his body, and then the light in his eyes became brighter. In order to be strong, he stood up with a jump.

"Father, I feel..." He touched Shen Zheng excitedly, but he didn't know what to say.

"Come on." With a wave of his hand, Shen Zheng mobilized the divine power of the Demon Sealing Realm. The power condensed and crystallized in his body, and within a few seconds it turned into ten secret realm orbs that came out of his body and floated on the marble The sky in front of the sky. "Take them one by one, and your dreams will come true."

Yun Shikong's hands trembled excitedly looking at these treasures that he had seen often but had been taking for a long time in the past.

Everything, the long wait, the painful torment, the eagerness to avenge the loved ones... just today, all of this is coming to an end.

After today, I will become a real strong man, a strong man who can make my father and mother proud.I want to go back to my homeland and take back everything I lost.

He nodded to Bingzhen gratefully, and saluted Shen Zheng gratefully, and then held a secret orb, penetrated the power into it, and absorbed it.

After a while, huge thoughts and spatial power surged in his body immediately, his eyes shone brightly, and he slowly floated up into the air.The power was like a tide, surging around his body, and he couldn't help but let out a hearty roar: "I've finally advanced!"

In an instant, streaks of light shone all over his body, and then he came out of his body and turned into a five-meter-long giant wolf.The giant wolf had long white fur and sharp claws. When the claws landed, a mirror-like smooth ice surface immediately formed on the ground.

"What an imposing insect spirit." Bing Zhen couldn't help smiling and applauding Yun Shikong.

After the giant wolf was born, it raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, then walked up to Yun Shikong, rubbed against his face and body, acting like a spoiled child to its master. [

"Congratulations, Shi Kong!" Shen Zheng smiled and nodded, his heart was also full of excitement and joy.

"Father, great queen, thank you!" Yun Shikong faced the two of them, and suddenly knelt down on one knee and bowed down.

"You child." Bing Zhen hastily helped him up, "You call him adoptive father, and he should help you with whatever you do. As for me... it can be regarded as the favor owed to me by your adoptive father. In the future It’s just a lot of good for me.”

"Of course the benefits are indispensable to you." Shen Zheng laughed at Bingzhen, "I have never been stingy with my friends."

"I came out early." Bing Zhen smiled, "Otherwise, I, a dignified queen of a plane, would not stay in your little holy alliance, and did my best for you. This friend of mine has something Tu friend, you don't mind, do you?"

"I don't mind." Shen Zheng smiled.

"Congratulations!" At this moment, the voices of many people rang out, and then, a large group of core members of the Holy League entered the hell world together, and came to Yun Shikong's side.Among them were even Shen Ying, Xue Su and others who were arranged by Shen Zheng to help guard the imperial capital at Yuexuan Palace.

"You're all back?" Shen Zheng was surprised.

Shen Ying was not polite, she rushed over and hugged his arm, Xue Su followed suit and hugged his other arm.

"Brother, I miss you so much." Shen Ying muttered.

"Master, I miss you too!" Xue Su also muttered. "Next time there is any big action, you have to bring us with you, otherwise we will quit!"

"Yes, yes!" Shen Ying nodded hastily. "Now that we have Senior Xuehong Qianli and Master Di Ya'er, we don't need us to guard Yuexuan's side. If you take any action, you have to bring us with you!"

"Okay, okay." Shen Zheng reluctantly shook his head and sighed, but what was contained in that sigh was happiness, not sorrow.

"You are busy here, we don't dare to disturb you." Chai Feifei said at this time, "As soon as we sensed that Shi Kong was promoted to become the King of the Star Sea, we knew you had succeeded, so we came here."

"That's right." Shen Zheng turned his head hastily and told Yun Shikong. "Shi Kong, take all the remaining secret realm orbs, and your strength should still grow."

"Yes!" Yun Shikong nodded excitedly, swallowed all the nine secret orbs, and his strength rolled upwards, causing everyone to exclaim.But when the eighth pill was taken, the growth of this kind of strength stopped suddenly, and it seemed that it had reached the limit.

"Very good!" Chai Feifei exclaimed in surprise, "It's much better than me!"

There was light in Yun Shikong's eyes, and he felt his pride, and the giant wolf beside him couldn't help but roared up to the sky in excitement.

"Does this wolf have a name?" Shui Qingqing asked Yun Shikong, pointing at the giant wolf.

"Not yet." Yun Shikong shook his head.

"Then shall I help you?" Shui Qingqing's eyes lit up immediately, "I will form a mirror-like layer of ice where it steps, why not call it a direwolf?"

"The direwolf..." Yun Shikong muttered, then smiled. "OK!"

Everyone also laughed together.

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