star wars civilization.

Chapter 863: Shocked Yusyose Song

The face of the visitor was square, and his appearance gave people a sense of loyalty. He was vaguely similar to Yun Guiqing. He was obviously his relative, and it should be Xuejisong.

This person flew out excitedly, but he saw Shen Zheng standing in the air at first glance, he couldn't help being startled, and slowly came forward.

Shen Zheng bowed and saluted: "Your Excellency should be Lord Yukimatsu, right?"

"That's right." The other party returned the gift cautiously, "Who are you? How come there is a token from me to Gui Qing?"

"I'm Brother Gui Qing's friend, and I'm Shi Kong's adoptive father." Shen Zheng said. [

"What?" Xue Jisong was startled, "Shi Kong's adoptive father?"

"This time I come here, I have two pieces of news to tell you, one is good and the other is bad." Shen Zheng said, "The bad news is that Brother Gui Qing has passed away, and the good news is that Shi Kong has finally broken through the limit and achieved the realm of King of the Star Sea. "

As he spoke, he channeled his thoughts into the secret realm of water and fire with him, calling out Yun Shikong.

"Grandpa!" Seeing his relatives, Yun Shikong's eyes were blurred with tears, and he rushed over crying, throwing himself into Xue Jisong's arms.

"Shi Kong, my good boy!" Xue Jisong couldn't help crying, hugging Yun Shikong and caressing him for a while. "It's been so long, uncle and grandpa don't know how you two father and son are doing, why... why..."

For a moment, the two hugged each other and cried together.But it was Yun Shikong who stopped crying first.Wiping his tears, he said, "Uncle, let's go inside and talk."

"Okay, okay!" Xue Jisong nodded and looked at Shen Zheng. "My friend, please come in and sit down."

"Thank you." Shen Zheng saluted, and flew into the secret realm along with Xuesong Song.

The three of them came to a tall castle in the secret realm and entered a reception room on the top of the castle.After asking Shen Zheng to take a seat, Xue Jisong still held Yun Shikong's hand and kept asking questions. He was happy because of Yun Shikong's promotion, but also shed tears because of Yun Guiqing's death.

Yun Shikong briefly talked about all the things after the farewell, and Xue Jisong was filled with emotion.Xue Jisong was even more surprised when he heard that Shen Zheng now had the support of the three major planes, and had the support of the three great empires of Yuexuan, Shengxue and Chenyang, and wanted to establish an alliance in the world of origin.

"Shen... President." He asked hesitantly, "Then what is your purpose here?"

"Help Shikong get justice." Shen Zheng said slowly. "I promised Brother Guiqing that one day I will take Shi Kong back to the Eastern Cloud Empire, avenge his mother, and help him take back everything that should belong to him."

"This matter..." Yukisong hesitated. "I'm afraid this matter will not be easy to do! President Shen, although you are powerful, the royal power of the Dongyun Empire is not simple. They are strong enough to make the five great empires submit to them! Although there are three great empires behind you! The empire exists, but its strength is still..."

"Grandpa, all the powerful people in the Eastern Cloud Empire combined are not enough to fight against the elites in the Holy League." Yun Shikong said confidently.

"You kid, what do you know?" Xue Jisong scolded him.

"Master Xueyongsong." Shen Zheng said, "In a word: Can you help me with this matter?"

"For the sake of Gui Qing and Shi Kong, it's okay to lose my life!" Xue Jisong patted his chest, but then his tone softened. "But if you just go all out to die, it's too worthless. Shi Kong's mother blessed Shi Kong with that secret technique back then, in fact, to let him spend his life safely and not be hated..."

"Grandpa!" Yun Shikong's eyes shone with brilliance, and he shook off Xue Jisong's hand. "I understand what you mean, but we came prepared this time, and I am no longer the kid I was back then. Please feel carefully..."

He opened his arms violently, and powerful power immediately rippled around his body. As the light cooled, a huge direwolf appeared beside him, and let out a long howl in the sky! [

The howling sound immediately spread to all directions, and the strong men in the secret realm raised their heads in surprise and looked at the top of the castle.They clearly sensed a huge power surging there, and almost everyone in the secret realm felt ashamed in front of that power, and couldn't help thinking: Where did this master come from? Why are you so powerful?

Yukisong was standing beside Yun Shikong, and naturally felt the power of Yun Shikong more clearly.His eyes widened in surprise, and he stood up, almost in disbelief.

" is this possible?" He screamed, but there was more joy in his cry. "Shi Kong, have become so powerful? My God, at this level, you can still have a place among the princes!"

But after a while, he shook his head again: "No, son, although you are powerful now, you must know that the other princes of the royal family are not weak, and six of them have portable secret realms. It's easy to kill you."

"This is not just about Shi Kong alone." Shen Zheng said slowly, "As his adoptive father, I must stand up for him."

"I know you are powerful." Xue Jisong said, "but the Dongyun Empire is not a weak country. In the army alone, there are as many as 18 strong people with portable secret realms, plus you came from afar , but they can rely on the power of the secret realm of the imperial capital, this..."

"Grandpa, you still don't understand the strength of my adoptive father, the Holy League." Yun Shikong sighed, "How about this, you will follow me to the secret realm of my adoptive father, and you will understand."

With that said, he directly put away the direwolf, dragged Xue Jisong and flew into Shen Zheng's personal secret realm.

Ten minutes later, the two flew out again.At this time, Yukisong's face was already flushed, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

"Oh my god!" He stared at Shen Zheng, "I can't believe it! This kind of power is enough...enough to subdue the entire source world!"

"I don't have that kind of ambition." Shen Zheng said, "I just want to unite all countries in the source world to fight against foreign enemies. Lord Yukimatsu, I think you are not a strong person with real power in Dongyun Empire, so It will not embarrass you. I want to know, which forces in Dongyun Empire are dissatisfied with the royal family, dare not speak out, but have a certain prestige to influence all parties in the empire?"

"I roughly understand what you mean." Xue Jisong slapped his hands, "You want to rely on such a force to fight against the imperial family. In this way, it will not be regarded as Shikong colluding with outsiders, and it will not cause the entire Dongyun Empire to resist. ?”

"Actually, with the strength of my adoptive father, even if the entire Dongyun Empire is against him..." Yun Shikong smiled slightly, but did not finish his sentence.

"I believe it!" Yukisong nodded solemnly. "With this level of military strength, it is no problem to destroy the Dongyun Empire!"

"Is there such a person?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Yes!" Xue Jisong said, "Prince Weiyue Yun Haixing of our country is a collateral royal bloodline of the same generation as Emperor Yuntian Zhou. He made many military achievements in his early years and is quite popular in the army. Yi's general admired him. But the royal family was afraid that his military exploits would be too strong and powerful, so they suppressed him everywhere, and finally took away his military power, made him out of the military circle, and took away his real power. He has always been full of the royal family It’s just that the royal family is too powerful, so he can only be dissatisfied. If he comes out to fight against the royal family, there will be many people in the military supporting him.”

"This is the person!" Shen Zheng nodded, "Master Yukimatsu, I want to meet and discuss with this person in detail, can you facilitate this?"

"It's simple." Xue Jisong nodded, "I am also a member of the royal family, so it is easy to meet him. I will take Shi Kong with you, but I just want you to pretend to be my guard for the time being."

"No problem." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Just do what you say." Unexpectedly, Yukisong was so irritable that he immediately stood up. "Let's go, I'll take you there right now. Anyway, Yun Hai Xing has nothing to do when he's idle every day. If I bring some decent gifts, he will definitely receive me in person."

"A gift..." Shen Zheng smiled, "Let me prepare it." With a wave of his hand, a wave of divine power came from the neutrality of the Demon Sealing Realm, condensed in his body, and evolved into a hundred secret realm orbs , appearing on the table ahead.

"This..." Yukisong was taken aback.He is also the King of the Star Sea. Although his strength is not very good, he still has some knowledge. He clearly sensed that Shen Zheng did not take out these secret orbs from the space worm core, but "changed" them out of thin air, and he couldn't help being stunned. [

"A hundred secret orbs, although precious, are not considered a great gift." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, and continued to wave his hands.The power of the Demon Sealing Realm came continuously. Every few seconds, he was able to create a hundred secret orbs out of thin air. Soon after, there were two thousand secret orbs piled up there. Xue Jisong was stunned and his mind went blank.

"Am I going to dream?" He muttered to himself, pinched himself hard, and grinned in pain.

"Master Yukisong, please find a better box and put these secret orbs in it." Shen Zheng clapped his hands and said lightly. "Two thousand secret orbs is not a lot, but it is a reasonable gift."

"Plausible?" Xue Jisong patted his head, "Just plausible? Are you kidding me! The empire rewards generals who have made military achievements, and it will not be easy to reach this amount!"

"That's good." Shen Zheng smiled, "I'm still worried that the gift is not enough for this Prince Weiyue to meet him in person."

"Enough, enough!" Xueji let go of her chest, staring at Shen Zheng in a daze.

"Shen... Leader, if I didn't get it wrong just now, you should have created these secret orbs out of thin air, right?" He couldn't help asking, "What kind of blindfold? How long can they last?"

"You yourself." Shen Zheng stretched out his finger, and a secret orb flew over. Xue Jisong took it in his hand, felt it carefully for a long time, and then put it back into the orb pile trembling slightly.

"It's true, it's true?" he murmured.

"Father has mastered a plane." Yun Shikong said proudly, "he has obtained the power of God in that plane. He can use the power of God to create countless space orbs and secret realm orbs at any time, and other The quality is far superior to ordinary orbs. For example, the king of the star sea has reached the limit of his strength by taking the orb of the secret realm, and as long as he takes the orb of the secret realm made by his foster father, his strength can be improved again."

"My God, my God..." Xueji held Shen Zheng loosely, and became only able to say these two words.

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