star wars civilization.

Chapter 864: Prince Yunhai Xing

Yun Haixing was carrying a water bottle, carefully watering the flowers he planted in his garden, and he seemed to appreciate this kind of leisure very much.

"You little lives." He said while watering, "Life can't even reach a short year, and it will wither in a blink of an eye. It's so beautiful. But compared to us, you are Much happier. How miserable it would be if a long life were to become meaningless!"

He spoke a little self-pityingly, and slowly shook his head.

"His Royal Highness" at this moment, the chief executive of his mansion walked into his garden in a panic, holding a beautiful box, and strode up to him.Because he walked too fast, he scraped off a few petals of flowers on the branches on the side of the road, causing Yun Haixing to feel heartache for a while.

"Be careful, be careful!" he said, "The lives of these little guys are only for a moment, but you let them die before they can even show the beauty of this moment. It's too cruel." [

"Sorry." The head manager hastily bowed to apologize, but obviously he didn't really care about those few petals of flowers. "Your Highness, the second earl, Mr. Xue Jisong, came to visit and gave him a gift."

"Is this the box you carried?" Yun Haixing glanced at the box, not even bothering to move his mind. "Is he too idle to chat and have nothing to do? I don't have any friendship with him, he..."

Before he finished speaking, the chief manager opened the box, and immediately, the shining orbs emitted a little light, attracting Yun Haixing's eyes.

"This is!?" He threw the kettle aside, took a secret orb with a wave of his hand, and held it in his hand repeatedly.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!" He widened his eyes and looked at it carefully, with excitement shining in his eyes.Afterwards, he held the orb of the secret realm in his palm, and the power of space penetrated into it, quickly absorbing it into his body.

Not a moment later, a surge of breath surged around him, and brilliance bloomed in his eyes.

"The strength has increased, the strength has actually increased!" His eyes were shining brightly, and anyone could tell the excitement.

"Two thousand pieces." The head manager also said excitedly. "Your Highness, I have already counted them, and there are a total of 99 pieces...but now it is [-] pieces."

"So many? Good things, good things!" Yun Haixing was startled, and then nodded again and again, "I didn't expect there to be such a quality of secret realm orbs in the world! This is a unique product! Hurry up and invite Xue Yusong to come here Go to my VIP room!"

"I have asked the Earl to wait there." The chief executive bowed his head and said.

"Good job!" Yun Haixing nodded, and walked away from the garden excitedly, knocking down countless short-lived flowers while walking.

In an extremely elegant and noble living room in Yunhai Xingfu, Xue Jisong sat on the couch, tasting the fragrant tea served by the waiter.

"Will he come to see us?" Yun Shikong was a little uneasy.

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Shen Zheng stood behind the sofa, standing quietly, speaking in a low voice.

"Oh." Yun Shikong closed his mouth, looked in the direction of the gate, and waited quietly.

"What is the wind that brought the Earl here?" With a smile, the sea of ​​clouds entered the door, his face full of spring breeze.

"Your Highness." Yun Haixing hurriedly stood up.In terms of status, he is only the second earl, far from the prince, and he must be respectful in etiquette.

Yun Shikong also stood up, not because of his status, but because of his family's seniority.

"Please sit down, please sit down!" Yun Haixing smiled and pointed to the sofa, and sat down opposite Xue Jisong, who sat down with Yun Shikong. [

"This gift from the Earl is really..." Yun Hai walked the snowy pine, "I received it for nothing, and I really feel uneasy. I wonder if there is anything the Earl can help me with?"

"If you want to help with something, it is true." Xue Jisong smiled at the waiter in the living room.

"Everyone go out." Yun Haixing immediately understood after observing his words and expressions, and dismissed the waiters, and the surge of space power in his body sealed the entire living room.

"Your Highness, do you still remember His Highness Guiqing?" Xue Jisong asked.

"Gui Qing?" Yun Haixing was startled for a moment, then nodded. "Remember. He can be regarded as a very talented prince, but it's a pity that he came from a side branch, and his mother was just a concubine, so he was excluded by those guys. His wife..."

As he was talking, he found that Yun Shikong clenched his fists tightly and tears welled up in his eyes.He couldn't help but stop, looked at Yun Shikong carefully, and was startled.

"This child...could it be Shi Kong?"

"It is indeed Shi Kong." Xue Jisong nodded slowly, "When his mother was dying, he imposed a secret method of restricting his strength, so that he has always maintained the mind and body of a ten-year-old child. If one day he can break through and advance, Then you can obtain extremely huge power, far surpassing the general king of the star sea."

"He has successfully broken through now?" Yun Haixing asked in surprise.

Yun Shikong didn't say much, but released his power slightly.Yun Haixing nodded slightly: "Not bad, not bad, the effect of this secret method is really the same as the legend."

"No." Yun Shikong shook his head slowly, "I don't have that kind of strength, it was my adoptive father who helped me."

"Father?" Yun Haixing was startled, then asked, "Where's your father?"

"He has passed away." Yun Shikong held back his tears.

"Did you meet a strong enemy?" Yun Haixing asked with a frown.

"It's to save me." Shen Zheng said slowly.

"Who are you?" Yun Haixing didn't notice Shen Zheng at first, only thinking that he was Xue Jisong's confidant.But at this moment when Shen Zheng spoke, his attention shifted to Shen Zheng, and he immediately felt something was wrong.Shen Zheng's whole body didn't exude any aura, he looked like a mortal, inconspicuous.But it was also because of this inconspicuousness that it immediately attracted Yun Haixing's attention.

He vaguely felt that when his eyes made contact with Shen Zheng's, an indescribable feeling would faintly arise in his heart.

He recalled carefully, and only then did he find a little bit of a similar feeling in his distant memory.That was the feeling that would arise in his heart when he faced an enemy army that was far stronger than his own on the battlefield of fighting.

It's not fear, it's not nervousness, it's not worry, it's all negative emotions.It floats vaguely in my heart, but I can't catch it, like a ghost, which will suddenly grow bigger at any time, making me lose the will to fight.

He suddenly felt that the person standing behind Xuesong Song was not simple.

Shen Zheng smiled.

He deliberately diffused the power of his thoughts to make Yun Haixing notice him. [

"It's really impolite to hide your identity and sneak in when we meet for the first time." Shen Zheng smiled faintly, walked to the front of the sofa, and sat down.

"Let me introduce myself: my name is Shen Zheng, and I come from the distant Yuexuan Empire. I am currently serving as the Grand Marshal of the Yuexuan Empire, and at the same time the leader of the non-governmental organization Holy League." He said.

"Shen Zheng?" Yun Haixing was slightly taken aback. "I've heard of you. But those rumors are too bizarre, and most people regard them as stories. Did you really defeat Yuexuan's imperial legend, Ming Yuebai?"

"That's just a trivial matter not worth mentioning." Shen Zheng said.

"Why did you come to Dongyun Empire?" Yun Haixing asked cautiously.

"Those secret orbs are still in the eyes of His Highness?" Shen Zheng asked. "It seems that His Highness has already taken it?"

"That's..." Yun Haixing stared at Shen Zheng, "Is it the masterpiece of that powerful jeweler from your Holy League?"

Shen Zheng smiled.He didn't explain too much, just raised his hand slowly.In an instant, the divine power of the Demon Sealing Realm was mobilized, concentrated in his body, condensed into crystals, and flew out as secret orbs.

One hundred crystal clear orbs were suspended in the air, and each one was as crystal clear as the one that Yun Haixing had taken, with extremely high quality and purity.Shen Zheng smiled slightly, and these orbs flew forward slowly, floating in front of Yun Haixing.

"This..." Yun Haixing immediately showed Yun Jisong's expression when he saw this scene for the first time.The dignified prince behaved no differently from the second earl at such a time.

"How is this possible!?" He finally exclaimed, and the power of the space that sealed the living room was also shaken.However, he immediately discovered that there was a more powerful force that perfectly sealed this place, and his power was just attached to it.

He couldn't help sweating in surprise. The other party had used the power of space without a sound before him, but he, a strong man with many battles and achievements, didn't notice it at all!

How strong is this Shen Zheng?

"Father-in-law can make a large number of space orbs and secret realm orbs at any time." Yun Shikong repeated the set of commentary, and the strong shock surged in Yun Haixing's heart again.

"How could there be such a person?" He stared at Shen Zheng in a daze, "The orb master also needs to use the secret realm able to concoct the secret realm orb, and it takes can you..."

He felt that his thinking was a little confused.

"His Royal Highness, I brought Shi Kong back this time to seek justice for him and all those who have been oppressed by the royal family." Shen Zheng said slowly, moving towards Yun Haixing. "Actually, depending on the strength of the Holy League, direct use of violence can also be done, but the battle between the planes is imminent, and I don't want to waste any manpower and material resources in the source world. The strong in the source world should sacrifice in the war to defend their homeland, not the source world. In the struggle within the world. Therefore, I hope to use your strength."

"You want to annex the Dongyun Empire?" Yun Haixing's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"No." Shen Zheng slowly shook his head, "If I have that kind of thought, let alone Dongyun Empire, no one in the entire source world can stop me."

"What?" Yun Haixing suspected that he had heard wrong.

"I invite you to take a walk in my portable secret realm." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, and the power of the secret realm immediately surged around him.As a result, Yun Haixing's expression changed again.

Just now, he obviously didn't sense any aura of the secret realm.But Shen Zheng showed his own secret realm like a magic trick, which shocked him more than anything.

He is a warrior who has been on the battlefield for a long time, even if he is a strong man who hides the secret realm with him again, he will always have a sense of touch when he comes to him.

This is the intuition of a long battle, a fighting instinct that is a matter of life and death.Without this ability, he would have died several times on the battlefield.Because when a person approaches you, you cannot sense whether he has a personal secret realm and take measures, which may lead to the failure of a war.

However, he didn't sense Shen Zheng's portable secret realm at all.

He felt a little scary about it.

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