star wars civilization.

Chapter 867: Friends of His Royal Highness Shikong

"A storm is brewing?" Yun Haixing smiled. "What wind and rain? I just want to express my breath for my nephew Guiqing!"

"Your Majesty." Xue Jisong also stood up at this time, with a gloomy face and anger in his eyes. "My younger sister died at the Queen's poisonous hands. Gui Qing and I were forced by the Queen's influence, so we dare not make this matter public, but let Gui Qing go away to avoid disaster. Now that Gui Qing has passed away, Shi Kong has also been promoted to be the King of the Star Sea, but we are no longer scruples! Please see clearly and give Guiqing and my sister justice!"

"Bold!" The queen slapped the table with a cold face, "Xueyongsong, what are you that dare to shout here?"

"I am Prince Yun Guiqing's uncle!" Xue Jisong roared. "You killed my own sister! Why can't I cry out for them here?"

"How bold!" The First Prince cried out, "What time and place is this? What do you want to do?" [

"Just to seek justice!" Yun Shikong jumped up, looking at the First Prince with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Fair?" The queen sneered, "Your mother died of illness, and your father insisted on leaving home to go out to practice, and now he died outside due to lack of ability. Why do you come to me to ask for justice!"

"Everyone." Yun Haixing turned to everyone and sneered. "Listen, does this sound like what the queen of a country should say?"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Yun Tianzhou: "Your Majesty, your son died outside, your grandson's mother was killed, and your wife said that we should not seek justice from you. What does this mean?"

"Enough!" Yun Tianzhou slapped the table violently, his eyes cooling down with anger. "Yunhai Xing, don't think that I don't know what your plan is! Someone, pull them out for me!"

"Emperor!" Yun Shikong roared, "I respect you as my grandfather, so I come to ask you for justice, and you treat me like this?"

"You unfilial son!" Yun Tianzhou was in a good mood today, but after being disturbed by Yun Haixing, he lost all good mood.At this moment, he no longer had the patience to pretend, and simply showed his true colors. "You colluded with Yun Haixing and Xue Jisong to make trouble at today's celebration banquet and intend to slander the royal family. You have already committed a felony! Take it down for me!"

"Yun Tianzhou!" Yun Haixing shouted loudly, his whole body surging.Behind him, a guard wearing a helmet turned around abruptly, and glanced at the guards rushing over who were about to make a move. Those guards trembled involuntarily and backed away again and again.

"You beast in clothes!" Yun Haixing pointed at Yun Tianzhou and cursed angrily, "You don't even let your own grandson go? Gui Qing died, you are not sad at all, and now you want to hurt his son again, I suspect Gui Qing now Your wife was murdered, and it was under your instruction that the empress and the eldest prince dared to do it!"

"Bold!" Yun Tianzhou was so angry that he stood up abruptly, a strong aura surged around him, and killing intent flowed around. "Yunhai Xing, don't rely on your past military achievements and royal status to disrespect me! This emperor wants to kill you, but it's just a matter of waving his hands!"

"Everyone!" Yun Haixing yelled at the ministers, "Did you hear that? This is our emperor! I made many contributions to the empire in the past, what happened now? The empire has shed blood and sweat, but now it is an idler? On the other hand, these ineffective princes of his have just wiped out a few stubborn bandits on the border, and they are going to be named deputy marshals, what is this?"

"That's right!" Immediately, hundreds of people shouted together to influence Yun Haixing's call.

These people are all Yun Haixing's own people who have been contacted before, as well as his accomplices who were bought by Zhongli, but they accounted for nearly half of the banquet participants. They roared together with an astonishing momentum, and the rest of them couldn't help being startled .

"Back to you!" Yun Tianzhou yelled angrily, "Guards, take all these people down for me! Anyone who dares to fight back, I will kill them in court!"

"Yes!" The head of the imperial guard roared, and summoned the insect spirit weapon. With the flow of thoughts, hundreds of guards guarding the hall rushed towards those people.

"Who dares to hurt my master?" At this moment, the guard in the helmet behind Yun Haixing yelled suddenly, and ten people flew out of the void immediately amid the surge of space power around him.

These ten people acted swiftly and flew towards the hundred guards. As soon as they fought, they immediately knocked down dozens of guards.

Yun Tianzhou couldn't help but widen his eyes.The imperial guards in the palace are all good fighters selected from a hundred. These hundred people can completely defeat an army of thousands of people on the battlefield without losing the wind, but they are like a flock of sheep in front of these ten people. No.

In his astonishment, the ten people dispersed and knocked down all the hundred guards in a short while. [

After the ten people brought down the guards, they put their hands behind their backs and stood still on the spot, looking proudly around.All the princes and ministers were stunned. These ten people, no matter how much they traveled in the sea of ​​clouds, many of them understood what was about to happen.

"Yun Hai Xing, you are blatantly rebelling!" Yun Tianzhou roared angrily.

"It's not that I want to rebel!" Yun Haixing said loudly, "I just want to seek justice for Shi Kong! For those of us who have given everything for the empire, but ended up with such a result!"

"That's right, we must seek justice!" The more than a hundred people who had joined forces with him yelled together.

"Fairness?" Yun Tianzhou snorted coldly, "Go to hell and ask for justice!"

As he said that, his eyes swept towards the Generalissimo at the banquet. The Generalissimo immediately stood up, stretched out his hand, and a large insect-spirit sword appeared in his hand. At the same time, his thoughts flowed outward, and spread out in an instant.

"Xing Yunhai." The Generalissimo said coldly, "The 50 defenders of the imperial capital have gathered in the main hall at this moment. Your fate... is destined to stay here today."

"Where's your grandson?" Yun Haixing looked at Yun Tianzhou.

"Unfilial children and grandchildren, since we are so close to you, let's go with you." Yun Tianzhou said coldly.

"How can a person of love and righteousness be in the position of the great emperor?" Yun Haixing shook his head slightly and turned to the crowd. "Everyone, no matter what, today's matter is the family affairs of our Dongyun Empire royal family. No matter what the final result is, it will not affect your future. I would like to advise: everyone should wait and see what happens, and don't act rashly."

All the ministers, you, me, me, you, don't do anything.These people are old, treacherous and cunning people. Knowing that Yun Haixing must be fully prepared for this operation, otherwise they would not be so bold.But at the same time, they didn't think that Yun Haixing had the strength to fight against the great emperor Yun Tianzhou.The safest thing to do, of course, is to wait and see what happens.

"You said the emperor has 50 defenders?" Yun Haixing looked at Yun Tianzhou and smiled slightly. "What is that?"

As he spoke, he turned to his helmeted guard, smiled slightly, and said in a low voice, "President Shen, let's do it."

"it is good."

That person was Shen Zheng. At this time, with a faint smile, the power of the secret realm was immediately opened. In an instant, teams of powerful Holy League fighters, powerful elites from all walks of life, and elites from all over the world, a single The huge and powerful Xuexuan Sacred Beast, a head-sealed Demon Realm Beast, soared out of the secret realm of water and fire like a flood, and rushed out of the hall like a tidal wave.

All the people in the hall were stunned. They stared blankly at the torrent of the army, and even forgot what they should do for a while.

"This..." The Generalissimo holding the giant knife was also stunned, his mind went blank.

As the Grand Marshal of the Empire, he is also a top expert, and because of this, he can feel the power of these strange beasts and fighters more clearly.He didn't understand, where did Yunhaixing get so many peerless masters?He felt that even if he searched the entire source world, there might not be so many top experts.

Is it illusion?Is it blindfolded?

He stared blankly, thinking in a daze.

"Listen, everyone!" Yun Haixing said loudly, "I only eliminate the chief evil, and all the ministers are the pillars of the country. No matter which one of my Yun family is replaced by the emperor, you will stay in your place! And follow me Those who can fool the emperor are my founding heroes!"

It took a long time for the torrent of the army to stop. After they passed by, the hall was already in a mess.All the ministers retreated to the side in horror, and some trembled slightly, predicting that a big storm was coming. [

They were also hesitating in their hearts, and finally chose to wait and see in silence.Yun Haixing was right, this was a matter for the Yun family to fight for power and profit, and after the matter was over, no matter who became the emperor, they still needed these ministers to work for them.

After the army passed by, several people flew out from the secret realm, seeing these few people, even Yun Tianzhou's eyes couldn't help but widen.

Li Huoze and Rou Yuyou stood shoulder to shoulder with Tianxuanmang, Qi Yanmeng and Bailan Yexiang standing behind them.Not to mention the two masters, but their three apprentices are also well-known powerhouses in the source world, and no one present knew them.And Bailan Yexiang is the guardian mystic of the Chenyang Empire, and she can also represent the position of the Chenyang Empire.

Guang Haokong and Xue Gang flew out one after the other, standing on the spot with indifferent expressions.These two people are also very famous figures in the Holy Blood Empire, especially Guang Haokong, who is even more unknown.These two people can completely represent the position of the Holy Blood Empire.

In contrast, although Bingzhen has a noble status, although Xuehong Qianli and Di Ya'er have a detached status, they are not eye-catching.But these three people stood there, the aura on their bodies diffused outwards, and the real strong could sense it immediately, but the three of them were the most powerful of these people.

The generalissimo's eyes widened, and the hand holding the knife began to tremble a little.

"The two masters... and Dean Guang?" Yun Tianzhou looked at them in astonishment, "Why do you..."

"We are all friends of His Royal Highness Yun Shikong." Xue Hong Qianli yelled angrily, "Today, we are going to accompany him home to seek justice from you! His mother cannot die in vain, the murderer must pay with his life !"

"Not bad." Guang Haokong nodded slowly. "His Royal Highness Shi Kong is a friend of my Holy Blood Empire, and our entire Holy Blood Empire will support him in seeking justice from his enemies!"

"I also represent the Chenyang Empire and support His Royal Highness Shikong!" Bailan Yexiang said loudly.

All the ministers present were dumbfounded.

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