star wars civilization.

Chapter 868: The Infighting of the Royal Family

"I... Did I hear you right?" The second prince stood in the banquet with a look of astonishment. "Yun Shikong, this boy, is... actually their... friend!?"

"They still want to stand up for Yunshi?" The third prince also stood there in a daze. "Are you kidding? What kind of luck did this kid have?"

"Impossible, impossible!" The queen stood up directly.Looking at these top experts, she had the illusion that her heartbeat had stopped.

The First Prince's face was even paler and he was speechless.

Yun Haixing magically conjured up the terrifying and powerful army, which had already stunned them, but at this time, the words of Xue Hong Qianli and others made them feel deeply shocked.They couldn't believe that such a boy as Yun Shikong could make friends with these strong men, and they couldn't believe that the friendship between them had reached such a level.However, everything in front of them made them have to believe it. [

"How is it possible?" Yun Tianzhou murmured to himself with widened eyes.

"Emperor Dongyun." Li Huoze looked at Yun Tianzhou and smiled slightly. "We have been in contact several times in the past. You invited me to your empire, this time I came, but not because of you, but because of my little friend Shi Kong. His mother died unjustly before the Queen and the First Prince In his hands, we must help him avenge this revenge."

"This..." Yun Tianzhou was speechless for a while.

"Hand over the queen and the eldest prince, and we can let Shi Kong take revenge." Yun Haixing received Shen Zheng's thought instruction at this time, and said loudly.

"Your Majesty!" The queen grabbed Yun Tianzhou's hand in horror.

"That's impossible!" Yun Tianzhou roared sullenly. "Everyone, I know that you are all top figures, but this is our Yun family's business, and it's not your turn to intervene!"

"I know it's a family matter, but people have said that they are here to help Shi Kong." Yun Haixing sneered, "They are Shi Kong's backup, and the army is your backup. If you say it's a family matter, well, if they don't take action, our country Do not attack the army, how about you and Shi Kong solve it by yourself?"

"Yunhai Xing, what kind of trick are you playing?" Yun Tianzhou snorted coldly.

"It's not a trick." Xue Hongqianli said, "If you tell the army to stop, our people will not take the initiative to attack them, and then you and Shi Kong will resolve this matter by yourself, and we will never intervene."

"Why should I trust you?" Yun Tianzhou frowned.

"Just because he was a hero who fought against foreign aggression 42 years ago, he was the second master in the source world at that time!" Bailan Yexiang said loudly.

"What?" Everyone present was stunned.

"How is it possible?" Someone exclaimed.

"Nothing is impossible." Rou Yuyou said slowly, "This senior's name is Xuehong Qianli. Although he is said to be the second master, the number one master Yue Fuguang was promoted to the position in the battle 42 years ago. Master of the face. Therefore, it can be said that he is the number one master. And this is his wife, senior Di Yaer, who is the number one mystic mage in our source world no matter in those days or now."

With Rou Yuyou's position, the words spoken are the truth.Everyone stared at Di Ya'er in a daze, too shocked to say anything.

"And this one." Rou Yuyou pointed at Bingzhen, "This is another great queen of the ice world, the supreme ruler of the entire plane!"

There was an uproar in the arena, and everyone stared at Bingzhen with wide-eyed eyes. After feeling the strange power aura on his body, most people believed it.

Bingzhen looked at the crowd and spread his breath deliberately, showing the majesty of the people in power.That powerful power of thought made many people tremble.

"You're wrong." At this time, Xuehong Qianli smiled at Rou Yuyou embarrassedly, "I'm not the number one expert. Although Yue Fuguang has become the creator of another world, there is still Shen Zheng in the source world .I’m still second.”[

"Shen Zheng? Is that the newly-rising aristocrat of the Yuexuan Empire who was appointed as Grand Marshal to replace Mingyuebai?" People immediately started discussing in low voices.

"He is so powerful?" Some people couldn't believe it.

"We guarantee that as long as there is no outsider to embarrass Shikong, then we will not interfere with the Yun family's family affairs." Di Ya'er said slowly.Her words had an undeniable magical power, and everyone present felt that with her guarantee, everything was safe.

"You all say that?" The queen became excited and asked everyone.

"Who do you think we are?" Li Huoze shook his head slightly, "Are you talking like a fart?"

"You are all top figures in the universe." Yun Tianzhou took a deep breath, "I believe your words! Alright, Generalissimo, immediately order the army not to move rashly!"

"Yes!" The generalissimo was also startled.According to the opponent's formation, even if he is in that army now, he doesn't have a sense of security.If the two parties really fight together, it is still unknown whether the secret realm of the imperial capital can still exist.

After receiving Yun Tianzhou's instruction, he immediately sent out his thoughts and contacted the general in the army.

"Your Majesty, the generals have received your instructions." A moment later, the Generalissimo hastily reported to Yun Tianzhou. "They replied that the opponent's army only guarded the palace to prevent them from entering, and there was no conflict."

"We didn't intend to be an enemy of Dongyun Empire at all." Xue Hongqianli said, "We said it, we just came to support our friend Shi Kong."

"Since you allow us to solve it on our own, then..." the queen opened her mouth at this time, but before she finished speaking, Yun Shikong roared: "Old villain, shut up! I came back today to take revenge! I My mother died at the hands of you, my father would not have been living outside if it wasn't for you, and he was indirectly killed by you, I will definitely kill you today!"

"What a breath!" Hearing that the other party promised that he would not interfere, the eldest prince's momentum rose again.He stared, kicked all the tables and chairs aside, and strode towards Yun Shikong.

"Prince!" The queen called out with some worry.

"Everyone, you really won't interfere in this matter?" Yun Tianzhou glanced at the group of strong men.

"Who are these people? It doesn't count if they can talk?" Qi Yanmeng snorted coldly.

"Let's step back a little bit." Bing Zhen stepped back slowly, and the rest of the people also slowly stepped back, leaving an open space.

"Okay, then this matter is entirely our Yun family's business." Yun Tianzhou said, "Shi Kong, according to noble etiquette, since you have a grudge against your uncle, you can fight a fair duel. Although the royal It's up to me to decide, but since you have brought such a group of amazing friends, I can't control you anymore! Do whatever you want!"

As he spoke, he gave the eldest prince a meaningful look.

"Kill him!" He sent an angry thought. "The face of my Dongyun royal family has been completely embarrassing! This group of people are all great people, and they don't know what to say. I think they have confidence in this kid, but he is just a new star. Wang, your strength is limited, I guess there may be some great artifact hidden, you have to be careful, kill him as soon as you make a move, don't give him a chance! Once he dies, these people won't be able to make trouble anymore."

"Understood!" The eldest prince responded immediately, with a strong killing intent flashing in his eyes.

"Shi Kong, speaking of which, I am your uncle." The eldest prince looked at Yun Shikong and smiled falsely. "If there is any misunderstanding between us, there is no need to fight to the death to resolve it. Don't worry, I will explain everything to you slowly."

As he spoke, he gently raised his hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand.There was a golden piece of metal on the sword that spread along the handle, enveloping the First Prince's entire body in an instant, forming an exquisite armor. [

Yun Shikong looked at him coldly and didn't speak, only a flash of light flashed around him, releasing a huge direwolf.The direwolf stood in front of Yunshikong, and landed on the ground with four claws, and the ground immediately formed a smooth ice mirror.The eldest prince couldn't help slowing down, walked cautiously on the ice mirror ground, and smiled slightly.

"Shi Kong, our misunderstanding will definitely be explained clearly." He whispered, and at the same time, he sent a thought to Yun Shikong in his mind: "Actually, this matter was jointly done by the third prince and his mother. Misfortune to us is killing two birds with one stone, don’t fall for it! I will pretend to fight with you, and tell you the story slowly in the dark, so you can tell the difference yourself.”

Just after this thought was transmitted, he jumped up suddenly, the golden armor on his body was shining with light, and the long sword in his hand stabbed at Yun Shikong in this light, but although the sword's momentum was amazing, there was a faint feeling A sense of bravado.

His eyes were sincere, as if this sword was only for outsiders, and he had no intention of killing Yun Shikong.

Yun Shikong's eyes were calm and expressionless.The direwolf bowed and rushed forward, swiping his claws and hitting the sword. It also looked amazing, but in fact it didn't use much force.

The eldest prince pretended that the claw was very heavy, and immediately sank to the ground, fighting with the direwolf.But the moves of both sides are just terrifying in momentum, but in fact they don't really use their strength.

While slapping the eldest prince's figure, he gradually moved towards Yunshikong, and suddenly after cheating the direwolf with a false move, he flew towards Yunshikong, and stabbed straight with his sword again, just like before. , with momentum, but substance.

"Shi Kong, I'll tell you all the secrets right now!" At the same time, the eldest prince also sent this sentence into Yun Shikong's mind.

Yun Shikong stood quietly and did not dodge, as if he believed in the eldest prince, and wanted to wait for him to attack him before wrestling with him and explaining everything in detail.

But at this moment, a sly light appeared in the eyes of the eldest prince, and his imaginary sword posture suddenly changed. Originally, it was only the aura in the air, but now it became fiercer, with killing intent flowing from the sword to the outside, long Like lightning, the sword stabbed straight at Yun Shikong's heart!

Die, boy, you have indeed grown very fast, and your strength is so strong that even we dare not be small.But you are too much, you are just the mind of a ten-year-old child, how dare you fight me?

The eldest prince grinned grinningly, and stabbed straight with his sword like a rainbow.

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