star wars civilization.

Chapter 869: Annihilating Space

Just when everyone thought that Yun Shikong would [-]% be pierced to death by a sword, a ray of light suddenly flashed from Yun Shikong's hand.That was not the light emitted by the insect spirit weapon, but the light flashed by a straight long knife after flying out of the space insect core.The light is like the wave of God's hand when the world was opened, which makes people feel infinite awe.

Meteor God Knife.

The peerless artifact that contained the power of several creators was shining brightly in Yun Shikong's hands at this moment.Under this light, the beam of sword light dimmed instantly, as if a firefly met the sun and the moon.

"Despicable villain, let's die like this!" Yun Shikong roared, concentrating all the strength of his whole body on this knife strike in an instant.The light of the knife shone, and instantly cut through the long sword, causing it to separate from the center, and one sword became two.

The light of the saber flew forward and passed over the body of the eldest prince. The body of the eldest prince stopped trembling, holding the long sword that had been split into two pieces, his eyes were full of despair. [

"How can it be..." He opened his mouth, but before he could finish his sentence, his body, like that sword, began to split from the midline, turning into two symmetrical pieces, and fell towards both sides.Blood and internal organs splattered all over the place.

"Dirty blood, don't stain my shoes!" Yun Shikong snorted coldly, and the power of space was surging, blowing away the splashed flesh and blood.

The blood flew out in the air, went to the high platform, and splashed the queen's face all at once.But if this high-ranking mother of the country didn't realize it, she just stared blankly at the first prince's body, and after a long while, she let out a hoarse scream: "Yun Shikong, if you dare to kill my son, I will kill you!"

Like going crazy, she flew down from the high platform seat and raised her hands amidst screams.There were rays of light flickering in her hand, and she instantly transformed into a giant with a hideous appearance. Holding a huge ax like a door in her hand, she roared and slashed at Yun Shikong.

"Good time!" Yun Shikong had already swallowed two space orbs at this time, and his strength had fully recovered.With an excited expression on his face, he raised his head to the sky and howled, the direwolf suddenly jumped up, bringing up a blast of cold air, and directly enveloped the giant.

And Yun Shikong was about to take another space orb at this time, Shen Zheng had already quietly pumped his power, and sent the power of the gods from the Demon Sealing Realm into his body, instantly making up for the loss of his power, and at the same time allowing him to fight against the Meteor God Knife. The mastery has risen to another level.His eyes couldn't help but shine, and after gratefully glanced towards Shen Zheng, he roared and flew up.

The Meteor God Saber in his hand, with a world-shattering light, flew forward in an instant!

"Stop!" Yuntian Zhouhong yelled loudly, his body glowed, and a three-meter-tall heavy armored God of War appeared beside him, holding a beautifully carved sword symbolizing royal power, and swept across the steps like a gust of wind, Flying downwards, towards Yunshikong.

But it's too late.The Meteor God Knife radiated a murderous ray like the eyes of the god of death, and instantly passed over the Queen's insect spirit giant and the Queen's body.The two vibrated in the air at the same time, and then writhed in pain. In an instant, they exploded at the same time, turning into a few fine dusts!

Not even a bit of flesh and blood remained.

"It's amazing!" Among the people at the banquet, many people exclaimed.

None of them expected that the little Yun Shi Kong would possess such powerful power!But the people on the side of Yunhai Xing couldn't help but beam with joy, and each of them showed a smug expression.

At this time, Yun Tianzhou's heavy-armored god of war had already approached, waving a big sword, and wanted to chop off the cloud and stone that was too late to catch him.

"Yun Tianzhou, you have violated the agreement!" With a loud shout, Xue Hong Qianli jumped up suddenly, and the iron-armed dragon instantly clung to his arm. Feng, with a loud bang, the great sword was directly smashed into fragments by his fist, and shot out towards the rear like a scorpion, piercing into the body of the heavily armored god of war.

At this moment, Yun Shikong withdrew his move with all his strength, brought the Meteor God Knife into his arms, and gasped heavily while holding it.Except for Shen Zheng, no one can fully control the huge power of the saber. Although he only used part of the power of the creator of the Demon Sealing World, he still has to use all his strength to mobilize it. Very tired.

"Yun Tianzhou, as the great emperor, do you actually talk like farting?" Yun Haixing's eyes flashed, knowing that the opportunity had come, and without hesitation, there was a flash of light on his body, a man riding a tall armored horse and holding a sharp knight spear The knight appeared next to him, and with a push of his horse, he rushed straight out like lightning, heading towards Yun Tianzhou.

"You dare!" Yun Tianzhou couldn't help roaring, but his heavy-armored war god had been beaten into a human form by Xue Hongqianli at this moment, and was restrained by the opponent's space force, but he couldn't take it back to protect himself. In desperation, he had no choice but to Use your final strength.

In an instant, a ray of light flashed from the crown on his head, and a huge shield immediately wrapped him up.The shield didn't exude any powerful aura, it just rose up hazy, like a layer of frosted glass.

"Not good! Soul Destroyer Knight, come back!" Yun Haixing was startled when he saw the shield, and hurriedly roared, commanding the insect spirit to retreat back while his thoughts were flowing. [

But still one step slower.The horse's forward momentum could not be stopped for a while, and half of the sharp knight's spear pierced directly into the frosted glass-like shield.

It was as if the ghostly phantom of the night melted and disappeared when it saw the sunlight, and the part of the knight's spear piercing into the shield also disappeared immediately.At this moment, the war horse retreated abruptly, leading the knight back and returning to Yun Haixing's side, but at this moment, only half of the knight's spear was left.

That half seemed to be swallowed by the shield.

At this time, Xue Hongqianli had already blasted the heavy armored god of war in the air, fixed his eyes on Yun Tianzhou, and was slightly startled: "So this thing is not lost? Isn't this the crown of nirvana?"

"Not bad!" Yun Tianzhou's eyes were all red at this time, like a crazy beast. "This is the treasure passed down from generation to generation in our Dongyun Empire, the crown of nirvana! It can create a nirvana space, and anyone or any power that enters this space will be annihilated and dissipated at lightning speed, just like the experience Like the dust that has stood for millions of years!"

"My sons!" he yelled, "take up arms for me! This time, it is a catastrophe for my Yun family. We must work together to get through it together!"

"This is not a catastrophe for the Yun family!" Yun Haixing roared, "It's just the empress and the eldest prince who have to pay the price for killing Shi Kong's mother! The agreement with everyone is to kill Shi Kong! Yun Tianzhou, didn’t you just say that you let them solve it by themselves? Did you agree with them because you made up your mind from the beginning that Shi Kong would die at the hands of the First Prince? a duel?"

"It's not fair, as the great emperor, how can you be so unfair?" Someone immediately influenced Yun Haixing, but he had already received Yun Haixing's instruction.

"That's right! Even the handling of family affairs is so unfair, how can state affairs be handled well?" More people shouted, and the shouts gradually became one.

"Such a great emperor will only bring disaster to Dongyun Empire!" Someone shouted.

"Let him abdicate!"

"Enough!" Yun Tianzhou roared, "You rebellious officials and thieves will all die today!"

In the roar, his thoughts flowed, calling his sons and daughters to gather around him, and face the powerful enemy with him.

"Princes and princesses!" Yun Haixing said loudly at this time, "Think about it! Yun Tianzhou's love for his family and righteousness to his courtiers is already desertion. Think about how he usually treats you? He cares, but It’s just the eldest prince, the second prince and the third prince! Although you are princes and princesses, you can only rely on these three to get what you want. But I’m here, and I can promise you on behalf of Shi Kong, great emperor After you abdicate and Shi Kong succeeds, you will all be crowned princes, and each of you will control a piece of land, instead of being controlled by others in the imperial capital!"

His words had some effect to some extent. Although these princes and princesses still focused on the vicinity of Yun Tianzhou, they were still hesitating in their hearts.

What Yun Haixing said was right, Yun Tianzhou liked the third prince the most, and apart from them, he only cared about the first prince and the second prince.The rest of the people, although a hundred times stronger than Yun Guiqing's fate, compared with these three, they are simply little stars who accompany the moon.

In the hearts of these princes and princesses, they have long been unwilling and dissatisfied, but the reality is stronger than people, and they can only accept their fate.Now, facing a strong enemy, their status in Izumo Tianzhou has begun to shake, so they can't help but start to think about their future in their hearts.

Should he work hard with this father who doesn't have much affection, or...

This sentence is best verified at this moment.

"Yun Hai Xing, I'm going to kill you first!" Yun Tianzhou grinned, and strode down the steps.The silent space surged around him, turning the steps under his feet into dust.Like a dead air mass, he floated in the air and flew towards the sea of ​​clouds.

"The Crown of Nirvana is very powerful, but it's not that great." Di Ya'er smiled faintly at this moment. "42 years ago, the empire that held this artifact was called the Yulong Empire. They lost this artifact during the most tense war between the planes. I'm curious, is it the ancestors of the Dongyun Empire who stole this artifact? An artifact?"

"Shut up, don't insult the ancestors of my empire!" Yun Tianzhou yelled angrily, "I don't care what kind of former hero you are, if you dare to speak wild words, I will kill you first!" [

As he said that, he changed his route and flew towards Di Ya'er.

"This artifact is in your hands, it's like a hidden gem." Di Ya'er shook her head slightly, "You can't exert its true power at all."

As she spoke, she slowly raised her hand, a little mana condensed between her fingers, and suddenly shot forward.

That bit of mana turned into a spot of light in the air, and was directly printed on the extinguished space. In an instant, the space was shattered like glass hit by a quilt.

"Impossible!?" Yun Tianzhou yelled in horror.

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