star wars civilization.

Chapter 872: A Vague Premonition

"Hi everyone." Aosheng nodded slightly to the emperors.

"This is Aosheng, the king of the snow tiger, the holy beast of the Xuexuan Realm." Shen Zheng introduced, and then introduced the four great holy beast kings to the great emperors.

Looking at these powerful tiger-shaped beasts, none of the great emperors doubted their identities, and they all stood up respectfully and saluted them.

"Thank you five for your cooperation." Shen Zheng smiled, and invited the five holy beast kings back to the Water and Fire Secret Realm, and called out the war beast kings from the Sealed Demon Realm.

"These are war beasts from the Demon Sealing Realm." Shen Zheng introduced. "The number of war beasts in the entire Demon Sealing Realm is small, less than 40, but their combat power is relatively strong." [

Looking at these tall and strong beasts, all the emperors were amazed.After discovering that these war beasts did not have the wisdom of holy beasts, they did not show much respect.

But fear was born in everyone's heart: there are nearly 40 such powerful war beasts?Then sweeping any empire will never be a problem!

"And this one..." After Shen Zheng invited all the Beastmasters back to the secret realm, he invited Bingzhen out. "It's the supreme ruler from the ice world, Queen Bingzhen."

This time, all the great emperors stood up again and saluted each other respectfully, and Bingzhen returned the salute in a friendly manner.

"Everyone, my ice world has reached a covenant with the Holy League." Bing Zhen said slowly, "In the future, our two worlds will become friends, and we will do our best to help the source world when there is a war between the planes."

Several great emperors hurriedly nodded to express their thanks.

"Should you stop doubting my words?" Shen Zheng asked with a smile.

"Where are you talking?" The Tianmen Emperor laughed, "Everyone is not suspicious, but just curious about the experience of Leader Shen. Leader Shen, you summoned us this time to establish an alliance, and we know that. But this is not a trivial matter. The major empires in the star sea have always been independent, if they insist on using some alliance to restrain them..."

He smiled lightly, his eyes swept across the crowd of great emperors, and landed on Bingzhen.

"We always feel that President Shen wants to imitate the Great Queen."

"Emperor Tianmen, you are wrong to say that." Before Shen Zheng could speak, Yue Mingguang shook his head. "According to Lord Shen's current strength, if he wants to become the emperor of the entire source world, can you stop him?"

"This..." Tianmen Great Emperor smiled faintly, but didn't say anything.

"And he just wants to establish an alliance. What is an alliance?" Yue Mingguang looked at everyone, "Everyone is not stupid, and they should be clear about this."

"None of the countries has any chance of winning against the foreign invasion alone." Shen Zheng said, "That would only be defeated one by one. So we must unite. This time I went to the foreign world and learned a lot of secrets. For example, the Holy Demon Realm The reason why they spare no effort to attack us is because the lifespan of the holy demons is only one-tenth of ours. Therefore, they will desperately want to seize the source world and gain a longer lifespan. Their aggressive hearts will not die Yes, even if there is still a glimmer of hope, they will kill them, because their lives are at stake. Everyone, I hope that when the enemy is at hand, you can put aside your previous suspicions, work together, and unite against the army of other worlds."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and immediately several large boxes flew out from the worm core of the portable space, and piled them on the stage. With a wave of his hand, those boxes opened, and they were all filled with secret realm orbs. There are tens of thousands of them.

"In the future, the alliance will provide sufficient space orbs and secret orbs to the major allies." Shen Zheng said, "Space orbs need not be said, but the secret orbs provided by the alliance are worthy of everyone's careful attention."

With a wave of his hand, the power of space rolled up some secret realm orbs and sent them to the four great emperors who had not yet decided to join the alliance.These great emperors saw other great emperors, and immediately understood that the rest of the people had known the secret of Shen Zheng's secret realm orb, and first murmured in their hearts, and then took the secret realm orb to observe.

"This..." The Heavenly Gate Emperor lost his voice in astonishment, "What a pure secret orb! I feel that if I use such a secret orb, my strength will increase again!"

"Indeed!" Emperor Shenhui also became excited. [

"The benefits of this kind of secret orb are huge." Bing Zhen said at this time. "I have done careful research on it, and found that it can quickly increase the strength of the Star Sea King in a short period of time. After the strength improvement seems to have reached the limit, if you can continue to take it with long-term training, you can increase the strength again."

"Good thing, good thing!" The eyes of the four great emperors radiated excitement, and they couldn't help nodding while holding those secret realm orbs.

"Master Shen, since ten countries have joined the alliance, our Shenhui Empire is also willing to join." Emperor Shenhui was the first to express his opinion.

"Okay!" Shen Zheng nodded and smiled.With a wave of his hand, the boxes of secret realm orbs flew up and landed beside Emperor Shenhui. "Then this batch of secret realm orbs is the first wave of special funds to support your country. In the future, the Holy League will continue to send high-quality space orbs and secret realm orbs to your country to help your country grow stronger."

"Thank you, Leader Shen!" Emperor Shenhui looked at the tens of thousands of secret realm orbs, and his eyes couldn't help but shine.

Big money!

Many people muttered in their hearts, envious of the ten thousand secret realm orbs.

"My Hongyu Empire is also willing to join!" Emperor Hongyu shouted.

"My Fenghuo Empire is also willing to join!" Fenghuo Emperor said loudly.

"My Tianmen Empire is also willing to join." The Tianmen Emperor smiled faintly, his voice calm.

"Okay!" Shen Zheng nodded and smiled, "In this way, the alliance of the fourteen countries in the source world is formally established. The next thing we need to do is to establish an early warning mechanism among countries so that they can communicate with each other at any time, and can communicate with each other. Support. At the same time, we need to train our troops and continuously improve the strength of all countries!"

"That's right!" The great emperors from all over the world nodded one after another.

After the summit, the great emperors of various countries did not disperse, but found time to talk with Shen Zheng alone.Among them, the four newly joined imperial emperors were the most active. They knew that this summit was actually specially opened for them.The top ten empires have already become Shen Zheng's confidantes, if he doesn't be more active, he will naturally fall into a disadvantage in the future.

And the great emperors of other empires also visited Shen Zheng one after another, expressing their loyalty, they also asked Shen Zheng a lot about cultivation, and even tried to gain more benefits from the Holy League.Shen Zheng understood their intentions and gave them a lot of benefits, everyone was very happy.

The last one to visit was the Tianmen Great Emperor.This elegant emperor, named Tianmen Sheng, was the last one to visit Shen Zheng, but he was the most sincere one.He carefully asked Shen Zheng about cultivation matters, the customs of the various planes, the specific situation of the Holy Demon Realm, and Shen Zheng's thoughts on the future of the source world, and even chatted with Shen Zheng for more than 20 hours.

"Listening to what you said really opened my eyes." At the end of the chat, Tianmen Sheng let out a long sigh. "The past years are really wasted."

"It's too serious." Shen Zheng smiled lightly.

"President Shen, I have a merciless request." He turned to Shen Zheng and said solemnly. "I would like to ask you to go to my empire, personally show your strength to my soldiers, and teach them personally, so that their morale can be boosted, and our status as Tianmen Kingdom can be established among all countries. Promoted. To tell you the truth, Tianmen Kingdom has the weakest strength and the lowest status among the fourteen countries in the source world. All along, our country has always acted in the face of a powerful neighbor. Like the five countries, they have joined the circle of Dongyun Empire. If you can come to our country this time, the soldiers of our country will be very excited, feel honored, and their self-confidence will greatly increase."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, "There's nothing wrong with that."

"That's great!" Tianmen Sheng showed a gratified smile, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"At that time, I will bring all the strong men there and let them guide your fighters well. Is it enough to make you proud?" Shen Zheng asked with a smile.

"That's great!" Tianmen Sheng's eyes lit up. [

After the summit, the great emperors finished their relationship with Shen Zheng in private and left satisfied. The connection of the entire source world was also arranged by Shen Zheng, and Ying Aotian and Yun Haixing were jointly responsible for establishing it.Shen Zheng agreed to Tianmen Sage's invitation, and directly led a group of strong men to Tianmen Empire.

Coming to the secret realm of the imperial capital of the Tianmen Empire, Shen Zheng immediately felt the difference.

No matter it is the Yuexuan Empire, or any empire that Shen Zheng has been to, the secret realm of the imperial capital gives people a sense of majesty and grandeur, but once he enters the secret realm of the Tianmen Imperial Capital, Shen Zheng feels that this secret realm faintly brings people a sense of grandeur. The feeling of oppression, as if the power of the secret realm itself is insufficient, or the space is not enough, making people feel cramped.

But the buildings in the entire secret realm are the same as other empires, showing the atmosphere of an imperial capital.Whether it is a towering palace or an ordinary majestic building, they all exude a royal atmosphere.

Shen Zheng couldn't help sighing inwardly: No wonder the Emperor Tianmen would say that, you can get out from the secret realm of the imperial capital, the national strength of the Tianmen Empire is indeed weaker, this weakness should be the result of generations of accumulation, it is a vicious circle.

"I can help you modify this secret realm." After arriving here, Di Ya'er looked at the secret realm and smiled at Tianmen Sheng. "The foundation of this secret realm is good. It's just that people didn't build it well later, and the power of space in the secret realm didn't get the best use of it, so it showed this kind of oppression."

"That's great!" Tianmen Sheng was very excited. "You don't know, the problem of this secret realm is indeed not small, but the imperial capital established by generations, but no generation of emperors dared to move the capital, so they had to be wronged here, but it is really not conducive to cultivation! That's why it is difficult for our country to produce talents .”

A group of people soon arrived at the palace, and immediately received the warmest welcome.But for everyone who is used to seeing big scenes, this level of excitement is not worth mentioning.

The Tianmen Saint quickly gathered the elites of the imperial capital first, and then assembled the army. Shen Zheng gave a speech for them, explaining the urgency of the imminent war of planes, and that the Tianmen Empire will receive the support of the Holy League from now on. The good news is that Shen Zheng will personally train a group of elite fighters for the Tianmen Empire.

The entire army immediately erupted.

Under Shen Zheng's arrangement, a group of strong men lived temporarily in the Tianmen Empire and exchanged experiences with the soldiers of the Tianmen Empire, while Shen Zheng was specially invited by the Tianmen Sage to the palace to exchange cultivation experience with the Tianmen Sage alone. Instruct Tianmen Sheng to use the orb of the secret realm to advance.

Everything was going very smoothly, but for some reason, Shen Zheng always felt something was wrong.

It was as if he was walking in the jungle, and there was a wild beast hiding in the forest nearby, which might pounce on him at any time.

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