star wars civilization.

Chapter 873: A plane like a sea of ​​blood

Tianmen Sheng stood quietly in front of the door, as if a younger generation was about to meet the elders of the clan, waiting respectfully, not daring to make a sound.

After a long time, the door opened slowly, Shen Zheng walked out slowly, Tianmen Saint immediately went up to greet him, and saluted respectfully: "Are you finished?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, and handed a space worm core into the hands of Tianmen Sheng.

"Here are 20 secret realm orbs," he said, "enough to turn all your elite guards into masters of masters."

"This is simply..." Tianmen Sheng was so excited that he didn't know what to say. [

"Let's go." Shen Zheng smiled, "Send them to your guards, and I will guide them to improve their strength for you."

"It's been really hard for you these days." Tianmen Sage sighed, "It's really..."

"Everything is for the overall strength of our source world." Shen Zheng said, "You don't have to take it too seriously. With this group of powerful forbidden troops, the Tianmen Empire can completely raise its head and speak among other countries."

"That's it!" Tianmen Sheng could not help but smile.

He hurriedly led the way ahead and brought Shen Zheng all the way to the Royal Elite Forbidden Army Camp.This Forbidden Barracks is the strongest defense force of the Imperial Capital of the Tianmen Empire. The royal guards inside are all elites selected from the Imperial Guards. There are a total of 5 people, each of whom is extraordinary in strength, and has also used secret realm orbs to increase their strength. .

When they learned that they still had the opportunity to use higher-level secret realm orbs to make their power stronger, they were all excited. As soon as the news of Shen Zheng's arrival spread, the soldiers gathered impatiently. Under the command of the General of the Forbidden Army, he stood on the parade ground and waited for Shen Zheng to drive him.

As soon as the figures of Shen Zheng and Tianmen Sage appeared, the soldiers shouted in unison: "Long live the emperor! Long live the lord Shen!"

The cry was full of excitement, but there was nothing false about it.Everyone regards Shen Zheng as the ladder of progress and the guiding light for their progress, and they look at him with admiration.

"Please." Tianmen Sheng respectfully invited Shen Zheng to the reviewing platform. Shen Zheng smiled and went up with him, and came to the high platform. He glanced at the soldiers present and nodded slightly: "Sure enough, they are all elites. .This time I use the orb of the secret realm, and I will surely make a great leap forward. I would like to congratulate Your Majesty first."

"Congratulations." Tianmen Sheng was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, "When the Tianmen Empire is strong, the power of the source world is stronger, and it is also a blessing for our entire source world."

As he spoke, he pulled Shen Zheng to stand in front of the reviewing stand, looked down, and said loudly: "My soldiers! I think you all already know the good news, right?"

"Know!" The [-] imperial guards shouted excitedly.

"You, representing the strongest combat power of our Tianmen Empire, are the pride of our country! Now, Shen Meng will mainly turn you into the pride of the entire source world! Do you have confidence?" Tianmen Sheng said loudly, igniting everyone The blood in the hearts of soldiers.

"Yes!" The soldiers shouted.

"Then let go of your strength! Let Lord Shen know how strong you are!" Tianmen Sheng shouted, "At that time, I will send every secret orb to you, so that you can increase your strength again! "

"Yes!" The soldiers roared, releasing the power in their bodies one by one without reservation. In an instant, the entire forbidden barracks was enveloped by powerful space and power of thought, and the power gathered together to form a The huge beam of light rising into the sky can be seen clearly from any position in the secret realm.

The rest of the people in the secret realm looked at this place without envy.They had known for a long time that Alliance Leader Shen had gone into seclusion and was concentrating on making secret orbs, and now he was here to increase the strength of the imperial guards.

"I really envy them!" Many soldiers sighed at the beam of light in the imperial barracks from their posts.

In the Forbidden Army Camp, Tianmen Sheng looked dignified, slowly picked up the space worm core, and suddenly exerted the power of space to release all 20 secret realm orbs.Those orbs surged in the air, converging into a long river of light, sweeping towards the guards. [

"Come on!" Tianmen Sheng roared, "Raise your strength to the extreme, and then swallow the orb of the secret realm, what kind of change will happen to your strength!"

As he said that, he turned to Shen Zheng, saluted slightly, and said sincerely: "Master Shen, please come and say a few more words to boost their morale, increase their fighting spirit, and let them have the ability to push towards the limit!"

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded slightly and walked forward slowly.Looking at the warriors who were constantly urging their strength to burn to the extreme, he said loudly: "Everyone, I was just a mortal struggling to survive on a small planet, but I walked all the way with a firm belief. Only now have you reached the pinnacle of the entire source world. If I can do it, so can you! Believe me, exert your greatest strength, develop your potential, and break the realm of strength that has been imprisoning you all this time!"

"Break it!" the soldiers yelled together.

Shen Zheng slowly nodded and smiled, observing the confidence in their eyes and the belief in their thoughts.

But at this moment, that uneasy feeling reappeared, he felt that the beast hidden in the dense forest had finally made a move.

Just when he was stunned and began to scan the surroundings with his mind to find the source of danger, the 20 secret realm orbs scattered in the air suddenly burned at the same time, and with them, there were also the [-] forbidden elites. Guardian power!They mixed together to form an unstoppable tide of power, which swirled unstoppably like a soaring tornado.

In this tornado of energy, each soldier uttered a cry of pain. Their life force was quickly sucked away, and their bodies quickly lost their vitality. In this tornado, their bodies turned into fine dust and were swept into the wind.

"What's going on here?" Shen Zheng was terrified, and suddenly mobilized all his strength to get away from this terrible tornado immediately, but at this moment, a powerful big hand grabbed him.He turned his head and saw the smiling face of Tianmen Sheng.

"Shen Zheng, we haven't seen each other for a long time." There was a kind of power in his eyes, which made all giants feel ashamed in front of him.Shen Zheng suddenly felt that this gaze made him feel familiar.

This person is not Tianmen Saint, absolutely not.

"Who are you?" He couldn't help asking, at the same time, a huge force was brewing in his body, ready to deliver a fatal blow to that person at any time.

"Have you forgotten me?" Tianmen Sage smiled, "I wanted to kill you, but you escaped with the help of another strong man, and even severely injured me. Have you forgotten? "

"Holy Emperor of the Worm?" Shen Zheng's eyes turned cold.

"Smart." Tianmen Sheng laughed. "It's a pity that you, who are so smart, didn't expect that I would recover so quickly and become the emperor of an empire, right?"

"Holy Emperor Loch, today's Shen Zheng is no longer the Shen Zheng who was hunted down by you in the past and had to rely on others for help!" Shen Zheng sneered, "I was worried that I would not be able to find you, since you sent me to the door by yourself, Then die!"

Suddenly, the God Meteor Knife flashed like lightning and appeared in his hand. All his strength was raised to the peak at that moment. The lightning had already cut into Tianmen Sheng's body in an instant, splitting that tall body into two halves!

"It's useless." The laughter came, but it didn't come from the mouth of Tianmen Sage, but flew misty in the energy storm around.

Tianmen Sheng's corpse instantly shattered into dust, and a huge amount of energy emanated from it, which mixed into the surrounding energy storm, making the storm even stronger.

"Shen Zheng, you can't escape this time. This is a trap carefully laid by me, and what's ridiculous is that it is the orb of the secret realm that you created yourself to trigger the power of this trap. What is this called? It's called self-binding, right? "

Amidst the laughter, Shen Zheng felt that the huge tornado was tearing his body, he yelled loudly, the might of the Meteor God Knife fully unleashed, and slashed towards the tornado.That saber light, like the energy that can generate everything released by the Creator God when he created the world, is powerful and unstoppable. Even the tornado of this energy is split into two in an instant!

"You can't stop me!" Shen Zheng snorted coldly, and flew towards the opening. [

"Stop dreaming." The laughter of the Sacred Emperor Loch still echoed around. "Do you really think that with your strength, you can break through my trap? Young man, although I have not recovered all my strength, I am a master who has mastered that kind of strength. You are nothing in front of me. Nothing..."

Amidst the laughter, that opening suddenly exploded, and the huge shock wave knocked Shen Zheng away fiercely. Shen Zheng felt his body spin rapidly, and in an instant, there was a way to distinguish A sense of confusion about direction.But when he forcibly stabilized his body and slowly regained his senses, he found that he was no longer in the imperial camp of the Tianmen Empire.

Here is a vast red world, the deep space is red, the nearby celestial bodies are red, and even the wind of energy blowing by is also red, giving people the feeling of being in a huge blood vessel. delusions among.

However, Shen Zheng vaguely remembered a place in the crimson vortex, the belly of the crimson giant monster.

The only difference is that there are no holy spirit thoughts that are constantly fighting.

"Do you like this place?" A voice sounded, Shen Zheng suddenly turned his head, clenched the Meteor Sword, and directed at the owner of the voice.

It was a tall, long-haired man with a handsome appearance and a good temperament. His eyes shone with a star-like brilliance. If a person with weaker power of thought just made contact with his eyes, he would be impressed by his aura. Convinced, willingly recognize him as the master, for his drive.

"Sacred Emperor of the Worm?" Shen Zhengdao pointed at the other party and asked slowly.

"My lord, Yushen." The other party said with a smile, "You are qualified to know my name, and you are also qualified to call me directly, just because you are Shen Zheng, just because you were supposed to be at the time of the concentration of great luck in the source world. A person who breaks through and becomes the master of the plane."

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