star wars civilization.

Chapter 874: Master of the Three Worlds

"Should?" Shen Zheng sneered, "So, do you mean that I will become the master of the plane again and die here?"

As he spoke, he sensed this world and carefully understood the power here. Whether it is a strange plane or a powerful secret realm.

But he couldn't be sure.Because the power of his mind is restrained everywhere here, he can't analyze the composition of space power in this world.

"Yes, you will die here." Yushen smiled, "Did you know? Ever since I was wounded by you, I have been lurking in the Tianmen Empire, captured the body of Tianmen Great Emperor, and pretended to be him, while recuperating, While creating this 'quasiplane'. The world you are in is between the secret realm and the plane, and here, I am the powerful creator and the only god. I can continue to use it here My greatest strength - you know what that is."

"The power of rules?" Shen Zheng's eyes moved. [

"So you will definitely die." Yushen said, "There is no way to choose."

"That's right, he must die!" Amidst the roar, countless space turbulences appeared, and then, groups of people appeared beside the universe, each of them staring at Shen Zheng with eyes wide open, the number of people was tens of thousands, Moreover, all of them exude a powerful aura of strength, they are definitely not ordinary soldiers, and the worst of them must be at the level of a general of a country.

Among those people, there is a familiar figure of Shen Zheng, that is the unique ruler of the Holy Demon Realm, the Holy Demon Ling Yu.Beside him, there was a holy demon wearing a gorgeous white robe, holding a long staff exuding a powerful aura, staring at Shen Zheng with hatred in his eyes.

"Shen Zheng, long time no see." The holy demon Ling Yu looked at Shen Zheng with a cold smile. "Your appearance has brought countless troubles to my Holy Demon Realm, but it has also brought us good luck. What I want to tell you is that the Creator of the Holy Demon has used great force to change the world because of your existence. Breaking the rules of the Holy Demon Realm changed the fate of several people, from ordinary people to peerless masters. My power in the Holy Demon Realm has not declined because of you!"

"That's really a pity." Shen Zheng sneered.

"I don't need to introduce this one to you." Yushen smiled and pointed to the holy demon Ling Yu, then moved his finger to the man in white robe. "I need to say something about this one—he is the master of the Saint Empire who was killed by you, the father of Sheng Suiqiu, the great emperor of the Saint Empire, Shengchi Guanglei."

"Shen Zheng, you must die!" Shengchi Guanglei gritted his teeth, his eyes glowed red, as if he wanted to tear Shen Zheng apart.

"Shen Zheng, return my brother!" With a loud roar, a tall man raised his long sword and shouted in the team.

"Shen Zheng, return the artifact of my kingdom!" Beside him, a more mature man who looked very similar to him brandished a knife and shouted.

"Although you haven't met these two, they are the first people who have ties to you." Yushen said, "One is the heart of the great dragon of the Longyuan Empire in the Azure Realm, and the other is the heart of his great prince Long Yuan. Linyou. It’s okay for you to take away their national artifact, but also swept up their treasury, and even took away the second prince’s dragon teeth and claws. This is too shameful. They vowed to tear you apart this time !"

"Shen Zheng, remember me?" A pair of red eyes stared at Shen Zheng with hatred.Shen Zheng turned his head and saw a group of giants with an average height of about five meters, among them was a familiar figure.

"Isn't this Lord Sha Shenmang, the vice-commander of the powerful capital of the Sand God Realm?" Shen Zheng laughed mockingly, "Why, I beat you enough last time, and you want me to help you relax? "

"You!" Sha Shenmang's eyes widened in anger.

"Shen Zheng, you killed tens of thousands of elites in my Water God Realm. You must avenge this revenge today." Beside Sha Shenmang, a man taller than Sha Shenmang by a head waved his hand gently, and he was so impulsive that he wanted to kill Shenmang. Zheng's Sha Shenmang stopped him.

"This should be the commander of the capital of the strong?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Myself, Sha Shenxu." The other party said slowly. "The supreme ruler of the Sand God Realm, this time, is here to take your life!"

"And me." Not far from the father and son of the Longyuan Empire, a long-faced man with a thin figure had a cold light in his eyes. "I am the leader of the Azure League, Landulo, and I am here today to take your life!"

"It's a real honor." Shen Zheng looked at the other party and nodded slightly. "My little Shen Zheng actually attracted the supreme rulers of the three planes to come out together, as well as my traitor Yushen from the source world. What can I do?"

"No need to be modest." Yushen smiled, "You are a character who has inherited the great fortune of the source world, and you are going to become the master of the plane, the strong god of creation, without such a lineup, how can you be sure that nothing will go wrong? Shen Zheng, I've waited for a long time, but in the end, I still have to rely on your secret orb and the lives of tens of thousands of elite guards to completely complete this plane, open up its space channel, and lead you into it. This hurts me very much. Self respect." [

"Is there any way to make it hurt more?" Shen Zheng asked with a smile.

Yushen stared at Shen Zheng, and smiled faintly after a long while: "It's up to you. To be honest, your power makes me jealous, really jealous. It took me a long time, almost sacrificing all the holy spirits in the source world, to be able to You have reached that point, but what about you? Without any sacrifices, you have been on the rise all the way, and now you have become the strongest in the source world, and you may reach my level at any time..."

"God bless those who do good." Shen Zheng said. "For your own self-interest, you have killed countless holy spirits and almost wiped out the holy spirits of the source world. With this sin alone, it is impossible for you to obtain the luck of the source world. All that awaits you is death."

"What a breath!" Landulo snorted coldly, "Your Highness Yushen, we don't have to talk to him anymore, let's send him to hell!"

"Shen Zheng, you will die." Yushen smiled, his figure gradually faded, like the shadow of night disappearing under the sun. "I will not let you progress any further, I will strangle you in your infancy. Here, you cannot receive the influence of luck from the source world, nor can you get the power of the master of the plane who inherited the power to you." It is impossible to get help from another plane you conquered. Shen Zheng, you will die!"

Amidst the laughter, Yushen completely disappeared, and the tens of thousands of strong men unanimously exuded powerful power and charged towards Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng looked at the powerful enemy, and the power of his thoughts spread in all directions. The Holy Demon Armor suddenly flew out from the space worm core and covered his body. The knife, the protection is by his side.

In an instant, he had already unleashed all his power without reservation!

Yushen was right. At this time, Shen Zheng had clearly sensed that the link connecting him with the Demon Sealing Realm was bound by an unknown force and completely sealed off.The powerful divine power of the Demon Sealing Realm can no longer be passed on.

What's even more frightening is that his portable secret realm, the secret realm of water and fire, has completely lost contact with him, as if he was left behind in the forbidden army camp of the Tianmen Empire in the distant source world.

All he can rely on now is the Meteor God Knife, the Holy Demon Armor, and the power of those great creators.

There are also his Insect Spirit, Holy Spirit Boy, and Moon Wheel Knife.

But his opponents number in the tens of thousands!

Maybe here is the end of my life?

Shen Zheng looked at the strong enemy and smiled lightly.

"Do you want my life?" He murmured to himself, "Then use your lives in exchange! I don't want to die, but if the fate of death is irreversible, at least I will take you as much as possible The masters of these invaders save the source world people from having to face cold and powerful enemies!"

He smiled, as if facing not the darkness of death, but the beautiful light.He swung the Meteor God Knife, and in an instant, a dazzling blade pierced through the air, cutting through the bloody red world, and rushing straight into the enemy formation!


With the sound of screams, several strong men who rushed forward were directly cut and shattered by this blade light. Blood rain floated in the air, spread in all directions, and turned into a fishy mist.

The light of the knife shone with the cold light of death, and it moved forward all the way. Anyone who blocked it would be cut off and shredded immediately. At this time, the menacing strong men, like sheep who saw a wolf, were terrified and dodged in all directions. .

"Break!" With a loud roar, Landulo, the leader of the Azure Realm, raised his hand, and a black steel cannon immediately appeared in front of him. As his thoughts flowed, the cannon roared, and the muzzle sprayed out A cannon like a blue water polo flew out of the sky and hit the knife light.

With an ear-shattering explosion, the cannon and the sword light canceled each other out and dissipated into the air.The huge aftermath of the explosion sent several strong people flying, and even some people were directly hit by the explosion wave. They were shocked to the point where they bled all over their bodies and their bones shattered to death. [

"Scatter!" Someone yelled, "Gathering together will make it easier for this guy to kill!"

Immediately, the [-]-strong team scattered in all directions, covering Shen Zheng like a dark cloud of killing.

After sending out that terrifying sword glow, Shen Zheng swallowed a few space orbs, concentrated all his strength again, and slashed out with one blow.He kept swallowing the space orbs, and the Meteor God Knife struck out continuously like lightning, sending beams of blade light towards the enemy formation ahead.Countless enemies were cut to pieces by the light of the sword, but the supreme rulers of the three planes continued to release terrifying killing moves to smash the light of the sword.

The two sides stalemate for a while.

"This guy is so strong!" Sha Shenxu frowned involuntarily. "The most powerful of our three major planes dispatched together, but we couldn't suppress and kill him in an instant. Shen Zheng is really extraordinary."

"No matter how unusual it is, I have to die this time!" Sha Shenmang gritted his teeth.

At this moment, a wave of power surged through the entire quasi-plane, instantly enveloping everyone in it.Only Shen Zheng could vaguely sense that power, but the others didn't seem to notice it.

"The power of rules?" Shen Zheng frowned.He knew that Yushen had finally started to act.

Using the power of rules directly cannot kill people. It can only affect all things, make them change, and finally meet the requirements of those who control the power of rules.That's why Yushen mobilized so many masters to kill him.

Suddenly, some things began to change subtly.

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