star wars civilization.

Chapter 875: The Sea of ​​Power of Rules

First, Shen Zheng's sword lights were suddenly swallowed by the turbulent turbulence in the space, and then, several people in the opponent's team luckily gained some insight during the battle, and their strength began to increase.

"Shen Zheng, you are doomed!" Sha Shenmang, the deputy commander of the Sand God Realm, suddenly laughed wildly, "It's so lucky that the power of my god can reach us across a distant plane! Shen Zheng, I want Your life!"

Amidst the roar, the Sand God's armor on Sha Shenmang's body surged crazily, and the scattered sand particles turned into a huge sword, and slashed towards Shen Zheng.

But at this moment, cracks appeared in the several space worm cores on Shen Zheng's chest suddenly.

If there is a crack in the worm core, you must use power to repair it. Otherwise, if you use space power to access items, the space of the worm core will collapse, and the things inside will also disappear with the collapse of the space.As a result, Shen Zheng can no longer call the space orb in it to supplement his strength. [

But the enemies became stronger one by one, and he couldn't help frowning.


He quickly made a judgment and launched the mobile guerrilla warfare that he had planned long ago.When the holy spirit boy swung the moon wheel knife violently, cutting out a series of terrifying power faults like space cracks, and gave birth to countless space fragments, which scattered towards the enemy group, Shen Zheng also waved the meteor knife , cut out a terrifying sword light.

Afterwards, he flew towards the distant human area.

He discovered that in this quasi-plane, there is no way to open up hyperspace, and he can only fly at his own original speed.But fortunately, this quasi-plane is not empty. In the entire huge space of the plane, there are nebulae, stars, and meteorites scattered in the space.These can provide him with cover-although the effect is not too great.

"He wants to run!" Sha Shenmang yelled, "We can't let him run away!"

"Don't worry, Lord Vice Commander." The Holy Demon Ling Yu smiled faintly, "This is not a vast plane, but the world of His Highness Yushen. All efforts Shen Zheng makes will be in vain."

"That's right, he's dead!" Landulo sneered.

"No matter what, we have to catch up." Sha Shenxu said calmly, glanced at his younger brother with a reproachful look, and sent a thought: "Don't be so flustered, you are a strong man in my Sand God Realm The deputy commander of the capital, we cannot make the people of the other two realms smaller."

"Understood." Sha Shenmang nodded hastily.

After the crowd easily destroyed Shen Zheng's attack, they chased after Shen Zheng under the leadership of the three giants.

But at this time, Shen Zheng had already disappeared from their field of vision with his powerful speed.

He exudes powerful mind power, which interferes with the vast space around him, so that the power of mind of any strong person cannot be clearly sensed in this piece of space, just like releasing the fog of mind, confusing the eyes of the enemy .

However, no matter where he fled, that wave of power followed him closely, constantly changing around him.Suddenly, when he passed a meteorite belt, these meteorites were suddenly affected by a stellar storm, accelerated suddenly, and flew towards him fiercely, so he had to use his strength to break these meteorites one by one.

And in this way, his strength was exposed and his progress was hindered. The army in the distance immediately found his position and came towards the energy fluctuation.

Suddenly, a huge meteorite flew towards him, and at this moment, Shen Zheng's arm suddenly appeared in a situation that was impossible for the King of Star Seas - it actually cramped!

The pain and convulsions made Shen Zheng's movements stop, and the meteorite slammed into Shen Zheng's body fiercely.And at the moment of the impact, there was a little problem with the power operation in Shen Zheng's body. At that moment, he couldn't use the power to protect his body, and was hit by the meteorite and flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The power of rules!Damn it!

Shen Zheng didn't have time to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, so he hastily dodged to the distance, because several meteorites flew towards him again. [

He gritted his teeth and headed in another direction recklessly. After a few meteorite impacts, he finally escaped from the meteorite belt.But at this time, there was a sudden collapse of space power in front of him, so several space turbulent currents appeared there, and Shen Zheng hurriedly looked at those several turbulent currents for a while with heart palpitations.

He could feel that the turbulent current would bring him great danger, if he accidentally bumped into it, he would be brought to death by it.

Perhaps it is the center of the ten thousand army, and the universe will inevitably control the power of rules, so that those people are prepared, and it is absolutely impossible for them to launch a surprise attack.

The power of rules...

Shen Zheng dodged these turbulent currents, and flew towards an asteroid in the distance, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

How will I overcome you?

He thought about it, and felt the power of that form at the same time.That power ratio far exceeds the strongest power that any strong man he knows can exert. If there is anything that can be compared with it, it is only the feeling of terror brought to him when the goddess Han Feng came in person. .

But the goddess Han Feng at that time did not use the power of rules like this, but used her own huge power to directly suppress herself.

Why doesn't she use the power of rules?Shen Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly, he thought of the words of Goddess Chilling Heart.At that time, Goddess Hanxin said that the power of rules is not omnipotent. Even the master of the plane cannot completely control it, but can only use it to affect the hazy future.

If even the master of the plane cannot completely control the power of rules... Yushen can't!

And if Yushen, as a member of "mortal dust", can control the power of rules that can only be controlled by the lord of the plane, why can't I?

In an instant, Shen Zheng's eyes flashed with light, and he thought to himself: I can also sense the power of rules, which means that the distance between me and Yushen is not far away. If I can further change from sensing to controlling, then I will You can use this power to influence the development process of everything just like him!

But how easy is this kind of thing?

While Shen Zheng was thinking, he had already landed on the asteroid, but at the moment when he was about to land on the ground, the inside of the asteroid suddenly changed violently, the plates of the continent split, and a deep abyss appeared on the ground. The scorching magma in the planet erupted violently, shooting towards Shen Zheng like a sea of ​​fire.

The frontier of the sea of ​​magma is average. In this case, Shen Zheng can only get away from the asteroid quickly.And this behavior of suddenly retreating at a high speed while advancing at a high speed also caused his body to withstand a huge shock force, which made him spit out another mouthful of blood.

But when this mouthful of blood was spit out, a thought flashed through his mind, that thought was like a star in the distant sky, pointing out a way for him.

Maybe, I can do this!

Although his body was severely injured, his mental power was unprecedentedly strong. He yelled loudly, and the Holy Spirit Boy who had been absorbed in his body came out again. He reached out and removed the moon connected by the snake chain from behind round knife.

Senior Saint Beast of the Ancient God Realm, I know that you are a strong man who has reached the peak of the Star Sea King's power. You can even use your own power to open up passages in space, and you are an existence that can completely control the power of rules.Although you are dead now, your power of thought is still there, please help me at this time, so that I can master this power!

The threat of life and death caused Shen Zheng's power of thought to boil again, and the long-lost sense of danger of death made Shen Zheng's power rise again!

And under the call of his mind, a power resonance gradually emerged on the moon wheel knife. He vaguely heard a voice, but he couldn't hear what the voice said.However, he didn't have to hear what the other person said, because the voice itself had a magical power to open up the wisdom of the soul. When Shen Zheng heard it, his mind became clearer. [

In an instant, his perception of the power of rules became clearer, just like a swimmer can clearly sense the existence of the surrounding water.Not only that, but the power of his mind is also keenly aware of the subtle changes in the "water". Where there is an undercurrent surging, where there is a torrent in Penghu, where the wind is calm, all are under his control!

He couldn't help being excited, but he suppressed the excitement and concentrated all his strength.The power was boiling in his body, constantly impacting his body, and he gradually felt that the power of his mind was getting out of his control because it was too strong.

I can do it, and I must!

He gritted his teeth and tried hard to control this force, but that force was like a wild horse, neighing and roaring continuously, gradually losing his control.

Take control!

His eyes burst out with brilliance, forcibly suppressing the uncontrollable power of thought.Because of the excessive force, his body trembled violently, some cells began to collapse, and blood flowed from the corners of his eyes.

The power of the mind is still going to spread around, like a bomb that has been detonated, trying to release all the energy at once.He felt that the brain seemed to be unable to bear the power of the thought, and seemed to be disintegrating.

At that moment, he felt a strong sense of embarrassment, and finally fell down forcefully.

The huge power of thought immediately spread to the distance.

However, it was completely different from the outcome of his idea erupting and people being shocked to death. After the idea was sent out, it combined with the power of form that spread throughout the world.

He couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Why, is this the way to master the power of rules?

Isn't it hard to control yourself, but to integrate yourself with the power of rules?

In an instant, he had a new feeling, feeling that his own strength had completely merged into this piece of "water", and he could begin to control the flow of this water.

At this time, he can control the "water", let it generate dark currents, make it roll up torrents, make it calm...

He couldn't help but get excited, and slowly stood up, and couldn't help shouting excitedly: "I did it!"

But at this moment, a sigh came from the Moon Wheel Knife.

Isn't it right?

He couldn't help but startled.

At this moment, he sensed a clear sentence: "With a small amount of manpower, a movement that attempts to change the sea of ​​fate is a self-destructive madness..."

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