star wars civilization.

Chapter 876: The True Usage of the Power of Rules

Self-destructive madness?

Shen Zheng was startled suddenly.

He could feel the source of that voice - that was the Moon Wheel Saber, the residual thought of the sacred beast and the arrogant god in the ancient god world.At this moment, it is using its last strength to convey to itself an experience that can change his fate.

Use human power to change the movement of the sea of ​​fate?

Shen Zheng was thinking.He knows that this refers to his current state - the power of thought spreads as far as possible, and merges with the ocean of power of rules, giving him the power to change all rules.If you want, you can make everything change according to your own ideas. [

This is indeed crazy.Just imagine, a small human being, a creature who has not yet escaped the constraints of the mortal world, can exercise the power of a god. Isn't this madness?


Shen Zheng suddenly thought of many things, he thought of the holy beasts in the ancient god world, thought of the instructor, thought of Yushen.

They are all strong men who have mastered the power of rules, and they are all demigods who can merge with this ocean and control everything at will.But what happened to them?

Baaoshen died on the battlefield 42 years ago. People know why it died, but it did die. Although it possessed such power, it still died. Even the wish to return to its homeland after death could not be fulfilled. , wandering in the sea of ​​stars in another world forever.

Where is the mentor?He is the avatar of a master of planes, the residual power left by Yue Fuguang, but what is his final outcome?

It is annihilation, it is dissipation.

What about Yushen?He wasn't dead yet, but with that kind of strength, wasn't he also seriously injured and almost completely destroyed?

And at this time, I have also mastered this kind of power, which means that I will be able to fight against it, and what will be the result of the confrontation?

Shen Zheng suddenly shivered.Because he thought of the battle between the instructor and Yushen, and in connection with the advice just now, he vaguely felt that when he used this power to fight against Yushen, then the result of waiting for the two of them was likely to die together.

That's why the lord of the planes didn't use this power when he descended to the mortal world.

With a mortal body, it is crazy to drive the power that Shenshang County cannot fully grasp.And the price of madness is death.

Shen Zheng was startled suddenly, and immediately tried to shrink the power of his thoughts again.And at this time, a powerful force also surged out of the Moon Wheel Knife, which helped him to take back the power of his mind little by little, and no longer merged with the powerful ocean, but was only confined to Shen Zheng's small body within.

This feeling is painful, as if a rich man who has acquired great wealth through unremitting efforts suddenly gave away all his property to others; After cooking a table of delicacies with the ingredients, they don't eat it and give it to others.

It was more like a king who had already conquered the world and was about to sit on the throne. When he was in charge of the world, he suddenly gave up everything to others.

This kind of renunciation cannot be accomplished without an extremely strong will.

But Shen Zheng did it, with the help of the power of the Moon Wheel Saber, he completely took back that idea.So far, he can no longer integrate with the ocean, can no longer manipulate the power of the ocean, and can no longer let the ocean move according to his will.

But at this moment, Shen Zheng's eyes lit up with a wonderful feeling!

He suddenly felt as if he had become a child of the ocean. Although he couldn't manipulate the huge ocean, the ocean would never hurt him.He is in this ocean, just like being in the embrace of a mother, in the arms of a father, it is safer.He can swim freely here, can easily play in the vortex that tears apart the giant ship, can go with the current or go upstream in the rapids, and can quickly reach any place with the wandering...[

He is not the master of the ocean and cannot control it, but he is completely protected by the ocean and will not be hurt by the power of the ocean again!

No matter whoever manipulates that power, he is a part of the power and the object of that power's protection!

"It turns out that this is the real peak of the Star Sea King!" He nodded slightly, slowly puffed out his chest, and straightened his body.

He laughed, spread his arms lightly, and impacted his body with that form of force, allowing him to change everything around him, but remained unmoved.He didn't resist, because he knew that the power would never hurt him.

At this moment, on the asteroid behind him, the earth had already collapsed, and the magma was boiling. Finally, it exploded with a bang in a violent shock, and the huge energy spewed towards Shen Zheng's direction. Instantly engulfed Shen Zheng.

"Found it!" At this moment, the army of tens of thousands of people also rushed to the vicinity. When they arrived at Shen Zheng and was enveloped by the energy of the planet's explosion, many people couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, while others were exasperated. cried out.

"He just died like this?" Sha Shenmang yelled angrily, "I was going to kill him personally to take revenge, but what is this now? How can I make up for the dignity I lost? I'm not reconciled!"

"I also want to kill him with my own hands!" Sheng Chi Guanglei, the great emperor of the Holy Clan Empire, said through gritted teeth.

"As long as he dies, that's fine." Saint Demon Ling Yu said in a low voice.

"Although the goal has been achieved, the result is not from our hands. I always feel a little regretful." Landulo said. "If we can kill such a strong man, it will also bring us more confidence and glory in our hearts, and it will be of great help in our future cultivation. It's a pity."

The energy of the planetary explosion was surging, but it didn't spread. Everyone couldn't help being surprised, but at this moment, the eyes of the holy demon Ling Yu suddenly widened, pointing there and shouting: "Impossible!" ! This is absolutely impossible!"

Everyone looked over after hearing the reputation, and immediately saw an astonishing scene. In the energy group that exploded from the planet, Shen Zheng stood proudly with a smile on his face, but he was not harmed in the slightest!

"Impossible!" Landulo also yelled, "He has no way to replenish his strength, and he is restricted by His Highness Yushen's divine power. In an explosion of this magnitude, he will definitely be wiped out. How can he still be alive? ?”

"Of course I'm alive!" Shen Zheng smiled and responded loudly. "Not only will I live here, but I will also live in the source world. I will kill you villains, then leave here calmly and return to my world!"

He smiled like that, and suddenly waved his hands.The explosive energy of the planet moved together with the movement of his hands, and was driven by him in a blink of an eye, moving in the air to condense into a planet in an energy state, and then moving towards the ten thousand people with the movement of his palms. The army roared away!

"Everyone be careful!" Sha Shenxu yelled, "This planet was detonated by the power of His Royal Highness Yushen, and the power contained in it is more powerful than ordinary star explosions! Don't resist!"

Amid the shouts, he took the lead leading the elites of the Sand God Realm to retreat into the distance.

The rest of the powerhouses of the three realms did not dare to underestimate this energy planet, and immediately fled to the distance.

"Can you escape?" Shen Zheng smiled and snapped his fingers suddenly.

In an instant, the energy planet exploded immediately, as if a star suddenly exploded in the universe. The huge light and heat spread rapidly, instantly engulfing thousands of kings of the star sea who hadn't had time to escape further away. .Before he could even utter a scream, this big man who was one of the best among all levels was submerged in the sea of ​​flames and turned into ashes.


The kings of the three planes roared with red eyes at the same time. [

But they didn't dare to go forward, because the aftermath of the planet's explosion was still impacting there, and they thought to themselves that even if they flew over by themselves, they would still be hurt if they hit the aftermath.

However, at this time, an energy storm blew up from a distant star system, swept in quickly, swept away all the power of the energy planet's explosion, and after a turning point in the air, it flew towards Shen Zheng's direction .

"Yushen, you can only use this kind of power to attack me." Shen Zheng smiled and shook his head, "But you can't hurt me. You are just a lunatic lost in power, thinking you have everything under control, But I didn't know that I had gone the wrong way and came to the edge of the abyss of destruction. But I have completely understood how to use this power!"

Suddenly, he flew towards the storm, and threw himself into the storm.The storm was berserk, immediately surrounded him, and seemed to shatter him with its destructive power.

However, in just a moment, Shen Zheng had already flown out of the storm.He raised his right hand high, and a snake chain flew out of his hand, connecting with the storm.With a loud shout, he waved his arms with all his strength, and the snake chain pulled the storm forward, hitting Landulo and the others like a meteor hammer.

"Not good!" Landulo yelled wildly, and flew back recklessly, but his subordinates were caught in the storm because they were a step behind him.Immediately, screams came from the storm, and all the elites in the azure world except Landulo were involved in the storm, and were torn into pieces in a short while!

"Bastard, bastard!" Landulo stopped in the distant air, his body trembling, his voice trembling, and his heart trembling too!

"How could this be?" The holy demon Ling Yu was stunned, and Sha Shenxu was also stunned.

"Impossible!" Sha Shenxu murmured to himself, "In this quasi-plane, His Majesty the Universe is the only demigod, he controls all the power in this world, how could he not be able to kill Shen Zheng, but instead He killed so many of us?"

"The change is just now." The holy demon Ling Yu in the distance has lightning-like eyes, and his mind is constantly thinking. "Just now, he was still running for the road, but in a moment he came back and killed our army. What happened just now?"

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?" Although Shengchi Guanglei was eager to take revenge, he was the emperor of a country, so he calmed down at this time.

"This is not good!" Saint Demon Ling Yu frowned slightly. "I'm afraid Shen Zheng has just been promoted, and like the universe, he has mastered the ultimate power of rules!"

"What?" Shengchi Guanglei was stunned for a while, and finally nodded.

"That's the only way to explain it. So what should we do?"

"This kind of series of battles is no longer something we can participate in." Saint Demon Ling Yu's face was serious. "Let them kill each other. When two strong men fight each other, one will be injured. According to me, if such strong men fight each other, they will all be destroyed."

He glanced back at his team, there were only nearly 2000 people, and the rest of the elites died in the hands of Shen Zheng just now.But compared to Azure Realm, it is much stronger.

"Let's go!" He gritted his teeth and made a decision.

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