star wars civilization.

Chapter 877: Powerless Yushen

A burst of spatial fluctuations surged, and the Holy Demon Ling Yu led the remaining elites of the Holy Demon Realm, opened the space gate that Yushen had prepared for them, flew into it, and returned to the Holy Demon Realm.The gate of space, affected by the power of rules, has been hidden all the time, following the holy demon Ling Yu, and now it is slowly closed after being used, and then completely disappears.

"Cunning guy!" Seeing that the holy demon Ling Yu fled away first, Sha Shenxu snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, he also opened the door of space that Yu God had given them earlier in the morning.

"Brother, shall we go too?" Sha Shenmang was a little unwilling.

"The current Shen Zheng is the enemy." Although Sha Shenxu was not reconciled, he was still able to calmly analyze the situation. "Yushen hid and handed Shen Zheng over to us. On the surface, he gave us a chance to revenge himself, but in fact he used us. This shows that he is unwilling to face Shen Zheng. Now Shen Zheng has obviously mastered a stronger Power, why should we compromise our strength for Yushen? The loss just now has exceeded our expectations, what are we still doing here? Let Yushen do it himself, we don’t have to make knives and guns for others !"

"Okay!" Sand God Mang Nai nodded, and together with Sha Shenxu, rushed into the gate of space with a group of remnants. [

After that, the door of space also slowly disappeared.

"These cowards!" Landulo gritted his teeth in hatred after losing all his subordinates.Seeing that all the strong men from the two planes escaped, he was in a dilemma for a while.

If he went back like this, he would not be able to face the countries in the Azure World; but if he continued to fight Shen Zheng, he would not be sure.

"Shen Zheng, if you come to the Azure Realm in the future, I will give you a death gift!" He roared angrily, and raised his hand suddenly.The fine steel cannon in front of him roared violently, firing dozens of cannons in succession.Using the cover of the cannon, he opened the door of space and wanted to enter it.

"Can you still escape?" Shen Zheng sneered, and flew towards Landuluo with the Meteor Sword.

The power of rules was turbulent around him, and through the induction of that power, he clearly understood the route of each cannon.And with the help of this strength, he calmly bypassed the route of each shot and moved forward quickly.

In the space, several obstacles immediately appeared, but instead of stopping Shen Zheng, those obstacles provided more impetus for Shen Zheng's progress. The distance that originally took more than ten seconds to reach was within two seconds. Finished, when half of Landulo's body had entered the space gate, Shen Zheng reached out and grabbed his ankle, pulling him out.

"Let go! Hailan Cannon, kill him!" Landulo yelled in horror, and as he waved his hand, the steel cannon appeared in front of him again, aiming at Shen Zheng and about to fire.

"You have no chance!" Shen Zheng snorted coldly, and the Meteor Sword swung violently, directly chopping off Landulo's head in the air.

"Shen Zheng!" When Landulo's head was flying in the air, he still let out a loud cry, but it was only this loud cry.

Then, his body lost control and floated in the air, and the head could no longer open its mouth to speak. It was floating high in the air, and blood was flying all over the sky.

"Yushen, thank you." Shen Zheng smiled slightly, rolled up the fine steel cannon with the power of space, and put it into the space of the worm core—those worm cores that had already been cracked, were now captured by Shen Zheng. It was used at will, but there was no problem, because the power of the rules that was not present had quietly penetrated into the worm core, making the crack a decoration instead of damage.

This sea blue cannon is a divine weapon, but it is not an insect spirit weapon. Of course, Shen Zheng will not let it go.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to severely injure the powerhouses of the three planes, and thank you for allowing me to destroy the elites of the azure world." Shen Zheng said with a smile, "In this battle, I not only understood the true usage of the power of rules, I also got an artifact from the Azure Realm, and the strength of my Holy League has grown stronger again, you are really my benefactor!"

"Shen Zheng!" Suddenly, a figure emerged from the blood-colored space, with long hair flying, those cold eyes stared fiercely at Shen Zheng.

That is Yushen.At this moment, he gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of anger and killing intent.But it's a pity that eyes can't kill people—at least they can't kill people in the same realm as him.

"I'm here." Shen Zheng smiled and nodded, half jokingly asked: "What's the matter?"

Yushen stared at Shen Zheng and spoke for a while.He could feel Shen Zheng's changes, but he couldn't clearly understand Shen Zheng's changes.He knew that Shen Zheng must have some insight into the power of rules, but he didn't realize that Shen Zheng infiltrated the power of the rules into the sky, and controlled it to fight against himself.

"What did you realize?" Yushen couldn't help asking. [

"Will I tell you?" Shen Zheng smiled. "Yushen, you need to comprehend this by yourself. But unfortunately, you will die here today, and you will have no chance to comprehend it again."

"You are the one who is going to die!" Yushen's eyes glowed red, and he slowly raised his hand.Huge power condensed in his palm, and he rushed forward suddenly, and at this moment, several cosmic storms appeared, moving his body behind him, increasing his speed several times, coming almost instantly In front of Shen Zheng.

"This is my world!" Yushen said coldly, "In this world, I am the only ruler!"

That palm brought huge power and struck towards Shen Zheng, and the entire quasi-plane seemed to add power to this palm, giving it an astonishing aura.

However, in front of Shen Zheng, that astonishing aura seemed to be just a breeze caressing his face.Shen Zheng smiled lightly, dodging calmly.

But at this time, the power of the rules changed, forming various obstacles to imprison his body.But like last time, these forces did not hinder or imprison Shen Zheng, but helped him instead.With the help of these confinement forces, he mixed his own strength into it, but formed an extremely powerful protective force.

That astonishing palm hit the power, making a loud noise, but it failed to shatter the power, but Shen Zheng had already taken advantage of the looseness of the power, drifted to the side, and slashed at Yushen. .

As the storm flowed, Yushen's body moved away quickly, but a bloody gash was still drawn on his arm by the Meteor God Knife.

"Impossible!" Yushen gritted his teeth.The wound on the arm healed quickly, but the wound on the heart could not heal.He focused on Shen Zheng, touched the injured place with his hands, and when he thought that this was his own world and he was the master here, a sense of frustration surged in his heart.

"You are lost in the power, but you don't know what that power is." Shen Zheng sneered, "You don't know that as long as you go one step further, you can really get that power. It's a pity."

As he said that, as soon as he raised his hand, a ray of light flashed on the Meteor God Knife, and a huge knife light immediately slashed at Yushen. The speed was so fast that he had no time to dodge, so he could only subconsciously use the strongest Strength to resist.


With a loud noise, the light of the sword shattered, but the protective power of the universe turned into light spots of energy all over the sky. There were also several blood holes on his arms, and a pair of arms were bloody and bloody.

He gritted his teeth and stepped back quickly. The power of rules in the quasi-plane quickly poured into his body, changing his fate. The destructive power that should have harmed his body was miraculously transformed into a spur The power made the cells in his body evolve again, and his strength was slightly improved.

"It's really a power of convenience." Shen Zheng sensed this change immediately, he nodded slightly, then shook his head again. "It's just that the deeper you sink, the more damage you will suffer. In the end, there is only one way left."

"Nonsense!" Yushen roared angrily, rushing towards Shen Zheng again.A light flashed in his palm, which turned into a huge war spear, stabbing towards Shen Zheng in the air, and several space fragments appeared in the surrounding space immediately, turning into the shape of a spear, stabbing towards Shen Zheng like an array of thousands of spears.

The Meteor God Knife swept across, smashing the spears of space fragments immediately, and then raised the knife to chop the huge battle spears into pieces.

Shen Zheng stepped forward, crossed the distance between the two, and appeared in front of Yushen. With a sneer, he waved the Meteor Sword, and immediately, blood rained all over the sky.A huge wound appeared on Yushen's chest, and the man retreated amidst the roar, floating in the air and panting.

In the wound, blood flowed, Yushen gritted his teeth, stroked his chest with trembling hands, and the wound disappeared.

The power of rules turns trauma into a good thing, and turns the destructive power of the enemy into a stimulant that promotes the improvement of one's own strength.

But what's the point of all this?

He focused on Shen Zheng, and suddenly felt that he was no match for this person at all.He didn't understand why. [

why?The one who controls the power of the rules is obviously himself. Although Shen Zheng can sense it, he can't control the power of the rules. Ordinarily, he should not have the ability to fight against himself, but this...

He couldn't understand everything in front of him.

What did Shen Zheng realize?So that he can not be affected by the power of rules at all, but can use the power of rules that he used to harm him?

Why is that?

"Why is this!?" He couldn't help but yelled.

"Even if your death date has come today, I won't tell you. You can go to hell with regrets." Shen Zheng said coldly. "Those dead Holy Spirits, I will avenge your revenge today!"

He raised the Meteor God Knife high, and the knife radiated dazzling light and turned into a huge blade. The power on the knife broke through layers of space, making the quasi-plane tremble.

"I don't believe it!" Universe gritted his teeth, mobilized the power of the rules, and wrapped layers upon layers towards Shen Zheng.He wants to control Shen Zheng's fate, let Shu's bad luck appear on him, and make him suddenly lose his strength.

But it was useless, that power surged around Shen Zheng like ocean waves, but Shen Zheng was like a fish swimming in the sea, the tide over there was providing him with the space to roam freely.

"Kill!" Yushen's eyes were red, and streaks of yellow dust appeared in his palm. It was the most original power of the Loch clan. It quickly turned into a giant hammer. Compared with that giant hammer, Shen Zheng's saber light It looks so small.

"Die." Shen Zheng's voice was cold, and the light of the knife slashed straight down.

The giant hammer went up to meet it, but it was split into two halves in an instant!

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