Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 104 [Ghost Army]

(Thanks to the red envelopes and gifts of the double leader, hereby add a new chapter.)

"Have you seen enough of Blood Emperor Longmu?"

Luo Shui'er smiled slightly, I was stunned for a second, and hurriedly returned the wood that they regarded as a treasure.

At the same time, I was sweating secretly in my heart. I can't see the depth of this Luo Shui'er, and she seems to be prepared, but she didn't know the situation here before, so it is very likely that this girl will know some divination It is because of this reason, but it is not Luo Shui'er's calculation, but her grandma who is hospitalized, so she brings the blood emperor Longmu and Some magic tools, or, I am with her, is the safest.

Hearing Luo Shui'er's words, Zhang, Wang, and Qi all showed disappointment at the same time.

After all, at this time, it is not good to forcibly take away the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood, and from Luo Shui'er's words, she has no other means, and the three of them, except Qi Rou, don't know anything about the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Sealing Demon Formation .

Sun Hao coughed a few times and said:

"Then thank you for your help."

"Since the girl insists on this, there is no other way. The three of us are in charge of one formation, and you are in charge of the other. Sun Hao, have all the people in this community left?"

Zhang Tu sighed, stood up, and asked.

"Well, they're all gone. I've notified everyone a long time ago. Some people just come to pick up things during the day. At night, there is absolutely no one here."

Sun Hao nodded and stared out of the window. It was pitch black outside the window, except for the street lamps, there was no light. In addition, the wind outside the house was howling, and even the window was hit by dead branches outside. Crackling.

At this time, I suddenly realized that the entire villa complex, our place was lit with lights, and the surrounding area was already dead, but here, there was the breath of a living person.

"It's past nine o'clock now. We have to rush to the point of formation. It's too late. I'm afraid there will be a change. Because this stele was destroyed by someone, I suspect that someone else has interfered. This matter is not easy."

Luo Shui'er put the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood into her woven bag again, and spoke in a low tone.

Next, after the team was divided, we began to plan the route to reach the destination in the shortest time. However, during the discussion process, Sun Hao seemed a little restless and looked at his watch frequently.

Just after we discussed it, suddenly there was a violent roar outside, followed by dense gunshots and roars, the sound was deafening, Sun Hao collapsed on the sofa with a pale face, and said to himself:

"Here we come... As expected..."

Luo Shui'er walked to the window, her face still calm, but the other three ghost hunters couldn't keep the shock on their faces after seeing the scene outside.

I leaned over and took a look. I was also taken aback. The scene outside changed drastically. The two armies were engaged in a fierce confrontation. One side's military uniform was obviously yellowish, and it wore a round shape like a watermelon on its head. Military caps, the soldiers on this side have relatively good firearms, and there are more people. There is a row of machine guns alone, and the muzzles of the guns are full of screams.

The other side seems to be a bit mixed, they are all wearing blue-gray military uniforms that are broken, and the firearms are very backward, most of them are rifles, and occasionally there are some machine guns, but the people here are very smart, and there are mounds in front of them. , occupying a good terrain, these mounds resisted most of the bullets for them.

However, this scene only lasted for a while. The well-equipped side had all the shells in their hands, while the soldiers with poor equipment on the other side directly held guns, and some rushed up with big knives. The sound of fighting one slice.

As if at this moment, this area turned into Shura Hell, with blood splattered everywhere, bayonets on one side and big knives on the other, these big knives are already considered cold weapons, and the handles are still tied with red cloth strips, like bright red blood flying .

All of a sudden, there were screams and shouts, and both sides were fighting hard, stepping on the corpses of their companions, in order to kill each other.

"This...isn't this our country's Japanese extermination army!"

I was so shocked that I almost lost my voice.

When I was very young, I heard these stories told by my grandfather, and my grandfather also participated in it when he was young.So you will know more about what they wear.

"Well, yes, it's the Japanese army and these Japanese soldiers. They died here. Their bones and blood were buried in the barren hill. When we flattened this barren hill, we found a lot of bones."

Sun Hao rubbed his temples and sat up from the sofa.

"This is terrible, we are actually facing such an evil spirit with such a deep hostility!"

I clenched my fist, knowing that I shouldn't have agreed to my cousin, because these grandpas told me that as a soldier who died tragically, his hostility was unparalleled, and his will was very firm, which was extremely difficult to deal with.

Now that it is haunted by ghosts, it must be because of their persistent grievances. After so many years, how powerful should they be? !

In comparison, the evil spirits that Wei Xiaoqing and I encountered in the ghost domain are probably far inferior, and the strength of the evil spirits transformed by these soldiers should not be underestimated.

I decided not to take this risk anymore, I'm going to stay here with Sun Hao, in this room.

Although they do evil, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Sealing Demon Formation here just destroyed the eyes of the formation and lost a lot of efficacy, but these houses will produce a very special effect after they are built. Without the permission of the owner, some ghosts cannot into the house.

The sound of fighting stopped, and the place below has been covered by thick black mist, with occasional gleams of light shining through. These lights should be street lights, and now none of us know what exists below.

Qi Rou's face is as pale as mine. Although she has experienced many things, I think this is the first time she has encountered such a thing.

"Let's go, we can't wait any longer, Qirou, can you do it, if you can't, just stay here."

Zhang Tu walked to Qi Rou's side, rubbed her braid, and said.

"I can do it!"

Qi Rou stood up, and then took out more than ten apricot-yellow flags from her bag. These flags were engraved with this rune, and she directly inserted these flags into her trousers pocket. The pocket is very large, it is specially made, and it is very convenient to place the banners and streamers in the formation and the magical instruments for exorcising evil spirits.

In addition to Qi Rou, Wang Lun and Zhang Tu also had different outfits, but they were all the same, and they were all for the convenience of holding magic weapons.

But Luo Shui'er was different, she only wore a simple white sweater jacket, and underneath were skinny jeans, wrapping her tightly.

The three of them had already left the house and were heading towards their destination, while Luo Shui'er was staring at me, as if he could see the uneasiness in my heart.

"If you don't want to go, I won't force it. Originally, this time, I planned to go alone."

Luo Shui'er suddenly smiled faintly.

With a rush of blood in my forehead, I said:

"I'm willing to go. If you are a girl, why don't you dare?"

Luo Shui'er nodded, said no more, and walked towards the door. I followed her closely, and said:

"Miss Luoshui'er, I want to ask you a question. You said before that someone among the few of us will die here. Could this person be me?"

I thought about it, only my strength is the weakest, so I am the most dangerous one.

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