Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 105 [Ghost Japanese Army]

"The secret cannot be leaked."

Luo Shui'er glanced at me lightly, the corners of her mouth slightly pursed, revealing a half-smile.

The matter of human life is at stake, and the secret cannot be revealed. I feel a little bit itchy, but I still draw out the demon sword, follow closely behind Luo Shui'er, and go straight to the eye of the formation we are in charge of.

And I feel that this matter is not so simple. The Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Demon Sealing Formation was arranged by experts to suppress evil spirits, but was destroyed by others. What is the purpose of these people?Will we be stopped by these people when we are entrusted this time?

Don't allow me to think too much, we have already left this villa, and the wind is still blowing outside, but compared to before, it is much smaller. In addition to this inexplicable wind, there is also a black fog, which is rolling Moving, blocking our sight, making it difficult for us to discern the direction.

What makes me feel strange is that the scene we watched upstairs in the villa has disappeared, there is no sound of gunfire, and there is a dead silence.

In the black fog, I felt evil spirits, very evil, as if something was staring at me and Luo Shui'er in the darkness.

Luo Shui'er's face remained calm, and after identifying the direction of the surroundings, she galloped to the other side, and I followed her closely. The fog here is so thick, if you accidentally follow her, it will be difficult to find someone. If a person falls into this ghost place, he will lose half his life if he does not die.

After a while, Luo Shui'er stopped suddenly, because I was following her all the time, so I didn't notice her sudden stop. When I realized it, I had already bumped into her.

Luo Shui'er's body is very soft, with a faint fragrance, I quickly apologized, but after she stood still, she stared at the front and remained motionless.

Suddenly, I felt a strong evil spirit coming from the front, and a bloodthirsty breath rushed towards me from the opposite side.

This is not the place where the front line is, why did she stop?

The black mist in front seems to be more viscous, like ink, I think if I go in, I'm afraid my whole body will be blackened.

Suddenly the black mist rolled to both sides, parting a road, and the end was so dark that it was impossible to see clearly, but at this time, there was a loud and clear password from the end, and the sound of neatly planned footsteps, from far to near.

My heart suddenly beat fast, and the ancestral jade pendant on my chest suddenly became hot.

Yupei warns that this place is dangerous, so leave early.

Originally, I wanted to ask Luo Shui'er to leave together, but Luo Shui'er didn't move. Instead, he calmly took out a wooden dagger about a foot long from the woven bag. The dagger was yellowish in color with twisted patterns on it. There was a trace, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood that I had seen before!

It's just that the shape is quite different, no, this dagger should be made of the blood emperor dragon wood, and it also has a different power.

It seems that what Luo Shui'er is carrying on her body is far more than I expected. At least I really only thought that she only had two pieces of Blood Emperor Dragonwood, but I didn't expect that she also had a magic weapon made of Shenmu on her body. A magic weapon for hunting ghosts is at least many times more powerful than a log.

"Here we come, the closer we get to the eye of the formation, we will meet these ghost troops, we can't escape, we just need to fight."

Luo Shui'er turned her head, and her gaze fell on the Demon Subduing Sword in my hand, her eyes lit up slightly.

The sound of slogans suddenly stopped, and a few meters away from us were Japanese soldiers all wearing yellow military uniforms. Looking at the lineup, there should be 50 people, just formed into a square formation, and one of them is a short general with a high rank in military uniform Taking a step forward, he walked out of the phalanx.

I saw that when he stepped on a foot, there would be a black smoke, and his face was very scary, his skin was abnormally pale, but his eyes were green, and there was a faint flame beating, and there were a handful of people on his lips. Beard, basically all Japanese soldiers will have this kind of beard, it is said that they worship an invincible emperor who fought in the West.


The officer suddenly spoke, his voice was stiff but full of air, and the voice exploded in my ears like a muffled thunder.

"Step aside."

Luo Shui'er held the wooden dagger in his right hand, frowned slightly, and a crisp voice sounded.

"Girl, beautiful, follow me Oda Harunaga!"

This ghost Japanese army general called Oda Harunaga spoke evilly. He spoke our language, and he was not proficient, but he barely let us understand. After a person takes a look at it, it is like falling into a freezing hell.


Luo Shui'er didn't get angry, her tone remained calm.

"I can't help you. Today, none of you can leave. This territory belongs to us! You belong to us too!"

Oda Harunaga let out a strange laugh, suddenly pulled out the saber on his waist, pointed to the sky, and the Japanese soldiers behind him rushed up and came straight to us.

I took a closer look, and when they were running, thick black aura would emerge from their feet. The eyes of each ghost soldier were green, and the aura was astonishing, and their bodies were almost the same as real people, very solid , not as transparent as some wandering ghosts.

Ghosts are also divided into three, six, and nine levels. The lowest level is wandering ghosts. Most of these ghosts have a little obsession and cannot leave the land of death, or have unfulfilled wishes. As long as the wish is fulfilled, they will leave. , this kind of wandering ghost is generally not willing to cause trouble.

The other is ordinary evil spirits, coupled with their own obsessions, who can understand how to preserve the energy of the spirit body. For example, the energy of the spirit body can be increased by absorbing the essence of the person, or the energy of the spirit body can be increased after the absolute yin. The earth also grows its energy.

Furthermore, there are old ghosts. Old ghosts have what the previous two ghosts have. The only difference is that they have survived in the yang world longer than their own time, more than 50 years, and the strength of the energy of the spirit body is far greater. More than the previous two ghosts.

And what we have to face now are these old ghosts with extremely strong will, and there are more than 50 of them.

Self-protection is the main thing, my cousin said, everything is self-protection.

In fact, my legs are already weak now. When these ghost soldiers of the Japanese army came over, they had already formed an aura, like a huge wave pressing towards us, not to mention walking, even breathing was very difficult.

But what made me feel ashamed was that Luo Shui'er put down the woven bag on her body, rushed up, raised the wooden sword in her hand, and chanted a spell while running forward.

What's even more strange is that a faint white light appeared on her body. Upon closer inspection, these white lights were actually some runes. The runes lingered around her body, and then turned into a white mask to protect her. The wooden sword glowed bright red.

Soon Luo Shui'er's figure disappeared among these ghost soldiers, and a few ghost soldiers found me, with weird laughter, and slashed at me with sabers in their hands.

[Thank you for the 892998307 red envelopes given by 188, and the 188 red envelopes given by pzpzdddd. 】

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