Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 106 [Rune Formation]

The jade pendant on my chest is getting hotter and hotter, almost embedded in my chest.

And it was precisely this severe pain that made me recover from the fear very quickly, at least my legs were no longer weak.

Seeing the saber in the hand of one of the ghost soldiers looking over my head, without any hesitation, I immediately raised the Demon-subduing Sword in my hand to block it, and the power of hunting ghosts surged into the Demon-subduing sword. The first rune formation on his body was activated, shining a dazzling silver light.


When the saber was cut on it, there was a sound of golden swords clashing, my tiger's mouth numb, and the Fumo sword almost fell, but it didn't, I grabbed it firmly.

And the ghost soldier's saber was cut on it, and it broke, and the ghost soldier seemed to be stunned. These sabers are already a kind of ghost weapon, which does not belong to the world, but is used by ghosts. I saw the ancestor Zhong Kui on Huangquan Road before. The sword at the waist and the folding fan in his hand are both ghost weapons, but these ghost weapons also have different abilities. The ghost weapon in this ghost soldier's hand is the lowest level.

However, even the lowest-level ghost weapon is very remarkable, because the ghost weapon can directly attack the soul of our living people. As long as we are hit by these saber ghost weapons, the soul will be injured. Soul injury is not like physical injury. Difficult to cure.

Taking advantage of the moment when he was in a trance, I suddenly jumped up, and the Dao pattern in my palm was imprinted fiercely on his forehead.

There was a painful howl from his mouth, and he was directly hit into black mist by the Dao pattern in his palm, and I felt that my ghost-hunting power had increased a lot, and it was imprinted on his forehead just now, and I had already absorbed a lot of it. The power is stronger than the power of the ghost absorbed in the ghost domain before.

When the other two ghost soldiers saw their companions disappear, they yelled and slashed at me with their sabers in both hands. I used the Seven-Star Step to avoid it. Originally, the Seven-Star Step could have a lot of benefits at night, but now the sky is already gone. Covered by nine black clouds, the starlight cannot shine down.

Now that this is the case, they can only attack with all their strength. These two ghost soldiers are very difficult to deal with, and they also know the power of the Demon Subduing Sword in my hand, so they don't dare to touch it head-on.

However, I discovered a strange phenomenon. As the power of hunting ghosts poured into the Sword of Subduing Demons, more and more runes engraved on it were activated. In the end, there was even a silver light covering the entire body of the sword. With an idea, I slashed at the chest of a ghost soldier in the distance.

An unbelievable scene appeared, the silver light that appeared on the sword was thrown out at once, turning into a silver demon-subduing sword and shooting towards the ghost soldier. The demon-subduing sword formed by this silver light should not It's not the real Demon Subduing Sword, but the runes on the sword itself are condensed. Maybe my ghost hunting power is much stronger than before, that's why this is triggered, but after the silver light flies out, the Demon Subduing Sword The blade of the sword immediately dimmed, and all the power of hunting ghosts sent in before was consumed.

The demon-subduing sword condensed by this rune is extremely fast, and it is thrown directly from the chest of this ghost soldier. Instead of condensing the body again, it completely dispersed and disappeared.

What a pity, although he killed this evil ghost with one move, he didn't use the dao pattern in his palm to increase his ghost hunting power.

Now you can no longer blindly input too much ghost-hunting power into your body to activate the second rune formation on the Fumo Sword. The magic sword light is infinitely powerful, but the wear and tear is also extremely astonishing.

And the power of hunting ghosts that I input before, only stimulated the first rune array on the demon-subduing sword, making it have the characteristics of harming spirit bodies, and the second rune array produced is the demon-subduing sword. Jian Guang, as for the third rune formation, even if I input all the power of hunting ghosts into it now, I may not be able to open it. Eighteen.

I have read the notes, the more rune formations engraved on a magic weapon, the more powerful the magic weapon is, because magic weapons made of ordinary materials cannot hold too many rune formations, and if there are more, the carrier will not be able to To withstand bursting, just like those talismans on yellow mounting paper, if the power is too great, it will burst.

It seems so easy to kill two ghosts at once, but I am actually physically and mentally exhausted.

I thought it would be a lot easier, but I didn't expect to attract more ghost soldiers' attention, or they couldn't do anything to Luo Shui'er, and even many ghosts were killed by Luo Shui'er, and it was the first time I saw Luo Shui'er My son's ability to hunt ghosts really shocked me.

All the wooden daggers in her hand were covered by a layer of blood light, and the ghosts swept by the daggers dissipated one after another, forcing these ghost soldiers to be unable to approach.

Moreover, her movement is very sensitive, like a flying butterfly. When she runs, she brings up a faint afterimage, so that I can hardly see her figure clearly. After killing many ghosts, she turned back and stopped by my side , out of breath, said:

"Help me delay, my ghost hunting power is consumed too much, I need to take a break."

Luo Shui'er's face was extremely pale, and there were many fine beads of sweat on his forehead, his chest heaved slightly, and the red light on the wooden dagger in his hand dissipated without a trace.

There were originally more than 50 ghost soldiers, but now there are only a dozen or so left. Although it is much less than before, it is not something I can deal with. I grabbed her soft little hand and ran.

"Go quickly!"

I lowered my voice, and with the other hand, I put away the Demon Sword and put it in my pocket, and then I grabbed a stack of ghost-exorcism charms, and the power of hunting ghosts poured in, and I threw it back.


These ghost exorcising talismans exploded as soon as they encountered these ghosts, making them unable to maintain their original shape, and reunited after a while. Although they did not pose a threat to these ghost soldiers, they could delay time, and it happened to rely on During this part of the time, we managed to reach the place where the formation eye was destroyed.

My palms were already sweating, and I forgot to let go of her when I reached the destination, until she took the initiative to pull her hand away, and then said:

"I've seen you kill ghosts. You are very capable. The rest is a ghost soldier. Why don't you solve it at once?"

"My ghost hunting power is almost exhausted. I tried my best to kill those two ghosts before."

I rubbed my hands together, not daring to look directly at Luo Shui'er.

This place is a garden, not big, and the surrounding plants are dead. It is obvious that there are many blue broken stones in the center of the garden. The stones are blue and different in size, and runes are engraved on them. , I think this is the so-called stone tablet of the formation eye.

But as soon as I arrived at this place, I suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at me in the darkness around me. When I went to observe by myself, I found that there was nothing around.

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