Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 107 [The person in the dark]

"We're going to use the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood to replace this array eye, find a position quickly, those ghost soldiers should be coming soon."

After Luo Shui'er arrived at this place, she sat down cross-legged, put her hands on her knees, pinched her orchid fingers, and did not open her eyes.

I cleaned up the surrounding area and found a pit in the center of these rubble piles. I think this pit should be where the blue stone tablet was originally erected. As long as the blood emperor dragon wood is inserted here, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Sealing Demon Formation can be activated.

At this moment, a deep roar suddenly came from a distance. This sound was very strange, like a cow but not a cow, like a tiger but not a tiger, but it carried some incredible deterrent power.

I raised my head and looked into the distance. Although it was dark, there seemed to be a bloody light shooting up into the sky from a very far distance. This bloody light seemed to turn into a blood dragon. It opened its teeth and claws in the air and began to fight with the nine flowers The black clouds fought and wanted to disperse the black clouds.

Of course, in fact, what I see is only similar to a gaseous state, not an entity.

In this state, you may walk over and see that there is nothing, you can't even see the blood dragon, but you can find clues from a distance.

"Another eye has been activated, Zhong Yuan, hurry up, someone is watching us, and things will change later."

Luo Shui'er reached out and took out the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood from the woven bag and threw it towards me. I was about to reach out to catch it, when suddenly a slender figure in the black mist flew towards me, aiming at the Blood Emperor that was thrown over. dragon wood.

The speed of this figure was extremely fast, almost as soon as the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood arrived in front of me, a snow-white palm firmly grasped the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood, and forcibly snatched the treasure away from me.


After seeing this person's face, my heart was shocked. No wonder the feeling of spying on me was very familiar. I didn't expect it to be her.

"Hi, I haven't seen you for a while, I miss you so much."

Wei Xiaoqing smiled wickedly at me, stretched out his hand and pinched my face, it was completely the gesture of seeing an old friend.

"Give me the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood, and use this thing to replace the eyes, otherwise these evil spirits will escape from the mountain spring villas and enter Jiuhuang City."

I reached out to grab the Shenmu, but Wei Xiaoqing stretched out his hand and put it back, but refused to give it to me.

"You really... don't think about your identity, can you come here? If something happens, how can you avenge your grandfather, how can you find your father, and leave here."

Wei Xiaoqing looked at me helplessly, and suddenly stared coldly at Luo Shui'er in the distance.

"I know that this place is very dangerous. Didn't you come here too? I was just entrusted by someone, and there are many ghosts here. Hunting can increase your ghost hunting power, right?"

I asked back, Wei Xiaoqing's face was rosy, it seemed that she was injured by Grandma Lan last time, and the injury has completely healed.

Wei Xiaoqing was stunned for a second, then smiled and said:

"I haven't seen you for a short time, but you have become articulate. It is true that hunting ghosts can indeed increase the power of hunting ghosts, but you must also have self-knowledge. Do you know how ferocious the dead souls here are, and they are very powerful. My master specially asked us to come here to subdue these dead souls as ghost soldiers that can be driven. If you activate the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Sealing Demon Formation now, the evil power of these ghosts will be reduced, and everything we have done before will be in vain .”

After Wei Xiaoqing finished speaking, she gave Luo Shui'er a cold look.

When Luo Shui'er saw that Wei Xiaoqing took away the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood, she didn't show any panic, instead she looked confident, she stretched out her hand towards Wei Xiaoqing, and said:

"Do you think I didn't figure out that you are here? Do you think you took the real Blood Emperor Dragonwood? If you didn't use this trick, how would you come out?"

After finishing speaking, she pinched Fa Jue with both hands, and began to mutter something.

Wei Xiaoqing's complexion changed, and he quickly threw the Blood Emperor Dragon Wood towards Luoshui'er. Just as the tree was thrown not far away, it burst open in mid-air, and the sawdust splashed everywhere. Wei Xiaoqing went straight to Luoshui'er with a cold expression. and go.

If Wei Xiaoqing had been holding this fake Blood Emperor Dragon Wood just now, I think that using Luoshui'er to stimulate the explosive power of the rune array on the Shenmu would definitely seriously injure Xiaoqing.

Could it be that Wei Xiaoqing's master is the one behind this scene?Otherwise, why would she come here at this time and stop us?

Luo Shui'er bypassed Wei Xiaoqing extremely quickly, threw the woven bag in his hand at me, and said:

"Zhong Yuan, quickly insert the blood emperor dragon wood into the eye of the array, I will hold this girl!"

After finishing speaking, the woven bag in her hand flew towards me. I took a look and saw that there was another Blood Emperor Dragon Wood in it. This Luo Shui'er is too powerful. Could it be that Wei Xiaoqing would come to stop us? , so you prepared another Blood Emperor Dragon Wood?

"Be careful with the ghost-eating needle!"

I have to remind Luo Shui'er that I know very well that the blood needle in Xiaoqing's hand is very powerful. Apart from killing ghosts, it is also extremely lethal to people.

Wei Xiaoqing, who secretly held the ghost-eating needle in his hand, was about to use it for a sneak attack. Seeing my reminder, he couldn't help but cursed:

"You heartless brat, how long have you known her? I'll teach you a lesson after I clean her up, hum!"

Strictly speaking, Wei Xiaoqing is also my friend, and we went through the ghost land together, but now the situation is pressing, and I will never let these ghost soldiers of the Japanese army escape, and I know very well that I What to do, I took out the blood emperor dragon wood, and slammed into the place where the eye of the formation was.

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