Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 109 [Hostile]

"Xiaoqing, I don't mean to blame you."

I looked at the rather serious Wei Xiaoqing with a bit of embarrassment, and said softly.

Wei Xiaoqing twisted his face, put his hands on his hips, and said in a quite calm tone:

"Then why are you still standing by her side? Don't believe me?"

"No, because this time I was entrusted by my cousin to complete this task. If the matter of Shanquan Villa is not resolved, I will not be able to explain it."

I scratched my head and lowered my head, not daring to look into Wei Xiaoqing's sharp eyes.

"The people from my sect have already taken action. These ghost soldiers will be taken away by them, so the Shanquan Villa will be restored. Don't stay here. She should be very aware of my sect's methods. You will only be more dangerous if you are here. Dangerous, different from ghosts, you have seen my senior brother's immobilization talisman just now, and many of my fellow disciples came here this time, my master is currently cultivating a large formation, which needs many evil ghosts, so, We will not give up, and you, you have to leave here."

Wei Xiaoqing's voice was slightly slower, but still aggressive.

I glanced at Luo Shui'er, but I didn't expect Luo Shui'er to also nod her head, her red lips parted slightly and said:

"She said very well, you are very talented, but you are not strong enough, don't stay here, I said a long time ago, today, some of us must die here, and I, with the magic gate people, never die."

The tone is calm, but there are murderous intentions everywhere, and there are many enemies who meet each other, and they are extremely jealous.

"The plan now is that we join forces to destroy these ghost soldiers, Xiaoqing, do you really want to take these ghost soldiers as your own and fight against our ghost hunters? You can go back and tell your master, this time I made a mistake in my actions and met an expert here, so it’s over.”

I remembered, no wonder Grandma Lan wanted to hunt her down. Grandma Lan must have known about Wei Xiaoqing's identity, and the Blood Soul Sect was originally a sect that opposed the Ghost Hunters' family. Therefore, any member of the Ghost Hunters' family Whenever they see a disciple of the Blood Soul Sect, they will attack.

Wei Xiaoqing glanced at me with a rather complicated expression, and said softly: "Zhong Yuan, don't let me make it difficult for me, the teacher's order is hard to break, I will send you out safely, and here, don't interfere, okay, you Do you really think my master will believe these words?"

"I can promise you, but please don't embarrass Miss Luoshui'er, she still has grandma to take care of, if you promise me, I will leave here."

I know very well that now Luo Shui'er needs to recover very much. If she continues to fight with Wei Xiaoqing, it is very likely that both sides will suffer. No matter which side wins, I feel a lot of pain, because I don't want to see the two of them fighting.

"Okay, let's go, otherwise it will be difficult to escape if other brothers see it."

Wei Xiaoqing glanced around and lowered his voice.

"Be careful, there are a lot of them."

Glancing at Luo Shui'er, who was pale, I spoke quietly.

Luo Shui'er pursed her lips into a smile, nodded thoughtfully, then picked up the woven bag on the ground and disappeared into the thick black mist.

Seeing her leave, Wei Xiaoqing went straight to me, hit my head hard, and said angrily:

"Okay, you boy, you actually got mixed up with this girl. Don't you know that I am a deadly enemy with her, causing me to worry about you in vain. If I had known that you and her are so close, I would not have come."

After she finished speaking, she hugged her hands, turned her head away, pursed her mouth, and got angry.

"I... I really don't know your relationship with her."

I felt a layer of cold sweat on my forehead, and my back was even colder.

"Okay, I don't blame you, I also know that you just came to Jiuhuang City, don't worry, although I am a member of the Blood Soul Sect, we are friends, and I will not let the brothers of my sect hurt you, Come with me."

Wei Xiaoqing waved at me, turned around and went into the distance, I followed her closely.

"Zhong Yuan, how is your father's whereabouts going? It's almost Chinese New Year."

Wei Xiaoqing's voice came from the front, and I whispered:

"Still no news."

"Can you tell me his name? I can use the power of the Blood Soul Sect to find it for you. As long as he is in Jiuhuang City, he will definitely be able to find him."

Wei Xiaoqing heard the sense of loss in my words, paused slightly, slowed down, and continued to speak.

"Zhong Weiqiang."

I hesitated for a while, and told Wei Xiaoqing my father's name. Although the other party is a demon, Wei Xiaoqing and I have experienced life and death together. Be strong.

Just after I finished speaking, I was almost approaching the exit of Shanquan Villa. At this time, fireworks appeared in the distant sky. The color of the fireworks was blood red, which was a strange symbol, reflecting half of the sky red. Wei Xiaoqing stopped, her face was very ugly .

"It's so strange. Didn't Sun Hao say that there are no residents here, so why would someone set off fireworks? And the fireworks are so weird."

"It's not the residents setting off fireworks, but the signal from my senior brother. This is the distress signal from the Blood Soul Sect. It must be that girl who made the move. She has retained some strength before she fought with me. My senior brother's magic skills are not as good as mine. For sure. If you want to suffer, the exit is not far ahead, Zhong Yuan, can you do it?"

Wei Xiaoqing squeezed his fist and spoke to me.

"It works."

I nodded.

"Okay, I will help you find out your father's way out later. Of course, don't let me see you with that girl next time, otherwise, hehe!"

After Wei Xiaoqing finished speaking, he raised his fist, smiled slightly, and quickly galloped to the place where the fireworks were set off.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards the gate. Anyway, it was my cousin who asked me to come over to delay the time. Now a third party has intervened, and it is beyond my control. Now I will go outside and wait for my cousin.

Just as I was about to approach the gate, I suddenly saw a figure standing in front of me, motionless and silent.

There was no one in front of him just now, why did there suddenly appear more figures?Could it be my eyesight?

I rubbed my eyes, the figure was still there, and when I opened my eyes again, the figure was gone.

I breathed a sigh of relief and patted my chest. It may be that I lost a lot of my power to hunt ghosts in the fight with those evil spirits before, which caused me to be in a state of confusion now?

After walking a few steps, the ancestral jade pendant on his chest suddenly became extremely hot.

Yupei warned, bad, there is danger.

I raised my eyes and looked around, the surrounding was quiet, there was no wind, it was eerily quiet, but there was a pair of arms on my shoulders, which was bitingly cold.

Glancing at this hand, the fingers are slender, the nails are pitch black, and there is a faint cold breath, and there is an unbearable rancid smell from the tip of my nose.

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