Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 110 [Murakami Miko]

This pair of arms rested on my shoulders, I didn't dare to act rashly, suddenly my left face felt a little chilly, I glanced at it, and saw a scarlet tongue wriggling on my face, with traces of crystal saliva.

Suddenly a feeling of nausea hit my heart, and at the same time I was shocked, how could ordinary people have such a long tongue?

"It's so delicious. I didn't expect someone here to take the initiative to send it over. The damn formation, I was going to escape, but I was trapped here by you guys."

The extremely non-standard pronunciation came from behind me, which seemed a little familiar. Although I concluded that there was a female ghost behind me, her pronunciation was very similar to that of the previous ghost general Oda Harunaga. Could it be that she was also a Japanese soldier?

No, how could there be women in the Japanese army?

tasty?Is she going to eat me?

"Who are you? I have no grievances or enmities with you, why pester me."

I calm down and wait for her to let her guard down.

"You are all in one group. You want to drive us all to extinction. Don't think about it. Sooner or later, we will conquer this land and enslave you."

The woman's voice came from behind with a bit of resentment, but maybe she was a little excited, her hands stopped clasping my shoulders tightly, and her long tongue stretched back, I rolled forward suddenly, avoiding this woman Threatened by the ghost, he stood still again to see the opponent's face clearly.

This is a woman who looks about 30 years old. She is dressed very strangely. She is wearing a white kimono. The lower skirt and the big sleeves on the left and right hands are dotted with thick black ink, and her hair is combed up. , there is a comb pinned to it, the whole face looks like an oval face, but the face is frighteningly white, and on this white face, there is a very old makeup.

She is pure scarlet, and there are two red circles on her two cheeks, and there are also two small cinnabar dots in the middle of her thin eyebrows.

Isn't this the makeup of a Japanese geisha? How could there be a woman from the Japanese country here?

By the way, it must be because there is a need for comfort in the army, but they must follow discipline, so there are women in the army. The woman behind me should be this identity.

However, this woman's yin energy seems to be more powerful than Oda Harunaga's. Women are inherently yin, and after death, they intensify their arrogance, and they are also extraordinarily evil.

"You have all died for many years. The world now is not the same as before. You surrendered very early, and all the soldiers have returned to Wa Kingdom."

I opened my mouth to explain, because no matter what kind of ghost it is, there is a reason to stay in Yangjian. Maybe she knows the result, and when the resentment dissipates, it will disappear automatically, and I don't need to take action.

"You want to lie to me Murakami? We will never surrender. I know we are dead. Even if we are dead, we will occupy your land and make you restless."

Murakami Miko grinned, staring at me coldly, her emerald green eyes shining with hatred.

"It was your country who came to invade us, and you still say such righteous words. It's really shameless. Don't think that you are a woman, so I dare not do anything to you!"

I took out the Demon Demon Sword from my pocket and stared at her coldly.

Many years ago, the Japanese invaded our territory, and now, there are still ghosts who refuse to leave. Do they take all this for granted?

Murakami Miko glanced at me, raised her orchid finger, and said: "You will never understand that this world is a world where the weak prey on the strong. This law has never changed. You are weak, so you should be swallowed by us, and you are weak now. I didn't expect you There are still such miraculous people in this land. The few men who come here have pure yin energy. I think they are your so-called ghost hunters. No matter what is magical about your ghost hunters, a The yin energy in a person is strong, and this person won't live long, so it's better to take advantage of me."

"Do you know how the yin energy in our body comes from? Killing a ghost will make the yin energy in our body stronger. As for the longevity of our life, you don't care."

Adjusted the power of hunting ghosts in the body, if all of them are input into the Demon-Cursing Sword, then the second rune array can be activated, and the light of the Demon-Colding Sword can be cast. Decide if I can make this Murakami Miko die with one blow, if I fail, the power of hunting ghosts in my body will be exhausted, and I will have no choice but to be slaughtered.

The power of hunting ghosts in the body can also make the Dao pattern in the palm exert its power once, but the best opportunity is lost. The Dao pattern in the palm only stimulates a certain stroke in the Dao pattern, and cannot form a powerful talisman, so the power is also Limited, only by being close to Murakami Miko can I display my power. If I succeed, my ghost hunting power may increase a lot.

Miko Murakami glanced at me who was rather hesitant, and said with a smile:

"You don't have to think too much, I know the treasure in your hand is powerful, I won't let you succeed."

After she finished speaking, she let out a strange laugh, and rushed towards me with her arms outstretched. There was a gust of wind around me instantly, blowing so hard that I couldn't open my eyes.

To my great disappointment, the other party really disappeared, but the wind around me was getting stronger and stronger, and Murakami's voice was transmitted to my ears from the wind around me.

"Oops, this evil spirit can actually create such a powerful formation, what would happen if there was no suppression by the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Sealing Demon Formation?"

My heart is a little cold, no wonder, this female ghost is very smart, she has been guarding here and wants to go out, but the other ghost soldiers of the Japanese army are different. .


I was hit by a huge force on the back, and I rolled a few somersaults on the ground. Before I could recover, a hand came out from behind me, and with five fingers together, it grabbed my neck.

This time, I was lifted up directly, and my feet were even off the ground. I was about to stab behind me with the Demon Demon Sword, when suddenly my arm went numb, as if frozen, and the Demon Demon Sword fell down uncontrollably. land.

"I still overestimated your strength. I didn't expect to be so weak. Is this your ghost hunter? Compared with our Japanese onmyoji, it is much weaker."

Murakami Miko's voice was very thin and full of sarcasm, which made my ears numb slightly.

I began to feel that my breathing was not smooth, I began to suffocate, my eyes kept rolling upwards, and I kicked and beat my feet desperately, but nothing happened.

Miko Murakami grabbed me hard and fell to the ground. I felt like my bones were about to fall apart, and I lost feeling in the back of my neck.

She leaned in front of me, pursed her lips and smiled, then walked towards me step by step, put her hands around my waist, and sat down slowly.

"The skin is not bad, it's very young, and it's also very delicious. I really can't bear it."

Murakami Miko gently stroked my cheek with her hand, although the movement was very gentle, but I had goose bumps all over my body.

She leaned her head down, stretched out her hand to pinch my mouth open, opened her scarlet lips, and sucked hard, I felt something in my body began to flow slowly, and rushed into her mouth.

It was a mistake for me to come here, I shouldn't have promised my cousin, I came to this ghost place, and now I have ended up like this.

In fact, I shouldn't blame him, because I always want to become stronger, and only by becoming stronger can I get revenge.

Just when I was about to lose consciousness, all the black mist at the gate dissipated, and two tall figures trotted towards me, and I felt my body was enveloped by a strange cold. What shocked me was , this strangely cold power is actually one of the few ghost-hunting powers in my body.

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