Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 111 [2 Rescuers]

"The Emperor of Flame Fire, Huanghuang True Flame, uses its three flavors to burn demons and evil spirits as quickly as a law!"

A familiar voice came from one of the figures, and the man waved his hand, and a yellow talisman flew out from the palm of his hand. As soon as the yellow talisman was thrown, it exploded in the air and turned into a ball of sparks , This multi-spark has three colors, namely red, blue and yellow.

With the sound of the incantation, the sparks went straight to Miko Murakami, she let go of my mouth decisively, her emerald eyes looked at the three-color sparks in the air with hatred, and then her body retreated violently. But this spark miraculously followed Miko Murakami until she was submerged in the thick black mist around her.

The three-color sparks lost their target at once, and exploded, sweeping a large black area, only heard a scream, probably Murakami Miko was injured.

The footsteps were getting closer, my head was lifted up, and then a finger was placed on my middle, feeling my breath.

"A lot of yang energy has been sucked away, and the power of hunting ghosts in the body is back."

The voice belonged to Jiang He, the little security guard at the gate of the community. His voice was very calm and powerful.

"The power of hunting ghosts broke out? Could it be that he has already cultivated the power of hunting ghosts? No, if there is no special way to absorb the pure yin energy of ghosts, the power of hunting ghosts will not backfire. Ghosts, do you practice by sucking Yin Qi?"

My cousin's voice was more gloomy than Jiang He's, with a hint of hoarseness, and the anger was obvious in his tone.

"Now is not the time to pursue this. Fortunately, I brought Chunyang pills to suppress the Yin Qi in his body first, and wait until he wakes up. Look around, lest the evil spirits sneak around."

Jiang He let go of his hand, squatted beside me, then took out a medicine bottle from his pocket, and poured out a few dark pills from it, he took a look at these pills, stretched out his hand to press on my pulse gate, after a while , I got a few more pills from it, these pills were like Liuwei Dihuang pills, they were stuffed directly into my mouth, I took a few bites, it was very bitter, so I swallowed it in one gulp.

When these Chunyang pills arrived in my stomach, they began to emit a warm feeling, and began to dispel the cold power in my body little by little. I also began to regain consciousness, and I was able to barely mobilize the power of hunting ghosts in my body, allowing it to return to normal .

And until I sat up, Murakami Miko did not appear, but the surrounding black mist was still thick.

"I won't pursue your cultivation now. The Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Demon Sealing Formation has been activated. If you don't guard Sun Hao's house, what are you still doing here? I have been here before, and I have tampered with Sun Hao's house, and I also gave You remind, as long as you stay at Sun Hao's house, there will be no problems, what are you running around for? To die?"

The cousin drooped rather gloomyly, took out an apple from his pocket, took a bite hard, and chewed it with a clicking sound.

"People are like this, don't be angry."

Jiang He patted his cousin on the shoulder, and there was a rare smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although I only met Jiang He once before, I knew he should be a serious person, just like my cousin.

The cousin ate the apple in a few bites, threw it aside, stood up, and began to look around with his eyes.

"Cousin...cousin, Miko Murakami is gone?"

I stood up, but my neck was still a little stiff. It seemed that I had to be treated by Jiang He after I went back. Anyway, he had a good relationship with his cousin.

"I didn't leave, I'm still around, but I was injured by the real fire of three flavors, and my breath became very weak. Jiang He, please help me take care of my cousin, and see how I can force out this evil spirit and bully my Zhong family. It seems that I want to fly away!"

The cousin smiled coldly, and took off his left glasses, only to see his pupils lit up like emeralds, exuding a strange coldness.

He closed his left eye, opened it suddenly, and said softly:

"Yin-Yang Dharma Eye, open!"

Then the left eye opened, the green pupil disappeared and turned into black and white, like a pair of yin and yang fish connected end to end, slowly flowing.

"Here, let's see how you escape!"

My cousin stared at the void on the left, and smiled coldly. He directly took out the mahogany puppet from his arms, and deliberately shook it in front of my eyes. The power of hunting ghosts surged into the puppet, and then threw it hard. .

The puppet flew out, swung the small mahogany sword in his hand, and jumped directly into the black mist.

Immediately, there was a piercing scream in the air, and Murakami Miko appeared in the air in a kimono, waving her hands desperately, trying to slap the flying peach puppet, but this puppet was extremely fast, and was not afraid of these evil spirits at all , the mahogany sword in his hand directly pierced the yin energy, and kept slashing at Murakami Miko's body.

The most important thing is that Murakami Miko can't escape the pursuit of the mahogany puppet at all.

She wanted to escape very much, and even flew towards me, but just as she landed on the ground, the peach wood puppet swooped down from above her head.


Murakami Miko slapped the palm upwards in shock and anger, and a cloud of black mist gushed out from the palm to cover the puppet. This black mist was different from the past, but this time it happened to trap the puppet. With a wave, the alternating black and white sleeves became extremely long, and they were directly submerged in the black mist, enveloping the cousin's puppet.

The cousin didn't show much surprise, but put his arms around his shoulders and looked at Miko Murakami coldly.


But the sound of being torn apart sounded, and the puppet, like Xiaoqiang, flew towards Miko Murakami again.

About 10 minutes later, Murakami Miko let out a horrific scream, and was completely wiped out by the mahogany puppet. My cousin stretched out his hand, and the puppet came into his hands.

"What a powerful puppet, I wonder if you can give me one, so I can protect myself."

Seeing the power of this puppet, if I have one myself, then I won't encounter this situation.

"It's not so easy. Let's not talk about the production process of this puppet. It's not easy to get the peach spirit inside alone. If it weren't for Jiang He's help, my puppet might not be able to drive it."

My cousin put on his glasses again, glared at me, and snorted coldly.

"Yes, what your cousin said is true, Tao Ling is hard to find."

Jiang He stood upright beside him, and said in a deep voice.

I also know that this kind of thing cannot be forced. Finding a peach spirit is all by chance. After touching the neck that was still a little stiff, I said: "Then what should we do now? Leave or not?"

"Of course I'll go back. Anyway, the money has already been collected, and we also sat down to do what we should do. When I came here just now, I saw the mark of the Blood Soul Sect."

After the cousin finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

"Cousin, do you also know the Blood Soul Sect?"

I asked curiously, it seems that the reputation of the Blood Soul Sect is really resounding, even my cousin knows it.

"Of course I know the Blood Soul Sect. With our current strength, it's best not to have anything to do with them. By the way, this is what I'm telling you. No matter which disciple of the Blood Soul Sect, don't provoke them easily, otherwise you will be killed. with endless consequences."

My cousin said as he walked, we left Shanquan Villa very quickly, because the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Demon Sealing Formation has no effect on people, it only works on ghosts and evil spirits.

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