Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 138 [Hunting ghosts]

In the ward, a woman lay half of her body on the man's body, crying heartbreakingly, and beside her was a six or seven-year-old boy who looked at his mother in a daze.

From the crying, it can also be heard that this man is the husband of this woman, and he is not very old.

There were two nurses standing next to her, comforting the woman, but there were no relatives or friends around. I took a look, retracted my head, and planned to leave here.

"Mom, Mom, someone is going to take Dad away!"

The child's crisp childish voice sounded very abruptly, and I felt a chill all over my body. Could it be that this child knew the conversation I had with his father earlier?Or see me?

No, I was standing outside the door. I just took a look at the door, then backed out, and now I am at the door. At that time, the child was staring at his mother, so how could he see me?If not me, who else?Why did his father say that I would take him away?

I took a deep breath, stepped forward, approached the door, and looked inside again.

Seeing this, I was so scared that I forgot to move. At some point, there was an extra person beside the hospital bed.

This person is wearing a cloak, very similar to Wei Wuya from Blood Soul Sect, but I'm sure it's not Wei Wuya, because Wei Wuya's feet are on the ground, but this person is different, no, he Is it still a human being? If it is a human being, how come it has no feet?

No, not only does it have no feet, it also seems to have no hands, just like a black cloak hanging in the air, and the big sleeves are also empty. I began to look at this strange guy carefully.

The inside of the cloak was black, and it seemed that a black mist was faintly overflowing, floating in the midair like this, suddenly two red light clusters the size of glass beads lit up in the black mist, just like eyes, a dark chain came from A shot shot out from the cloak, wrapped around the man's neck, and then it was as if a hand was pulling hard inside the cloak, and the man was pulled up.

The man's soul was directly pulled out of his body, which appeared to be in great pain.

"Who are you, let me go, what do you want to do!"

The man's face was pale, he grabbed the chain with both hands, and spoke angrily.

"Ghost messenger, you are dead, you don't belong here, follow me back to the underworld."

He spoke, his voice was a bit vicissitudes, but it carried a bit of undeniable majesty. Listening to this voice, I knew that the man inside the cloak was a man.

"No, I'm only 37 years old this year. How could I die? My wife said I'll be fine in a few days. I will. I went out with her to bask in the sun yesterday. My son is only six years old. How could he die? You lied to me. Me, let me go, or I will call someone!"

The man shook his head desperately, he didn't believe his words at all, he kept struggling, but nothing helped, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape the cold and abnormal black iron chain.

Ghost?Is this the form of a ghost?

The last time I went to Huangquan Road to see the ancestor Zhong Kui, I hadn’t seen it before. This was the first time I saw a ghost messenger. When I saw this image, it was really weird, and there was an inexplicable chill in the room.

"Dad, let go of my dad!"

The little boy next to him ran over and slapped the ghost guard with his hands desperately, but his hand pierced through the ghost guard's body without any effect at all. The little boy hugged his father again, and finally Hold empty.

The little nurse who was comforting the woman at the side was frightened when she saw the child's abnormal behavior. She stared at the place where the child was, with suspicion in her eyes.

"Sister Yue, is there something unclean here? Why do I feel that the temperature here is lower than outside? Also, look at the children."

The little nurse pointed to the boy's place, and the little boy kept embracing him in the air, but there was no one there.

Sister Yue is an older nurse, she turned her head slightly to warn the younger nurse:

"Xiaofang, don't look around. It's been a while since I came to the hospital, and I haven't gotten used to it yet? It doesn't matter to us, just take care of yourself!"

After listening to Sister Yue's words, Xiaofang didn't say anything, and didn't look at the little boy anymore.

The little boy was in a hurry when he saw the ghost guard chaining his father, but when he ran to his mother, the woman almost fainted from crying and ignored the little boy, and the little boy ran to two nurses. Then I asked for help, but Miss Yue didn't move. Just when Xiaofang was about to say something, Miss Yue pulled her nurse's uniform and coughed a few times. Xiaofang shut her mouth in embarrassment, and also ignored the little boy. .

Finally, seeing that no one was willing to help me, the little boy suddenly ran towards me, grabbed my coat, and said pitifully:

"Big brother, big brother help me, there are bad guys who want to take my father away, help me."

My heart softened, and I looked up at the man. It happened that the man turned his head and roared at me:

"You said it! You said you wouldn't take me away! Why, why did you lie to me! I'm not reconciled!"

After finishing speaking, a burst of green energy emerged from the man's body, and his face was terrifying. His hands no longer held the chains that locked his neck, but he threw himself towards me.

Absolute resentment. Originally, the man's soul was relatively calm, just an ordinary ghost. Now the resentment is soaring, and he has begun to change his form.

Of course, I'm not talking about his physical body, but his ghost.

I was caught by the child, and I couldn't get out at all. I was about to be rushed by this man. I turned around, my clothes fell off, and the man stretched out his hand to grab me.

"Don't be rude!"

The ghost messenger suddenly spoke, and the chain around the man's neck tightened, and he was pulled over directly.

I looked at the angry male ghost in shock, and the little boy next to me seemed to be frightened, and suddenly hugged his legs and cried loudly.

And our actions also attracted the attention of the two nurses. Sister Yue said:

"Are you a relative of the deceased?"

I shook my head decisively.

"Sister Yue, he is a patient in Ward 405. You woke up, why don't you rest on the bed? The doctor said you were seriously injured, and I will give you an IV. It's impossible to finish it so quickly. Did you unplug it?"

Xiaofang opened her mouth, revealing two cute little canine teeth.

"I have something to do, so I came out. The child was frightened, please comfort me."

Because my hands are inconvenient, I can only ask this little nurse named Xiaofang for help.

I stared at the ghost messenger, he was frozen in mid-air without moving, I hesitated for a while, in order to confirm the thoughts in my heart, I whispered:

"Come to my room."

At this time, the little nurse had already pulled the boy away from me, and I left the room and went to my ward.

Just as I walked into the room, the ghost messenger appeared at the door.

"Why did he think I took him away? Because of the Yin Yin mark on my chest?"

I opened my chest and asked, since the other party is a ghost messenger, he shouldn't have hurt me, otherwise he wouldn't have pulled the angry male ghost away just now.

"Yes, my lord."

There was a trace of respect in the old voice, but there was still a bit of doubt in the tone, and he stared at me with a pair of red eyes without hesitation.

I took a weird look at the ghost messenger, and asked again: "Why do you call me your lord?"

The ghost guard hesitated for a moment, then said: "Because you belong to the Zhong family of this generation, we will call you your lord, but there is a sentence, I don't know if it should be said or not."


"My lord's strength is really too weak. Although they have the breath of Mingyin Pei and the blood of the Zhong family, they may not give you face when they encounter other high-level ghosts."

The ghost messenger wasn't too polite, and I felt my face turn red instantly.

"Then you are a low-level ghost messenger? But I saw that you didn't treat me politely. If you were polite to me, you should come to me first, shouldn't you?"

Unexpectedly, this ghost is quite arrogant.

"I'm a soul seducer, and I'm only responsible for seducing the souls of people who are born, old, sick, and dying. I'm considered a low-level ghost messenger, but I'm also very busy. I think my lord summoned our ghost messengers to come out, and I'm also those powerful ghost messengers from the Ghost Punishment Hall, because only they can help you." If you have nothing else to do, I will resign, I still have a lot of tasks today, it is really inconvenient to stay here."

The soul ecstasy dragged the male ghost away after finishing speaking.

I think he might just call me my lord because of my identity, but he doesn't want to contact me at all. Of course, strength is a problem, but it's only temporary. My current strength doesn't mean that it will not represent my future strength. No way, this point, the soul ecstasy just now couldn't possibly not understand, but he really doesn't want to meet me, why on earth is this?

Lying back on the bed again, looking at the bottles and cans on the iron shelf, I sighed, reached out to pick up the needle, and was figuring out how to stick it in.

The door opened, and Jiang He walked in quickly, holding a thermos cup in his hand. Seeing me holding a needle, he immediately put down the thermos cup and walked over, asking, "What's going on?"

"Accidentally touched it."

I still concealed the fact that I saw the ghost messenger. After all, this is the matter of the Zhong family, and I will investigate it when I have the opportunity.

"Be careful, and there is a bell here to call the nurse."

Jiang He helped me insert the needle again, and said softly.

"Your five viscera are injured, your cousin should have told you, by the way, you have to apply the Xugu paste on your shoulders once a day, and..."

Jiang He began to tell me this and that, and suddenly I felt that he looked like a doctor now, and he was dressed very casually today, without the airs of a soldier at all, but in terms of his walking and movements, They are all very capable, without any procrastination.

"Jiang He, my cousin was here before, I didn't dare to ask, when you came to rescue me, you met Wei Xiaoqing, did you hurt her?"

I looked at the busy Jiang He, thought for a while, and couldn't help asking.

Jiang He was taken aback for a moment, poured it into a bowl in his hand, and walked up to me with the hot traditional Chinese medicine, his expression was not very good, and he said:

"If you drink it, I will tell you."

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