Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 139 [The Ice Ghost of Zhang Yi]

In his hand was a white porcelain bowl, blue and white porcelain on the outside, but inside was a piece of dark brown decoction, hot mist was coming out at the moment, when I smelled this smell, my eyes turned black, and I asked: "The Yuanyang Exorcism Powder I drank last time tastes similar to this one."

I recalled the decoction I drank last time. There was only a slight bitterness in the mouth, and I didn't feel particularly uncomfortable.

"Hurry up and drink it. I brought it here after calculating the right time. If you don't drink it, it will get cold. If the medicine loses its effect, you can't blame me. Just stay in the hospital for a while longer."

Jiang He smiled slightly, handed over the bowl, and stared at me half-threateningly.

If I had to stay in the hospital for a longer period of time, I might as well just drink it, hold my breath, and gulp it down, it was very refreshing.

The strong bitter taste lingered in my mouth for a long time, and even my breath had the strong taste of traditional Chinese medicine. I took a few breaths, frowned and said:

"It can be said now."

Jiang He took the bowl, put it on the cabinet next to him, and then sat on the bedside again, his originally smiling face suddenly turned gloomy, this turning was like flipping through a book, he pondered for a moment, and then he calmed down. Slowly said:

"Zhong Yuan, how can it be, don't provoke this girl Wei Xiaoqing."

"It's not just my cousin, my uncle also said that my definition of a friend is as long as the other party doesn't betray me and do things that I can't accept."

I thought for a while before answering cautiously.

Jiang He's originally gloomy face suddenly smiled again. He patted his knees, tilted his head slightly, and said:

"This woman's methods are extremely clever. It seems that Zhongli and I joined forces to barely compete against her. You should be very clear that my fighting skills are great, while Zhongli is good at secret techniques. If we join forces, even if we are Wei Wuya, the chief disciple of the Blood Soul Sect, also retreated three points, but Wei Xiaoqing is different. Although she is Wei Wuya's junior sister, her ability is actually higher than Wei Wuya's. Even your cousin almost hurt her In the future, I advise you not to mention this woman in front of Zhongli, I don't guarantee that he will lose his temper, he has a very bad temper these days."

I stared at Jiang He in some surprise, and asked, "My cousin is not weak, and he has a peach puppet to protect him, so how could he be so easily injured?"

Hearing my words, Jiang He was slightly taken aback, his face tensed, showing a trace of remorse, and seeing me staring at him, he slowly said: "Because Zhong Li was injured a few years ago and has not been healed. , would fall ill every once in a while, his whole body would be filled with yin energy, and his body would become stiff, like a dead body in the mortuary, and that day he fell ill, so he was injured by Wei Xiaoqing. In fact, Wei Xiaoqing seemed to have accidentally injured Zhongli, It's just that he got sick so suddenly that Wei Xiaoqing couldn't stop."

"What kind of disease is this? Why have I never heard of it? When did he get it? Wasn't he in good health when he was a child, Jiang He, seeing how selfless you are doing so many things for my cousin, even taking care of me for me, no Maybe this has something to do with you."

Seeing Jiang He who was in a daze, I asked.

"Well, you're right, if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't... It's a bit long to tell, if you want to hear a story, then I'll tell you slowly..."

Jiang He stood up, looked out the window, his eyes were blank, and he was completely lost in memory.

One winter three years ago, it was snowing heavily and late at night.

A young man in a military coat kept running in the snow. The young man had sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, three-dimensional facial features, dark skin, a crew cut, and a pair of military boots on his feet. Covered by the heavy snow falling all over the sky.

The young man ran very fast, and when he reached a turning street, he leaned on the wall and gasped for breath.

It was already late at night, and it was very cold, not to mention that there were no pedestrians, and there were very few vehicles, and this street was very remote, surrounded by residential areas.

"Did you get rid of it?"

The boy looked at the whiteness behind him in shock, and said to himself.

But at this moment, not far behind him, footprints suddenly appeared on the snow-white street. These footprints were very shallow and small, but there were no people, and the footsteps were coming in the direction of the young man.

"Do you think you can escape? If you don't agree to my request, I will keep pestering you."

It was a very cold female voice, without any emotion, but judging from the voice, it was a girl who spoke.

"I told you a long time ago, I can't do what you asked for!"

The boy gritted his teeth, turned his head, and spoke loudly to the empty place in front of him.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know that the Jiang family is a ghost doctor. You are a member of the Jiang family, so you can do it. Now this season, you can't escape to the Jiang family safely. This is Jiuhuang City, capable people Yishiduo, as long as you come with me, I don't want to cause trouble, if not, then don't blame me for being rude."

There was a trace of anger in the girl's voice, and the heavy snow around her was getting heavier and heavier.

"Your matter, I really can't do anything about it. You died in the ice and snow, and you have turned into an ice ghost. It can't be solved through treatment. You are so arrogant and unreasonable. I won't tell you. The reason why I came to Jiuzhou Huangshi, that is to find a family of ghost hunters who have made good friends with my Jiang family, and then don't blame us for being rude!"

After the boy finished speaking, he stopped hesitating and continued to run forward, his military overcoat swaying back slightly.

"Jiang He, you have disappointed me so much! Do you really think that you can deal with me by finding someone from the ghost hunter family? Have you forgotten that I am also a ghost hunter myself?"

The girl sighed, and saw that these falling snowflakes gradually condensed together and turned into a young girl. This girl had an extremely delicate face, long hair draped over her shoulders, her eyes were absent-minded, and she was wearing a white cloak. In a miniskirt, her legs are very slender and smooth.

While running, Jiang He took out a note and began to observe the surrounding buildings. He frowned slightly and said to himself:

"It should be around here. As long as I find Uncle Zhong Shan, he will definitely help me solve this big trouble."

Just when he just put away the note, the girl was already standing two meters in front of him.

"Luo Yue'er, don't bully me too much, I don't want to do anything to you!"

Jiang He took a few steps back in shock, grabbed a stack of copper coins from his pocket, and said coldly.

He is not a ghost hunter, and the five emperors' money in his hand is also some very simple body protection magic weapon. After some magical blessings, it has some power, but it can only deal with some ordinary evil spirits. The one in front of him is not unusual. !

"I thought you forgot about our Luo family, I thought you forgot about me, Luo Yue'er, we met each other once, so don't you even want to help me with this little help?"

Luo Yue'er still looked at Jiang He expressionlessly, standing there motionless, like a statue.

Jiang He took a look at Luo Yue'er, tightly held the copper coin in his hand, gritted his teeth and said:

"You should be very clear about the secret arts of the Luo family, and with your physique, it is not suitable for cultivation at all. When your grandma brought you to visit our Jiang family, my grandpa told your grandma, but you just didn't like it. Go against the grain, I know you really want to revitalize your family, but there must be a limit to everything, if you exceed it, a good thing will turn into a bad thing, I am also very clear, the reason why you want me to help you return to a normal spiritual state , just want to cast the regeneration spell, but the regeneration spell is a forbidden spell, which will disturb the order of yin and yang, and it is related to the underworld, about the two worlds of yin and yang!"

After hearing Jiang He's words, Luo Yue'er's calm face finally changed. She laughed at herself and said, "I know I'm not suitable for practicing the Ice Art, but I have no other choice for the sake of the family. My sister is very talented. , but she seems to have been living an ordinary life. I don't want to embarrass her, and I don't want her to shoulder this heavy burden. My grandma is getting old, and there are only three of us left in the Luo family. If I don't live, Who will take on the heavy responsibility of the family? So I have to cast the regeneration curse, and you have to help me heal my current condition, I know your branch of ghost doctors, and I also know your medical skills are supernatural. "

Jiang He broke into a cold sweat secretly, this Luo Yueer's obsession is very strong, if the Luo family does not prosper, it is estimated that it will be difficult for her to let go of the stone in her heart.

"You appear in Yangjian so unscrupulously, aren't you afraid that ghosts will arrest you and return you to the underworld?"

Jiang He glanced around and asked again.

"Ghost messenger? Soul hooker, do you think I'm afraid? What, you're delaying? Don't worry, I won't harm you, I just need your help, and I will bear the regeneration curse, it's none of your business."

Luo Yue'er snorted softly.

Jiang He shook his head, and said slowly: "It's not as simple as you imagined, I will help you, and I will also bear the cause and effect. The Jiang family is involved in this dispute! We have known each other since we were young, and you know my character very well, so there is no need to talk nonsense, come on!"

"Oh? Let's see how much you have inherited from Uncle Jiang."

Luo Yue'er suddenly stretched out her hand and lifted it, a faint blue and white aura surged around her body, this aura was extremely cold, it seemed to be a bit colder than the surrounding heavy snow, snowflakes were falling all over the sky, she opened her mouth to mutter stand up:

"Ice Blade!"

The surrounding snowflakes condensed and turned into palm-sized snow-white sharp blades. Seeing these ice blades floating in the air with a gloomy and cold aura, Jiang He's face suddenly changed.

"How is it possible, you are a spirit body now, how can you still use the secret method of hunting ghosts before you were born?"

Jiang He's nerves were tense, and he stared at the mid-air in front of him, ready to attack with copper coins at any time.

"Even if I die, my faith has not disappeared. Our family believes in the Ice God. These are the manifestations of my faith. Hehe, even if the ghost hunter is dead, the ability to hunt ghosts will not be lost." disappear."

After Luo Yue'er finished speaking, she waved her hand, and the ice blades shot towards Jiang He.

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