Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 140 [Luo Yueer]

I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

The copper coin in Jiang He's hand suddenly threw forward, turned around and ran, and there happened to be a dark figure in the distance, who seemed to be walking this way.

He was overjoyed, and his pace was a little faster again, and the military jacket was suddenly blown by the cold wind, making it rattle.

The black shadow gradually became clearer, and Jiang He saw the person's appearance clearly. It was a tall and thin boy with long bangs in front, a thin chin, and half glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looked unusually indifferent. There was still a bag of beer in his hand, and he was smoking a cigarette in his mouth.

"Zhong Yuan?"

Jiang He ran over and asked nervously, because he remembered that his grandfather said that the Zhong family had three children who were about his age, one of them was Yin-Yang Fayan, but he couldn't remember which one it was. It just so happens that this person only wears half glasses on the left side. It must be to hide the difference in the left eye. Except for the ghost hunter family, it is impossible for ordinary people to have yin and yang magic eyes unless they are lucky. The address is nearby, so Jiang He asked aloud.

The young man glanced at Jiang He coldly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and began to size up the young man, stepped back a bit, stared at Jiang He with a vigilant face, and said coldly:

"Who are you? How do you know my cousin's name!"

Jiang He slapped his head, and said embarrassedly: "Yes, Uncle Zhong Shan's son is Zhong Li, and the other two direct brothers are Zhong Yuan and Zhong Haotian, and Zhong Li's ghost hunting ability is Yin-Yang Dharma Eye. It depends on your appearance. , it should be Zhongli, I am very sorry, I was too nervous for a while, and I recognized the wrong person."

"you are?"

Zhong Li frowned slightly, spit out the cigarette in his mouth, and asked aloud.

"Ghost doctor family, Jiang He, you probably don't know, but your father will definitely know. Now that I'm in trouble, you must help me. Our two families are family friends!"

Jiang He took out a wooden token from his pocket and handed it to Zhongli. After a careful look, Zhongli nodded, "Hmph, he knows, why do you think I don't know? Okay, I promise to help you, I will Knowing the Jiang family, and knowing this token, the atmosphere here is a bit different, let's go home first."

Zhong Li glanced at the distance, handed Jiang He the shopping bag in his hand, took out a few yellow symbols from his pocket, and took off his left glasses.

"Huh? Luo Yue'er has been chasing me very closely, and we disappeared now?"

Jiang He took the shopping bag and looked around suspiciously. The heavy snow was still there, but Luo Yue'er was not there, as if it never existed at all, and those ice blades just now disappeared completely.

"She didn't leave, but was just around us. She just hid her breath, so that I couldn't detect her existence, but the ghosts who wanted to avoid my eyes hadn't appeared yet, and she was no exception."

Zhongli smiled coldly, and closed his left eye. After a while, he opened his eyes. The green eyes had turned into chaos, and then the green light in his eyes began to shrink, turning into a black and white yin-yang fish. In Zhongli's eyes, , the surrounding world has begun to undergo different changes. Luo Yueer was standing right in front of them, but her body was almost transparent. Seeing Zhong Li staring at her, she was also stunned.

If a general ghost wants to be seen by someone, it must be close to that person's brain wave to be able to see it. A ghost with ability can adjust this ability at any time. Luo Yueer originally wanted to use this The ability makes it impossible for the opponent to find out, but unexpectedly Zhongli's ghost hunting ability is the yin and yang magic eye.

Zhongli raised the yellow talisman in his hand, and muttered:

"Everything is in the universe, and Vulcan uses the law to exterminate evil spirits, and is as urgent as a law!"

As soon as the incantation sounded, several yellow talismans in his hand were thrown out, turning into several flames and flying out of the air, heading straight to Luo Yueer's position. These flames were extremely fierce, and the surrounding snow was still several meters away The outside melted and dissipated.

"I found a helper so quickly, I underestimated you."

With a wave of Luo Yueer's plain arm, the temperature in the air suddenly became icy cold. Several ice blades in the air condensed and went straight towards the fire. After the collision of the yin and yang, there was a violent explosion immediately. the explosion.

Zhong Li sneered, took out another puppet from his pocket, and threw it out while muttering something.

Seeing this puppet flying towards her, Luo Yue'er raised her plain arm again, and with her five fingers together, a long sword like ice appeared in her hand, fighting with the puppet, but this time she didn't deliberately hide her body shape.

"Jiang He, what kind of ghost are you messing with? It's so powerful, with such a strong yin and cold power. Is it Snow Maiden?"

Zhong Li's face became a little ugly, he stared coldly at Jiang He next to him, and questioned him aloud.

Jiang He stood up straight, turned around, with a hint of apology, and said, "I'm afraid it's not far from Xue Nu, because the Luo family believes in the Ice God, and she is a yin body now, as long as she cultivates, Sooner or later, it will turn into a snow girl."


Zhongli's peach wood puppet fell to the ground and struggled hard, but the puppet's body was covered with a layer of ice, and even the peach spirit trapped in the puppet couldn't break free.

"Your puppet is very powerful. It is really possible to kill ordinary evil spirits, but this is useless to me. Get out of the way. The person I am looking for is not you."

Luo Shui'er lowered her arms and said to Zhong Li in a cold voice.

"Zhong Li, let's go to Uncle Zhong Shan, he will find a solution."

Seeing that Zhongli's face became even more ugly, Jiang He finally couldn't help but speak.

"I can do it, don't look for him!"

Zhong Li gritted his teeth, put one hand into his mouth, bit it hard, and directly bit his finger, and began to draw in the palm of his hand, while galloping towards Luo Yueer at the same time.

"I said I didn't want to hurt you, but you forced me to do so."

Luo Yue'er glanced at Zhongli, and raised her hand regrettably, only to see the white snow around Zhongli sinking into his body, and soon, Zhongli could no longer run, and his whole body became like a snow sculpture, Not even the mantra was spoken.

Jiang He was stunned, and walked towards Zhongli in disbelief, wanting to grab the snow with his hands, but as soon as he grabbed it, the snow turned into ice strangely, he raised his fist, wanting to Smash the ice with one punch.

"If you want him to die quickly, try it."

Luo Yue'er appeared next to Jiang He at some point, and said with cold eyes, without a trace of emotion on her face.

Jiang He looked at the snow sculpture almost collapsed, and shouted: "I said it can't be done, you let him go!"

"Since you can't do it, then I can't help it either. Anyway, he died because of you, and you indirectly killed him."

Luo Yue'er put her arms around her shoulders, unmoved.

"Okay, let him go now, and I will give you an explanation in three years' time."

After a while, Jiang He was like a deflated ball, almost slumped on the snow.

"Okay, I'm not afraid of your repentance. If you repent, I will make your Jiang family and all your friends pay the price, but I don't make sure whether you can keep your promise, so I will leave something in his body , Three years later, I will help him take it away."

The corners of Luo Yue'er's mouth curled up, and she finally showed a little smile. She stood in front of the snow sculpture, stretched out her pale fingers, and pointed at the ice-covered clock a little away from her forehead. She saw that the layer of ice had begun to melt, and Gone soon.

Jiang He stood up in a panic, while Zhongli fell straight down. He quickly grabbed him, felt for his pulse, and he was still alive, so he was a little relieved. He was about to say something to Luo Yueer At that time, Luo Yue'er had disappeared, and the heavy snow around her also stopped, only the howling cold wind.

Zhongli's condition is very bad, his body is stiff and his heartbeat is very weak.

An ordinary person would have died long ago if he was frozen in ice. Fortunately, Zhongli had a certain amount of strength and was able to hold on. However, even so, the cold force in the snow had penetrated into his bone marrow.

Perhaps, this was intentionally done by Luo Yueer, if Jiang He didn't personally help her solve that matter, then the chill on Zhongli's body would not be relieved either.

Finally found Zhongli's home at the guard, and using some of the potions he carried, boiled a jar of Yuanyang Exorcism Powder, poured it into Zhongli's mouth, and he woke up slowly.

Zhong Shan has already removed the medicine. Although the relationship between father and son is not good, Zhongli is his son after all, so how could he ignore it?

"What about that ghost?"

Zhong Li, who was lying on the bed, asked weakly, his left eye had changed from a black and white yin and yang fish to a normal one, it was a green eyeball, upon closer inspection, it was a bit creepy.

"It's already gone, I'm sorry, because of me, I caused you to become like this."

Jiang He blamed himself very much, and there was still some faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the room, which was the overflowing smell of Yuanyang exorcising powder that remained at the bottom of the bowl before.

Zhong Li laughed at himself and said, "It's not your fault. I was a ghost hunter in the first place. If I failed to subdue ghosts, I would only fail. This situation is not bad. It's not bad if I can save my life."

"What's wrong with your body now?"

Jiang He spoke with concern, and at the same time began to look at Zhongli and observe his complexion. Zhongli's face was still pale, as if he was in bed with a serious illness.

Zhongli thought for a while, then said:

"You turn on the air conditioner to the maximum first, I'm very cold now."

Jiang He stood up, picked up the remote control of the air conditioner, and was about to adjust the temperature to the highest, but found that it was already the highest temperature, then he found a heater, and added a quilt on Zhongli's bed, but Zhongli Still shivering from the cold, this cold feeling came from the bones of his body, his current appearance was no different from the pale appearance of a dead man.

After Zhong Shan came back, he went to boil the medicine again, and after three full days, Zhong Li's body was only able to get rid of a little bit of the cold energy in front of him.

In the living room, Zhong Shan was frowning. If his son continued like this, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Uncle Zhong Shan, I'm sorry, I'm the one who got Zhongli involved, do you think it's okay, Zhongli will take care of me in the future, I will seal the cold poison with silver needles, although I have to re-seal it every once in a while, but still Can survive until three years later."

Jiang He was restless and spoke softly.

Zhong Shan nodded, as if he had aged a few years, so he could only nod his head: "That's all I can do. I'm very busy these days, so Zhongli will leave it to you. If you need anything, feel free to find me. "

After a while, Zhong Shan left the house in a hurry, and when Jiang He appeared in Zhongli's room again, Zhongli's face had become very gloomy, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a sneer.

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