Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 141 [Regeneration Curse]

"He left again?"

Zhong Li moved his body slightly, so that his face that was about to be buried under the quilt was completely exposed, and his whole body was tightly wrapped.

"Well, Uncle Zhong Shan said that he has something to do and needs to go out, so let me take care of you."

Holding a pot of hot water in his hand, Jiang He walked to the bed and said.

"You take care of me? You have nothing to do? Look at you, you should be in college now. I know my physical condition very well. It's a bit bad and it's hard to get better in a short time."

Zhong Li stared at Jiang He suspiciously, but his tone was very relaxed, as if he wanted to push Jiang He away, as if he wanted to fend for himself.

"Your body belongs to you. You can't be angry with Uncle Zhong Shan. Don't worry, this matter is caused by me. I will find a way to seal the coldness in your body, but I can't eradicate it. Luo Yue'er can only solve this problem in person." , and if I read or not, don't ask too much, I don't want to go back to the family now."

Jiang He sighed, put down the basin in his hand, wrung out the towel, and said in a low voice.

Zhongli frowned, took the hot towel, and said, "She seems to know you very well, why is she pestering you? This is the first time I have encountered such a powerful ghost. I think it is because of you that my life was saved." Yes."

"Well, the Luo family is a very old family of ghost hunters. Because they enshrine the Ice God, they have been living in the snowy plains. However, after suffering a catastrophe many years ago, they migrated to the big city. Luo Duohan, the current head of the Luo family, has some connections with our ghost doctor lineage. Luo Duohan is also an old affair with my grandfather. This person is Luo Yueer's grandmother. At that time, her grandmother was seriously injured. Rehabilitation, that's why we met, but that was a long, long time ago."

Jiang He thought for a while, and relying on his own memory, he began to tell Zhong Li one by one.

"Luo Duohan? Even if she is married to the Luo family, she can gain the approval of the Ice God through some means, but the prestige of the family must always be the members of the Luo family."

Zhong Li listened attentively, it was the first time he heard that there was such a family of ghost hunters in the Snowy Plains.

Jiang He smiled indifferently, and said, "Because of that catastrophe, there were only three of them left in the Luo family who covered the sky with one hand on the snowy plain, and the Luo Duohan family is the grandmother of the Luo family sisters, with strong strength. Very powerful, at that time the Luo family sisters were still young, and they simply couldn't shoulder the important task of revitalizing the family."

"In that case, what does this have to do with Luo Yue'er pestering you?"

Zhongli knew very well that if this ghost wanted to kill Jiang He, Jiang He would have died long ago, how could he have survived till now?

"Luo Yue'er is very strong by nature, but her aptitude is not good, and it can't be said that she is not good. It's just that she is not suitable for practicing the secret arts of the Luo family. Because Luo Duohan's age is getting older, she wants to shoulder this responsibility. So she went to the Snowy Plain alone, where she practiced the secret art of the Luo family, but something happened on the way, and she died in the Snowy Plain without anyone to take care of her. The resurrection curse is to restore her spiritual body to normal. You also know that the souls of people who died in places like the Snowy Plains are stained with cold power, and she herself is because of this kind of secret cultivation. died of surgery, so she came to me."

Jiang He sighed, pursed his lips, and looked a little depressed.

But Zhongli regained his energy all of a sudden, and even got out from under the quilt. He stared at Jiang He with a pair of sharp eyes, and said, "Rebirth curse? This kind of curse has disappeared for a long time, and it appeared in Luo's house. Can you Think of a way to help me get this curse, if possible, I, Zhongli, am willing to be a cow and a horse for the rest of my life, at your command."

Jiang He took a strange look at Zhongli, who was abnormally energetic, and asked: "The regeneration curse is not a good thing, why are you so interested? This can be regarded as a forbidden curse. If it is cast, it will be a ghost hunter who maintains order in the underworld and the underworld. The league will punish you severely!"

"I think there are only two people, one is my mother, and the other is my cousin. You should have heard of it, Zhong Haotian."

Zhong Li looked at Jiang He eagerly, hoping that Jiang He could nod his head in agreement.

"No, let's not say that Luo Yue'er will not give me the regeneration curse. You should be very clear that if the regeneration curse is to be effective, the body of the caster should be intact, so that it will be effective, and Luo Yue The reason why Er'er is sure to bring herself back to life is because she died in the extremely cold place of the Snowy Plains, and her body was frozen long ago."

Jiang He opened his mouth to explain and persuade, but after Zhong Li heard this, he stopped talking.

My mother and cousin have been dead for many years, and the physical body has long since ceased to exist. Even if there is a regeneration spell, it has no effect at all.

After a long time, Zhong Li asked again:

"Did you promise her to help him get rid of the icy power on his body? But according to what you said, you don't seem to be sure about this, and I can see that you don't want to destroy the order of the Yin and Yang realms at all."

"Well, what you said is correct, but in order to save your life, I had a three-year contract with her, but what I didn't expect was that Luo Yue'er actually left a cold poison in your body. It seems It is a very difficult process to get rid of the cold poison in your body, and I also thought about using powerful drugs to get rid of it, but the intersection of two energies will definitely have very bad consequences."

Jiang He replied truthfully that her plan was to take all precautions within the next three years, and if that didn't work, she would go to Luo's house and find the Luo Duohan family to solve the problem. Perhaps Luo Yue'er died, she didn't know yet , in Jiang He's impression, Luo Duohan is a very kind grandmother.

"The three-year agreement is a bit tight, but don't worry, during these three years, I will definitely prepare myself, work hard to train myself, and increase my strength. Even if she comes again, I will not be afraid. In the worst case, I will come to you Grandpa did it himself, my grandpa is a well-known figure in the ghost hunting world."

Zhong Li clenched his fist and said coldly.

"Well, that's the only way now, I will use a set of ancestral formations to seal the cold air in your body, but every once in a while, I have to seal it again, so I definitely can't leave here, by the way, what good do you have?" Have you introduced me to a job?"

Jiang He took out the white cloth bag and slowly spread it out, with many silver needles of different sizes pinned inside, and asked about work matters.

Zhongli thought for a while before saying, "Yes, I just don't know if you are willing or not. A doorman in our community has resigned. Of course, with your ghost doctor's lineage, you are fully capable of opening a clinic. After so many years, I also have the ability to open a clinic." There is a lot of money, and I can lend it to you temporarily."

"No need, just be the guard, and it's very close to here. Okay, now I'm going to start, it may hurt a little, hold it back."

Jiang He took out a silver needle and stared at Zhongli with a smile.

After a while, screams came from the room. After the cold air in his body was sealed, Zhong Li was already sweating profusely. The quilt on the bed had been kicked away, making the bed a mess.

Apart from Zhongli who was covered in sweat, Jiang He was the same. He glanced at Zhongli with some apprehension, and then hastily put away the silver needle.


After the story was finished, Jiang He gathered his thoughts and came back to me.

"Huh? You said it was three years ago, so now... Luo Yueer came to see you?"

I stared at Jiang He curiously and asked.

Jiang He shook his head, sighed, with a confused expression on his face, and said, "I'll apply the medicine for you. This kind of bone paste is very precious. After applying it this time, you will be fully capable of doing it yourself. During this time, Zhongli and I have been preparing a venue to compete with Luo Yueer, so you have to be obedient and don't cause any more trouble."

After speaking, he took out a palm-sized box and twisted it open. Inside were some light green, almost transparent ointments, some of which had been used, and gave off a scent similar to sweet-scented osmanthus.

After removing the bandage, my shoulders were still a bit swollen. Jiang He pressed it with his fingers, and I looked at him with a grin. A coolness seeps into my skin.

After applying the ointment, he didn't help me wrap the bandage.

When he was about to leave, Jiang He was still preoccupied. It seemed that the matter was not going smoothly, but he turned back as soon as he left the door, pointed to the big bag of things on the cabinet, and opened his mouth. said:

"Some of your things are there, and I'll bring you today's lunch, eat it while it's hot, and you can handle dinner yourself, okay?"

"Well, okay, thank you."

I nodded and watched Jiang He leave. To be honest, Jiang He saved me twice, and he was considered a great benefactor of mine, so I must do my best to help them solve this problem, and the cousin's body If the strange disease breaks out when encountering a fight with ghosts, the consequences will be very serious.

After a while, I started sorting out the past events that Jiang He said, and the appearance of Luo Yue'er reminded me of someone in an instant, but when Jiang He was here, I couldn't be sure, for fear of disappointing him, so I kept it a secret Did not say.

Luo Yue'er, the Luo family, could this girl be Luo Shui'er's older sister?

I was slightly shocked. From what Jiang He said, it was mentioned that only three members of the Luo family migrated to Jiuhuang City, and their grandma was getting old. More importantly, Luo Shui'er was also named Luo. And it's also a family of ghost hunters.

By the way, the reason why Luo Shui'er participated in the Shanquan Villa last time was because her grandma was sick and hospitalized and needed a lot of money.

Maybe, Luoshui'er is in this hospital now, because this Jiuhuang City People's Hospital is the largest hospital in the entire urban area, and the medical equipment is very advanced, and there are also foreign medical staff, so it should be here, but I don't know How to contact her, since you can't contact her, maybe you can meet her if you go out for a stroll, then ask her to help, maybe you don't need your cousin and the others to fight, or in other words, Luo Shui'er may be able to pull it out The cold poison on my cousin.

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