Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 143 [Grandpa's Love Debt]

"Clang clang..."

A crisp sound came from the bathroom, as if something had been knocked over, and the sound of running water stopped abruptly.

Luo Shui'er came out, with an imperceptible panic showing on her always calm face, holding a pear in her hand, she walked up to Mrs Luo Duohan, and handed it to her.

Luo Duohan took the fragrant pear, his face tensed, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees at once.

After a long time, Luo Duohan turned around and asked Luo Shui'er: "Shui'er, didn't you say that your sister went to work in other places? Although this kid is very polite, I believe what he said is true, because this Over the past few years, I have been restless, and I have tried to calculate Yue'er's whereabouts, but there has been no news. At first, I thought that our lineage would suffer another catastrophe, but I didn't expect it to be because of this matter !"

Luo Shui'er bit her lip and said, "Grandma, my sister didn't want me to tell you this, but I really didn't know that something happened to her. When she left home, she just told me to study hard. In the future, the family I will entrust her with the heavy responsibility. My sister is going to practice in the forbidden area of ​​the ice cave in the Snowland Plain. She said that she will return after completing the secret technique. Although it is powerful, it is of no use to the members of the Luo family."

After hearing Luo Shui'er's words, Luo Duohan staggered and almost fell, but I supported her, the old lady's body was extremely cold, like a piece of ice, but her clothes were very dry , without the slightest hint of dampness, the only thing that can be concluded is that the secret method she practiced is very powerful.

"Grandma, don't be angry, the exercises you are practicing now have reached the most critical moment, and you must not make mistakes."

Luo Shui'er helped Luo Duohan to sit in the wheelchair again, then patted her on the back lightly, and said to me: "Zhong Yuan, when did you meet my sister, why didn't she come back, And looking for you? How did she die?"

"I didn't meet your sister, but a good friend of mine. It was Jiang He mentioned earlier. At that time, Luo Yue'er practiced the secret method and died in the snowy plain. Her spirit body has been entangled with Jiang He. Jiang He fled to Yonghe City, my cousin was there at the time, and she injured my cousin, leaving a chill in his body, which cannot be exorcised until now."

I stared at the grandparent and grandson, and said slowly.

"I am very aware of my eldest granddaughter's character. She will not easily hurt anyone. There must be a reason for her to do so."

Luo Duohan regained his composure and said aloud.

"Yes, she has a reason. She wants Jiang He to get rid of the cold in her body, restore her spirit body to normal, and then cast the regeneration spell to revive her. This is her reason. I don't think there is anyone who understands the regeneration spell better than you Well, Jiang He refused to agree, so she threatened my cousin with ice, Jiang He had no choice but to agree to give her an answer in three years, but Luo Yueer practiced the secret method of your Luo family very early, and He died in the snowy land again. The power of the ice should have been fused with the spirit body, so how could it be easily expelled? At the beginning, Jiang He promised her just to slow down for a while. In addition to the news, I also ask senior Luo Duohan to help."

Saying this sentence made me feel a lot more relaxed. Only the two of them could reply, but neither of them opened their mouths. Instead, they fell into deep thought.

Finally, Mrs. Luo Duohan raised his head, staring at me with those bright eyes, and said, "Is there really no way? Jiang He may have no way, but old man Jiang should still be there."

"Senior, I know how you feel, but you can't use the regeneration spell. If you use it, it will destroy the order of the yin and yang worlds. If the underworld is in chaos, who can bear this responsibility?"

I don't mean to blame her, but to be honest, who will clean up a big mess when the time comes?

But hearing what I said, Mrs. Luo Duohan stood up again, I only felt that my eyes blurred, she was already standing two feet away from me, staring at me with cold eyes, at this moment, my whole body became stiff, Unable to move, I was terrified.

What kind of secret method is this?I didn't even see her make a move, but she just fixed me like this. Could it be her eyes?

Seeing Luo Duohan's bright eyes turning into a piece of sapphire blue, my heart sank slightly, and I began to try to mobilize the power of hunting ghosts in my body.

"Grandma, don't get angry, Zhong Yuan is telling the truth, please show mercy!"

Luo Shui'er stood in front of me, with a hint of panic in her voice.

Luo Duohan stared at me with a cold smile, and said: "There is no good person in the Zhong family, especially you are the grandson of that old man. I heard that Shui'er mentioned you last time, so I planned to find you. Now you come to the door yourself , and want us to save your Zhong family? It's just delusional!"

With a wave of the old lady's hand, the cold air in my body dissipated immediately, and I was able to move freely again. There must be a misunderstanding, so I quickly said, "Senior, this is the first time we have met, why do you hate me so much?" The Zhong family? Could it be that the Zhong family has done something wrong to you? Is the old man you are talking about my grandfather Zhong Ziyun?"

"That's right, that old fellow Zhong Ziyun, Shui'er, this person is the descendant of that old man, he is just as fickle and ungrateful, please don't get close to him again!"

Luo Duohan seemed extremely excited, and his body began to tremble.

"Senior, no matter what my grandfather did to you before, I will apologize to you on his behalf."

I was a little surprised. How many women did Grandpa have emotional entanglements with when he was young?He even provoked people from Snowy Plains, and of course, Grandma Lan whom I met in Jiuhuang City before.

"Hmph, apologize to me instead of him? Don't think about it, I will never forgive him in my life. For so many years, he left me and ran away with that bitch Lan Ling. Do you think that I will never be able to leave the snowy land in my life! "

Luo Duohan became more and more excited as she spoke, and finally stretched out her hand to pat the wheelchair, only to see that the wheelchair touched by her palm was immediately covered with crystal clear frost.

Luo Shui'er showed me a very innocent expression, but there seemed to be something strange in her words, she ran away with Lan Ling, could this Lan Ling be Grandma Lan?I pondered for a while, then continued:

"Senior, the Lan Ling you mentioned is the elder of the ghost hunter family, Grandma Lan?"

"If it's not that bitch, who is it? I only found out about it recently. She actually became the elder of the Ghost Hunters Alliance. What a joke. What can she do? Could it be that the current Ghost Hunters Alliance has declined?" So far?"

Luo Duohan said coldly.

"It seems that seniors don't know many things. I also came to Jiuhuang City from the countryside to meet Senior Lan a while ago, and in my impression, she was never with my grandpa. People who understand, passed away very early, and my grandfather has not been very happy for so many years, now that he has passed away, I hope the seniors can forgive him."

The last time Grandpa's spirit body warned me to leave the village in a dream, it never appeared again. Where did it go?Does Luo Duohan know about these enemies?

After hearing my words, the old lady was stunned for a moment, and she recovered after a while, reached out and grabbed my collar, and said coldly:

"What did you say? Ziyun is dead? He wasn't with that bitch? It's impossible. Back then, that bitch stalked him and even used some despicable moves to make him submit. , she had a miscarriage in the great world of Maha back then, but even so, Ziyun, a bad guy, would be responsible for her. It is impossible for them not to be together, you must have lied to me, and we broke into Maha In the big world, by chance, I got three Maha holy fruits, which are more powerful than the merit fruit on the merit tree of the underworld. At my age, I will have no problem living for decades, let alone him, How could he die?"

"He is really dead. Not only my grandfather died, but also my mother died, my father disappeared, and I was also living in Jiuhuang City. I will not joke about such things. Since you and my grandfather are old acquaintances, You should be very clear about the Mingyin Pei, but it is a pity that the Mingyin Pei has broken and left a mark on me."

I unbuttoned my clothes and opened my chest to reveal the imprint on my chest. Luo Duohan came over and began to observe carefully, but Luo Shui'er turned around blushing. I smiled and scratched my head.

After a long time, she regained her composure, and said with a half-crying and half-smiling voice: "Dead? You didn't inform me before you died? Don't tell me you can't forget that I married into Luo's family? You don't want to be with me even after death?" I'll see you."

"My grandfather's death was caused by the enemy, and it may not be reported in time, and Senior Lan didn't know about it."

My condolences to my grandpa...

"Many years ago, I taught him the art of divination, which can tell good or bad luck. Although his talent in this area is not high, but...I am in a bad mood now, Shui'er, follow me back to the ward!"

Luo Duohan frowned tightly, and slapped her hands on the wheelchair, the frost disappeared, she sat on it again, Luo Shui'er glanced at me who was dressed, smiled slightly, and pushed her grandma out of the room.

I lay listlessly on the bed, it seems that Luo Duohan is not willing to help me, especially having a very unusual relationship with grandpa, but I am sure, grandpa is among her and grandma blue, no one has The choice, I am very aware of my grandfather's character, the only possibility is that he likes both and is unwilling to hurt, so I chose my grandma.

It seems that Grandpa's experience is very rich. Just from the thickness of the notebook, it can be seen that the Maha World seems to be interesting, as if it was recorded in the previous part.

I took out the notes from the cabinet, which Jiang He brought over for me, and after searching for a while, I found the records, but the Han and Ling inside should undoubtedly refer to the Luo Duohan family and Grandma Lan.

Time passed quickly, and I was immersed in the world of notes, so it took me a while to react to the knock on the door.

It's past nine o'clock now, could it be my cousin or Jiang He?

I opened the door and was a little stunned. The person who came was Luo Shui'er. She smiled at me apologetically, showing her white teeth, and asked:

"Is it convenient for me to come in now?"

"Well, it's convenient, come in."

I was overjoyed, and hurriedly opened the door, sideways to get out of the way.

Since Luo Shui'er is willing to come, there is room for things to turn around. With the help of her, a member of the Luo family, my cousin should be safe this time.

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