Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 144 [Coming]

"I'm really sorry before. My grandma's personality is like this. In view of her age, don't worry about her."

As soon as Luo Shui'er came in, she was not polite, she just sat on the chair and spoke.

I nodded and said: "Well, I understand, this matter is that our Zhong family has wronged her, and I am not angry at all. I am already very happy that you can come."

Luo Shui'er blushed slightly, I realized that I had said something wrong, and immediately changed my words: "I said that you were able to come here because you intend to help us, and I am very happy."

There seemed to be something wrong with this, I scratched my head, not knowing what to say, but Luo Shui'er laughed from the side, and said, "Well, I'm here because of my sister, and their elders It is inconvenient for our juniors to intervene in matters related to my sister. You don’t have to thank me for my sister’s matter. This is our Luo family’s matter. It's the Blood Soul Sect."

"It's good that Miss Shui'er understands."

I smiled and sat on the hospital bed.

"Don't call me Miss Shui'er, just call me Shui'er. By the way, when will my sister show up? Are you sure she will use the regeneration spell? My grandma and I have discussed this matter for a long time , if my sister insists on using the regeneration spell, our entire Luo family will suffer catastrophe. Not only will the underworld run out to punish ghosts, but even the ghost hunter alliance will unite all ghost hunter families to arrest us. As much as I want my sister to be alive, this is not the time."

Luo Shui'er blinked her eyes, her mouth was pursed, and an inexplicable message appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"She came to Jiang He, it should be during this time, you said it wasn't this time, could you still pass through the underworld with her casting the regeneration spell?"

As long as you don't make too much noise, and in a secluded place, no one will notice, you may be able to deceive the Ghost Hunter Alliance, but the underworld is different. The Regeneration Curse is a powerful forbidden spell, as long as it is activated, it can Disturb Yin and Yang, and the upper echelon of the underworld will sense that this cannot be stopped by manpower at all. I don't know about this curse, but forbidden curses are extremely harmful, whether it is for people or things, such as us The Zhong family has three forbidden curses, one of which is the forbidden curse at the cost of one's own life.

Luo Shui'er smiled mysteriously, and said, "The secret must not be leaked. Before I left your room, my grandma and I did divination together. My sister should still have a chance."

"A glimmer of hope? If the forbidden spell fails, then her soul will be scattered, and there is no way to save her."

If I do one thing, there is no more than half of me, so I dare not take risks lightly. Although I have to fight for everything, I think everything should be insurance. Of course, this is just my current thinking. Maybe there will be some things in the future, some people will drive me crazy, and maybe it will be desperate.

"Since my sister decides to use this forbidden spell, she must think about the consequences. Moreover, it is not possible to succeed once the regeneration spell is cast. The chance of success is only one tenth. It requires all factors such as the right time and place to be successful. "

Luo Shui'er sighed, and his eyes were slightly lost again.

"Well, do you have the ability to dissolve the cold poison in my cousin's body?"

I looked at Luo Shui'er with hope.

Luo Shui'er was taken aback, then shook his head and said, "It's difficult, even the disciples of the ghost doctor family are helpless, what can I do? But I will try my best to find a way, I am also practicing the Luo family's secret method, but the progress is not satisfactory , because practicing these secret techniques can only be of great benefit and breakthrough in the Snowy Plains."

"You tell me the ward where your grandma is currently staying. When I get in touch with them, I will come to you. Seeing that Jiang He is in a bad state, I guess it will only be these days. By the way, if you can't persuade her by then , we might..."

I can't say anything about the latter, if Luo Yue'er makes a move by force, we can't sit still.

"Don't worry, my sister is a ghost hunter after all, and we have a good relationship. Even if she turns into a ghost, she won't hurt me. Grandma said that this time, I will bring her back no matter what. If my persuasion fails, I will naturally take her away in my own way, huh? This jade box is so exquisite, where did you buy it?"

Luo Shui'er's eyes fell on the jade box on my cabinet, and her eyes lit up.

"There are ice silkworm babies inside. They are very psychic. After hatching, they can turn into ice butterflies and help me fight."

I reached for the box and opened it for healing. The baby ice silkworm was curled up inside at the moment. Because of the light, it looked up at us and curled up to sleep again.

"Very good. Back then I had a spiritual pet in Snowy Plains, but it's a pity that it's not convenient to bring it here. When I have time in the future, I must go back and have a look."

Luo Yue'er's face was full of envy, and then recalled something, her eyes became a little moist.

We chatted for some time, and she didn't leave here until almost eleven o'clock.

After getting acquainted with her, I found that she was not as difficult to approach as the first time. On the contrary, she was very lively, but she was very defensive. Of course, this is also closely related to her experience, and I did not ask Why her family suffered catastrophe, and it is not clear why they came to Jiuhuang City.

I slept soundly at night, brother Jiang He and Jiang He did not come to see me in the next three days, but Luo Shuier and I often saw each other, plus I was in a coma for three days and the past few days, unconsciously I I just stayed in the hospital for a week, and the bruises around my chest gradually recovered, and my arms can easily hold things. As long as they are not too heavy, I can still hold on. After Luo Shui'er left at night, I He practiced the Fumo sword technique for an entire hour before resting.

The weather is also really strange. After I met Luo Shui'er and his grandparents, it started to get gloomy. There were even hailstones yesterday. If I'm not mistaken, the snow is coming in late spring.

I pushed open the window and glanced out the window. It was pitch black, but there was a little light in the distance, and the cold wind was howling outside the window.

Unexpectedly, since the accident at home, so many things have happened, and now I have to increase my strength, not to mention that the ghosts I met a few days ago looked at my current embarrassing status, even if Wei Wuya hurt me. I won't let it go, in fact, I am easy to get along with, as long as others treat me well, I will pay back ten times, if others bully me, I will give back twice as much.

Wei Wuya not only wanted to snatch my jade pendant, but also wanted to kill me. If he didn't remember that there was a suzerain master, I'm afraid I would have died long ago.

At one o'clock in the morning, I just fell asleep, and suddenly felt that the surrounding air was a bit cold. I opened my eyes vigilantly, and there was a dark light in the ward, which was flickering non-stop at the moment, as if the current was unstable.

"Come out, don't hide here sneakily, I know you are here, don't think that if you don't make a sound, I didn't notice you, come out!"

I reached out and touched under my pillow, and when I touched the Demon Demon Sword, I was relieved.

"It's me, why are you yelling, put on your clothes quickly, and save people!"

A familiar voice came from the window, I raised my eyes to look out, and the little ghost was staring at me impatiently.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home, saving people? Did something happen to my cousin?"

I looked at the little ghost head in surprise, and immediately began to put on clothes and pack things.

"Yes, the three of us originally joined forces, but the other party is too powerful, and has become another form of spirit body, and now they are trapped. I will wait for you downstairs, maybe in your palm Daowen can save their lives."

After the little ghost head finished speaking, he disappeared. I rushed out of the ward and ran to the fourth floor. When I arrived at the ward where Luo Shui'er was, Luo Shui'er was already fully dressed, waiting for me at the door.

"Don't ask anything, I just know, let's go, it's too late, I can't promise to save them."

Seeing that I opened my mouth to ask questions, Luo Shui'er spoke first, and at the same time ran downstairs. I followed her closely without making a sound. This Luo family is really mysterious, but what they are excited about is the Ice God, and How do you know?I think it may be the ability brought by Luo Duohan, because she said that Zeng Jin was handed over to grandpa, and grandpa passed on this divination technique to father and uncle, but uncle is not as good as grandpa , so it can only be deduced that my father is in Jiuhuang City.

But these are not important anymore, I already have the news about my father.


In the outskirts, there is a remote valley. The snowstorm in this valley is particularly heavy. A thick layer of white snow has accumulated on the trees on the mountains on both sides, but there are some strange blue lights in the valley.

There are many boulders in the valley, these boulders are presented in the form of Taiji Bagua, and the two points of yin and yang are also replaced by boulders, the only difference is that there are two people standing on this boulder.

One is his cousin Zhong Li, and the other is Jiang He. There are faint blue flames on the surrounding boulders, and these blue flames are rune fires inspired by talismans. There are yellow talismans in the flames. It is slowly burning.

"Jiang He, can you still hold on?"

The cousin was holding a banner in his hand, and he was sweating profusely when he spoke. It was strange to say that, in such a cold weather, there were fine beads of sweat on the foreheads of the two of them.

"It's you who can persevere. You have spent a lot of ghost hunting power on this formation. I don't know if you can stimulate the power of this formation. If you can't, we will be miserable. This is a wilderness, and there is nothing to die. People collect the corpse."

Jiang He opened his mouth a little dumbfounded. He said this now to try his best to comfort himself and his cousin's restless heart. There were many signs around him that Luo Yue'er was coming.

"Well, that's good. As soon as she comes, I will completely activate the Yin-Yang Fire Elephant Formation and use the heat here to fight her. It's just that it will be very hot and isolated from the outside world. You have to be mentally prepared."

Zhong Li was holding the battle flag with both hands, his left glasses had been taken off, completely turned into Yin and Yang Dharma Eyes.

The surrounding cold wind is blowing more and more fiercely, but the ground and trees outside the yin-yang fire formation formed by huge stones are rarely affected. Even if there is also white snow on these trees, it is not much, and even soon It starts to melt.

"Jiang He, I'm here, fulfill your promise."

A cold voice suddenly rang out from the sky above the two of them, without a trace of emotion.

Today's Chapter 3 may be updated around noon, don't worry, three updates are guaranteed every day.

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