Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 145 [Yin-Yang Fire Elephant Formation]

Hearing the sound, the two of them looked into the sky together. The sky was full of falling goose feather snow. Some of the heavy snow rolled into a ball and slowly fell from the sky, turning into Luo Yueer. Luo Yueer's dress was still in harmony. The same as three years ago, with a white cloak, slender legs, shoulder-length black hair, and a cold, emotionless face.

Only this time, there seemed to be something extra in her body, making it impossible to look directly at her, as if just looking at her, the whole person would be turned into white snow and merged into the world.

"Luo Yue'er, I didn't expect you to get worse. Now that you look like this, I'm afraid you have become a real Snow Mountain Girl."

Zhong Li glanced at Luo Yue'er and snorted coldly, without the slightest trace of fear on his face.

My cousin is good at this. No matter how dangerous or difficult things are, he always pretends to be very calm on the surface, although I don't know if he is afraid in his heart and pretends to be strong.

"Jiang He, you should be very aware of our Luo family's secret method. Once you practice it, you can't stop at all. She is right. I have become a snow mountain girl. The reason why I became like this is not what I wanted. Our Luo family The members of the family are all descendants of the Ice God, and no matter who dies in the end, their spirit bodies will return to the original land of the snow region and become snow elves in the mountains, enshrining the Ice God for life."

Luo Yue'er stared at Jiang He, and spoke softly, her tone was sometimes cold and sometimes soft.

"Since this is the case, then you should stay in the snowy plain, why come here? You died, this is cause and effect."

Jiang He pinched the array in his hand and said.

Luo Yue'er was stunned for a while, then suddenly smiled coldly: "It turns out that you didn't intend to help me restore my spiritual body at all. If that's the case, then you should be punished!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Yue'er opened her mouth and spit out, a cold white misty breath spewed out from her mouth, this cold air passed the ground, and a thick layer of ice condensed everywhere it passed, which was very eye-catching.

"All things are in the universe, the yin and yang fire phenomena, Zhu Rong's borrowing method, the three flavors of real fire, restraining evil spirits, the yin and yang fire elephants are in a big formation, hurry like a law, get up!"

Zhong Li glanced at Jiang He, and the two nodded at the same time. The formation flags in their hands were thrown out one after another, and the flags and flags fell in the blue flames of the boulder in an orderly manner, and through the yellow talisman attached to the boulder, on the boulder.

These boulders are real stones, hard, and the banners are made of wood, so it is really unbelievable that they can pass through.

But when these banners fell, the faint blue flames on the stones enveloped the banners and began to burn, and yellow and red flames gushed out from the banners, and the three flames condensed into a ball. It started to burn fiercely, and the big formation has been activated.

Zhong Li stood on the stone, looking coldly at Luo Yue'er in the distance, and waved the black command flag in his hand at the white cold air that was sweeping in, and the yin and yang fire formation formed by the entire boulder began to gradually fade away. It turned, and the two eyes inside, that is, the stones under the feet of Zhong Li and Jiang He also turned with these stones, and these three-color flames rose again and turned into a curtain, or rather, it was like a huge Haiwan fell upside down, completely protecting them.

As soon as this cold force was touched, it began to melt away.

In the big formation, the two of them were like falling into a sea of ​​flames, surrounded by endless flames of three colors, as long as they fell off a stone, they would be buried in the sea of ​​flames.

"Okay, I find it strange, why did you come to such a remote place? It turned out that you had already prepared for me to come, and wanted to use the power of the formation to deal with me, but I am no longer Luo Yue'er three years ago , Let’s see how capable you are with your mortal bodies.”

Luo Yue'er smiled coldly, pointing her toes to the ground, flying up like a big bird, her arms were slightly bent, her eyes had turned into a crystal blue light, her originally black hair instantly became crystal white, The whole person has become extremely coquettish.

"Be careful, this is the form of Snow Mountain Girl. After three years of practice, she has transformed from a spiritual body into Snow Mountain Girl, and her strength has improved to a higher level. Snow Mountain Girl is an elf in nature and can manipulate wind and snow. Dare to use the energy of the wind, the wind will help the fire, as long as you use the power of the wind, I guarantee that she will suffer a big loss!"

In the past three years, in addition to training himself, Zhong Li also studied a lot of information about the Snow Mountain Girl, and even went to the Snow Mountain to see if he could meet a real Snow Mountain Girl, but he found nothing. Very few, and not easy to spot at all.

However, Snow Mountain Girl is afraid of fire and heat, and this Yin-Yang Fire Elephant Formation utilizes the cycle of Yin-Yang to generate endless life, coupled with the special terrain, it can play a great role.

This place was found by Zhong Shan by means of geomantic omen. The place is extremely dry, which is very convenient for setting up the array.

A soft shout came from Luo Yue'er's mouth, and immediately after she waved her hand, the snowflakes in the air began to condense automatically, turning into handles of ice blades with cold light. These ice blades are extremely numerous, densely packed In front of Luo Yueer.

"go with!"

Luo Yue'er stretched out her hand a little, and the icy blade trembled immediately. After trembling in the air, there was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and it frantically rushed towards the two of them.

"Yin and Yang change, stick to oneness, guard against!"

With a wave of the black formation flag in Jiang He's hand, the surrounding light curtain suddenly thickened a bit.

The black flag in Zhong Li's hand is the main attack, while the white flag in Jiang He's hand is the main defense.

These icy blades shot at the light curtain, and the light curtain immediately shook violently, and the formation became extremely unstable, and a wave of fire broke out inside, blowing Jiang He almost into the sea of ​​flames around the stone among.

"Zhongli, she's too powerful, I can't keep it!"

Jiang He gritted his teeth, holding the wildly vibrating white flag in his hands, sweating profusely.

"It's hard to ride a tiger now, and if I can't hold it, I have to defend it. I'm going to launch an attack."

Zhong Li glanced coldly at Luo Yue'er who was in mid-air, and suddenly sat cross-legged, closed his left eye, and opened it suddenly.

"Zhongli, what do you want to do, you haven't fully understood it yet, if you use it rashly, you will be in danger of your life!"

Jiang He seemed to know Zhongli's next move, so he roared loudly in fright. There were scorching fire waves inside the formation, while the outside was icy and snowy. If the formation was broken, they would be covered by heavy snow.

"If you don't try, how will you know? Maybe you can use this technique to severely injure Luo Yue'er."

Zhong Li smiled coldly, his left eye had completely turned into yin and yang, the black and white yin and yang fish wriggled slowly and faster and faster, and finally turned into a chaotic color, while his left eye was covered with strange patterns. The scars are like lightning, and they seem to be like meridians protruding violently.

He stared at Luo Yue'er in the distance, grinned grimly, and suddenly a gray light shot out from his left eye, and this gray light poured directly in front of him and disappeared.

"Oops, Dharma Eye Array!"

Luo Yue'er used to be a ghost hunter, and she knew a lot about the various abilities of a ghost hunter. Originally, she didn't care much about Zhongli, but just now a hint of vigilance suddenly appeared in her heart. That strange gray light immediately wanted to fall from the mid-air, but when he stepped on his foot, a yin and yang illusory figure appeared, and he exclaimed when he saw this illusory figure.

The picture of yin and yang emptiness began to circulate, Luo Yueer felt that she was nailed to this picture, she was horrified, and immediately stretched out her hand to make a move. His figure was covered by the university, and even a thick layer of ice condensed.

Zhong Li's eyeballs had already begun to overflow with shocking blood, and Jiang He, who was not far away, was shocked to see him, but he didn't dare to disturb him anymore, for fear that his success would fall short.

This fierce struggle seemed to be coming to an end, Zhong Li tried his best to control his Yin and Yang magic eyes, staring at Luo Yue'er intently, with more and more blood in his eyes, he held the formation flag in one hand, Holding the rock below with one hand, he gritted his teeth.


The Fayan formation suddenly exploded, and Luo Yue'er on it also exploded. The heavy snow was still all over the sky, as if nothing had happened.

Zhong Li covered his left eye, a lot of blood overflowed from between his five fingers, and at the same time, he seemed to lose all strength, panting heavily.

"Zhongli, is there anything wrong with your eyes?"

Jiang He asked loudly, now that the Yin-Yang Fire Elephant Formation has not been lifted, and Jiang He does not have this ability, because it was arranged by Zhong Li, and the distance between the two is not far, he dare not jump off the rock rashly, who knows How powerful these three-color flames are.

After a while, Zhong Li let go of his eyes, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and gently wiped the blood around his eyes, but his eyes did not open, but his right eye stared at Jiang He, saying:

"It's alright, this magic eye array can deal with ghosts of this shape... No, in Luo Yue'er's state, she is already superior to ghosts. She is a monster, and it is the most suitable for dealing with monsters. Has she dissipated?"

Almost all the ghost-hunting power in his body poured into Fayan to launch the strongest blow, so now he couldn't use Fayan to detect Luo Yueer, so he had to ask Jiang He.

Jiang He glanced around, frowned slightly, searched carefully, then shook his head and said:

"It's gone, but the wind and snow are still there, let's get out of here quickly."

"No, at least we have to wait for the wind and snow to stop. Judging from my many years of experience, Luo Yue'er may not be so easily lost. Don't forget, she is a snow mountain girl now."

Zhong Li shook his head and stood up again.

"It seems that I still have to spend some time, but you saw it through."

A certain snow-covered place outside the Yin-Yang Fire Elephant Formation suddenly began to squirm, and it took a while to transform into a human form. Luo Yueer looked at Zhongli with a cold face, and there was a little anger on her calm face:

"What a powerful Dharma Eye Formation, but your ability is still too shallow. It is simply delusional to want to eliminate it in this icy world. Now, you can't use your words. I want to see what other skills you have to stop me! Icicles!"

As soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen icicles several feet high suddenly appeared around the Yin-Yang Fire Elephant Formation. A faint blue fluorescent light flowed on the icicles. The power of the flames around the formation was actually helpless against these icicles.

(Going out today, tomorrow's three chapters can only be guaranteed to be updated before twelve o'clock tomorrow night.)

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