Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 146 [Fire Elephant Icicle]

"What should we do now?"

Jiang He glanced at the icicles around the formation, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. The other party was nature's ice and snow elves. Confronting her was undoubtedly fighting against nature. If she hadn't become a Snow Mountain Girl before, maybe He could fight Luo Yue'er with this Yin-Yang Fire Elephant Formation and Zhongli's immature Fayan Formation, but now, it seemed too late.

It wasn't just Jiang He, but Zhong Li's face was very ugly, because he had almost no ability to fight back now, so he could only watch helplessly as these pillars of ice formed little by little, suppressing the Yin-Yang Fire Elephant Formation.

"One last fight, Jiang He, can you do it!"

Holding the black formation flag in his hand, Zhong Li gritted his teeth and stood up, his whole body filled with a powerful aura.

Jiang He also stood up, held up the white formation flag high, nodded firmly, and said, "Let's start, just like we did before, let's fight side by side! The puppies are the ones who flinch!"

His words were a little funny, which dissipated the tense atmosphere a lot. Under the firm gaze of the other party, Zhong Li began to recite the spell:

"Yin and Yang Fire Elephant, divine fire gathers in real body, manifest!"

As soon as the incantation sounded, Zhongli and Jiang He had a tacit understanding of the flags in their hands. They threw them together into the void, and the three-color flames that emerged from the surrounding boulders surged into the air one after another. The colored flames began to condense together in the midair, and a huge phantom of the fire image emerged.


"Little brother, the road ahead is impassable, I really can't pass, and now it's snowing heavily and the road is slippery, so let's go here."

The taxi driver stopped the car impatiently. It was already white outside, but there was still some distance to our destination. If we rushed there at our current speed, I was afraid it would be too late. I said:

"Brother Driver, please move forward, we have something urgent to do!"

"Really not, it's too dangerous, get out of the car."

The driver simply turned off the engine, and refused to move forward no matter what, as if he was just hanging on here.

"Forget it, Zhong Yuan, I have a solution, get out of the car first."

Luo Shui'er, who was sitting in the back of the car, spoke very calmly, now I can only listen to her, and I can't think of a better way to go directly to the place where my cousin arranged the formation.

After paying the fare and getting out of the car, the driver immediately started the car and left in a hurry.

The place where we are now is surrounded by mountains, and it is all white. Although there is no moonlight, the surrounding sight is very clear. I have lost my sense of direction. Now I am afraid that it is impossible to go back the same way.

"Oops, your seven-star step is not suitable for long-distance travel at all. If you use the power of hunting ghosts, you will not be able to support your destination at all. At that time, you will not be able to use the Dao pattern in your palm!"

The little ghost appeared about ten feet away from me, and turned around in a hurry. He is a spirit body, and no matter how far away he is, he will arrive in an instant, but we are different. The human body is a burden. If we want to become strong, the physical body is the same Need to practice.

"Since this is the case, then I will help you. This place is very suitable for my Luo family's secret technique. Of course, what I want to use is not a secret technique, but a little trick."

Luo Shui'er smiled slightly, stretched out her hand a little below my feet, a blue light emerged from her fingertips, and the snow under my feet suddenly began to condense, turning into ice, and an ice block similar to a skateboard appeared.

"Let's go! I used to be in the Plain of Moments, but Ah Yin was holding me. Now we can only rely on ourselves."

Luo Shui'er glanced at the white expanse in front of her, and suddenly grabbed my hand. Her hand was warm and soft, and with just a slight touch, I slid forward unsteadily.

"Control the balance of your body well, we can only use the power of snow to reach our destination."

Luo Shui'er is paddling in front, and my whole body is driven, which is much faster than running. More importantly, the road from here to our destination is downhill, and the speed is too fast for me to grasp. , I almost fell down several times, after all, this is my first time, unlike Luo Shui'er who has already practiced perfectly.

"Shui'er, who is Ah Yin? He can pull you to run in the snow, isn't he very powerful?"

With a hint of envy, I asked.

"Ayin is my spiritual pet. It is an ice wolf in the snowy region, and it is also very powerful. I rely on it when I travel."

Luo Shui'er smiled slightly, and pulled me to avoid a big tree.

I was stunned, and grabbed my pocket in embarrassment. There was a hard thing in my pocket, the Demon Demon Sword. , just use the Fumo sword and pestle to support it on the ground.

The little devil is leading the way, his body has been floating in mid-air, leading the way in front of us without any haste, he has changed into a set of clothes, not the old school uniform, because during the Chinese New Year not long ago, my cousin Zhongli specially designed a suit of clothes for him and then burned it to him. This costume is not an ordinary paper garment, but a garment with rune circles engraved on it. It can even appear during the day for a period of time, and has some incredible effects .

The centipede braids behind Luo Shui'er fluttered slightly, and a faint fragrance came from the front. This feeling is very strange and special. In the whole mountain, there are only the two of us gliding in the snow. Seeing me start to adapt , Luo Shui'er's speed was a little faster again.

After a while, we crossed a small mound, and there was a little fire in front of us. When we took a closer look, a huge elephant appeared in the void in the distance.

How is this going?How could there be elephants in such a place of ice and snow?It is still suspended in mid-air, no, the closer the distance, the more flaws will appear. This so-called elephant is turned into a flame. In addition to the elephant transformed by the flame, there are other elephants around the elephant. More than ten pillars of ice.

The giant elephant in the air let out a low growl, and threw its body down. The three-color flames in the surrounding void were full of flames. It felt like the sky was burned and changed color. I was stunned, and it was the first time I saw such a wonderful scene.

But at this time, countless icy lights burst out from the surrounding pillars of ice, rushing towards the fire elephant one after another. The flames around the fire elephant could resist at first, but gradually the flames began to disappear, and the fire elephant fell to the ground. , the proboscis slammed one of the icicles hard, "Crack!" There was a cracking sound, and a gap was split in the middle of the icicle, and then the tall icicle broke and fell on the snow. Big snowflakes splashed.

However, the flames on Huo Xiang's body became much weaker, and his body was even smaller than before. However, there were still ten icicles left. After Huo Elephant destroyed three more icicles, it completely collapsed.

Two figures sat on the rock in the center of the icicle, but their bodies were already covered with frost.

"Cousin, Jiang He!"

When I saw this familiar figure, I immediately screamed, a surge of anger welled up in my heart, I turned my eyes, and there was a stunning girl standing not far away. The girl was covered with silver hair, barefoot, pale skin, and a cold face. .

Hearing my voice, my cousin turned around. There was still a lot of blood in his left eye, and the blood had already clotted on his face. He looked a little hideous and miserable. Seeing me, he was a little stunned. Even panicked and overwhelmed:

"You are not lying in the hospital, what are you doing here?! Don't come here!"

The voice was loud, roaring, even a little hoarse.

Could it be that they deliberately concealed me and didn't want me to know?Or, this is the decision of the little devil alone?I looked around, and the little ghost head was gone.

And just at this moment, the icy lights on the surrounding icicles rushed towards my cousin and Zhongli one after another. Once the fire was extinguished, the targets of the attack were naturally the two of them in the big formation. Seeing the icy lights flying over , The faces of the two of them coincidentally revealed a look of despair.

My heart tightened, I couldn't care less, let go of Luo Shui'er, stomped hard on the ground, the ice under my feet shattered, and immediately used the Seven Star Step to run towards the place where the two of them were sitting.

Seeing this scene, Luo Shui'er didn't hesitate any more, pinched Fa Jue with both hands, and then pressed the right and left hands in the air, and two white light curtains covered his cousin and Jiang He one after another.

The power of hunting ghosts in my body surged into the Fumo Sword and pointed at it, directly driving the second rune circle on it, the Fumo Sword light, the silver-white Fumo Sword light flew out, Fang Yifei flew out of the Fumo Sword , immediately turned into a crescent sword aura and stood on one of the icicles. Unexpectedly, the icicle was cut off by the demon-subduing sword aura, and the sword aura with greatly reduced power ran towards the other icicle again. , but this time only half of the gap was cut, and it was not completely cut. I rushed to the icicle and found that the gap that the icicle was cut was gradually closing. I immediately drove the Dao pattern in my palm and bombarded out.

I just felt that my arm was going to be broken, but to celebrate, the icicle was destroyed by me. The palm was not as cold as I imagined, but it was warm. I raised my palm and saw the two lines on it, and laughed. up.

I glanced at the icicles around me, and there were five left. With my strength, I can still activate the Demon Demon Sword Light twice, and one sword light can destroy one and a half pillars, which is completely enough.

After I destroyed the last icy pillar, the bones inside my shoulders seemed to split again, and I could barely hold the Demon Demon Sword in my hand.

Looking at where my cousin and Jiang He are, I breathed a sigh of relief, the other party is now shrouded in a soft light, and the attacking icy light can't hurt them. Seeing that I destroyed the Pillar of Ice, Luo Shui'er was relieved When he opened his hand, the two masks disappeared immediately.

Luo Yue'er has been staring at me from a distance, seeing me destroying these pillars of ice, her expression changed slightly, and then she was about to reach out and attack me again.

"Sister, stop it."

Luo Shui'er suddenly spoke, her eyes were soft, her face was mixed with sorrow and joy, she was happy to see her sister, but sad that her sister became like this.


Luo Yue'er stared blankly, stopped her hands, her silver hair turned black inch by inch, she took a step forward, and reached beside Luo Shui'er, wanting to reach out to touch her face, but saw her stretched out His arms were pale and exuded a cold air, he immediately retracted and smiled awkwardly.

(There is a wireless problem at home, and the chapters uploaded by mobile phones are more troublesome. Don’t worry, the other two chapters will be updated before twelve o’clock.)

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