Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 147 [War Snow Mountain Girl]

"Sister, you have become like this, why don't you come back to us, do you want to be like our tribe? Be enslaved by them?"

Luo Shui'er didn't hesitate at all, she reached out and grabbed Luo Yue'er's hand, and asked.

"No, I have become a snow mountain girl now, so I won't be caught by them so easily. Don't worry, I will definitely avenge our clan's great hatred!"

Luo Yue'er smiled coldly and said.

And I took this opportunity to go to my cousin and the others. Jiang He was fine, his body shook, and the frost fell off his whole body immediately, and he was still able to walk. It seems that Jiang He's physical fitness is far stronger than that of his cousin. Cousin Now I'm staying on the rock and can't move at all. When I got closer, I realized that my cousin was shaking all over, his lips were bruised, and the left side of his face was covered with frozen blood. He was very embarrassed.

This is the most embarrassing look I have ever seen my cousin. His hairstyle is completely disheveled and messed up, covered with frost, which is very different from his usual strict appearance. Seeing me coming, my cousin turned slightly , straightened his hair, then reached out and rubbed the blood on his face, trying to wipe it off completely.

"Who is that woman? How could she approach Snow Mountain Girl?"

The cousin turned around, let out a breath, and asked with a cold face in the tone of an elder, but he didn't open his left eye.

"People from the Luo family are also the Luo Shui'er I knew before, don't worry about it now, where did the blood on your face come from?"

I felt very uncomfortable, and asked in a deep voice, I have been with my cousin for a while, and brotherhood has long been born. Although he is very strict with me on the surface, he actually cares about me. Seeing him hurt now, I was very sad and angry. Could it be that the blood of the Zhong family played a role?At this moment, I found that the ghost hunting power consumed in my body seemed to be boiling, and it was getting faster and faster.

"Forcibly cast the Dharma Eye Formation, the Yin-Yang Dharma Eye cannot withstand this force, so it will bleed. If it takes longer, or uses a more powerful secret technique, it is estimated that his Dharma Eye will be abolished. I told him not to Be brave, but don't believe me, don't expect me to prescribe some medicine that is good for your eyes, if you don't listen to me, you should know the consequences!"

Jiang He next to him couldn't help but interjected, and at the same time looked like he was admonishing others.

"Put on my coat first. That's Luo Yue'er? I've never seen such a powerful ghost. Even if it's a ghost, I'm lucky enough to see it in the countryside, but it's far less powerful than this Luo Yueer."

Looking at the two people who were talking in the distance, I took off my coat. Now my cousin’s ghost-hunting power has been exhausted and he was injured again. His body must be cold. You're welcome, just took off my frosty coat and replaced it with mine. When I went out, I knew it was snowing, so I put on a few more clothes. It's no big deal if I lose one at the moment.

"Luo Yue'er is no longer an ordinary ghost. This time, she has completely transformed into a snow mountain girl, an elf in the snow who manipulates the wind and snow. She is a mythical figure in legends. Of course, the legendary snow mountain girl is a goddess, but in fact That's not the case, the Snow Mountain Girl is the descendant of the Ice God, that is to say, only the offspring who believe in the Ice God can cultivate into the Snow Mountain Girl, so every descendant of the Luo family is very likely to become a Snow Mountain Girl , become the Ice God, they are a group."

Jiang He recalled it for a while, and began to tell what he heard from his grandfather.

"Everyone is the heir of the Ice God, and can cultivate into a snow mountain girl, the Ice God? Can the Ice God succeed through his own cultivation?"

I was slightly startled, this is beyond imagination, God can also be cultivated?

"That's right, it's just that it's very difficult to cultivate into a god. Even cultivating into a snow mountain girl is equally difficult, but cultivating into an ice god is also based on the foundation of the snow mountain girl. Even the previous ice god was also cultivated by the snow mountain girl. , What’s so strange? There are more unknown things that you don’t know. For example, our ghost doctor lineage, in addition to healing normal humans, even spirit bodies can also heal. If the energy of the spirit body is damaged, it also needs Our help."

Jiang He's face showed envy, and he opened his mouth to explain.

My cousin's expression had returned to normal, but just as he was putting on his clothes, his body suddenly trembled, and then he fell off the rock, shaking all over, as if even his eyebrows were covered with frost, I immediately reached out and grabbed him , grabbed his hand, but it felt like touching a dead person's body, it was abnormally cold.

"Oops, now the cold air is breaking out, and your cousin has no ghost-hunting power to resist it. I came out in a hurry, and I forgot to bring the silver needle! I can't seal the cold air in your body!"

Jiang He raised his eyebrows slightly, and exclaimed, and he was circling around us in a hurry.

When he fell ill before, my cousin would use his ghost-hunting power to resist, but this time, arranging the magic circle and casting the magic eye array diagram consumed too much ghost-hunting power, and the cold power in his body could not be blocked at all. Can let these yin and cold forces erupt.

"Luo Yue'er is here, I'll tell her to deal with it!"

I stood up and strode towards the Luo family sisters. They seemed to be arguing about something, and it was still very fierce.

Seeing me coming, the two of them stopped talking at the same time. Luo Yueer looked at me coldly, then glanced at my cousin behind me, and said coldly:

"His cold has flared up?"

"If you know, you still have to ask? I don't care what you are, but today you must help me get rid of the cold air in Zhongli's body."

I squeezed the demon-subduing sword in my hand, and said in a cold voice, the other party is no longer a human being, nor is it an ordinary spirit body. Only when she is stronger than her can she be recognized by the other party, otherwise others will not even look straight at her .

Luo Yue'er smiled, stared at me and said:

"What a big tone, it's not impossible for me to promise you this condition, but if you can persist in my hands for a period of time, it's easy to say, if you can't, then don't blame me for planting a cold cloud on you!"

"Sister, I told you, he is my friend, how can you..."

When Luo Shui'er heard this, she became anxious and immediately stopped her.

"Unexpectedly, so many things have happened in the past few years when I was away. I originally planned to stop, but Jiang He lied to me. The price of our Luo family disciples."

Luo Yueer shook her hand lightly, stopping Luo Yueer.

I laughed, and said, "If you hadn't forced me and threatened my cousin, how could Jiang He have agreed to your three-year contract? Lied to you? It's all because of you."

"You...well, even if I was a little anxious three years ago, don't compare me with those ghosts. After all, our ghost hunters have their own bottom line even if they turn into ghosts. If he really doesn't have the ability to help me , I will definitely not kill anyone. The reason why your cousin is cold is just a little lesson I taught him. Back then, my strength was not strong. When I fought with him, my spirit body almost collapsed. I did this. What's wrong with that?"

Luo Yue'er looked at me with a gloomy expression, her eyes were extremely cold.

"Okay, let's go."

I didn't retreat, but moved forward a little bit, getting close to her. With my current strength, the closer I get, the more powerful I am, and the demon-subduing sword technique and seven-star step are both suitable for melee combat.

"Jiang He, stop him, he is not Luo Yueer's opponent at all, even if he has the dao pattern in the palm, it is only the second stroke, it is useful against ordinary ghosts, but against Snow Mountain Girl, I'm afraid..."

The trembling cousin opened his eyes, his left eye was blood red, and his lips were trembling constantly.

"There is no other way. For your life, he can only fight. Don't worry, Zhong Yuan's melee power is not much weaker than yours. Don't forget the demon-subduing sword in his hand and the Dao pattern in his palm. Cooperating with Seven Star Steps is perfect, and this kind of battle will only accelerate his growth, the most important thing is that Zhong Yuan knows the disciple of the Luo family, and she will not show her head on the sidelines."

Jiang He smiled, and pointed to Luo Shui'er who was in the distance with a nervous face.

"Okay, as long as you can last 10 minutes in my hands, you will win."

Luo Yue'er smiled very proudly, and didn't take me seriously at all.

I directly pulled out the Fumo Sword, and fought out with the sword. Luo Yueer took a look at the Fumo Sword, grabbed it with five fingers, and a crystal clear ice sword also appeared in his hand:

"Since you want to compete with me in swordsmanship, I will accompany you to the end!"

Luo Yueer's sword stabbed towards my chest, the tip of the sword revealed a little cold light, I leaned slightly to one side, swiped the sword to separate, and at the same time, the Demon Subduing Sword in my hand stabbed towards her shoulder, Luo Yueer stepped forward I slid back and dodged it. I stepped on the snow and stabbed out with the sword again. How could I know that Luo Yueer also stabbed at me with the same sword. A thin layer of frost suddenly appeared on the tip of the sword, and it began to spread upwards, heading straight for my wrist. If the frost were to freeze, then my arm would have no strength to fight back.

The power of hunting ghosts in the body immediately surged towards the blade of Fumojian, and the frost on the blade was immediately smashed by the silver light that suddenly appeared on the blade, it seemed that Luo Yueer was also affected by this As soon as it was affected, the body twisted slightly and disappeared.

When she reappeared, she was already on my left, Luo Yue'er almost turned into an afterimage, and merged with the ice sword in her hand, the tip of the sword came straight to my neck, I rolled back slightly , dodged the blow, but the next second I felt a chill in my chest, and Luo Shui'er next to me let out an exclamation, I looked down and saw that my clothes had been cut, and the ice sword was stabbing me On the left chest, it seemed that something was on it, Luo Yueer stretched out her hand and swiped, a jade box fell from my chest, opened automatically, inside was a piece of red cloth, and the ice silkworm baby with its eyes open.

When I left the hospital, I was afraid that the jade box would be stolen, so I kept it on me, but I never thought it would save my life at a critical moment.


Just when I glanced at the jade box, Luo Yueer's sword turned and stabbed me on the shoulder. Suddenly, a sharp pain came from the shoulder, and the bright red blood dripped onto the snow, drop by drop. Melting the white snow on the ground, the Ice Silkworm Baby, a heartless guy, actually lay on the bottom, writhing its body in joy, bathed in blood.

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