Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 148 [Big Secret]

"Zhong Yuan!"

The cousin gritted his teeth and stood up with Jiang He's support, breathing heavily in his chest, but after walking a few steps, his body softened and he fell to the ground again.

His entire skin became extremely pale, and it seemed that a layer of ice crystals had formed on it, making him look a little creepy.

The corner of Luo Yue'er's mouth grinned, and with a forceful arm, the ice sword pierced into my skin again, and more blood spilled down.

"Sister, stop it."

Luo Shui'er clenched her fists and spoke in a low voice.

"It hasn't been 10 minutes yet, if I don't, I haven't lost yet, Dao pattern in my palm!"

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I stepped forward suddenly, the ice sword directly pierced my shoulder, but I also reached Luo Yueer's side, raised my left hand, and slapped her shoulder hard.

In the palm, golden light overflowed, Luo Yue'er let out a shrill scream, and a powerful icy air emerged from her body.


Her whole body exploded, turning into countless white snows and flying away in all directions, but the ice sword on my shoulder did not disappear, it was still stuck on my shoulder.

I knelt down on one knee, threw the ice silkworm baby into the jade box with difficulty, then covered it, and stuffed it into my clothes again. Luo Shui'er was stunned for a long time before realizing it, and walked to me with a complicated face She looked at me intently and saw that I smashed her sister's body, she didn't get angry, but stretched out her small white hand to hold the ice sword on my shoulder, the ice sword split and turned into a ray of blue light and disappeared , but the blood flow from the wound was more fierce, and I felt dizzy.

At this time, Jiang He had already walked over, stretched out his hand and tapped a few acupuncture points around my wound, and the blood stopped slowly. He said:

"I don't have any tools with me, so I have to go back to the hospital, and there is Zhongli."

At this time, the snow in the distance condensed again, but at an extremely slow speed, Luo Yue'er appeared in front of us again, but this time she no longer had arrogance on her face, but looked at me very calmly.

Seeing her reappear, I was terrified. After being hit by the Dao pattern in my palm, I was still unscathed. This is too powerful, but he still wants to attack me. The icicles have already used up almost all of my ghost hunting power, and now I'm using the Dao pattern in my palm.

"Ten minutes have passed, and you have injured me. Of course, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful secret technique. If I had been prepared before, I would definitely have nothing to do with you. Okay, don't say anything. Stop talking nonsense, let me help your cousin get rid of the coldness in his body first."

Seeing my ugly face, Luo Yue'er suddenly smiled, went directly to my cousin, stretched out her hand to grab the void above his head, and saw traces of blue mist gushing out from above my cousin's head, and gushed out quickly. Entering Luo Yue'er's palm, after a short while, my cousin's body stopped shaking, and his face returned to normal.

"Sister, come in."

Luo Shui'er took out a small, palm-sized yellow leather gourd, slapped the gourd, a gust of wind blew out and wrapped Luo Yue'er directly, Luo Yue'er didn't resist, and glanced at Zhongli lightly, Voiced:

"There will be a period later!"

As soon as he spoke, it turned into a ray of white light and poured into the gourd.

The cousin kept staring at Luo Yue'er without giving her a wink. He was able to walk now. Jiang He checked his body again and found that the coldness in his body was gone.

"Zhong Yuan, can we still go?"

Luo Shui'er looked at me who was in a daze, and asked aloud, I lifted my foot, my head was dizzy, and the world was spinning for a while, did this mean that there was too much blood flow.

"Jiang He, you have the best physical strength, carry him on your back first, and when I recover, we will replace you."

The cousin tidied up his clothes and said.

"Well, okay, without further ado, let's go."

Jiang He came to my side and carried me on his back, then Luo Shui'er led the way and went straight to Jiuhuang City. When I was unconscious, I heard Luo Shui'er's thin voice coming over.

"It would be great if Ah Yin was here, and I can reach Jiuhuang City soon..."


When I returned to the hospital, it was already late at night. Jiang He knew a doctor here, but he didn't push me into the emergency room. Instead, he borrowed some medical equipment and sewed up the wound himself. Of course, this I did everything while I was in a coma, and he didn't give me anesthesia. When I asked him later, he said that taking too many shots would be bad for my health.

When I woke up, it was already the next morning. This time, apart from my cousin and Jiang He, there was also Luo Shui'er in the room.

However, Luo Shui'er did not sit with the two of them, but stood by the window alone, staring at the white expanse outside the window, in a daze.

"It's good when I wake up, I'm tired, I should go home and sleep."

The cousin let out a breath, stretched out his hand and patted his mouth, and when he walked to the door, he suddenly smiled at Jiang He and said:

"You are a Chinese medicine doctor, and you are the best at regulating your body. You are in a good state of mind now, so it's up to you to take care of him. I have to go home to catch up on a good night's sleep, and then go back to school, or I will fail my course."

"...You are his cousin. At worst, I will find Uncle Zhong Shan. I think he will be in good spirits."

Jiang He sat on the chair without moving, and looked at his cousin with a slight tap of the corner of his mouth.

"Jiang He, we are good brothers, don't be dishonest, don't worry, I will come over, anyway, this time the cold in my body is expelled, thanks to this desperate brat! I will take care of you when the time comes Bring something to eat."

The cousin seemed to be in a much better mood, with more smiles on his face, Jiang He nodded and said nothing more.

After this incident, I originally felt that there was always some gap between me and the two of them, but now it disappeared all of a sudden.

"Zhong Yuan, how is your body feeling? Jiang He applied plaster for you. It is said to be very effective. Does it still hurt?"

Seeing my cousin leaving, Luo Shui'er turned back from the window, stared at my shoulder, and asked softly.

I shook my head, it didn't hurt very much, but I was still a little dizzy.

"Of course, you will faint after bleeding so much, but don't worry, I will give you a blood transfusion, and I will make you a medicinal diet to ensure that you will be alive and well in a week."

Jiang He smiled lightly.

"Don't be too nasty, by the way, Shui'er, how do you plan to deal with your sister's matter? And I think you have talked with Jiang He too."

I glanced at Luo Shui'er, who was still gloomy, and knew that she had something on her mind. This girl showed everything on her face, and even I could easily see through it.

"Now we can only stay by our side. When we understand the grievances here, we will return to the Snowy Plains. Now with the help of my sister, our chances of winning are a little bit higher."

Luo Shui'er forced a smile, and then spoke.

"Resentment? You came to Jiuhuang City to resolve this grievance? Could it be about my grandfather?"

I suddenly had a bad premonition in my heart, but the possibility of our Zhong family is very low, otherwise the Luo Duohan family directly attacked me, and it was her and my grandfather's grievances, not with the entire Zhong family. Well, the reason why the Luo Duohan clan was so angry at the beginning was because he didn't control it well and was too excited for a while.

"Actually, when we parted from Shanquan Villa last time, I always wanted to have a good chat with you, because your friend is one of our enemies. It should be said that the sect your friend belongs to belongs to us. enemy."

Luo Shui'er sat by the bed, with cold eyes, and said.

I was slightly startled, isn't she talking about Wei Xiaoqing, Zongmen?Could it be the Blood Soul Sect?Immediately asked: "The Blood Soul Sect is the object of hatred of all ghost hunter families, but judging from your tone, it seems that it is not that simple. The strength of the Blood Soul Sect is unimaginable. Are you really going to contend with it now? They I have already started to refine ghost soldiers, is it also because of this?"

Luo Shui'er nodded, and said: "Originally, we planned to contact the Ghost Hunter Alliance a long time ago, but we couldn't find their headquarters, and my grandma was practicing a secret method, and something went wrong, so she stayed in the hospital For more than half a year, this matter has been delayed. The Blood Soul Sect's refinement of ghost soldiers is to attack the ghost hunter family in Jiuhuang City. My grandma and I have calculated these things. It is true, what you said Yes, the Blood Soul Sect is very powerful, because the other party even controls the Gu family, but Zhong Yuan, what I want to tell you is that this is actually just the tip of the iceberg, what you see is not the most real, we have to face it The right enemy is probably far superior to the Blood Soul Sect, and the corner I'm talking about is the Blood Soul Sect."

"The Blood Soul Sect has existed for a long time, is there any force behind it? Impossible, the Blood Soul Sect is already difficult to deal with, impossible."

Jiang He shook his head while talking to himself, with an expression of disbelief.

Originally mentioning the Blood Soul Sect was already scary, but now it is said that there are forces behind the Blood Soul Sect, how can it not make people feel scared?

Luo Shui'er glanced at Jiang He solemnly, then stared at me again, and said:

"This is possible. Do you know why the Blood Soul Sect has always been the opponent of the ghost hunter family, and they can't wait to get rid of all the ghost hunters? Why? Because many disciples in the Blood Soul Sect were killed by ghost hunters. The disciples driven out by the Shi family, these disciples are also flesh and blood people, and they also have feelings, why are they so ruthless? I think you two should be very clear about what the job of a ghost hunter is."

"Ghosts, ghosts that harm and cause chaos in the world."

I almost didn't think about it, so I spoke directly.

"That's right, it's ghosts. The biggest enemy of ghost hunters is ghosts, and the biggest enemy of ghosts is also ghost hunters. I think with your intelligence, you should be very clear about the forces behind the Blood Soul Sect."

Luo Shui'er stared at me, with a strange light shining in her beautiful eyes.

"Impossible, are you saying that there are ghosts who can control the Blood Soul Sect? This is impossible. I have seen the strength of your sister Luo Yueer. Although she is very strong, the elder level of the Blood Soul Sect is also very strong, let alone advanced. Unfathomable suzerain."

I shook my head, Luo Shui'er's words were too unbelievable.

"What if it is more advanced and powerful than the devil who escaped from the Maha Great World?"

Luo Shui'er sat up straight, and spoke word by word. As soon as her words fell, Jiang He immediately fell into deep thought, while I heard the word again, "Maha Great World, my grandfather's adventures in the past What kind of place is this?Could it be the enemy of our Zhong family? , Is the massacre of my Zhong family a catastrophe caused by my grandfather, and only these enemies can threaten my grandfather, and when I met Grandma Lan, she said that she knew the enemies, now carefully recall the content of the notes, Grandpa entered the Maha World with Grandma Blue and Luo Duohan back then, so it's normal for Grandma Blue to know!

What is even more suspicious now is that when Luo Duohan heard that Grandma Lan had joined the Ghost Hunter Alliance, she seemed very disbelieving. Although the words from her mouth were scornful, she did not expect it.

Grandma Lan joined the alliance, could it be to fight against the enemies of the Maha Great World?

The amount of information is too much, I need to digest it!

I finally finished writing today, and it will probably be updated in the afternoon tomorrow.

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