Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 152 [Hunting]

Wu Ru suddenly let out a piercing scream, which made the third child stop in his tracks. At some point, a gust of wind blew up the third child's hood, revealing a clear face inside. There was surprise in the man's eyes with his sullen face, and the cloak on his body was rattling by the strange wind.

In the strong wind, countless green leaves fell from the tree, mixed with a little emerald light, and rushed towards the place where the third child was.

Suddenly he stepped forward with his left foot, and slammed out with his right hand, a blood-red light curtain emerged from the palm of his hand, these leaves were shot on it, and immediately turned into withered yellow powder, and disappeared without a trace.

"Hmph, little girl, if you still want to fight with me with this little ability, it will make you want to live or die later!"

The third child grasped the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, and tried his best to control the red light curtain in front of him, trying to stabilize it as much as possible. These green leaves are like sharp blades. for consumption.

Wu Ru gritted her teeth, turned around and continued to run away. Looking at the momentum, she was about to leave Jiuhuang City.

The third child let go of his hand, with a rather gloomy face, and went straight to Wu Ru. The speed was a little faster than before, and the cloak behind him fluttered.

When Wu Ru gradually left Jiuhuang City, there were already several dead bodies lying beside the previous community, and there were many tree roots scattered around, as well as torn clothes and fallen leaves all over the sky.

The woman with a proud figure was already lying under the tree, dying, without a single piece of clothing covering her body, her eyes were loose, her body was shaking constantly, a Blood Soul Sect disciple stepped away from her body, pulled up her pants, He clapped his hands contentedly and said:

"It's over, you can do it, brother."

Except for the woman, the old man had already died, but his appearance was a little frightening, as if all the skin on his body had lost moisture, then his mouth opened and his eyes widened. The man died in the same way as the old man.

The woman looked at her husband and the patriarch's father-in-law in despair, tears streaming down her eyes uncontrollably.

The leading man in the cloak walked up to the woman, holding a small jar in his hand. This jar was dark, like a small bowl, but there were many blood-red runes drawn around it, which looked mysterious and abnormal, and the woman was unable to stand up. , there was even a lot of blood on her thighs, as well as yellow and white sticky things, and there was a fishy smell around her. When she saw the man in the cloak walking over with something, she actually smiled, the corners of her mouth curled back, her eyes were cold one slice.

"I curse you...curse..."

The woman gritted her teeth and stared at the man in the black cloak, and was about to swear, the small black pot in the man's hand was hard on her forehead. The woman wanted to struggle, but the soul in her body began to be sucked away by the pot, and finally The plump body gradually dried up, the skin lost its luster, the mouth was opened wide, and the eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"Brother, this soul-eating jar was filled with the souls of three ghost hunters at once, but it was quite thrilling just now. I didn't expect that the old man was so strong that he injured the nine and ten, but he got these three Living soul, suzerain should reward us."

A man in black robe came out, glanced at the Soul Eater jar in the boss's hand, and said with a smile.

"Fifth, get rid of these corpses without leaving traces."

The boss flipped his hand, put away the Soul Eater jar, and said in a cold voice.


The fifth child grinned and walked up to the woman, stretched out his hand and threw a yellow talisman, which landed on the corpse and immediately started to burn, and then dealt with the other two corpses, then walked to the boss and asked road:

"Should we continue to wait for the third child, or go to other places to patrol first? And it has been such a long time, and the third child has not come back. Could something happen?"

"If this can't be done well, he deserves it. Let's go."

The boss flicked his sleeves and walked into the distance, while the flames above the three corpses gradually diminished, and when the wind blew, the dust flew around without leaving any traces.


Wu Ru finally ran out of Jiuhuang City, not far from the branch of the Ghost Hunters Alliance, and even saw the light in the distance. What made her extremely happy was that the surroundings were all forests, because the Wu family is very good at yin and yang of wood. Secret technique, so the more the number, the better for her. In addition to using these trees to attack, you can also use them to hide your own figure.

"Damn girl, you're still running!"

The youngest at the back was already in a mood, this girl ran into the woods, the cloak on his body was scratched by some thorns and branches, and even his face was bloodshot, because the further he went, the more trees , and this little girl seems to be running farther and farther.

When he got out of the woods, several bright lights suddenly shone on him, and he couldn't open his eyes at all, and then there was a sound of breaking through the air.

The third child felt the danger, and turned to one side instinctively, suddenly a sharp pain came from his shoulder, and the dazzling light disappeared. He opened his eyes, and an arrow was shot in his right arm, but this arrow was very different from ordinary wooden arrows. It was a paper arrow made of talisman paper.

"Oops, not good!"

The third child thought for a while, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately reached out to pull out the arrow, but just as he touched the arrow, a cold voice sounded.


The yellow awns of the runes and arrows flowed all over the body, and they exploded, blood was splattered all over the place, and flesh and blood flew horizontally.

The third child's entire right arm was blown away, exposing bright red flesh and blood, but the wound did not have the blood gushing as imagined, except that the arm was blown apart and shed a lot of blood, but now only a few drops of blood fell, The wound was already scorched black, it should be caused by the explosion just now.

He gritted his teeth, picked up his broken arm decisively, and stepped back, but there were already many people standing behind, not only behind, he was surrounded by people all around him, seeing that he had nowhere to escape, the old man San calmed down, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, staring at the front, Wu Ru tremblingly stood next to a fat man wearing black-rimmed glasses, talking about something.

"Elder Wu, all members of my family have been intercepted by disciples of the Blood Soul Sect, please bring someone to save my family."

Wu Ruyue became more excited as she spoke, her innocent eyes stared at the third child, and when she saw the third child's evil smile, she immediately showed a trace of anger.

"It's late, I guess if you go now, you won't even find ashes, haha."

The third child looked at Wu Ru and the members of the surrounding ghost hunter family with a look of death. Today, this branch has gathered many members of the ghost hunter family, especially the several big families in Jiuhuang City. Those who got the news have already told, and now small and medium-sized families are rushing over one after another.

"You...you killed my family?!"

Wu Ru took a deep breath, and she was so pitiful at first, but now she became extremely indifferent.

"Yes, and living souls will soon be refined into ghost soldiers, and they will not be allowed to reincarnate. At that time, their sanity will be erased and they will become like puppets. Haha, people from your own family will be Your worst enemy."

The third child didn't hide anything, he opened his mouth sternly, and there were also many family members who disappeared. When they heard what the third child said, they all became very angry and said they wanted to kill him.

"Everyone, don't worry, we still have use for keeping this person. He knows so much, and his status in the Blood Soul Sect is not low. Now we don't know the specific movements of the Blood Soul Sect. With him here, it will save a lot of money." strength."

Wu Tianxing strode towards the third child, his figure almost turned into afterimages, the third child couldn't resist at all, he only felt a finger poke his back, numb slightly, and then lost consciousness.

However, in various places in Jiuhuang City, there appeared quite a few disciples of the Blood Soul Sect in black cloaks. The targets of these disciples were all single members of the ghost hunter family.


Jiang He and I have been waiting at home until one o'clock in the morning, but we still haven't seen my uncle and cousin come back.

"Jiang He, how about this? I'll ask the little devil to go out and look for it. He is more convenient than us. You go to bed first."

I sat up from the sofa, glanced at the sleepy Jiang He, and said.

"Let's just wait, they will definitely come over when they get the news, don't worry, it's dangerous for Haotian to go out now, although he is different from other ordinary ghosts, but he is a ghost after all, I'll make you a cup of tea Refresh yourself."

Jiang He smiled slightly, indicating that I don't have to worry, the cold yin qi in my cousin's body has been completely eradicated, even if he faces the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect, there will be no major problems, so he sat on the sofa and leaned on Looking back, eyes closed, began to rest.

After a while, the door opened and I stood up from the sofa with a bang.

My uncle and my cousin came in disheveled, seeing me still in the living room, I was a little stunned, but my uncle came to my side, and said anxiously: "Zhong Yuan, pack your things quickly, if possible, Let's leave early tomorrow morning."

"Are you going to the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch?"

I had expected it a long time ago, but it is not ruled out that my uncle will go to other places, so I asked.

The uncle nodded, and said with a solemn face: "Yes, the Blood Soul Sect has already started to move. We originally arrived home very early, but we met disciples of the Blood Soul Sect on the way. Fortunately, there were not many of them. Thanks to Zhong Li's timely action, we were able to come back safely."

"I'm wondering why the two of you came back together. It turned out that you met a disciple of the Blood Soul Sect. It's fine, Jiang He, pack your things. This time, we will definitely get preferential treatment when we go to the ghost hunter branch, Wu Tian Xing is the elder of the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch."

"What? That kid is an elder? Are you sure? Are there other elders besides him?"

My cousin kept a gloomy face, and when he heard what I said, he couldn't help but speak.

"Grandma Lan has already gone to look for her former enemy, but she hasn't returned to Jiuhuang City yet, and the elder of the Gu family has already left, so it is said that this kid is in charge of the Ghost Hunter Alliance now."

I remembered what Wu Tianxing said during the day, and told my uncle and cousin about it.

"It's too bad. Wu Tianxing's ability to deal with things is indeed very strong, but there is no guarantee that he will sell us. If the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch is defeated by then, with his character, he may let us serve as cannon fodder." Uncertain."

After the cousin finished speaking, he was not in a hurry to pack up his things, but instead began to think seriously beside him.

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