Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 153 [Ice Butterfly Yuanqing]

"cannon fodder?"

I stared at my cousin suspiciously, what does this mean?

"You don't understand? Hehe, the last time you and Wang Sheng went to the old house of the Lin family, Wu Tianxing treated you as cannon fodder and came back alone, understand?"

The cousin smiled coldly, sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and lit it.

"The battle between the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect and the Ghost Hunter family is unavoidable. Someone has to be the cannon fodder. If Wu Tianxing was so irresponsible, he might have run away long ago. How could he stay until now? We We must help the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch resist this attack from the Blood Soul Sect, otherwise Nine Desolation City will fall into the hands of the Blood Soul Sect. If the Alliance branch retreats, it will be easy for them to develop disciples at that time, and The entire Jiuhuang City will also be reduced to hell on earth."

The uncle spoke beside him, but he didn't sit on the sofa, but looked at his cousin who was smoking.

At this time, Jiang He had already brought out a pot of tea and poured us a cup, but he didn't speak.

"Hmph, aren't you reluctant to leave Jiuhuang City? You have worked hard here for so many years, and now you have a certain foundation, and leaving here is the next choice, isn't it? If they really dare to make a big fuss Movement, aren't you afraid that Huaxia Kingdom's mysterious department will take action?"

The cousin took a deep puff of the cigarette and said in a cold voice.

"Cousin, I have already chatted with Wu Tianxing. Some members of the weak ghost hunter family have disappeared these days. It should be the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect. If we don't go to the alliance branch, it is very likely that we will be in a row. You don't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder, don't forget, although Grandma Lan and Elder Gu are not in the Ghost Hunters Alliance, there are some great people in the Ghost Hunters Alliance now, maybe you don't know the Luo Duohan family, but Luo Yueer You should know, Luo Duohan is a figure of grandpa’s generation, and they once broke into the Great World of Maha together, what are these? She even met the devil, I think we stay in the ghost hunter alliance branch It's safer, even if it's not safe, when we see the situation clearly, it's not too late to retreat, isn't it, uncle."

I looked at the frowning uncle and said.

The uncle nodded and said: "Xiao Yuan is right. It is unwise to leave rashly now. If the mysterious department can deal with the Blood Soul Sect, it would have done it long ago. Otherwise, how could they push this mess to the ghost hunters?" Alliance? I also know that you are angry with me, we only have the three of us in the Zhong family now, Zhongli, when will you let go of the past?"

The cigarette butt in Zhongli's hand flicked into the ashtray, and fell into it accurately, then took a sip of tea, stood up and said to his uncle:

"It's lost, it's lost, and I can't come back. It's useless to make up for it. Pack your things. Go to the Ghost Hunter Alliance tomorrow morning. Don't blame me for not telling you. When the time comes, if something goes wrong, I will leave immediately. Everywhere is home, everywhere!"

After speaking, he went directly to the room, leaving behind the uncle with a rather ugly face.

"Xiao Yuan, Jiang He, you guys go and pack your things too. We'll come back after we avoid the limelight."

Uncle patted me and Jiang He on the shoulders, and went to his room.

And I don't have many things to take away. Of course, I won't take the review textbooks for the third year of high school and the like. Well, these things have nothing to do with me from now on, except for a few changes of clothes and a pair of very durable Other than the cowhide boots he was wearing, there was only the Demon Demon Sword and the Ice Silkworm Baby.

By the way, it's been so long, and I don't know how the silkworm baby is doing.

As soon as I got home, I put the jade box in the bedroom. After all, it was uncomfortable to always put it on my chest. After packing up my things in the bedroom, I opened the jade box.

It was still a round silkworm cocoon inside, but there were some changes from before. These silkworm cocoons were very soft and dry. I stretched out my hand to touch it, and suddenly my fingertip was stabbed by something, and blood dripped on it. I withdrew my hand Put it in your mouth and suck it, and you have touched silkworm cocoons before, what happened today?

What's even more outrageous is that this drop of blood soon disappeared into the silkworm cocoon.

Soon there was a thin sound from inside, as if something was breaking free, the cocoon seemed to be smaller than before, and a small body was faintly revealed inside.

"Are you going to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly?"

Interesting, seeing the shadow inside getting clearer and clearer, I leaned over, and after about a few minutes, a small head popped out, followed by a pair of crystal clear wings exuding a fierce cold air, with blood on them. The blood-colored scars are very beautiful. The appearance of the ice butterfly is about the same size as an ordinary butterfly, but it is more spiritual.

As soon as it came out, it leaned close to its cocoon, lowered its head, the cocoon disappeared little by little, and was eaten up by it in the end. After it had wings, it didn't want to stay in the healing process, and its wings slightly One, flew up.

At the beginning, it circled around the top of my head several times, and then kept flying in the bedroom, unwilling to stop at all. I also tried to grab it with my hands, but every time I grabbed it, It flies higher.

"Zhong Yuan, have you packed up your things? Go to bed as soon as you pack up, and leave early tomorrow morning... early morning!"

My cousin opened the door and came in. Seeing me jumping and reaching out to grab the air, I was stunned for a while, when he saw the ice butterfly in the room, he was stunned, and continued to speak:


"Well, it doesn't stop once it comes out, it's really..."

Before I finished speaking, the ice butterfly actually flew towards the direction where my cousin was. My cousin was feeling baffled when suddenly there was something trembling in his pocket. My cousin reached out to grab it, and a peach wood puppet appeared in his hand.

Neither my cousin nor I were relieved. The ice butterfly flapped its wings, and a gust of cold wind went straight to the peach wood puppet.


I was taken aback. There was a peach spirit living in this peach wood puppet, but it was too scary to be able to act without my cousin using his power of hunting ghosts. Man-made can't do much harm, but this is an ice butterfly, if the wings are cut off, then...

What's more terrible is that the mahogany puppet's speed was very fast, and it arrived at the side of the ice butterfly almost instantly. The ice butterfly flapped its wings again, and a faint crystal light condensed on the wings. Fearfully, he waved his wings and chopped over.

Ice Butterfly also fighting melee? !

I was so shocked that I was cold, if something happened to Bingdie, how would I explain to Wei Xiaoqing.

The cousin next to him was also staring at his puppet solemnly, a red light appeared around the puppet, the small sword collided with the wings, and immediately separated, I even heard a clear and pleasant sound, the peach wood puppet was suspended in the air , Seeing that his attack was blocked by the opponent, he was a little surprised, but the ice butterfly flapped its wings again, and a stream of crystal powder rolled towards the peach wood puppet, Tao Ling didn't even know what these crystal powders were, I just felt that the cold was abnormal, and my body was about to fly up immediately, but it was too late.

As soon as it came into contact with these crystal-colored powders, the whole body was covered with a layer of ice, and finally fell to the ground with a bang. The ice butterfly proudly danced its wings above the puppet, showing off its battle record.

However, although the puppet was frozen, but with a wave of struggle, the ice on the surface of the puppet shattered, and the mahogany puppet flew up again, but this time the cousin made a move:


Seeing my cousin stretch out his hand to move, the peach wood puppet immediately flew into his hand, struggled for a while, and stopped moving.


I also waved at Bingdie, but my hand stopped in the air, Bingdie was still flying gracefully in the air, and didn't see my increasingly gloomy face at all.

"Zhong Yuan, train it well, maybe give it a name, it will listen to you, after all, it has drunk so much blood from you."

My cousin also saw my ugly face, laughed, turned and left the room.

After my cousin left, I was dejected and planned to let go of my hand, but the ice butterfly landed slowly on the back of my hand at this moment.

"Ice Butterfly still needs a name? If you are really spiritual, I will say the name. If you agree, then flap your wings once. If you don't agree, then flap your wings twice. How about it?"

I took my hand back, lay on the bed, looked at the ice butterfly on the back of my hand, and said.

It really flapped its wings and said yes.

I thought for a while before I came up with a name: "How about calling you Dadie? You are bigger than the rest of the butterflies."

It flapped its wings decisively twice, expressing its disapproval and resisting my meaningless, nutritious, casually spoken name.

I racked my brains to come up with one: "How about calling it Fei Die? It's aggressive enough, haha."

It still flapped its wings twice, it was very dissatisfied with the name.

I was a little discouraged, and said again: "Since you are related to Wei Xiaoqing and me, and the marks on your wings are made of my blood, then I will call you Yuan Qing. In the end, all the animals can be transformed into a human form, I don't expect much from you, I just hope that you have the same ability as the eel spirit from my hometown."

It flapped its wings only once this time, and it finally agreed.

"Yuan Qing, find a place to sleep by yourself, we are leaving here tomorrow, and don't attack your own people easily, I know you have sensed the peach spirit inside the peach puppet, but it is not bad, so you can't So, by the way, did you see the Soul Cultivation Cauldron on my bedside table, my elder brother lives in it, and you can't shoot him, you know."

I knocked on the soul-raising cauldron and said with a smile, Yuan Qing flapped his wings to express his agreement, then stopped on the soul-raising cauldron and stopped moving.

Until the early morning of the next day, I felt cold all over, and the cold temperature woke me up.

"Get up, get up, you have been lying in the hospital for so long, and you have to practice the magic sword technique, hurry up."

The sound of the little devil's chattering came over, I opened my eyes, I was startled, looked at the little devil who was gloating next to me, and suddenly became furious:

"What did you and Yuan Qing do to my bedroom!"

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