Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 154 [Ambush]

Other places are fine, but right now my bed is covered with a thick layer of frost, the whole quilt is damp and cold, and Yuan Qing is almost lying on my face, with her wings flapping, a gust of cold wind Come on.

"Hey, I call you, you are used to it, it is different, I can communicate with it, you can't do this, I didn't come up with this method, don't blame me, by the way, after practice, don't forget Give me some incense."

After the little ghost head finished speaking, it turned into a puff of white smoke and sank into the soul-raising cauldron.

I glared at Yuan Qing viciously, waved it away, and then took the Fumo Sword and went to the practice room. It was only five o'clock, and after I practiced for an hour, Jiang He got up to cook.

This time when I left home, my uncle and cousin didn’t bring anything, but Jiang He had a huge backpack behind him. Seeing me staring at him strangely, he smiled and said:

"There are some precious herbs inside, and as a medical staff, I have to take care of everything. If one day we really meet the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect, there must be a fierce fight. When the time comes, these guys behind me It works, you have to trust me, I am a very good medical staff, without me by your side, you will suffer."

"Jiang He, you are expecting us to get hurt."

I looked at Jiang He with a smile.

Jiang He waved his hands again and again, and said, "This is to prevent you from getting hurt. Besides, there are very few ghost doctors in the ghost hunter family. You are lucky, you have to protect me."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at his cousin deliberately, who sneered, and said, "Come on, these Blood Soul Sect disciples are not ghosts, and your skills are more than enough to deal with them. Of course, the premise is that they don't use secret skills technique, but I will not believe that you wait for them to activate the secret technique and not act."

"Okay, let's go, I think the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect don't dare to ambush in the city during the day, so we have to take advantage of this time, but the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch is not far from Jiuhuang City , there will be an open space to reach there, I am afraid that the other party will ambush there."

The uncle clenched his fists tightly and frowned, as if he had a lot of thoughts.

"Uncle, have you already done the divination for our trip? Is the situation very bad?"

I asked.

The uncle nodded and said: "Yes, it's very bad. I hope there is no danger. My divination skills are not strong. Let's drive out. Besides us, there are also some ghost hunters who will also make appointments." Let’s go out of the city together today, and we will take care of us when the time comes.”

"Take care? I think you are trying to cover us up, and then use them to involve the Blood Soul Sect. I said why is this plan so familiar? By the way, I remembered that my mother died like this back then, and you abandoned her , escaped alone."

The cousin suddenly interrupted from the side, and Jiang He saw the situation between the two of them going to a stalemate again, so he immediately said:

"Time is running out, Zhong Shanshu, the appointed time is almost here, let's go."

Uncle nodded, the four of us left here, went directly to the underground parking garage, and stuffed our luggage into the trunk, but I stuffed the Soul Cultivation Cauldron in my carry-on bag, which contained the little devil's head , there can be no accidents. As for Yuan Qing, he parked on my shoulder obediently. The heavy snow has stopped, but the snow has not yet melted, and there are very few pedestrians and vehicles on the road.

I sat in the co-pilot's seat, while my cousin and Zhongli sat in the back.

The place we made an appointment is called Sifangping. This place is an abandoned parking lot, and there is a direct route to the outside of the city.

When we came here, there were several small cars parked in this huge abandoned parking lot, as well as a minibus. There were a lot of people in it, men and women, old and young. It seemed like a whole family. I think When looking at them, they also stared at me curiously.

Except for the largest number of people on this minibus, the number of people in the rest of the vehicles is about the same as ours, in twos and threes, but there are also some ghost hunters living alone in Jiuhuang City, they are riding motorcycles, a car The medium-sized bus, together with the car we were sitting in, has a total of five cars and two motorcycles.

"Brother Shan, you're finally here. We're still discussing. If you don't come, we're leaving!"

A stylishly dressed woman emerged from a black car, with curly hair, delicate makeup on her face, and a white plush cape on her shoulders. This woman reminded me of Gu Anan's mother.

"Aya, I'm sorry, I'm late, everyone is here? Why didn't I see Lingzi?"

The uncle opened the car door, walked to the woman named Aya, and asked.

Aya looked a little abnormal, but soon smiled again and said:

"Lingzi may not be able to come today, her son is missing, and she is probably looking for her son now."

"What? Missing? Oops, I must have met the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect. With the strength of their mother and son, they might not escape this catastrophe. Not long ago, Ling Zi and I took a mission and were injured. "

The uncle spoke with some self-reproach, and then Aya was reporting some situations.

And I heard a cold snort from my cousin in the back seat, I turned my head and asked curiously: "Cousin, who is this Lingzi?"

The cousin twitched his mouth and said with a sneer: "Your future aunt."


I secretly squeezed a cold sweat, but the other party has a son.

Seeing the doubts on my face and my cousin's unwillingness to speak again, Jiang He said: "This Lingzi is a ghost hunter who has been living in Jiuhuang City outside. His son escaped and lived in Jiuhuang City for several years. Coincidentally, Lingzi’s family is also related to Fengshui. He met Uncle Zhong Shan on a mission. It's not as serious as Zhong Li said."

"Say what you like."

Zhong Li smiled coldly, put his hands on his shoulders, and simply stopped talking.

"Brother Shan, don't blame yourself too much. This is fate. If she can hide well, people from the Blood Soul Sect may not necessarily find out. We are leaving, so hurry back to the car."

Aya looked at her uncle with a smile on her face, stretched out her hand and patted him on the shoulder, then went down, and finally almost reached her buttocks, then she reluctantly withdrew her hand.

The uncle was thinking about other things in his mind, but he didn't pay attention to Aya's actions.

"Uncle's charm is quite great."

I said with a smile.

"That's right, he knows a lot of people in Jiuhuang City, well, don't talk about it, otherwise he will be unhappy."

Jiang He also let out a smirk, and when he finally saw his uncle approaching, he closed his mouth and remained silent.

The uncle returned to the car without saying a word, and started the car. The car Aya was sitting in drove out first, followed by the other three small cars, followed by the minibus, and our car was the last one. out.

Because of the snow on the ground, the car was not driving fast.

Nothing strange happened on the way, let alone people from the Blood Soul Sect.

Leaving Jiuhuang City, there were no buildings around, but the trees gradually increased. The car left the cement road and went to a small path next to it. I took a look at the surrounding environment and frowned.

There are woods on both sides, and there are many snowdrifts. These snowdrifts seem to be artificially piled up, even if there are people hiding behind them, we don't know.

This is a very good place to ambush. If possible, the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect should do it here. If you pass one place, you will arrive at the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch, where there are disciples from major families patrolling, and they are basically I dare not approach easily, I have already noticed the unusual atmosphere here, I glanced at the uncle next to him, his face was expressionless, his eyes were staring straight ahead, he did not observe the situation on both sides at all, turned around Looking behind him, Jiang He and his cousin stared out of the windows on both sides.


There seemed to be something hitting in front of it, and there was a loud noise, even the snow on the nearby trees was shaken off.

"Be careful, it's starting, Zhongli, take good care of them, let's meet at the ghost hunter branch."

The uncle spoke suddenly, and then pushed open the door.

"What do you want to do?!"

My cousin's voice sounded unusually sharp, like a roaring lion.

The uncle stood at the door of the car, smiled at Zhongli, and said, "I don't want to do anything, I just want to protect the lives of my colleagues, don't worry, I will be fine, you know my abilities very well, remember to take good care of Xiao Yuan and Jiang He. "

After speaking, the uncle went forward.

"Cousin, what shall we do now?"

Uncle is gone, it should be my cousin who gave the order now, although I know we were ambushed, but my cousin is more experienced than me, I value my life very much, so I must save my life, after all the family members The bloody revenge has not been avenged, so, so I can't die!

"Don't move yet. Someone is observing us and preparing to attack us. You two follow me. When you get out of the car, you two go to the back to get your luggage. I will cover you."

The cousin stared at a snowdrift on the left and said coldly.

At this time, the front has already exploded, and there is chaos, and there are even screams.

Suddenly there was a strange wind blowing around, and the sky that was gradually clearing up was now shrouded in a dark cloud. This cloud came very strangely, without any signs, and enveloped us with an ominous atmosphere.

The cousin suddenly took out a peach wood puppet from his pocket, threw it at the snowdrift in the distance, and said:

"The action begins!"

Jiang He and I immediately got out of the car door and went straight to the trunk, but as soon as we got out, I felt that the temperature outside had dropped a lot, and there was a sinister aura wafting around.

No, how is it possible, it is daytime, how can there be a ghostly breath?Even if there are ghosts in the daytime, it will be the Tiangou Eclipse Day a few days later, not now.

"Don't be in a daze. We are trapped in a big formation. This big formation can cover Yang Qi. Yang Qi is the most direct thing that can harm the spirit body. Now it is temporarily covered, so ghosts can come out."

The voice of the little ghost head came from the bag on my waist.

"Yuan Qing, protect us!"

I looked at the ice butterfly on my shoulder, and gave my first order. This time, it was also very well-behaved, flapping its wings, and flew up.

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