Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 155 [Ghost Fighter]

After being shot by his cousin, the mahogany puppet went straight to the snowdrift, and the small mahogany sword in his hand glowed a strange red light.

My cousin also got out of the car, staring solemnly at the snowdrift in the distance, motionless, and even pinched a yellow talisman in his hand, ready to attack at any time.


With a soft sound, the snowdrift exploded, and a man in a black cloak got out from inside, and slapped the peach wood puppet with his palm, but the peach wood puppet was so fast that it dodged it almost instantly.

At this moment, Jiang He and I had already packed our luggage, my cousin stretched out his hand to grab it, and the peach wood puppet returned to his hand. He turned his eyes, stared at the distant woods, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Follow me, don't lose it!"

After finishing speaking, he ran away, and at the same time glanced at the convoy not far away, there was already the sound of fighting, it should be the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect and the members of the ghost hunter family fighting, he just took a look, and then Don't look back.

There are quite a few people who fled temporarily like us, for example, those two ghost hunters on motorcycles. They fled decisively around. This place is not far from the branch of the Ghost Hunter Alliance. There are most of the family disciples in front of them. Fighting against the members of the Blood Soul Sect, leaving at this time is the most sensible choice, but like what the little devil told me before, a large formation has been set up here, we can only open it when we come in, and the surrounding There was also an ambush in the woods, so as soon as the two of them ran into the woods, the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect hidden in the surrounding snowdrifts rushed out immediately, and they had been prepared to surround them.

The cousin did not observe the surrounding situation at all, but trotted all the way, and at the same time secretly pinched the Fa Jue in his hand, staring at the woods ahead, and the peach wood puppet came back automatically after a while, and the two peach wood swords in his hand It was also stained with a lot of blood.

After running for a certain distance, we were still in the woods, and no one came out to attack us. I turned my head and looked behind me. The place where the car was originally had disappeared. Yes, the road had disappeared. And the figures of those family disciples also disappeared,

"Cousin, don't run anymore, we are trapped in the magic circle, maybe we didn't run very far at all, the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect around are staring at us."

I stopped and didn't run any more, because this trot used up a lot of my energy. What's scary is that if we continue running endlessly, we'll be exhausted by then. Catch us with power, or kill us.

"I know, am I looking for the eye of the magic circle? If I don't find the eye of the circle, how can I get rid of it? If I guessed correctly, this should be the Sun Devouring Bewilderment Formation. Except for this formation, it is impossible to block the sun. pissed off, and made us lose our way."

My cousin also stopped and stared at me with resentment on his face. He was also panting slightly, exhaling hot air from his mouth, and his chest was heaving. This appearance must have consumed a certain amount of energy.

"The situation is very bad. If you look around, there are trees, you can't find the eyes of the array, and even Uncle Zhong Shan's shadows are gone. It is estimated that there are disciples of the Blood Soul Sect who are watching us."

Jiang He clenched his fists and kept walking around.

And just at this moment, the dark clouds above our heads began to become thicker, with an unusual layer of black evil spirit, and the surrounding wind was strong, and the sound of ghost crying faintly came from the wind.

"No, ghost soldiers are about to appear!"

The little ghost's voice came from the Soul Cultivation Cauldron in my bag.

"I'm here to find the formation eye, Zhong Yuan, I will let Tao Ling cooperate with you to defeat these ghost soldiers, you must hold on, I think other than us, the rest of the ghost hunters should also be looking for the formation eye to break, Haotian, you don't come out Now, when the formation is broken, the sun will shine down."

After the cousin finished speaking, he took off his left glasses, and was about to use his magic eye to find the eyes.

"No, your Dharma Eye hasn't recovered yet, so you can't use it without authorization, otherwise it will leave sequelae!"

Jiang He frowned, walked up to his cousin, and grabbed his arm.

My cousin smiled, blinked his green eyes, and said, "Don't worry, it's not about using the Dharma Eye Array, what are you making a fuss about? My eyes are my ability, how could it be unclear? If the Dharma Eye doesn't work , I will think of another way, but you, stay here well, as for the ghost soldiers, leave it to Zhong Yuan, your boxing skills will not work against these ghost soldiers."

Jiang He sighed, glared at his cousin, and said in a cold voice: "You agreed to help me make spirit weapons. Even if I don't have the power to hunt ghosts, I can use these spirit weapons to deal with these evil spirits."

"Stop messing around, you two, hurry up and look for them, the ghost soldiers are coming, these ghost soldiers are no different from ordinary evil spirits, they are all well-trained."

I drew out the Fumo Sword, Yuan Qing flapped her wings and landed on my shoulder, motionless.

"Huh... Jie Jie..."

Sharp laughter came out from the air, it was extremely ear-piercing, and accompanied by the cold wind seemed to penetrate into the bone marrow of the person, a chill came from within.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and I could barely open my eyes, but it was strange that Yuan Qing on my shoulder was motionless, and the wings were not even blown, but there was a severe cold on my shoulder.

At the moment when I was distracted, a snow-white palm protruded from the strong wind in front and grabbed my neck. The speed was too fast, and I couldn't react at all. Yuan Qing's wings shook, and a wave of ice crystal powder It fanned out from under the wings and landed directly on this arm, and this arm was instantly frozen, and the frost spread from the arm, and a ferocious ghost appeared.

Yuan Qing flew into the air, and the red patterns on the wings suddenly lit up.

"It's a ghost-slaying talisman!"

The voice of the little ghost head came out again, and I stared at the scars on Yuan Qing's wings. With the shaking of the wings, these scars swung down, and the red lights staggered, turning into a scarlet talisman and falling down.

Isn't this the ghost-slaying talisman among the secret arts of the Zhong family? How can even an ice butterfly perform it?By the way, it should have something to do with my blood, the natural power of blood can cast this ghost-slaying talisman, and the ice butterfly is a spiritual creature, and the blood of the Zhong family is fused in its body, so it is also possible to know this ghost-slaying talisman It's not an exaggeration, after all, the rune of the ghost-slaying talisman is presented on its wings, although I don't know how it can combine this talisman.

Because the ghost soldier's whole body was frozen, he couldn't move at all, he could only watch helplessly as the ghost-slaying talisman slammed into his head.

Without even making a scream, the whole body of this ghost soldier exploded, turning into black mist and dissipating in the void. Refuse to move.

And just at this time, three black phantoms appeared in front of me. These phantoms contained a strong evil spirit, and they rushed towards me with a howling sound from their mouths.

"Cousin, quickly find out the formation eyes, these ghost soldiers are endless, my ghost hunting power will be exhausted sooner or later."

I roared, and fought out with the sword, the power of hunting ghosts poured into the Demon Subduing Sword, and a faint silver glow flowed on the sword, I did not activate the second rune formation, because the second Even though the rune array's demon-subduing sword light is powerful, with my few ghost-hunting powers, I can only activate it five times at most. After five times, I will stop cooking. As long as the first rune The text array method can kill and injure the spirit body, and it will always be effective if you cut it a few times.

I walked among the three ghost soldiers with the help of the Seven-Star Walk, and gradually saw their faces clearly. They were three expressionless men, dressed in paper-like black clothes and wearing a round hat on their heads. And there is a red mark in the center of the forehead, the skin is abnormally pale, and the eyes are full of evil spirits.

What made me breathe a sigh of relief was that although these ghost soldiers were full of evil spirits, their methods were very simple. I cut off the arm of one of the ghost soldiers with my sword, and then stabbed the other ghost soldier in the chest with my sword.

The ghost soldier whose arm I had severed didn't have any pain on his face. When the arm fell to the ground, it immediately disappeared into a puff of black smoke. Although he lost an arm, his ferocity remained undiminished. There is a black mist lingering, and a brand new arm grows out.

After fighting for more than ten rounds, I took the risk to reveal a flaw, and a ghost soldier slapped me on the back, but I also took the opportunity to stab the demon sword in the center of a ghost soldier's forehead, directly piercing the head, and the whole ghost The soul fire in the brain is absorbing energy, as long as it is crushed, it is impossible for these ghosts to regenerate.

A gleam of green light emerged from the tip of the sword, and the ghost soldier screamed in pain. I pulled out the Demon Subduing Sword suddenly, and there was still a wound on the forehead of the ghost soldier, and the green soul flames flowed out and scattered, and his whole body The body also turned into black mist and disappeared in the haze.

There are only two ghost soldiers left, so it is much easier to deal with, and my cousin's mahogany puppet just flew out to share one of the ghosts for me.

The palm I received on the back wasn't too serious, it just felt extremely cold.


In a certain place in the forest, there were many men in black cloaks standing.

"Senior sister, there are quite a few powerful people among these ghost hunters. I'm afraid that the Sun Devouring Bewildering Formation we set up will be cracked, and many ghost soldiers we released will also be beaten to death. It's time for us to act. "

A rather tall man in black walked up to one of the petite men in black and spoke respectfully.

"Well, good, but the members of the Zhong family can't move, and the rest of the ghost hunter family use soul devouring pots to extract souls and refine ghost soldiers. Go."

A crisp voice came out of the girl's mouth with a hint of chill, and then the girl took out a black command flag from her hand, waved it towards the distant forest, and the blood soul sect disciples around immediately galloped forward, The child disappeared completely, and after a while, the black-robed girl pulled off her hood, revealing a delicate face, it was Wei Xiaoqing.

But Wei Xiaoqing frowned slightly, glanced at the black clouds above his head again, then ran to another place, and said to himself:

"Zhong Yuan, I will help you break through the Sun Devouring Bewildering Array, but I can't keep the rest of the Ghost Hunter family. I hope you can reach the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch safely."

After a while, Wei Xiaoqing arrived under a certain big tree in the forest. This big tree was different from other big trees. The other big trees were covered with thick snow, but this big tree was very green. It is very eye-catching in the snow. In addition, there is an astonishing heat around the big tree, and there are golden flags planted two meters away from the big tree. Wei Xiaoqing reached out and approached one of the flags, and immediately shrank Going back, cursing and saying:

"Unexpectedly, the large formation has accumulated such a powerful pure yang power not long after its operation. If it erupts, many ghost soldiers will die again. Hey..."

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