Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 156 [Siblings of the Qi family]

Wei Xiaoqing took a closer look at these golden banners, because these were arranged by the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect. Although she is also a disciple, but her status is different, it is not necessary for her to do this kind of thing by herself, and this kind of hunting ghost master There is no need for her to participate, there is only one reason for coming here.

The suzerain personally found Wei Xiaoqing the day before, and said that Zhong Yuan's family would leave for the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch in the morning and asked her to come over.

In fact, the suzerain's meaning is very clear, that is, he wants Wei Xiaoqing to help them secretly and help them escape.

Wei Xiaoqing was also very puzzled at the beginning, and even said that there is no need to send people to guard here, just let them pass by, but the suzerain said that the superficial effort should be sufficient, otherwise, let the people above find out, It's hard to make a deal, that's why there's this scene.

When Wei Xiaoqing heard the news, he was also taken aback. Perhaps the rest of the disciples in the sect didn't know, but as a direct disciple, Wei Xiaoqing still knew a lot of news, and even knew that the Blood Soul Sect had a greater strength. It was to help Zhong Yuan, so naturally he rushed over without stopping.

The Sun Devouring Bewildering Formation uses these golden banners to cover the sun and gather heat here, so the temperature here is so high, and there is no trace of snow on this big tree, and even the leaves on it have begun to gradually fade away. It becomes withered and yellowed, these are caused by heat.

She hesitated for a while, stretched out her snow-white arm, a bloody red light appeared on her five fingers, and then grabbed one of the flags.


After beheading the remaining ghost soldier, I retreated to my cousin and the others, because my cousin is casting a spell now, and it is difficult for Jiang He to see these ghost soldiers, so I have to protect them.

"I found it, come with me!"

A gray light shot out from the cousin's left eye, and he followed closely the gray light and ran forward. At the same time, the mahogany puppet flew to his side automatically, and was grabbed by him.

Now almost all the luggage is taken by Jiang He alone, and half of his body is covered by the luggage, but I also admire this kid. Although he is carrying so much luggage, he is not slow at running. My cousin was leading the way, while I was behind, and Jiang He didn't complain at all, because he knew very well that the two of us should not be affected by anything, especially since the two of us have not undergone special training. Bao fought with these ghosts, and the result must be miserable.

The wind in the back gradually subsided, and the ghost cries also disappeared. We actually ran out of the woods, but my cousin didn't stop, but still ran forward.

In about 10 minutes, we saw a row of houses not far ahead, my cousin stopped, and I collapsed to the ground without any image, and finally escaped regardless of the snow behind me. birthday.

"Who is this, this is private territory, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

Suddenly a slightly familiar voice came from afar. I got up and looked up, only to see three people running over from not far away, a girl and two boys.

"Qi Rou?"

Seeing this girl, I was stunned. With two twisted braids, she looks naughty and cute. Who else is it not the Qi Rou I met in Shanquan Villa?

"Zhong Yuan? You guys are here too, that's great!"

Qi Rou bounced to our side, stared at me with a smile, then glanced at her cousin, unable to take her eyes off her eyes, she put her hands on her chin, and asked in an almost psychedelic voice:

"Zhong Yuan, who is this super handsome guy?"

"Didn't you realize that I resemble him? He is my cousin, Zhongli. By the way, the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch is right in front of you. Why are you here?"

I patted the snow on my body, stroked my hair, and said very dissatisfied.

Qi Rou still stared at her cousin, smiled silly, and said, "You two are so different, the front is the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch, and they and I are in charge of patrolling."

"Patrol?! Then why are you still standing there? A group of ghost hunters came from Jiuhuang City today, but they were ambushed by the Blood Soul Sect. They are only a few miles away from here. Quickly ask Wu Tianxing to lead the ghost hunters to kill them." !"

Remembering that my uncle was still there, I became anxious, and my cousin frowned, staring at Qi Judao:

"Can you inform us?"

The voice was cold and abnormal, Qi Rou's body softened, and she fell backwards. It was still a boy who supported her. Qi Rou blushed, and hurriedly broke away from the arms of this relatively simple and honest boy, and reprimanded: "Why are you still standing there?" , Didn’t hear it, didn’t my ears puff up!”

"Yes, Miss San."

The young man blushed from being reprimanded, and galloped towards the location of the branch as if oiling his feet.

"Zhong Yuan, the three of you are not injured, are you? Zhong Yuan, his cousin, is there something wrong? Do you want me to take you to see a doctor? Our branch has a disciple of a ghost doctor family. He is very powerful. .”

Qi Rou never took her eyes off her cousin, and even approached her body unknowingly, but her cousin put his hands in his trouser pockets and said nothing, which made her a little embarrassed.

I know that the Qi family is a big family in Jiuhuang City. There are many disciples in the family, and I also learned from the young man just now that she is the third young lady, so her status is naturally extraordinary. Now my cousin has no intention of talking to her at all. I guess she I was about to get annoyed, seeing her face gradually becoming ugly, I immediately said:

"The two of them were not injured. I got a palm on the back and felt a little chilly. Please ask Miss Qirou to take me to the ghost doctor."

After finishing speaking, I took a special look at Jiang He, Jiang He stood there, also did not speak, his face was expressionless, and then he said:

"What's the name of this ghost doctor?"

"Jiang Miao is a very shy little girl, she seems to be here to find relatives, but when something like this happened, Elder Wu Tianxing had to take her over, you should also be very clear, a disciple of the ghost doctor lineage The medical skills are very superb, if it falls into the hands of the Blood Soul Sect, it will be unimaginable, this handsome brother, what is your name?"

Qi Rou glanced at Jiang He who raised his head from the luggage, and opened his mouth, obviously not believing that there was a handsome guy hiding here, Jiang He frowned, and said, "My name is Jiang He."

Qi Rou clapped her hands, her eyes finally moved away from her cousin, she walked to Jiang He's side, and said, "What a coincidence, you and that ghost doctor have the same last name."

This little girl, I put away the Demon Demon Sword and sat down under a big tree, my back was still extremely cold, this cold force almost penetrated my back and invaded my internal organs.

My cousin walked up to me, knelt down, pushed half of his glasses, and said, "Zhong Yuan, you can't use the power of hunting ghosts to dispel this palm?"

I nodded, smiled wryly, and said, "Isn't this going to save the power of hunting ghosts to protect you two? I didn't care about it at the time, but it seems a bit difficult now."

"You are stupid. Of course, your body is the most important thing. Now that you have reached the safe area, you and Jiang He go back to the alliance branch first. Wu Tianxing and I will go there and try to bring the car back."

My cousin stared at me with a hateful expression, very helpless, but a warm light flashed in his eyes.

"Well, okay, Qirou is better. She is the third lady of the Qi family. We can't afford to offend the Qi family now. Although they are all from the ghost hunter family, don't make any grudges."

I'm afraid that my cousin's personality will cause a lot of trouble, especially this kind of young girl who has just begun to love. If I get angry, I don't guarantee that I will do anything extreme.

My cousin gave me a cold smile, stood up, and said to Jiang He who was not far away: "Jiang He, take my cousin back to the branch and check his injuries. I will stay here and wait for that kid Wu Tianxing .”

Jiang He nodded, walked over to help me up, and began to consult my physical condition.

Qi Rou stared at her cousin with a smile, then turned around and said to a handsome young man, "Jianfeng, take them to the logistics, and then allocate the rooms. Remember to choose the right one."

This handsome young man glanced at Qi Rou impatiently, and said, "Sister San, do you want to open the back door for them?"

"Boy, don't listen to what Third Sister says, hurry up and put away your petty thoughts, remember?"

Qi Rou reached out to hit this handsome young man, but the young man rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes, then walked up to us, looked me and Jiang He up and down, and snorted coldly:

"Come with me."

After speaking, he walked forward, Jiang He and I greeted our cousin, Qi Rou, and then followed.

"Are you the Zhong family's ghost hunter?"

Qi Jianfeng suddenly turned his head and looked at me indifferently.

"Well, yes, what advice do you have?"

I stared at Qi Jianfeng, it seems that our Zhong family and Qi family have no grievances, why does this kid always look very unhappy at us?

"Advice? You are lucky. A small family like yours is also worthy of being called a family? I am surprised that it was not wiped out by the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect. Or, are you lucky? It's a burden to come to the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch. If you don't have enough strength, you can't do anything. What's funny is that, relying on your own beauty, you let my sister take extra care of you? What she told you just now was just polite words, you two Don't take it seriously."

Qi Jianfeng looked at me coldly, his eyes were full of disdain, indifference, and contempt, then he turned his eyes again, staring at Jiang He and said:

"Who are you? What is your identity? Since your surname is not Zhong, you should be a ghost hunter from another family, the Jiang family? The Jiang family's ghost hunter is not in Jiuhuang City, and you are just an ordinary mortal?"

"Before I answer your question, you'd better apologize to Zhong Yuan and take back what you just said."

Jiang He's eyes were not friendly, and he looked at Qi Jianfeng coldly. All the luggage on his body was still on the ground, revealing a solid and tall body, and those sharp eyes seemed to pierce Qi Jianfeng's body.

"Jiang He, forget it, after all, this is someone else's territory."

I was startled when I heard Jiang He's words, and immediately walked to his side, leaned into his ear, and spoke softly.

It's not that I'm cowardly and afraid, but that it's an extraordinary time. If you don't cause trouble, try not to cause trouble, but Jiang He is different. He was born as a soldier, and he is the grandson of the head of the ghost doctor family. Hearing such words, It's like frying pan!

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