Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 157 [Talk of Words]

"Apologize? Am I dreaming? Do you want me to apologize to a disciple of a dying ghost hunter family?"

Qi Jianfeng stared at Jiang He dumbfounded, apparently unable to believe that the words came from him, and even exaggeratedly twisted his arm until he bared his teeth and felt pain in his arm before letting go.

"The Qi family has such a low-minded guy like you? It's best to keep your mouth clean, otherwise I will teach you instead of your father!"

Jiang He stroked his sleeves and stared fiercely at Qi Jianfeng.

"Brother Jiang He, don't do this."

I gently tugged at Jiang He's clothes and winked at him, hoping he would understand what I meant.

Jiang He smiled at me lightly, and said, "Zhongli and I have long sworn brothers who lived and died together. You are his younger brother, and naturally you are also my younger brother. How can you let him bully us? What's more, you are now His identity is not a child of the family, but a majestic patriarch!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang He stretched out his hand to press on my chest, and I felt the imprint of Mingyin Pei on my chest faintly heat up.

Yes, my identity is different now. The brand of Mingyin Pei has been imprinted on me. I am already the patriarch of the family. This point cannot be changed in my lifetime, and what I say and do now represents Watching the Zhong family.

Even Jiang He knows, what happened to me?

My performance, is my inner cowardice?Afraid of the big family, afraid to negotiate with it?Suddenly, a strong sense of guilt surged in my heart. I have grown up and am not a child anymore.

"Patriarch? Haha, there is no one in the Zhong family? What ability do you have to let a yellow-haired boy be the patriarch? And you, why do you say such things? Don't you know the power of our Qi family in Jiuhuang City? ? Be careful that you can't eat and walk around!"

Qi Jianfeng's handsome face showed a vicious look, full of hostility towards Jiang He.

I took a deep breath, looked at Qi Jianfeng, and said with a smile: "Since the Qi family is so powerful, what are you doing at the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch? Just destroy the Blood Soul Sect, and be a coward here? And Our weak families are shrinking turtles together? Seeking shelter? Haha, are you sure you're not kidding."

Qi Jianfeng blushed at my words, gritted his teeth and said, "The power of the Blood Soul Sect is actually known to you guys? You..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a few figures walking out of a house, their faces brightened, and they shouted: "Brother, come here!"

I took a look, and there were three people coming from the other party. The one walking in the middle was a tall, muscular middle-aged man. The middle-aged man had a crew cut and a sullen face. A black coat, while the other two are a pair of twins, following the middle-aged man on one left and one on the right.

"Jianfeng, who are these two?"

The middle-aged man walked up to us, glanced at us, turned around and asked Qi Jianfeng.

"One is the patriarch of the Zhong family, and I don't know the other."

Qi Jianfeng spoke angrily, his head raised like a proud lion cub, the middle-aged man smiled slightly, walked up to Qi Jianfeng, touched his head with his hand, and said, "Little Jianfeng, are you angry again?"

"Yes, they said that we are Qi's family. Hmph, Third Sister asked me to arrange a place for them to live in. I quit!"

Qi Jianfeng put his hands on his hips like a baby, and turned his head away.

"Okay, okay, it's Sanmei's fault for this matter. Although our Qi family can intervene in this kind of matter, it was arranged by the Ghost Hunters Alliance branch after all, so we can't do it either. No, don't be angry. Big brother will take you there." Eat something delicious and go."

The middle-aged man patted the boy's small face, squeezed out a smile on his dull face, pulled him away, and left us alone.

"Jiang He, do the children of these big families all have eyes on the top of their foreheads?"

Seeing this scene, I feel very uncomfortable. They are both ghost hunters, and they came here together to fight against the Blood Soul Sect. Why is there such a big difference.

Jiang He patted my shoulder and said with a smile: "Of course not, do you think my eyes are on the top of my forehead, but you are right, originally I wanted to teach this outspoken person a lesson. Boy, but his elder brother appeared. I have a strong intuition about this man. His martial arts are very strong. I don’t know if you have noticed. His hands are big and full of calluses, but the rest of the place is different, so I conclude that this person has cultivated a very powerful palm technique, Zhong Yuan, don't provoke him, or say hello to me before you provoke him."

As if he heard Jiang He discussing him, the middle-aged man who had gradually left with Qi Jianfeng suddenly turned his head, glanced at Jiang He, and grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a strange smile.

Seeing this inexplicable gaze, I shuddered again in my heart.

"Since others won't help us, let's do it ourselves."

Jiang He didn't care, and started to pick up the luggage on the ground again. I hurried to help, but Jiang He pushed me away, saying: "You are injured, I will do these things."

I scratched my head in embarrassment, and then began to look around the field.

This is a large flat, and there is a row of houses in front of it, surrounded by wooden fences. Outside the wooden fence is the woods. There are also many luxury cars parked in this flat. Because of the weather, I didn’t see it. Who came out, this place is full of depression, I think it is because the battle is getting closer and closer, even the heart has become heavy.

In the middle is a big house that looks like a bell tower. We walked into the hall and turned on the air conditioner, and the temperature suddenly rose several degrees. Just as I was about to chase it out, the voice of the little ghost came to my ears:

"Don't worry, it just doesn't fit here and won't leave you."

After hearing his words, I was relieved.

At this moment, a girl in a cheongsam with her hair curled up came over with a smile, her red lips slightly parted, and said, "Which family are you two ghost hunters? Are you fighting against the Blood Soul Sect with our alliance branch?" , please register at the front desk."

I was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Do you still need to register?"

The girl nodded politely, and said, "Yes, sir, because our alliance branch needs to arrange rooms, as well as dining, patrolling and other issues."

"Oh, we haven't got all the people here yet. Let's register when all of us are here."

I smiled slightly, because my cousin and uncle are not here now, and I don't know the way inside.

The girl stared at me with a pair of black eyes and said: "You should be a group of ghost hunters who came here early this morning. I heard that they were ambushed, but now some elite disciples of the family and the elder Wu Tianxing rushed over in person. There shouldn’t be too much trouble with your family, since that’s the case, the two of you go to the sofa and wait, Cuihua, serve tea!”

Jiang He and I sat on the sofa in the hall and began to wait. If my cousins ​​came back, they would definitely come to this hall.

But the service here is pretty good. In addition to serving tea, there are also a lot of melons, fruits and food. Jiang He glanced at me, as if he could see through my mind, and said, "It's not surprising, because we came here There is only one goal here, which is to assist the Ghost Hunter Alliance and fight against the Blood Soul Sect, so they naturally want to entertain us well, if we get angry here and leave, it will be their loss."

I nodded and asked again: "If this is the case, what happened just now?"

As soon as the words fell, the middle-aged man appeared in the hall with Qi Jianfeng and the twins, and walked towards us.

Jiang He picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said loudly: "Hehe, let's ignore those guys. If you provoke them again, just beat them up. This is the branch of the Ghost Hunters Alliance, not the Qi family!"

"Oh? This little brother, the tone is very arrogant."

The middle-aged man sat down and looked at Jiang He with a smile.

Jiang He squinted his eyes, then slowly opened them, stared at the middle-aged man, and said, "Your Excellency?"

The air suddenly froze, and it was very embarrassing, especially Qi Jianfeng and the two twins beside him, Cuihua, the tea maid next to him, came up and said in a friendly tone: "This is the young master of the Qi family, Qi Shishi .”

"you are?"

Qi Shitou's face darkened, he stared at Jiang He, saw that Jiang He didn't speak, and his eyes fell on Cuihua again, Cuihua said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Master Qi, they haven't registered yet, so I don't know them."

"elder brother!"

There was an exclamation in the hall. I followed the sound and saw a girl in white running towards us. The girl had white skin, dimples on both sides of her mouth, and some baby fat. She was very cute. Her hair was so long that it reached her waist, and she threw herself directly into Jiang He's arms, and the teacup in Jiang He's hand almost fell.

"Are you Jiang He from the ghost doctor lineage?"

Qi Shitou looked at Jiang He with some shock on his face, and then became very ugly, because Jiang He didn't talk to him at all.

"Girl Miao Miao, why did you come here? It's very dangerous here, I will send you back sometime."

Jiang He stroked his sister's long hair, and spoke helplessly.

Jiang Miao had too big a head, the circle was red, and said with a weeping voice: "I just came, brother, you drive me away. You have been out for several years. Grandpa misses you very much. I came out secretly to take you back."

"Go back? I don't think so. I'm not fit to stay there. Apart from grandpa and you, I have nothing to worry about."

Jiang He laughed at himself, then drank tea leisurely.

"Brother, I don't allow you to say that. Anyway, I won't go back easily this time. You have played outside for so many years, and I want you too. Leave me alone."

Jiang Miao put her hands on her shoulders, turned her head away, and stared at me. I was gnawing on a fragrant pear. Seeing her staring at me, she put down the pear in her hand with some embarrassment. She suddenly walked up to me and looked at it carefully. He gave me a little, opened his small mouth, and said:

"Brother, you look very bad."

After speaking, he reached out and grabbed my wrist, and began to fall into thought.

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