Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 159 [Li Nianbai]

"Grandma, don't we have to rush back to the alliance branch? Elder Wu Tianxing has sent a letter for help, and the Blood Soul Sect has already started to attack."

The crisp sound resounded in the mountains, very pleasant.

Inside the mountain, there were two figures walking forward unhurriedly. Both figures were relatively short. One was an old lady wearing a headscarf, and the other was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. Handsome, with a high nose bridge, wearing a blue and white denim jacket, denim pants underneath, and a wooden sword on the back, the boy exudes an invisible aura from his whole body, like a sword containing Baoguang's sharp sword is ready to go.

"Yeah, but the village in front is weird, and you know very well that I've searched for a long time, but I haven't found the whereabouts of the demon. Maybe I can find it in the village in front. Don't worry, since grandma brought you out , will keep you safe."

Grandma Lan glanced at the young man next to her with a smile, pursed her lips, and sped up her pace again. With the help of the young man, even fighting against the Blood Soul Sect would not be a big problem.

The strange thing is that when the two of them walked on the snow, it seemed that they had no footprints at all. Usually, when they stepped on the snow, they would always collapse, but the snow they passed by did not have this kind of situation.

The boy pursed his lips, stared at Grandma Lan and said, "Grandma, I'm not afraid, and I don't need you to protect me. You should know my strength very well. Although I am young, I am capable."

"Understood, Nianbai, by the way, how is Auntie Long'er these days? You know that my relationship with her is very tense, and she doesn't want to see me."

Grandma Lan stood on her tiptoes, touched the boy's head, and asked.

"Aunt Lan Long'er is doing well, grandma, you really don't plan to meet her, after all, you are the former owner of Jiulongzhai. Although you have disappeared for so many years, Aunt Lan Long'er has complaints about you, but this I can't blame you."

The boy Shui Lingling blinked his eyes and said aloud.

"Still not. By the way, when do you plan to go back? You said you planned to go back a year ago, and now you followed me to Jiuhuang City. Your parents will definitely be very worried. Is there anything wrong?"

Grandma Lan sighed, feeling very helpless.

"Don't care about them, their world was cut off from here many years ago, and the disciples under the sect seldom come out to practice. In the past few years when my father came back, my mother has been pestering him. This time I went out and left them a letter. Besides, Aunt Lan Longer's Jiulongzhai has reappeared in Yonghe City, so there is nothing to worry about. I, Li Nianbai, have gone through a lot of wind and rain, traveled to many famous mountains, and encountered many things. Grandma, you should be very clear about my situation. Swordsmanship, even if you don’t use talismans and secret techniques, can kill spirits, hehe, I can also control swordsmanship, do you want to take you for a stroll?”

The young man who claimed to be Li Nianbai pointed to the sky and said with a smile, he seemed not serious.

"No, I'm an old bone, but you have to restrain yourself here. After all, it is different from before, and earth-shaking changes have taken place. Since you came from that world, you should be more or less aware of Maha. Great world."

Grandma Lan waved her hands again and again, looking helplessly at the innocent boy in front of her.

"Maha Great World? I haven't heard of it, but from what you said, it seems to be very powerful. If I have a chance, I will try it."

Li Nianbai raised his head, blew the hair that was fluttering on his forehead, and said with a smile.

Grandma Lan broke into a cold sweat secretly, and said: "The demon inside is stronger than you can imagine. If you ask the people who catch the demon sect to take action, I don't think it will be a problem. Have you thought about going to catch the demon sect and calling some people over?" ?It must be fun."

After finishing speaking, Grandma Lan smiled knowingly. There are countless masters in the mysterious and powerful sect of the Monster Hunting Sect, and her daughter Lan Longer joined the Monster Hunting Sect in the end. It's a pity that I neglected her because of some things back then, which led to Lan Long'er's temperament has changed drastically, and she no longer recognizes herself as a mother.

"No, our world has undergone many changes a few years ago. My father was afraid of endangering the normal world, so he joined Uncle Bai Han and the others to seal that world. Except for special passages, it is difficult to enter. In fact, these years, we I have been looking for a passage, and I want to go back to see my parents, but I lost the map my mother gave me, and I have never been able to find it.”

Li Nianbai was very frustrated, he stopped and kicked the snow under his feet.

Grandma Lan was stunned for a while, and almost exclaimed: "You have been staying with Long Er these few years, is it because you can't find a way back?"

Li Nianbai nodded honestly, raised his mouth, and said: "Grandma, you should also be very clear that there are many parallel interfaces in this world, and the entrance is not very stable. Without guidance, it is difficult to find the entrance, such as Qingqiu The country, the Maha Great World you mentioned, and the Mountain and Sea Realm are all the same."

Grandma Lan said to herself: "Although I have only been to the Great World of Maha once, I do know where the entrance is, the Plain of Snow Region."

As they walked, they changed their conversation, and soon arrived in front of the village. Before they got close, Li Nianbai stopped, pulled out the dark wooden sword from behind, and said, "Grandma, be careful, the evil spirit here is very strong. Heavy, do you smell blood, there must have been a massacre here!"

Grandma Lan sniffed her nose, and there was indeed a smell of blood in the air, and there was a smell that was still fresh in her memory. She smiled coldly, strode forward, and said, "Sure enough, I found it. From that The world came out and killed Ziyun, I will definitely make you pay the price."

Li Nianbai followed Grandma Lan closely, this village is in a mountain nest, the traffic is not developed, there is only one small road leading to the bottom of the mountain, and there is also a long distance from Jiuhuang City, so this village is almost isolated from the world , not even powered on.

There were a few big trees at the entrance of the village, but they were all broken in the middle, and the cuts were scorched black.

Walking into the village, there are huts next to it. It is very quiet, there is no sound, only the cold wind howling, and the sudden low breathing sound in front of it, which is very painful.

Li Nianbai's reaction was quick, and he immediately sensed the sound coming from a hut not far away. Without saying a word, he rushed up, kicked open the wooden door, and was stunned when he saw the scene inside.

The light in the room was rather dim, but there were a few civilians wearing coarse cloth lying inside, but their corpses were in horrible shapes, like skeletons, but they all had the same feature, that is, their mouths were open and their eyes were protruding. A frightened, frightened expression, but a shivering figure was hiding under a table.

"come out!"

Li Nianbai roared in a low voice.

This figure crawled out slowly. It was a young girl in a floral padded jacket with disheveled hair and tears in her eyes. The padded jacket on her left shoulder was pulled away by something, revealing her white skin: "Don't...don't kill me, I... I don't know..."

The girl covered her face and cried loudly, while her body kept shaking.

Li Nianbai was stunned for a while, walked up to the girl, knelt down, patted her on the back, and said comfortingly: "Tell me, what happened here."

The girl slowly put down her hands, very frightened, bewildered, as if she was talking to Li Nianbai, or she was talking to herself: "Demons, eat people, eat people."

"What monster? Everyone in the village has been killed? Have you seen what the monster looks like? Where is that monster now?"

Li Nianbai supported her shoulder and asked aloud.

The girl shook her head desperately, very flustered.

"Nian Bai, let go of that girl, she is a little abnormal!"

Grandma Lan appeared at the door with a slightly gloomy voice.

"We meet again, time flies, you are already old, haha."

A hoarse male voice suddenly came out of the girl's mouth, and suddenly her palm grabbed Li Nianbai's neck like lightning, and lifted him up, the girl's appearance changed drastically in an instant.

The eyes are extremely black, with traces of thick black mist, and the whole face is covered with magic lines. At this moment, he is grinning and looking at Li Nianbai who is being pinched by him. With a retraction of his arms, Li Nianbai has arrived In front of her, the girl opened her mouth, and suddenly sucked at Li Nianbai, and the energy in Li Nianbai's body began to drain quickly.

All this happened so fast that he couldn't react at all, let alone seeing the girl's pitiful appearance, he had already let go of his guard in his heart, how could such an accident happen.

Grandma Lan walked over with a face full of anger, flipped one hand, and imprinted on the girl unceremoniously, but as soon as she waved her palm, the girl immediately stopped absorbing Li Nianbai's energy, and directly blocked him as a shield In front of him, Grandma Lan withdrew her palm angrily. As soon as she withdrew her palm, the girl grinned and opened her mouth to spray, a black beam of light went straight to Grandma Lan.

Grandma Lan was startled when she saw this black beam of light. She was very aware of the power of the magic light. She immediately turned over to avoid the magic light. At the same time, she retreated to the door and stood between the huts on both sides. The girl carried Li Nianbai He came out, looked at Grandma Lan with a smile, and said, "I haven't seen you for so many years, but my skills are still so good. Not bad, much better than that kid."

"You also said, after so many years, why are you still chasing us and not letting go?"

Grandma Lan stared at the girl with resentment, and spoke angrily.

"First, that guy Zhong Ziyun used the Mingyin pendant to get out of the way and caused us a lot of losses. We came here this time to take away the Mingyin pendant. Second, you stole the Maha Saint Guo, we are here to look for the holy fruit of Maha, even in the great world of Maha, there are not many such things, if you hand over the holy fruit of Maha, maybe I will spare this kid's life."

The girl put away her smile and looked at Grandma Lan coldly.

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